Sheng Fu

Chapter 537

Chapter 537
North Sea.

Before Chen Xuan's army arrived, there was an upright minister driving a first-class war horse from a long way from the city of Hao'an. Outside the waterside pavilion, Duanmuzhi was dressed in a red official uniform, his body was as proud as a pine.

Inside, Yu Wenjun was talking with Fucheng, Baizi and Heizi were fighting together, not only to consider Fucheng's chess strength, but also to kill leisure time.

Now that the battle is in full swing, the two are in a confrontation. Who can win depends on who can make a difference in a moment of thought.

Helian Qingyi came slowly, and said softly: "A guest is here. It is the governor of Hao'an City, and he is wearing an official uniform."

Yu Wenjun was slightly taken aback, Fu Cheng's expression remained unchanged, he took the opportunity to make a move, and settled the world.

Yu Wenjun looked down, and smiled weakly: "Yes, this move is very dignified and majestic, with the style of unparalleled generals, it's a pity that my family has not yet reached such a level."

Fucheng smiled knowingly: "I'm not stupid, but I can see that you are playing with me."

"The guests are here, let's go out and have a look."

The two stood up and walked outside.

Duanmuzhi, the former deputy prime minister, was an upright man, he was regarded as Xiaoqiuqing in the temple, but unfortunately later his luck was a little changed, and his official luck was ruined. If it wasn't for the city of Hao'an, he might still be wasting his time in a certain Qingshui yamen.

After waiting for a long time, two familiar but unfamiliar young people walked out of Duanmu's vision.

Yu Wenjun walked down the steps first, nodded slightly in greeting, and glanced at the first-class war horse behind Duanmuzhi from the corner of his eye. His horse was majestic and mighty, with slender limbs, and he crossed mountains and rivers like walking on flat ground. best.

He was surprised and said: "My lord knows some martial arts. This war horse seems to be loyal to you. Could it be that he is far away in the city of Hao'an, and his heart is also on the battlefield. He wants to fight with light sword and fast horse?"

Duanmuzhi stared blankly, then smiled calmly and said: "The city of Hao'an is open and unrestrained, one city and one place, but it can change people's habits invisibly. If I go to the battlefield, I'm afraid it's just a burden to go with my old bones."

"If you intend to die, no one will stop you."

Yu Wenjun joked: "My lord is joking, if you go to the battlefield, you can straighten the spine of today's literati."

"If you don't go, your lord will still be the parent officer of the city of Hao'an, the heart of Haoran, the world can learn from it!"

Duanmu raised his right hand and touched his chin, then raised his head to look at Yu Wenjun, and said, "I remember you were not very good at joking in the past."

"Is this enlightenment?"

Yu Wenjun was slightly taken aback, then smiled softly and said, "After marriage, there is no such thing as a clear boy."

"What's the matter today, my lord?"

Duanmuzhi took out the imperial decree from his bosom, wanted to open it and read it aloud, but then thought, why stick to the situation and throw it directly to Fucheng behind Yuwen Jun, and said peacefully: "I won't read it anymore, you can read it for yourself."

Fu Cheng had a suspicious look on his face, like a young man's fiery temper, he pulled the imperial decree away, and with just one glance, Fu Cheng showed a smile that was not a smile.

"The king of the south is highly respected. The land in the south holds the real power. If you stomp your feet, the whole Nanshan Mountain will tremble. I, the king of the north, are a bit frivolous. When the wind blows, I will disappear."

After Yu Wenjun heard this, he frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Duanmu Zhi said slowly: "It is estimated that this matter will not be announced to the world until Chen Xuan's army arrives."

"This is for you too."

Duanmu took out a seal and threw it to Fucheng. This is the Northern King's seal. Now it is just a decoration, and maybe it will nourish some real power in the future.

Yu Wenjun walked slowly to Duanmu Zhijin, his eyes were like clear lake water, and he said softly: "Since you are here, you might as well have a seafood meal before leaving, and you can also let this first-class war horse rest for a while."

Duanmu looked straight at Yu Wenjun, showed a loving smile, raised his slightly rough old hand and patted Yu Wenjun's shoulder, and said lovingly: "Work hard, I won't eat the rice, I have eaten a lot in the city of Hao'an Seafood from the North Sea."

"When you are free in the future, if you come to Hao'an City, I will spend all my wealth and prepare a feast of gluttonous food."

Some people of the older generation always want to rely on their seniority to take advantage of the young people.

An elder like Duanmuzhi knows that he can't help, and he won't bother young people to take care of his face and feelings, and he won't bother him at all.

Although it is etiquette, it may save young people a meal, just a meal.

Seeing this, Yu Wenjun said reluctantly: "It's just a simple meal."

Duanmu shook his right arm with a straight smile, then turned around and jumped lightly, got on his horse, no matter where he came from and where he was going back.

Fucheng looked at Duanmuzhi who rode away on his horse, and said with a lot of emotion: "The elders of the northern family, if this is the case, how good would it be?"

The corner of Yu Wenjun's mouth was raised, and he smiled contemptuously: "The layout is small."

Fu Cheng was speechless and said: "What do you mean by that?"

Yu Wenjun turned around and walked towards the water pavilion, followed by Fucheng.

"The aristocratic family seeks development, they have to support many mouths, and achieve a lot of fame and fortune, so they look ugly."

"This Lord Inspector is just a parent official in one place. He keeps his harvest in drought and flood, so he just wants to have a clear conscience."

"The two are quite different."

"But the aristocratic family still has infinite benefits, it can appease the people's livelihood, it can prop up a protective gate, and when the wind blows, it can even build a warship to ride the wind and waves in troubled times."

"It's a pity that those human corpses in the depths of the North Sea at that time were all written by the aristocratic family. It's quite a way to harm their own family."

"You, the king of the north, must really stand up to the king's back in the future."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I am very happy to see you."

Unknowingly, the two returned to the inside, and Yu Wenjun lost the intention of playing chess, lying on the stone bed, reaching out with one hand to take the teacup on the table from the air and holding it firmly.

After Fucheng was seated, he frowned and said, "Roughly when I dissipated all my wealth and built the Linhai city-state, His Majesty the Emperor fell in love with me. First, the leader of the south, followed by me."

"Your Majesty is acting like this to test your bottom line?"

Yu Wenjun quickly responded in a strange way: "Don't talk nonsense, my relationship with Your Majesty has always been very good."

Fu Cheng lowered his head slightly, consciously slipping his tongue.

The confluence of north and south has become a general trend.

Hengchangzong can still stand alone and remain invincible, no one will suffer, no one will take advantage, and the business is fair.

Yu Wenjun thought for a while and said: "After the meal, you and your younger siblings will lead the backbone of the clan, and three hundred euphorbia warriors, all the way south to welcome Chen Xuan's arrival. Words of insinuation can be ignored, and your posture should be placed to the lowest."

Fu Cheng's eyes were erratic, he poured a cup of tea on his own, and said, "So, after a while, if I become the King of the North, I can bring back a city and embarrass the northern family?"

Yu Wenjun laughed happily and said, "Well, I just want to tell you, don't use Qianlong."

"Compete with those old things. You are still a little too late, and it is impossible to act directly with a knife like me. When it is time to look at people's faces, you have to look more carefully, and you have to look carefully."

Fu Cheng raised his head and sighed long: "Understood, you don't need to be so specific, but after my wife and I left, there was no cook here. What do you think about your daily life?"

Yu Wenjun sat up and said: "Go to Mingyue Mountain first and have a few meals. When you and Chen Xuan arrive, even if you put on a show, I have to welcome you with Peiyao."

Fucheng said quietly: "Transparent..."

(End of this chapter)

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