Sheng Fu

Chapter 549

Chapter 549
Beihai, Mingyue Mountain.

Jing Peiyao stood on the bank and listened to the wind, while Xiao Huangyue used a sword as a pen to practice calligraphy in the water.

Glancing at the little junior sister next to her, she thought to herself, will she be like the written horoscope in the future?
When the strong wind arrived at Hengchangzong, Wu Mi blew the strong wind to the north again. After Jing Peiyao knew about it, ripples appeared in her heart. All the princes were killed cleanly.

Wu Mi was already on the road, and it was estimated that a tragedy would happen in half a day.

Jing Peiyao really wanted to take Xiao Huangyue to witness the excitement, but after thinking about it, the junior sister was young, and she was exposed to bloody things too early, so her mood was easily disturbed and she went to another extreme.

"In the past few days, you have been here to practice handwriting well. I'm going out for a while, and I don't know when I will return." Jing Peiyao said softly.

Little Huangyue hummed hastily, her thoughts were all in the sea water.

Jing Peiyao thought slightly, the white tiger flew from a distance, and drove the white tiger all the way south.

This time, she wasn't going to mess things up. Although the bravery of a man is frightening, it is not enough to shock the hearts of the princes.

People always think that Jing Peiyao doesn't understand this truth.

Half a day later, Jing Peiyao drove the white tiger to the Meridian Gate of the imperial capital.

Seeing this, the city defense officers and soldiers were shocked, the white tiger's pupils crinkled up a little, and the whole area around the Meridian Gate looked like a cold heavy snowfall.

At this moment, a guard in silver armor slowly walked out from the back of the Meridian Gate, driving a first-class war horse. The guard was about forty, and he looked upright.

"To enter the imperial capital, you have to dismount." The guard stared at Jing Peiyao and said firmly.

The first-class war horse under his crotch, with erratic eyes, did not dare to look directly at the white tiger.

The surrounding soldiers retreated slightly, although they did not wave their weapons, their steps vaguely formed an encirclement trend.

Jing Peiyao's slender waist is like a straight solitary peak, with her right hand pinching Liuxue, and her left hand slightly rubbing the white tiger's forehead, she said without sadness or joy, "If you don't get off the horse, what should you do?"

The guard frowned, and said emphatically, "Follow the law!"

Jing Peiyao remained calm, and swung his sword horizontally. The sword energy was like a moon rising from the clouds, and the guard would soon fall to the ground. The surrounding soldiers suddenly felt their limbs stiffen under the power of this sword. , unable to move, even breathing is extremely difficult.

At the very moment, the defender's throat three feet before, with a bang, a long white snow surged out.

After the noon gate, another person walked out.

This person is dressed in brocade clothes and a jade belt, and looks mighty and majestic. He is the Minister of the Ministry of War, Kong Chong.

"This sword is enough to pierce hundreds of armors. The girl is really murderous." Kong Chong said with a half-smile, looking at Jing Peiyao.

The white tiger stood outside the city, and everyone in the city who should know knew it at this moment, including the dean.

Jing Peiyao still had a calm face and said, "You want to stop me from entering the city?"

Kong Chong knew very well that the girl in front of him was not an ordinary girl, even Yu Wenjun would have to spend a lot of effort to subdue him in a fight, maybe he might not be able to win.

"The emperor has the rules of the imperial capital." Kong Chong said loudly.

rule! ?
A tiger's howl suddenly broke out, and the surrounding fields of the Meridian Gate suddenly trembled and became unstable. The Shangshu of the Ministry of War was deafening, and he almost lost his footing and fell to the ground.

The white tiger leaped, whipped up a violent wind, and rushed past Kong Chong's head.

If you don't obey the rules, you can still pass through this gate.

Jing Peiyao went all the way to the main gate of the imperial capital, but along the way, she didn't meet any soldiers guarding the imperial capital. When she came to the main gate of the imperial capital, she met a general with a black tiger on his crotch and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.

Yue Bo had just recovered from a serious illness, and his spirit was a little weak, not as good as before, but here, like a majestic mountain, still blocked Jing Peiyao's way.

"You are still young, so you don't need to take risks. What happened today, you can just treat it like a white tiger. If you fail to control it properly for a while, it will disappear with the wind in three days." Yue Bo looked at the girl in front of him with complicated eyes and said.

The white tiger and the black tiger faced each other, their eyes intertwined, reflecting the dense Gengjin runes.

Jing Peiyao still didn't get off the horse, her eyes were like a calm Heihai, she said in a deep voice: "Some things can be reversed, some things can't be reversed, I am not your opponent."

"But I want to say, if you fight against me here, in the future, a palace will be built for you."

Yue Bo was unmoved, and said slightly contemptuously: "Is this a threat?"

Jing Peiyao snorted coldly, "It's just an announcement."

Yue Bo's heart sank, and he asked back, "What's the matter with coming to the Imperial Capital?"

Jing Peiyao lost her patience, drove the white tiger, and rushed directly to the main entrance.

Seeing this, Yue Bo raised Fang Tian's painted halberd with one hand to block Jing Peiyao's way, and asked again: "What's the matter with coming to the Imperial Capital?"

From the eyes of the white tiger, Geng Jin sword energy suddenly shot out, shooting towards Yue Bo's eyes, Jing Peiyao jumped up lightly, stabbing Yue Bo's throat with a sword.

With this strike, Jing Peiyao didn't leave a way out for herself.

Yue Bo only needs to swing Fang Tian's painting halberd knowingly and strike Jing Peiyao to death on the spot.

But he just propped up a body-protecting qi to take Jing Peiyao's thunderous blow.

The real essence was ups and downs, and there was a storm at the main gate.

Suddenly, in the depths of the imperial capital, a mellow voice came: "We are a guest from afar!"

Yue Bo's aura came to an abrupt end, and so did Jing Peiyao.

In an instant, Jing Peiyao slashed across Yue Bo's head with a sword. The sword was so fast that a strand of long hair fluttered from Yue Bo's head.

"When we get to Wuji in the future, we will fight with you again." Jing Peiyao rode the white tiger and entered the palace grandly.

Yue Bo looked up at the sky, the sky was clear, and he said in a sense of loss, "It's really troublesome."

After the white tiger entered the palace, he walked against the wind all the way to the Feilong platform.

The Emperor stood on the stage, the eyes of the two met, Jing Peiyao was as calm as the sea, and the Emperor was all-encompassing.

"I'm very surprised that you came to the imperial capital alone." Renhuang's voice was very soft, but it echoed in Jing Peiyao's ears.

Jing Peiyao looked directly at His Majesty, still holding Liuxue in her hand, and replied calmly: "There is always a touch between you and me."

The Human Sovereign smiled knowingly: "Nowadays the situation is in a state of great controversy, and the situation is not stable. The timing you have seized is not bad."

Jing Peiyao sneered and said: "Fuyao goes away, there is no one in Beihai, and the timing of His Majesty and the officials is well grasped."

The Emperor smiled softly and said, "Wu Mi went to the north, and you came to the imperial capital, what do you want?"

Jing Peiyao said: "The government of the North Sea will always belong to the Lord of the North Sea, that's all."

The Human Sovereign did not get angry, but instead looked at Jing Peiyao with a peaceful face, and said: "You are only in your early twenties, dare to say such words in front of me, it is enough to leave your name in history."

Jing Peiyao said calmly: "If I can't do this, I will kill the King of the North and many families in the North. I don't know how Your Majesty thinks."

Human Sovereign only felt that he was too aggressive, and said with a calm smile: "It's not a good thing to insist on going your own way and not leaving yourself a way out."

Jing Peiyao said with a playful smile: "After Gu Yong died, everyone wished to punish Gu Yong, and after Fuyao left, everyone wished to take Beihai as their own."

"People's sophistication and righteousness are two different things, does your majesty not know?"

The Emperor laughed freely and said, "You and I are like neighbors arguing for pile foundations, neither of us wants to take a step back."

Jing Peiyao held Liuxue tightly and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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