Sheng Fu

Chapter 89

Chapter 89
After a long while, the old man who lost his beloved grandson crawled for a while, and then he said, "Thank you, old man."

Zhao Ling stared at the emperor with wet eyes, and quietly looked at this aloof man.

Even if the emperor is disheveled, the majesty of the emperor will not weaken in the slightest.

It was probably a bit awkward to be looked at like this, and the emperor said casually: "If you don't leave, I don't care about the meal today."

The old man stepped back with tears in his eyes, and kowtowed again before leaving.

But some people don't have the slightest wave in their hearts.

The emperor raised his head and glanced at the door of the temple.

Li Hongshan bowed slightly from the side and said, "Your Majesty, the person has gone far."

Only then did the emperor let out a suffocating breath, and said with a little pride: "How could he kill the people of Bailu Academy if he wanted to? Two words."

The national teacher smiled and said nothing, Duanmu Zhi was in a cold sweat.

The emperor thought about it carefully, and felt that this was not enough, and immediately issued an order: "I ordered the imperial kitchen to recharge and prepare a banquet of eight treasures as a gift to Pu Weiqing."

Li Hongshan said again: "I just said that I wouldn't take care of the meal."

The emperor smiled angrily: "As long as you talk too much, I just want to make him ugly, so that after the Nanling Academy is built, it will always lower the head of the white deer."

Li Hongshan complimented: "Your Majesty is very careful."

The emperor looked at Duanmuzhi and said softly, "This banquet of eight cares has caused trouble for Aiqing, and I hope Aiqing will not hold grudges against me in her heart."

"I am here to make amends for Aiqing."

Duanmu Zhiren lived up to his name. Hearing these words, he never bowed and knelt down. He bowed his head and replied, "Occasional twists and turns are the most important tests of a minister's duty."

The emperor laughed freely, and suddenly asked, "How about Yu Wenjun's performance in the Wen test, and what about the girl's film?"

The results of the literary test were announced after the [-]th. In previous years, His Majesty could know the results of the literary test as soon as possible, but this time there have been many twists and turns. First, the Nanren made a ruthless attack, and then Pu Weiqing and Gu Yong joined forces. The girls were haunted, and for a while ignored the main point.

Duanmuzhi replied slowly, "Jun Yuwen is the ninth, and Jing Peiyao is the third."

His Majesty asked again, "The chief is Zhuang Qin?"

Duanmu shook his head and replied, "No, it is Fucheng."

The emperor smiled meaningfully, and replied, "I know, Aiqing has been recuperating recently, and then it will be up to Aiqing to take charge of the overall situation."

Duanmu bowed deeply and slowly stepped back.

It was only then that I remembered that Fucheng also had a great head in his hands. Although His Majesty hoped that Xu Huanshan would be the first, he could only think about it by himself.

As long as someone doesn't win the first place in the Five Absolutes, that's fine.

The wind and snow in the imperial capital was a bit heavy. After all, the old man Zhao Ling was old, or the water and soil in the south were more supportive. After walking out of the palace, he didn't even eat a light meal, so he turned back directly.

As for Xie Yiming's place, Mr. Zhao really didn't have the heart to take care of it at the moment.

The old man may or may not understand, but Xie Yiming doesn't want to see him either...

On the same day, the emperor issued a decree to announce to the world that Zhao Bing and Xu Huanshan were originally practicing martial arts, but they accidentally went into trouble in the middle of the road.

In Prince Ping's mansion, Xu Huanshanhu asked, "Will Zhao Ling believe this result?"

The gentle and jade-like prince responded indifferently: "It's good that people in the world believe it."

Rumors such as Zhao Bing deliberately attacking and killing Xu Huanshan spread, and no one really wanted to believe it.

White Deer Academy.

The commander of the Imperial Guard delivered the Bazhen delicacies to Pu Weiqing's manor and left.

It's a pity that Peiyao has returned home, otherwise he can have a good meal before going to Beihai.

Naturally, one person could not eat so much, so Pu Weiqing invited an old man named Guan Shanhai.

Eating is the greatest benefit and the greatest enjoyment in life.

Therefore, some people say: "The sky and the earth are big, and eating is the biggest!"

While eating, Guan Shanhai said: "You are right about this, it's good to be short-lived occasionally, but not too many times, too much will not be so amazing in the world."

Pu Weiqing said, "It is my duty to set things right. Although I am not as old as you, I am not as angry as Gu Yong."

"Since then, Bailu Academy's cultural and military sports have taken a higher level. Presumably in the future, you will also favor a good seedling."

"You are the foundation of the academy."

"It's a pity that I have been inactive all these years, leaving you with a peerless talent, but you can't be full of peach and plum."

The vision is too high and that's it, no one can look down on it.

Yuwenjun and Jing Peiyao took a fancy to it, but unfortunately they didn't take a fancy to Guan Shanhai.



Junhou Town.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Lantern Festival night.

There are glutinous rice balls in the bowl, hot pot on the table, and New Year's flavor in the house.

From the first day of the new year to the present, Yuwenjun has almost done the rest of the housework except for the things on the stove. Father Jing has no chance to intervene even if he wants to.

The more she looked at Yuwen-Jun, the more pleasing the mother-in-law really became, similar to how a mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, perhaps originally.

In private, I also asked my daughter some things, but I got Jing Peiyao's express denial.

Jing Peiyao also said that Yuwenjun is a trustworthy friend.

For a while, Jing's mother was confused, and she didn't quite know what the girl meant.

I have to leave early tomorrow morning, so this hot pot meal is not so easy. Father Jing took out a stone the size of a fist. The whole is black and red with delicate texture.

"I found this stone by accident when I was walking along the river. I don't know how to do things like stones and jades. I just thought that this stone was very heavy, so I kept it at home."

"Remember to go back and give it to your master."

"The ceremony is not serious, it is also my heart."

Jing Peiyao took this fist-sized stone with both hands, and it felt heavy when he got it, about ten pounds.

Father Jing said again: "I don't know what your master from Beihai likes. It happened suddenly, and I didn't have any preparations. In a hurry, I really didn't have anything I could come up with."

The family of the common people does not understand the wealth in the world, nor does it have ancestral objects.

The couple felt very ashamed.

Yu Wenjun said softly: "The senior from Beihai likes Senior Sister Pei Yao, as long as Senior Sister Peiyao goes to live in Beihai, that one will be very happy. Cultivation is about fate, not every sage can meet the heart of success. Ruyi apprentice."

Father Jing asked slowly, "Really?"

Yuwenjun said solemnly: "Just like every carpenter may not find a good piece of wood."

Jing's father felt more at ease, and looked at his daughter with relief. She looked so good-looking, but unfortunately not every day.

The four of them didn't want to fall asleep tonight, and they were destined to talk all night...

(End of this chapter)

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