Sheng Fu

Chapter 546

Chapter 546

At dawn, the sea breeze is gentle and cool.

In the courtyard, Yu Wenjun was drinking morning tea while blowing the morning breeze, while the sound of Xiao Huangyue's reading could be heard from time to time on the shore.

This morning, I brewed Jiangshanhong, which was specially given to Yu Wenjun by Bai Xiaowei when he came to Beihai before. The colder the place, the more black tea he should drink.

There is warmth in the body, as if there is a sense of immortality.

Jing Peiyao walked out of the small kitchen, carrying buns, millet porridge, and some seasonal side dishes.

Now the season of seasonal side dishes has passed. These side dishes were brought by Chen Xuan from south to north. The taste is still the same as before, but the affection is much stronger. It is said that some of the side dishes were grown by Xie Yiming himself.

Seeing his wife coming, Yu Wenjun gently poured Jing Peiyao a cup of Jiangshanhong, and said softly: "Bai Xiaowei likes to drink black tea, this tastes good, once in a while, it is very refreshing."

Jing Peiyao glanced at the direction of the shore, and then Chu Jinyan went to the shore with breakfast.

"We don't get along well with me, but we get along well with Jinyan. Unknowingly, I became a villain." Jing Peiyao said thoughtfully.

Yu Wenjun smiled without saying a word, picked up a bun and ate it.

Jing Peiyao took a sip of Jiang Shan Hong, sat down to eat, and suddenly said: "It's noon today, why don't you cook?"

Yu Wenjun paused, feeling that the steamed stuffed bun in his mouth suddenly lost its original fragrance and became tasteless. It was just a very ordinary steamed stuffed bun, even though it was made by his wife.

"But I won't." Yu Wenjun said with a strange smile.

Jing Peiyao said with a straight face, "You can learn, these things are not difficult, the most difficult thing is that you have to let go of your prejudices."

Just as Yu Wenjun was thinking about words, a gust of wind slapped Yu Wenjun's face, rippling his beard and hair on the sideburns, and there was still a slight pain in the distance.

Gradually, Yu Wenjun's complexion became serious.

Jing Peiyao asked softly, "Could it be that to avoid misfortune, she is deliberately so heavy-hearted, as if the sky is falling."

Jing Peiyao doesn't really believe in coincidences, maybe all women don't believe in so-called coincidences.

Yu Wenjun exhaled slightly, feeling that the steamed stuffed bun had the original fragrance again.

"There's news from Wu Mi that Nine Nether Birds will attack the North City after the winter, and the human race is currently unable to carry out a large-scale battle. Last night, Bai Xiaowei personally went to the Spirit Race to borrow troops."

Borrowing soldiers is a great learning.

Knowing the current specific background of the human race is like a woman who is forced to show the embarrassing appearance of her innocence.

Although they have a good relationship with the Spirit Race, some relationships are not easy to fight, and the husband and wife occasionally feel at odds because of the uneven distribution of spoils.

Jing Peiyao frowned slightly, her clear eyes were like glaciers refracting sunlight in winter, and asked, "So, what is the relationship with you?"

Yu Wenjun said: "It seems that it doesn't matter."

"But it has something to do with how I should position myself."

Jing Peiyao said earnestly, "You can learn to cook at home and keep your ears shut."

Yuwenjun: "..."

Then, another gust of wind slapped Yu Wenjun's cheek.

The content of this wind caused Yu Wenjun to fall into a brief meditation.

Seeing this, Jing Peiyao, who was drinking porridge, glanced at Yu Wenjun slightly, and said as if telling a trivial matter: "As far away as the former residence of Fuyao Empress, there is a message of lovesickness from His Royal Highness the Princess of the Monster Race. It is magnificent."

Yu Wenjun was slightly startled, and said in surprise: "When did you see the wind?"

Jing Peiyao said with a strange smile: "As the wife of His Royal Highness the Dragon Clan, seeing the Dragon Clan's ability to send messages, is this considered a stealth trick, or a big treason?"

Little Huangyue has made Jing Peiyao's mentality slightly unbalanced, and Yu Wenjun has become the best doormat.

Yu Wenjun smiled wryly and said: "It should be so, ask me to meet alone, but before that, I have to go to the Spirit Race once."

Jing Peiyao said with a half-smile, "When you learn how to cook, it will probably be many years later."

Yu Wenjun took another steamed stuffed bun, took a bite and said, "I still know a little bit about barbecue. As for kneading noodles, cooking rice and stir-fried vegetables, I don't plan to learn it. You can give up on it."

After hearing this, Jing Peiyao laughed instead of anger, and praised, "A real man!"

After the meal, there was no reluctant farewell, because I would come back sooner or later.



Dream capital.

When they met again, Gu Cheng's face showed a trace of old anger, like a boy who suddenly became a man.

Government affairs are the most important thing for people to grow and people to learn a lot of knowledge beyond books.

Meanwhile, Bai Xiaowei was on his way to Lingdu.

On the tea table, in addition to Qianqiu Baishui, there are also Yu Wenjun's favorite grapes, which taste sweet with the smell of alcohol, and the place in the throat has endless aftertaste.

"What kind of grape is this?" Yu Wenjun asked curiously.

Gu Cheng looked at Yu Wenjun indifferently, and said seriously: "I don't know where your luck comes from. These are grapes planted by His Majesty in the palace. It’s not boring, but it’s not the step where I’m happy.”

"This grape is blessed with the air of an emperor."

Yu Wenjun ate another grape, took a sip of Qianqiu Baishui, and said with a calm smile: "Your Majesty has indeed been to my hometown, and had a hand-to-hand conversation with my master, but I didn't expect that Your Majesty is so elegant and generous for me. Grapes were planted."

Gu Cheng was not surprised, on the contrary, he said seriously: "The emperor makes great fanfare, and if one person is favored, that person may not be really favored. If it is a small daily matter, if one person is inclined to one person, then it is true love."

"Rao is the two princesses back then, and they have never been treated with such kindness."

"Now, you are considered one of the most powerful people in the Spirit Race."

Yu Wenjun looked slightly embarrassed, and changed the subject: "After dealing with government affairs for a long time, you will naturally learn allusions from the wind. I always thought that you are not material for being a politician. In the past, I really underestimated you."

Gu Cheng laughed loudly and said, "Transparent!"

"What are you looking for me this time?"

Yu Wenjun said truthfully: "Follow me to the demon realm, Her Royal Highness Yaozu intends to meet with me in private, but I suspect that what I saw this time is not only that Her Royal Highness, but also that Princess Highness." family."

Gu Cheng smiled strangely: "When you go to see father-in-law and mother-in-law, you should bring your closest relatives with you. Speaking of which, our relationship has not yet reached that point. If you are willing to be my godson, I can reluctantly accept it."

Seeing this, Yu Wenjun had no choice but to take out his trump card and said, "I don't mind going to Sister Meng's place to give you a few good words, saying that you are a little obsessed with power and tactics, and you no longer have the aura of the past in your chest."

"Maybe there are selfish desires. I don't know how to vent this selfish desire in private. Some things cannot stand scrutiny, especially women's scrutiny."

Gu Cheng immediately sat upright, squeezed out a bright smile, and said, "Tell me what to do after we go, you know, I've always been stupid."

A man who understands women is either a man who likes to ask questions, or a man who has a family.

Yu Wenjun said solemnly: "Be my guard, protect me comprehensively, now Yinglong and Chi Yuan are guarding Beihai, and they can't be separated. Only you can entrust the great cause."

Gu Cheng nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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