Sheng Fu

Chapter 599 1 people

At night, Yu Wenjun and Gu Yong cook together, including dumplings, soup, stir-fried vegetables, and barbecue. Both of them don't know how to cook, so they just do whatever comes to mind.

The appearance is not good, but Yu Wenjun still has some experience with the barbecue.

The candlelight was bright, illuminating the corners of the room, and the scent was tangy. Bei Hanfei sat at the head seat, looking at such a diligent master and apprentice, thinking how wonderful it would be if it was always like this.

Bei Hanfei took a sip of Yu Wenjun's barbecue, and the taste was even good. After the taste spread, she felt relieved physically and mentally, and asked curiously, "Have you ever paid Peiyao like this?"

Yu Wenjun said firmly: "No, Peiyao also asked me to cook a few days ago, but I refused for various reasons. For this reason, she is still angry with me. In fact, she is still angry now, but I I know Peiyao too well, once I take the initiative, there will be no end to it."

"Of course, if there is movement in her stomach, I can still take the initiative. At that time, I will naturally be full of motivation, but right now, I really have no motivation."

Bei Hanfei gave Yu Wenjun a blank look, and wanted to reprimand him, but she just ate someone's barbecue, thought about it, and held back.

Gu Yong on the side didn't know whether he had some experience, or out of the idea of ​​expressing his anger for his wife, he said to Yu Wenjun solemnly: "A man must learn to love his wife, and it is reasonable to pay for his wife, otherwise it will take a long time." If you don’t, you will feel that married life is meaningless, and if it lasts longer, you will feel that life is meaningless, and cooking for your wife is not a shameful thing.”

After Yu Wenjun heard about it, he said straightforwardly: "I am willing to die for her, but I just don't want to cook for her."

Gu Yong: "..."

Bei Hanfei: "..."

That's what real men are like...

Yu Wenjun changed the subject and said: "Two days later, Renhuang will hold a banquet, which is called tomorrow's banquet. I have to go there once. I will leave the bickering to Jing Hanqing. Although it is a peaceful feast, it is more or less There will be some sharp edges lurking in it."

"The politics of the North Sea has once again touched many sensitive nerves. I am waiting for an opportunity to completely resolve the politics of the North Sea. At that time, my hands may be stained with the blood of many human races."

"So, I don't want you to stay here to seize that opportunity. Even if you seize the opportunity, I hope you can give more benefits to the Spirit Race. After all, the little guy will be the emperor of the Spirit Race in the future."

One yard owned by a yard.

Gu Yong is a human race, and it is only natural that he thinks about the human race in his heart.

"Is it really going to be troublesome?" Gu Yong asked.

Yu Wenjun nodded silently and said: "It's more trouble than you imagined, and it will tear your face sooner or later."

Gu Yong sighed, he has never been good at infighting.

"I will act in camera." Gu Yong replied.

The internal enemy is the most difficult to resolve, because sometimes you don't know where to start. If you don't start, you will feel extremely disgusting. Once you do, you may become a sinner through the ages.

It can only be said that Empress Fuyao killed a little less people back then.

People yearn for peace, but they think in their hearts that one day they will become stronger, and they will bully others intentionally or unintentionally. Everyone has such a nature more or less.



The next day, after breakfast.

Gu Yong sent each other off for more than ten li all the way, and when they parted, Bei Hanfei turned her head every step of the way, with tears in the corners of her eyes, but she stubbornly did not shed them.

Yu Wenjun felt a little worried in his heart. He knew that this child was hard-won, and he also understood that it was even more hard-won for them to be together.

In the cold winter season, snowflakes don't understand the style, and they fall into the world by themselves.

After Bei Hanfei and Yu Wenjun completely disappeared from Gu Yong's field of vision, Gu Yong brushed off the snowflakes on his sleeves, touched the top of his head, and said with a warm smile: "This can barely be regarded as the first time we have lived together. .”

Spirit Race, Mengdu Mansion.

Yu Wenjun brought Bei Hanfei back as promised. His younger sister, Beihanmeng, was in a good mood, holding her sleeve, and even sticking to Beihanfei's stomach to listen to it from time to time.

"That's great." Bei Han Meng said with a smile.

The two sisters naturally wanted to talk about themselves, and Yu Wenjun couldn't intervene for a while, and he didn't want to let his mistress know too much about political affairs.

Before leaving, Yu Wenjun left "Qinglong Jue" as a meeting gift after the birth of the younger brother.

This little guy will undoubtedly be favored in the future.

As for the intricate relationship between Gu Yong and the royal family of the Lingzu, Yu Wenjun will not intervene for the time being. He only has the child in his wife's womb in his heart, and this child must be born naturally.

The battle for the throne has been quite tragic since ancient times. Yu Wenjun can trust His Majesty Lingdi, but he can't trust the rest of the princes and the rest of His Majesty Lingdi's children.

Let the two sisters reunite first, and after spending a leisurely time with sisterly affection, Yu Wenjun will find a way to bring Master Mistress back to the secret space of the Dragon Clan, where Master is guarding, and there will be no accidents.

And what Yu Wenjun left before he left was not only the Qinglong Jue, but also a stream of dragon energy in his wife's body. Once the teacher's wife moved slightly, that stream of dragon energy would instantly summon the dragon.

But Beihan Fei didn't know about these things, Beihan Meng didn't know about them, and only Yu Wenjun knew about them.

Henglong Mountain.

After Yu Wenjun returned, he thought that someone would come to be a guest, or some lobbyists would come from the imperial capital, and most of these lobbyists came from Bailu Academy, or Xie Yiming would come to discuss tomorrow's banquet, but the result was very disappointing. Quiet, Jing Hanqing was still recuperating, Wu Mi was also busy with Panlong's affairs, suddenly felt a little deserted.

Unable to wait for anyone, Yu Wenjun simply lived a carefree life, making tea and listening to little songs.

However, what Yu Wenjun never expected was that someone came, and the person who came was not someone else, but his wife.

In the main hall, the dancers add to the fun, graceful and charming, with melodious and gentle tunes, suitable for playing and singing to your lover under the moonlight. of fine grapes.

All this scene came into Jing Peiyao's eyes.

The entire hall fell into an inexplicable silence.

The dancers also paused inexplicably, Yu Wenjun waved slightly, and everyone bowed slightly and retreated slowly.

Jing Peiyao looked at the unrestrained appearance of Yuwen's family, and she didn't get angry, instead, the corners of her mouth slightly raised and she said: "I remember when you were in Bailu Academy, you were rich in literature, knew how to live, and acted like a son. Now, it seems that you It’s all about doing whatever you want.”

"Compared to you, my realm is still not enough."

After entering Guiyuan, the way Jing Peiyao looked at Yu Wenjun was obviously different from before.

It disturbed Yu Wenjun's elegant mood, and Yu Wenjun just felt a little sudden.

"Are you going to the banquet?" Yu Wenjun asked.

Jing Peiyao nodded and said, "It's a pity that I'm alone, so I can only go to the banquet alone."

"It's really alone."

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