Sheng Fu

Chapter 596 Unspoken

Gu Cheng left here very wisely.

Yuwenjun asked with a confused look: "What is a private matter?"

The private thing that comes out of Sister Meng's mouth will never be a trivial matter.

Bei Hanmeng's face sank slightly and said, "Sister and Gu Yong, where are they now?"

Yu Wenjun sighed in his heart, why did he suddenly ask about this matter, and after thinking about it, he answered truthfully: "The devil may be living a comfortable little life in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers."

Beihanmeng's mind was quick, and after a little thought, she knew that her sister and Gu Yong were arranged by Yuwenjun to go to the Demon Realm to perform some shady tasks.

Perhaps, those two are experiencing something that can change the course of history.

"If I know where my sister is, can I bring my sister back?" Bei Hanmeng said in a soft voice.

Yuwen Jun was in the fog for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that something secret happened to the royal family of the Spiritual Race?"

Bei Hanmeng nodded slightly and said, "This matter is indeed related to the royal family of the Spiritual Race, and it is also a major event that affects inheritance."

"A few days ago, I had a feeling that my sister was pregnant."

"Our sisters are of the same mind, and now my sister's cultivation level has roughly fallen to the point of returning to Yuanyuan or breaking the limit."

"Once you are pregnant with Liujia, Wujie has to spend the cultivation level to calm the mind and raise the womb."

"If they are experiencing an important and dangerous thing in the devil world, I hope you can mediate it."

Yuwenjun felt a huge shock in his heart, and a little cold sweat oozes out from his back.

"It's not too late for this matter, I'll go after them now."

Beihanmeng said: "You have to leave a clone here. In recent days, you have been swaying in the city of Lingdu. Although there is no clue, I am sure that there are spies sent by the demons in Lingdu. ."

"In recent days, you need to show your face in Lingdu."

Yuwenjun hummed, it was a great blessing for the wife to be pregnant.

Remembering that Gu Yong was about to have a son when he was old, Yuwen Jun was also full of glory in his heart.

Beihanmeng continued: "Before this, you have to walk around with King Linghe. Speaking of which, he is the first person standing behind the dragon clan, and he is more concerned with dealing with the human clan than with the human clan. your dealings."

"Although this person is not likable, there are some things that only he can do."

Interests are interests, and dealings are dealings.

Yu Wenjun opened his heart to this.

"Then I'll take a step first." Yuwen Jun thought for a while.

Bei Hanmeng was slightly startled, and said meaningfully: "Actually, don't worry, your spirit has already betrayed something in your heart. When you have calmed down, you can do what you want to do. It's not easy to show off."

Yuwenjun was shocked, nodded slightly and replied, "Thank you for reminding me."

Beihanmeng smiled softly and said, "If you really delay your important affairs, will you blame me in your heart?"

To be able to dispatch the two infinite powerhouses together is naturally a no-nonsense event.

Yuwenjun shook his head slightly. In the Mountain of Minghun, he had seen the young man named Gu Yu, and he already knew Gu Yong's foreshadowing, so he just needed to wait for good news in the future.

If Gu Yong joins forces with Bei Hanfei, if given the right opportunity, it will indeed change the course of history.

But it may not be the historical direction Yuwenjun wants.

Ping He replied, "No, it's beyond my expectations."

"It's a great thing."

"As for the strategy, the years are still very long, and the temporary success or failure cannot prove who is right and who is wrong."

Beihanmeng said with a gratified smile: "You are neither emotional, but also very emotional, you are really a cardinal, and you have nothing to say."

Yuwenjun paused, then replied implicitly, "Actually, I have many shortcomings."

Immediately, Jun Yuwen turned around and left, heading to Linghe Wang's mansion.

Beihanmeng looked at Yuwenjun's leaving back, and didn't know what to think in his heart. Perhaps this child has not yet realized that his position in His Majesty's heart has surpassed that of many senior ministers.

In this battle, he will play an extremely important role.

Thinking deeply, Bei Hanmeng felt a little sad for no reason. In His Majesty's heart, he always disliked Gu Yong.

Once there is prejudice and estrangement, it is eternal life.

Linghe Palace, this time Yu Wenjun followed the regulations and came to the gate of the palace, and announced the guard at the gate, without much fanfare, like an old friend visiting.

After a long time, Prince Yitong, dressed in a gorgeous black cloak, came out.

"Long time no see." Ling He Wang smiled slightly.

Even though the prince's smile came from his heart, his splendid pupils still revealed endless calculations, which was incomparable to Li Hongshan, the national teacher of the human race.

Yuwenjun said with kindness, "Yeah, it's been a long time indeed."

Ling and Wang made an invitation to clean up, and the two slowly entered the palace, and the old tree was still there.

When he was about to enter the main hall, Linghe Wang suddenly said: "I have investigated you secretly in the past. According to the regulations, I should have not missed any clues, but it is vague in my heart, and I always feel that I have missed something that is difficult to explain in words. The matter, and that matter, is probably within my palace."

After the voice fell, the two entered the main hall. The beautiful maid had prepared tea. It was from the human race that the country was red, and Bai Xiaowei's favorite.

Yu Wenjun was a little surprised and replied: "Sometimes if you don't get it, you will always imagine what you will do when you get it. This is probably the prince's heart disease."

After Linghe Wang heard it, he pondered for a moment, and then smiled brightly: "It makes sense, after stepping into Guiyuan, His Highness's mood is indeed different from before."

After the two were seated, Yu Wenjun took a sip from the teacup and asked curiously, "The taste of this tea is familiar, where did it come from?"

Although King Linghe likes extravagance, he will never go to the human race world for a little tea. This person will never do superfluous things, and he can firmly control his own desires at certain moments.

"The last time Bai Xiaowei came to Lingdu, he gave Tang De some tea, and Tang De added some of it to me. This tea tastes good. If you come to me next time, you can bring me a little more."

"Wu Mi came to my place not long ago. I wanted to make Wu Mi suffer a lot. After thinking about it, the girl's family traveled mountains and rivers for a little tea, and I felt really sorry in my heart."

"And you are different, you are a man."

Yu Wenjun took a sip of black tea, perhaps because of the climate, the rivers and mountains brewed here are red, slightly different from the red ones in Bai Xiaowei's mansion, the taste is more elegant, and the tea rhythm is more distant.

"This time in a hurry, I forgot the gift, thanks to you for speaking." Yu Wenjun said with a light smile.

Linghe Wang Huafeng turned around and said, "It is reported that the North Sea government is quite sensitive in recent days. You have to win this battle. Only after you win will we dare to place more bargaining on you."

We are the will of the entire Eldar.

Many people are very concerned about this matter. The more difficult it is, the more it will test ability and mettle.

Yuwenjun didn't respond immediately, and this remark had a tendency to sow discord.

"Nature is under control." Yuwenjun responded casually.

Linghe Wang said with a hearty smile: "That's the best, I feel very relieved that you can come to visit me specially."

Tacitly, Wu Mi really has a sense of what to do...

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