Sheng Fu

Chapter 540

Chapter 540
The mountain breeze is coming slowly, and the autumn wind in Nanshan, compared with the wind in late summer in the north, is a little more refreshing. Maybe Yuwen Jun is in a good mood at the moment, so he feels refreshed.

In the field of vision, Zhou Changqing and others walked down the steps and shouted from afar: "Young master is coming, and I will not inform you in advance, so that I can prepare for it."

Yu Wenjun nodded slightly in greeting, and said with a soft smile: "Senior, don't joke around, as a junior, how dare you practice etiquette."

While speaking, Zhou Changqing and others arrived.

"My lord is just joking. The battle in Beihai greatly boosted the morale of the human race. Not to mention the warm hospitality, it is only natural to get out of the car in advance when you go thousands of miles away from the mountain." Zhou Changqing said kindly.

Made an invitation gesture, bowed slightly and said, "Please, my lord."

Yu Wenjun didn't hesitate, he walked up the steps slowly, accompanied by Zhou Changqing and others, like a young man returning home.

The autumn wind came slowly from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, blowing Yu Wenjun's long hair, remembering that many years ago, he went to the border area of ​​the Demon Realm alone, and Qingde at that time also received him in the same way.

Sometimes I feel that heaven and earth are my home, and sometimes I feel that I am floating in the world without a fixed place.

After a long time, when entering the atrium, there are twelve young girls on both sides of the road, dancing swords to greet each other. , Exquisite buildings leaning on each other.

Such battles opened Yu Wenjun's eyes and deeply felt the beauty of youth.

Inadvertently, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, not because he couldn't ask for the Tailing Sword, but because he remembered that Hengchangzong was still very dry in terms of etiquette, music and style of writing.

The banquet is ready, and looking around, most of them are southern side dishes, most of which are wild vegetables, and some other meat dishes that Yu Wenjun can't name, which are suspected to have snake meat.

Yu Wenjun has never had the lofty ambition to eat delicious food all over the world, but he just does it according to his heart. Whenever he goes to a place, he will only taste the food that bears the folk customs and nostalgia of that place.

Obviously, the dishes on this table can only represent the feelings of the Nanshan Sword Sect. The more so, the more Yu Wenjun can feel how elegant, self-disciplined, and slightly non-humanistic the Nanshan Sword Sect is.

The formation of a style of one sect and one school requires accumulation over time.

Zhou Changqing said softly: "My lord, please have a meal."

In the table of seniors, only Yu Wenjun was young and strong. Such an atmosphere made Yu Wenjun feel a little uncomfortable. Apart from his age, it was also because Yu Wenjun didn't know the way of swordsmanship. He wanted to say a few words, but he didn't know where to start.

I had no choice but to eat well and show the demeanor of the guests.

At this moment, the maid brought a jug from outside the house, the jug was green in color, simple and elegant, as if capturing the same color of the blue sky.

Zhou Changqing poured the wine himself, and introduced with a smile: "This is the unique green of my Nanshan Jianzong. In the back mountain, there is a bamboo forest called Lingzhu. Every spring, the first batch of green and tender bamboo leaves are picked and handed over to The brewer used a secret method to refine the three months, then sealed it under the bamboo forest, and took it out in the spring of the next year."

"However, this pot of green tea has been stored for 30 years. I remember that Xie Yiming came to pay homage to the village in the past, and spent half an hour at the suzerain's place, but he still failed to drink the green tea as he wished."

After saying that, Zhou Changqing personally placed the small cup of green on Yu Wenjun's table.

Seeing this, Yu Wenjun laughed softly and said, "It's a real honor that this glass of wine is older than mine, but with Xie Yiming's talent, you should be able to drink green."

Zhou Changqing shook his head slightly, pretending to be mysterious and profound.

Yan said: "Now he is qualified. After all, he has made great achievements in being named the Southern King, but he didn't come here, and even if he came, it was mostly because of business. He has long since lost the leisure and elegance of the past. I can't drink the taste of green."

Yu Wenjun raised his glass and took a sip alone. The wine entered the mouth, with a faint fragrance, and after entering his throat, it passed through the intestines like warm water wrapped in a little cool sword intent.

Zan said: "Lingxi, the mountain stream, enters the heart slowly."

Zhou Changqing laughed loudly and said, "Young master has always been brave and powerful, but I forgot that your literary talent is not weaker than others."

"This wine really tastes like being drunk by the young master."

Yu Wenjun took advantage of the situation and smiled shyly: "To be honest, this visit is also a business matter, and it is also a private matter. It makes everyone laugh. I am no different from that fat man Xie."

As soon as Fatty Xie came out, everyone at the table was stunned, and then laughed heartily.

In the southern region, no one would call the leader Fatty Xie, not even the heads of those aristocratic families.

Yu Wenjun is a junior, but he is a promising junior. Calling him like this is not considered crossing the line.

Zhou Changqing's expression was as amiable as ever, and he asked softly: "May I ask you why you are here this time?"

If you don't agree, ask questions first, which is also the consistent principle of Nanren.

Yu Wenjun pursed his lips, his breath was a little unsteady, and said: "It is said that there is a sword in the noble sect, named Tailing, and it has no owner. I don't know anything about swordsmanship, so I shouldn't come to Nanshan to ask for a sword."

"This sword is for someone to use, and that person is less than ten years old."

"But favors, remember them in my head."

But at the age of ten, you have to use the Supreme Spirit Sword?
At the banquet, there was a sudden silence, and the expression on the extremely old man's face was unpredictable like that of a city wall that has experienced thousands of years of wind and frost.

Zhou Changqing hesitated to speak, the Tailing really has no owner, but it shouldn't be circulated outside.

Yu Wenjun said softly: "I know that this matter is out of control, but I will never hold the Tailing Sword empty-handed. You can mention the conditions."

Zhou Changqing didn't know that if a person under ten years old wants to use Tailing, that person's cultivation talent will surpass the five unique and seven laws, and in time, he will become a giant.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to decide on this matter, so I have to ask my brother." Zhou Changqing thought deeply.

Zongnei misses Tailing's younger generation Jun Yan, and he can't count on two hands. Once Tailing is handed over, it will cause many disturbances.

Yu Wenjun lowered his head slightly and said, "Okay."

This banquet seems to be getting tasteless, and the green wine adds a bit of eternal melancholy.

After the banquet, Zhou Changqing took Yu Wenjun to the back mountain.

The peaks and ridges are emerald, the peaks are straight and beautiful, and there are few mountains in the south that are straight and vigorous.

Here, Yuwen Jun has been here.

On the top of the mountain, Zhou Tianhai lives in a thatched hut, a simple dojo, a swordsman with a broken arm, bleak and gloomy, but there is a thick and calm look between his brows.

Zhou Changqing bowed deeply and said: "The young master came to ask for Jian Tailing, and I also ask my senior brother to decide."

Standing beside Zhou Changqing, Yu Wenjun nodded slightly to the broken-arm swordsman.

"You step back for now." Zhou Tianhai said.

Zhou Changqing paused, and then slowly left the world.

"Who uses it?" Zhou Tianhai said concisely.

Yu Wenjun said: "The descendant of the empress is a girl under ten years old."

Zhou Tianhai frowned slightly. After thinking about it, Jing Peiyao became the daughter-in-law of the Dragon Clan. Naturally, there was a distance from Fuyao's lineage. It was reasonable to find someone to support the gate of Mingyue Mountain.

"Okay, I can give it to you." Zhou Tianhai said.

Yu Wenjun said happily: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. If there is a suitable magic weapon in the future, I will definitely give it to Nanshan Sword Sect."

"It's just this matter, I hope the seniors will keep it secret."

Zhou Tianhai nodded, and said softly: "You could have directly sought me out for this matter, but you have solemnly visited my Nanshan Sword Sect. I have seen the sincerity of your heart. You don't practice the way of the sword, but you have an ancient straight sword heart. "

"In the future, there is no need to deliberately give back magical weapons. This kind of mind, Nanshan Sword Sect still has it..."

(End of this chapter)

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