Sheng Fu

Chapter 555

Chapter 555
In the middle of the night, the moon and stars are scarce, and the courtyard of the post station is dotted with silver light.

Drinking black tea at night is no longer refreshing, so Qiu Yu and Bai Xiaowei drank Wannian spring tea to refresh their minds and minds.

Qiu Yu raised his head slightly, raised his teacup with his right hand, and stared quietly at the rim of the amethyst teacup, dull and tasteless: "In three more hours, it will be dawn, and at that time, King Zhen'an will enter the palace. Hundreds of officials will gather in the Golden Luan Hall, so you can take advantage of the situation and tell us about the borrowing of soldiers."

"If King Zhen'an is in command, all the officials will nod in agreement."

"If Yue is handsome, there will naturally be thousands of obstacles waiting for you."

Bai Xiaowei sat cross-legged, with his spine straight and straight, and changed the topic: "You are very energetic tonight. I think you have recharged your energy during the day. You must have taken a lot of tonics. I don't know if it's from the emperor." The tonic, but the tonic that already exists in the mansion?"

Qiu Yu slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and asked politely, "What's the difference?"

Bai Xiaowei glanced at Qiu Yu, and said implicitly: "There is no difference, just a random question."

Qiu Yu: "..."

"You still refuse to take a step back?"

Bai Xiaowei hummed, the night wind was cold, and Bai Xiaowei did not forget to separate out a piece of real energy to protect Qiu Yuzhi's internal organs.

"Although I am not a swordsman, I have learned some superficial aspects of the way of swordsmanship from you, and the way of offense and defense is vividly embodied in you." Qiu Yu said helplessly.

There are three hours left, which is a bit short for the two of them.

For the people in Lingdu, these are just three hours of peace of mind like a dream.

Bai Xiaowei brought up the old story again: "It's better to guess the boxing game, I thought about it, the only way is the most fair."

However, Qiu Yu shook his head, stood up, and said, "Yue Bo is handsome, so I'll go back to the palace and get the hundred army sticks."

Bai Xiaowei looked at Qiu Yu suspiciously, and thought, "As far as I know, your lord is a persevering person. He has been in politics for many years, and he has dealt with many difficult problems. He has never backed down. Why?"

Qiu Yu said: "You are so childish, and you are not willing to take a step back. Naturally, you are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. I already know the current background of the human race, and unnecessary temptations are meaningless."

"However, you have to make me a promise."

Bai Xiaowei's expression froze, and he said softly, "What kind of promise?"

Qiu Yu looked up at the bright moon in the sky, a myriad of galaxies, what a dreamy picture.

"I heard that there is a grand banquet building in the imperial capital of the human race, where the Bazhen Banquet is second only to the Bazhen Banquet in the imperial palace. If I am lucky enough to come to the imperial capital of your country one day, my lord will treat me to a Bazhen Banquet as a friend." How are you?"

Qiu Yu was filled with emotions, he didn't expect to compete in chess, he didn't expect to fight for power, but he just thought of the eight treasures banquet in the imperial capital of the human race.

The situation is changing, but in the end we still have to eat.

Bai Xiaowei paused, nodded solemnly and said: "Okay."

Qiu Yu waved his hand, signaling Bai Xiaowei to stay and leave the station alone. His back is not considered lonely, but a little lonely and confused.

The palace, inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

His Majesty Lingdi has been waiting here for Qiu Yu.

Qiu Yu's footsteps this time were very light and steady, like a lithe young man coming into this splendid palace.

Kowtowing and prostrating, Xingping said calmly: "If you have a responsibility, you deserve death."

Standing in front of Qiu Yu, Emperor Ling looked down at the Lord Shang Shuling, and the situation in his eyes was changing, like the future situation.

"Ai Qing thinks, who will be in charge of the military stick?" Emperor Ling asked softly.

Qiu Yu smiled wryly, and said, "King Zhen'an, that prince is tall and powerful, and his stick has the power to turn the world upside down."

After Lingdi heard this, the corners of his mouth turned up inadvertently, and he asked with great interest: "If King Zhen'an makes a move, you only need one stick, and your soul will return to the nine heavens. What makes you so upset?"

Qiu Yu calmly said: "With a trust in you and face down, even if you are in the ten-mile peach blossom forest, it is also like being in the ice cellar of the abyss."

Emperor Ling said with a relieved smile, "I pardon you for your innocence."

"The night is getting dark, you can rest for three hours, see you in the morning."

Qiu Yu was thoughtful, his eyes were lost, and after kowtowing heavily, he slowly left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.



The next day, King Zhen'an received the order and led 200,000 elites under his command to set off from the northeast border of the Spirit Race to the Human Race.

Bai Xiaowei led the mission and returned to the Spirit Race as scheduled.

The matter of borrowing soldiers came to an end.

In Beihai, after Yu Wenjun heard the news, he lay sprawled on the couch. He miscalculated. He never expected that Yue Bo, the defeated general, would still be the commander in chief.

"Why are you so decadent?" Jing Peiyaohu asked beside the couch.

Yu Wenjun turned over and walked off the couch, with disheveled hair and bare feet, completely lost interest in what breakfast was for today.

"Yue Bo is handsome, which means that Bai Xiaowei has not missed. My guess has been wrong for the first time. In terms of governing ability, Bai Xiaowei is far ahead of me, which makes me tremble like walking on thin ice."

"What makes me even more uneasy is that I once told Bai Xiaowei in the post station that the king of Zhen'an is handsome."

"It has been many years, and I have never made a youthful and frivolous mistake."

In front of the dressing table, Jing Peiyao held a wooden comb in her hand, and slowly combed the three thousand black hairs. With a slight thought, she realized that Xiao Huangyue had already started her morning exercises in the shallow water on the shore, using a sword as a pen.

"Wu Mi has disgraced the young and handsome young men of the northern aristocratic family one after another. A heavy haze is shrouded in the aristocratic family's head. King Zhen'an's passing through the border should be something worth celebrating. Can Wu Mi return to Heng with a bloody spear? Changzong."

"In a few days, the King of Zhen'an will pass by the foot of Henglong Mountain. Due to the situation and reason, you and I have to come forward in person to entertain the soldiers of the Spirit Race. From now on, we should start preparing. When the King of Zhen'an arrives, we should be able to arrange a long Da Baili's banquet."

Yu Wenjun paced back and forth, frowning slightly and said: "Big fanfare may not have a miraculous effect, and acting on the spot may also have subtext, will this be too superficial?"

Jing Peiyao combed her long hair, got up and glanced at Yu Wenjun's disheveled hair, and said honestly: "A banquet that lasts for hundreds of miles is not a small expense for the treasury."

"Is this floating on the surface?"

Yu Wenjun paused, thought for a while and said: "Then I will obey my wife."

"What do we have for breakfast?"

Jing Peiyao laughed angrily, "Then what do you want to eat?"

Yuwen Jundao: "Steamed stuffed buns, rice porridge, and seasonal side dishes, I think of the craftsmanship of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Although they are home-cooked dishes, they are very tasty."

Jing Peiyao was speechless and said: "But I practiced hard since I was a child, and I never inherited the skills of my parents."

Kneading noodles, steaming buns, cooking rice porridge, these things are not difficult to do, but they are quite tedious. The work on the stove will be boring to anyone, even a serious cook.

Yu Wenjun thought for a while, and said: "Go to the south for breakfast, the morning tea and steamed buns there are very good."

Jing Peiyao looked out of the door, at the end of her vision, Xiao Huangyue was still practicing calligraphy meticulously.


(End of this chapter)

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