Sheng Fu

Chapter 564 1 Snowflake

Chapter 564 A Snowflake

On the other side of the Heihe River, Jiuyouque and a young woman looked at the raging Nujiang River indifferently. The young woman came from the capital city, her name was Guangli, and she was of royal blood.

In the field of vision, the yellow sand desert is vast and boundless. The war deer of the Spirit Race have adapted to the desert terrain. Once they gallop up, they are like thunderbolts.

"I'm surprised, King Zhen'an is only the deputy commander in chief." Guangli said with a playful smile.

The general of Yue Bo's defeated army is still the commander-in-chief. This is unreasonable, and the historical conflict between the human race and the spirit race has also been weakened unprecedentedly in the current years.

This battle will generally be very hard.

Behind Jiuyouque is an army of countless monster tribes, and the number of warriors exceeds that of the Battle of Montenegro.

Suddenly, the wind picked up.

The sound of the wind is getting stronger, there is no yellow sand roaring in the desert, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the texture of the sand is getting heavier, making it difficult to fly into the air.

Jiuyouque has been waiting, waiting for the first snow to fall.

This year's first snow will not cover a thin layer, but a once-in-a-century heavy snow.

The monster race is naturally sensitive to climate change, far superior to the other four races.

This heavy snow will cover the entire desert. At that time, the yellow sand and snowflakes will mix together to form a special terrain between the land and the swamp. The formation's onslaught did not affect the war deer of the Spirit Race.

These details are insignificant to the generals who are good at fighting, but they will cause a fatal blow to the soldiers at the lower level.

With the offensive together, many soldiers of the human race and the soldiers of the spirit race who are not adapted to climate change and geographical change will be crushed by the monster army.

Yue Bo and King Zhen'an naturally knew this too.

It's just that they are completely unable to take the initiative to attack. They don't know the nature of the Yaozu's army this time, and how many heroes are hidden in it.

This comes at a cost.

War, after all, needs some pathfinding stones to open the front for latecomers.

Jiuyouque stared at the opposite side with bright eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Who is the coach is not that important anymore, this battle will affect the situation in the next ten years."

"If we win, the human race and the spirit race will be completely passive."

"If we lose, within ten years, we will be controlled by others everywhere."

"If both sides suffer, both sides suffer."

In this battle, there is no conspiracy. The fight is about the ability of the two sides to form an army, and the fight is about which side has more enemies.

It is destined to be a battle between the superior and the humble.

Suddenly, a crystal snowflake fell from the sky, slowly fell on the Heihe River, and gradually disappeared.

Jiuyouque said expressionlessly: "After three days, send out troops."

In an instant, Yue Bo in Saibei City felt his mind concentrate. King Zhen'an came outside the camp in an instant, looked at the sky further north, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he grinned and said, "Finally."

A moment later, the sound of war drums sounded in Saibei City.

The sound of war drums is getting stronger and stronger, hitting the sky, and the mighty years.

The entire northern world fell into an unprecedented frenzy.

Beihai, Mingyue Mountain.

Mr. Yu Wen, who had nothing to do, also came to the nine-story tower, and there was a heavy snowfall around him. The snow scene in Beihai was beautiful, vast and beautiful.

Suddenly the snow became thicker, Jing Peiyao lightly came to Yu Wenjun's side, glanced at the hazy snow in the far sea, and asked: "The war is about to start, should we go to the Demon Realm or Saibei City?"

Yu Wenjun said without hesitation: "Go to the Demon Realm first. The first battle is a contact battle, an encounter battle. Only after the battle can we clarify the combat intentions and tactics of both sides."

"When the battle is in the middle, go to the battlefield again."

"Perhaps they rushed from afar to support King Zhen'an."

Undoubtedly, around Saibei City, there are also many scouts from the Demon Race or the God Race who are dormant, watching the battle quietly.

Jing Peiyao hummed and said, "I'm here, so don't worry."

Yu Wenjun immediately crossed the void and left.

The Demon Realm, Qingming Dadu, and the Mountain of Bright Soul.

Inside the palace, the radiance was shining brightly, and the purple energy was surging. Nan Zhuo, Huo Mu, An He stood in order, and gradually reported the changes in the size of the demon world in recent days.

Demon King Martial has led his army to the border, and his opponent is Ji Yu from the Protoss. The familiar opponents are bound to be a protracted stalemate.

In the Mozu temple, everything is as usual. The civil servants are doing what they should do. A few days ago, they beheaded all the civil officials who were slightly corrupt and accepted bribes, but it did not affect any cabinet members.

His Majesty the Demon Lord still lives alone in the Eternal Palace.

The source of these news comes from Tong Wu and Mo Yi, and even Tong Wu and Mo Yi don't know the details of the details. In short, troubled times are about to begin.

Yu Wenjun's dragon eyes were like torches, and he looked into the mountain. There was a young man with soft brows and eyes, elegant temperament, and the air of a gentleman.

"Who is this person?" Yu Wenjun asked curiously.

Nan Zhuo took a step forward, with a calm expression, and said respectfully: "I came here by chance, and I have a talent for soul art. I realized that Lie Xin was happy, so I accepted it. Without the permission of the Lord, please punish the Lord."

Yu Wenjun lifted his chin slightly with one hand, and pretended to think: "It is indeed against the rules I set in the past, but this person is indeed a malleable talent, and some people have a personality."

"I will fine you three months' salary."

After hearing this, Nan Zhuo immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Lord, for your tolerance."

Yu Wenjun said calmly: "In troubled times, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, and the next one will not be an example."

Nan Zhuo nodded heavily, since today, Gu Yu has completely taken root in this mountain of Minghun.

Yu Wenjun didn't know that Gu Yu's appearance was the one that Gu Yong liked the most.

"How many spies can be used today to sneak into the border battlefield?" Yu Wenjun asked.

He always felt that the last assassination was inextricably linked to the Protoss.

Nan Zhuo, Huo Mu, An He were slightly startled, as if they were suffering.

After a long time, Nan Zhuo said truthfully: "There are less than 20 people."

"His Royal Highness King Wu firmly controls the spy network, and it is really difficult for foreign forces to infiltrate it. At present, it is difficult for Tong Wu and Mo Yi to report the news."

Yu Wenjun was not surprised, and praised: "King Wu is really good at running the army."

This kind of dominance is the awe-inspiring courage that Yue Bo will never have in this life.

Yu Wenjun thought again and again: "Separate five people and sneak into the land of the mirror heart, and the rest will go to the battlefield."

Yu Wenjun wanted to see the scenery in Jingxin City for a long time.

Nan Zhuo looked at each other in blank dismay, and then responded in unison: "Obey."

Yu Wenjun got up and walked out of the palace. The only difficulty he has to live here these days is that he is not used to eating.

(End of this chapter)

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