Sheng Fu

Chapter 594: A Small Town

Chapter 594 A Small Town

Not long after, in the Spiritual Art Space, soldiers and soldiers were lined up, no less than five thousand in number.

The two generals, Tie Heng and Han Dong, looked around. All of them were dead soldiers. The two young Junyans of the Guo family looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Could it be that this is the legendary underworld?

"Sect Master, even you..." Tie Heng looked at Yuwenjun in disbelief.

When Mo Yi, Tong Wu, Nan Zhuo and others saw this, they didn't laugh at these people. It's not ignorance, it's just that they didn't know the reason. In fact, most of the soldiers who were able to die were not afraid of death and dared to take the lead. Such soldiers It is worthy of eternal respect, even if their realm cultivation base is not high.

Yuwen Jun looked at the soldiers and smiled knowingly: "This is not the underworld, it is you who have been resurrected."

A soft dragon energy spread, and golden runes appeared in the minds of the soldiers. After a while, they finally came back to their senses and looked at everything around them in disbelief.

A young Junyan from the Guo family was stunned and said: "The world says that my old man's medical skills can bring people back to life, but that's just a rumor after all."

Yu Wenjun glanced at the young man of the Guo family. His name was Guo Yun. He had good medical skills. He was not a leader in the Guo family, but he was quite talented in cultivation. If he had the same cultivation as Guo Shenghe Resources, maybe the ability to catch and fight alone may not be weaker than Guo Shenghe.

"In this case, it's best not to be heard by your father, but you can rest assured that I won't tell your father what you said." Yuwenjun smiled softly.

The several lieutenants on the side couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

But Mo Yi, Tong Wu and others didn't smile from beginning to end. They were always in awe of such brave soldiers.

History will always deliberately forget some dark details.

For example, most of the soldiers who survived, and most of the generals who have risen to the top of their careers, are actually not so brave on the battlefield, and even use some dark means to force their own robes to take the initiative to charge into the battle. After the robes, they will obtain a sufficient amount of military merit.

In fact, it has always been the same.

There is no way, because the world needs light, and ignorant children also need the great sun.

However, there are many politicians who have little ambitions and think that such soldiers are idiots, who do not understand human nature or what the world is like.

There are very few pure people in the world. Although not every one of these resurrected soldiers is pure, their military exploits are still solid.

After rejoicing, she cried with joy.

Many soldiers were whispering, thinking of their parents at home, and their wives and children at home.

When I think of the food at home, I think of a lot.

Tie Heng turned his head and greeted the soldiers behind him, "Brothers, after we go back, let's get together with these people and have a good drink. If you want to go to the kiln, go with me. If you have a wife at home, go home first. ."


A burst of laughter sounded, causing a different kind of anger and chill in the calm and dark Mountain of Bright Souls.

Yuwenjun paused, coughed, and the atmosphere returned to calm again.

He took a breath and looked at the lovely and respectable soldiers in front of him and said solemnly: "Now is not the time to go home, after you are killed in battle, the Hengchang Sect will give you pensions as usual, but you are already dead in battle to the outside world. generals."

"Just now, even you yourself think so."

"And there are some brothers whose bodies are not complete enough to be resurrected here. You suddenly go back, which is also a big blow to the widows of the soldiers who have not been resurrected. This matter has to be mediated."

Guo Yun lowered his head sadly. He also remembered that he had a cousin who died in the mouth of a monster. Guo Yun would never forget the tragic sight of blood flying.

The mood of Tie Heng, Han Dong and others gradually deteriorated, and some brothers will never meet again.

"Then what should we do next?" Guo Yun asked with confidence.

You can't go home, you have to have a place to go.

Although I can't go back for the time being, I don't feel so sad at the thought of reuniting with my wife and children.

Yuwen Jun smiled softly and said: "For the time being, I will settle you all to the Spirit Clan. I have an old relationship with King Zhen'an, and I will settle you in the northern border of the Spirit Clan."

"Although it is the land of northern Xinjiang, it is not as cold and bitter as Saibei City."

"There are splendid city-states, luxurious lofts, many buildings, buildings, and customs, far above the four cities of Henglong, where there will be delicious and delicious wine, there will be smart and graceful Spiritual beauties, and there will be King Zhen'an. Friendship."

Hearing these words, many soldiers' eyes flashed.

The so-called distant place only exists in the imagination of most people.

Many people, in fact, have never even left their own villages.

Many people have heard that the Spiritual Race is a very beautiful place. The so-called distant place, for ordinary people and low-level soldiers, is mostly just an obsession in their hearts.

Yu Wenjun glanced at Mo Yi and Tong Wu, and the dragon energy poured into the two of them, no more words needed.

"Let's set off here." Yuwen Jun said.

The patriarch of the snake clasped his hands together and began to form the seal. Immediately, a large-scale void channel was constructed. In a single thought, Yuwenjun and everyone left the place.

Nan Zhuo, Huo Mu and the others looked at each other, the corners of their mouths raised slightly, indescribably proud.

Owning the Mountain of Bright Souls means being invincible in many things.

Spirit Race, the land of the northern border.

The snow in the Liuyun Mountains is swirling and covered in silver. If you come here in other seasons, you can see the lush vegetation, all kinds of rare ancient trees blooming in different colors, and many mountain streams and grassy fields. It will be covered with a layer of glowing light, which is worthy of more gorgeous flowers and plants.

It's a pity that this time I came here in winter.

In the middle of the mountain range, there is a small town. The buildings in the city are black in color as a whole. The carved beams and painted buildings are second. The architectural pattern of the houses should be matched with each other. style town.

Outside the gate of the small city, King Zhen'an brought Wei Mo, Princess Yan Che and others to welcome Jun Yuwen in person.

Glancing at the soldiers behind Yuwen-Jun, King Zhen'an frowned slightly, black light surging in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

This was the case with King Zhen'an, Wei Mo and Yan Che on the side were full of horror. It had been a long time before they heard their own clear and powerful heartbeat.

"I shouldn't be the first person to know this secret." King Zhenan looked at Yuwenjun and said solemnly.

Yuwenjun looked as usual, some things will always be known.

In the long run, this resurrection has exposed such a big trump card. It is really a worthless thing. There are many uneconomical things in the world, but some things have to be done.

Although Yuwenjun is not a rising star, he knows that Hengchang's soldiers are brave, and as a politician, in addition to being emotionless, he must know how to take care of all living beings.

No matter how beautiful things are, they always fade away.

There are times when something or a power is so precious that it is only because it is not available.

Yuwen Jun said: "It's the first foreigner to know about this, don't betray my trust."

Only then did King Zhen'an know why Yuwen Jun insisted on finding a place in the Spirit Race.

Among the many soldiers inside, King Zhen'an may not be impressed, but some people have also caught the eye of King Zhen'an.

This majestic-looking prince patted Yuwenjun on the shoulder and said with a bold smile: "My reputation is still very good, at least I have never done anything wrong to my friends, and now I finally know why His Majesty is here There are vines in the courtyard of the deep palace, why would you have no complaints about your stay in Mengdufu?"

"Perhaps because of you, there is a lot less hatred towards Gu Yongdu."

Yuwenjun did not deny that King Zhen'an's idea was very reasonable, and Yuwenjun himself thought so.

King Zhen'an looked at Tie Heng, Han Dong, Guo Yun and other soldiers and greeted warmly, "Brothers, follow me into the city."

Brothers who heard this sentence, Tie Heng and the others' faces shone brightly.

The lower-level soldiers can be called brothers by King Zhen'an, who holds real power in the Spirit Clan, and they are even brought into the city by King Zhen'an himself, which will be an extremely valuable discussion in the future...

On the way into the city, Yuwen Jun also glanced curiously at the small city hidden in the depths of the mountain range. Although it was not really blooming, it definitely had an extravagant style.

"Why build a small town here?" Yuwenjun asked curiously.

King Zhenan smiled mysteriously, patted Yuwenjun on the shoulder again, and said with a loud smile, "You are so smart, why don't you guess?"

Yuwenjun looked suspicious, and Wei Mo and Yan Che, who were on the side, also showed inexplicable smiles.

Yuwenjun was not affected by such a smile. He knew how much the Spirit Clan valued the Dragon Clan, and would never build such a small town for Yuwenjun in a hurry.

Not to mention the construction of a city-state in the middle of the mountain range, the transportation of materials is a difficult problem, and the time is too late. Moreover, the construction technology of this small town is not rough at all. More than enough.

After thinking for a long time, the group entered the small town unknowingly.

The streets are clean and tidy, but the corners are covered with a layer of snow that is neither thick nor thin.

Wei Mo led a few personal guards to settle the people in Tieheng, while the Princess Yan Che followed behind King Zhen'an and Jun Yuwen.

"Do you understand?" King Zhenan looked at Yuwenjun with a strange smile.

Yu Wenjun frowned slightly. With the temperament of King Zhen'an, he was not a person who was used to playing quizzes, and even if he did quizzes, he would not play too advanced quizzes.

So the essence of the matter is extremely simple.

Yuwenjun opened the dragon's eyes and took a closer look at the surrounding buildings. The pillars were tall and straight, and the texture was delicate. Looking at it, Yuwenjun finally felt a subtle atmosphere of vicissitudes.

He said with a smile: "This small town has been built for a long time. Perhaps it was a summer retreat for dignitaries and dignitaries of the previous era, a place to rest and recuperate, or a back garden built by the real power prince of the previous generation to support the forbidden."

King Zhen'an raised his brows and said in a gentle voice, "As expected, I can't hide it from you, yes, in the past, some dignitaries came to the northern border to inspect military affairs. In fact, those dignitaries didn't understand what military and political matters were. However, I have to live in the northern border for a while, and on a whim, this small town came into being."

Yuwenjun didn't ask about the fate of those dignitaries. After a little guess, there should be a good evening scene.

As long as those dignitaries come here, the military affairs of the northern border will naturally become orderly, at least the face is extremely bright.

As for such a small town, it is really not worth mentioning.

Unconsciously, King Zhen'an brought Yu Wenjun to a magnificent mansion.

The exquisite and capable maids have been waiting here for a long time, starting to pour tea and water, and serve snacks, and there is also an increasingly strong smoke from the back kitchen.

"There are no housekeepers here. They are people in my house. As long as you come here, you don't need to tell them what to do." King Zhen'an raised his teacup and smiled.

Yuwenjun had a subtle expression on his face. He raised his teacup and paused, then said solemnly, "I don't come often. In a world of great competition, the army and the people are suffering. This is a bit too much."

King Zhen'an was unmoved after hearing this, and said calmly: "The trade between Hengchangzong and the Spiritual Race is more coordinated and flexible. Compared with the human race, we are actually more willing to trade with Hengchangzong. It's a pity. Yes, Hengchangzong is smaller."

"These expenses are actually dug out of you."

After Yuwenjun heard this, he felt a lot more at ease. For such truth, Yuwenjun readily accepted it.

"Now all parties are uncertain, and no one dares to act rashly. The only variable is roughly in the dragon family. What are you going to do next?" King Zhenan didn't try, and went straight to the point.

Princess Yan Che, who was beside him, was also energized at this moment.

Yuwenjun rubbed the lip of the teacup, thought for a while, and said, "I don't know, just judge the situation and act on the camera."

"The way many things work is actually the same as you."

"In some things, politicians' tactics are always similar."

After hearing this, King Zhen'an laughed out loud, and praised it, "This is the most sincere answer I've ever heard."

"But I want to tell you one thing, maybe soon, I will lead my troops to the land of the devil."

King Zhen'an looked at Yu Wenjun's eyes, but unfortunately, there was no strange emotion in Yuwenjun's eyes.

"Aren't you surprised?"

"Or did you expect all this?" King Zhenan asked inexplicably.

Yuwen Jun took a sip of tea and replied unhurriedly: "As expected, you lead your troops to go there in person, and it is indeed powerful enough to deter the northern wolf riders."

"But I know that you won't really take the initiative to provoke a large-scale battle. This time, the dispatch of troops will only be thunder and rain."

"To distract that high above the devil one or two."

King Zhen'an's face gradually turned gloomy, and he looked at Jun Yuwen with sharp eyes, and asked, "Why are you just distracted? One or two is very light. Compared with ordinary people, my body is quite large."

Yuwen Jun said nonchalantly: "I can see it, and the devil can also see it, but I think that the devil may see more long-term than me. There are also many think tanks in the devil cabinet."

"But maybe, you will have a fight with someone, and the outcome is not easy to predict."

After King Zhenan heard this, he raised his eyebrows and asked directly, "Who is that person?"

Yuwenjun thought for a while and said, "It is very likely that it will be King Duan, and you will have a slight upper hand, because the other party will not really fight you for life and death, it is just a test."

"But if you can remove one of his arms, you can distract the devil three or four times."

King Zhen'an's mood gradually calmed down, yes, some things can't stand such scrutiny.

No matter how big things are, as long as the heart is big enough, things are not that big.

Yu Wenjun added: "Actually, my guess may not be accurate, but there will always be someone who will become your opponent."

"You are the number one fighting force of the Spirit Clan, and you are worthy of their hospitality."

King Zhenan snorted, and he was not obsessed with who his opponent was. He just wanted to see what Yuwenjun's opinion on the art of war was.

Politicians and soldiers are two different things.

Gradually, the fireworks in the small town became stronger and stronger. This time, King Zhen An called a cook who knew the flavor of the human race. Tie Heng and other soldiers also smelled both familiar and unfamiliar smells.

These cooks only know the taste of the human race, but they may not be able to make the original human taste.

But for the resurrected soldiers, it is already a bliss...

(End of this chapter)

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