Violators Club

Chapter 720 Maria IV

Chapter 719 Maria IV

Margaret, the legendary woman of the royal family.

Although she is not a king, her contribution to the royal family is much better than her useless and always crying husband George VI.

The development of the matter was as Chen Changqing expected.

At that time point, in the early twentieth century.

During the period before the super killer was officially used, the demigod was still invincible. The support of Dracula alone was enough to support the appearance and dignity of the royal family.

Not to mention that there is a huge ethnic group behind him - the blood race.

There is just one thing that puzzles Chen Changqing. If Dracula has been standing behind the royal family, even if the sauce goes downhill, it will not be so downhill in just a few decades.

Sure enough, under Chen Changqing's puzzled eyes, Dracula said with a complicated expression:
"Rome wasn't built in a day, and while there was a lot of support, initial progress was too slow.

And I have spanned 1000 and [-] years, even for a blood race demigod, this is still a terrifying time, I don't have that much time, and it is impossible to waste a lot of time waiting. "

Chen Changqing nodded, as if thinking of something, his expression became a bit weird:
"Then you were robbed?"

Dracula held the cane tightly, his expression was warm and angry, and he looked like he was gnashing his teeth, but in the end he sighed weakly:
"As much as I'd love to deny it, it's the truth."

"During the time I was asleep, great changes took place in this country, completely unknown to me...

Everything has changed!
Can you believe that a super country with 400 million square kilometers has been reduced to only 24 square kilometers in just a few decades?

Who knows how these bastards did it.

In just a few decades, a huge empire was dismembered into a small country! "

Dracula's expression was very angry, but considering that he is not a local and has no blood relationship with the royal family, it is impossible to be angry at the decline of the sauce, so the probability is due to his own miscalculation.

In theory, there is nothing wrong with Dracula's estimate.

Going further, Mongolia, which has also occupied a large amount of territory, has been divided for so many years and has been violently beaten all the way from a hegemony-level country for seven to eight hundred years. It still has an area of ​​nearly 800 million square kilometers.

To put it closer, the elder brother was one of the two poles back then.

It also disintegrated in less than a hundred years, and changed from one to fifteen.

But the strongest one is still the world's top level, belonging to the upper three of the five permanent members!

Can it be replaced with soy sauce?


It can only be said that the physique of people cannot be generalized, but considering the background of the times at that time?

Thinking about it carefully, this is really not an accident.

You must know that although the sauce was not strong back then, its area was too large, and its influence was also spread all over the world.

At that time, the two poles were opposite, and each regarded the other as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh.

But neither of these two countries is willing to see the emergence of a third hegemon, and is most likely to become the third hegemon, thus threatening the two?

It was the sauce at that time!
And interesting, if not particularly interested in the history of this?

When most people mention this period of time, they think of polar opposites in their minds, but they don’t know that the independence movement and the rise of national consciousness are precisely during this time period, and it is also during this time period that they reached their peak.

Of course, it wasn't just the sauce that was injured, a large number of European colonial countries were hit hard.

But as a young bird, Ying Jiang is naturally the one who has been taken care of the most.

So seeing Dracula's angry face, Chen Changqing said with emotion:

"The main reason is that the world has changed and the speed of technological development is getting faster and faster. No one wants to see the emergence of a super country with a huge territory, a huge population, and abundant resources."

Dracula nodded. Although he agreed with Chen Changqing's words, he still couldn't help gnashing his teeth:
"I know what you said, but I can't accept betrayal. You must know that when I woke up from a deep sleep, these guys didn't just leak secrets. They even continued the Cradle Project behind my back for more than ten years!"

"Project Cradle? What is this plan?"

Chen Changqing keenly grasped the key words and asked quickly.

Dracula's expression was a bit gloomy, as if he had thought of something very unpleasant, which made his face gloomy and ugly:

"The cradle that breeds life, this is the collective name of the Cradle Project."

"In fact, it's not just our level that is troubled by the problem of offspring. If the difficulty of demigods conceiving offspring is 100, the difficulty for princes is 10, for dukes is 1, and for ordinary people it is 0.001."

"But what's interesting is that two beings of the same level have a relationship."

"Although the probability of pregnancy is much more difficult than normal people, it is much lower than 1."

"The Cradle Project absorbed the Hans Cat's racial purification plan, but it is more crazy and bold than it. Its purpose is to select the best batch of genes, combine them, and finally give birth to the most gifted humans."

Chen Changqing nodded, but his expression was still somewhat puzzled:

"But it should be a good thing for you. After all, the more people you have and the higher the quality, the more likely you are to have children."

Although I know that the stronger the strength, the harder it is to give birth to an heir.

But Chen Changqing is not Dracula who has lived for thousands of years.

For the specific situation and data, no relevant research has been done.

But according to Dracula, the Cradle Project should be beneficial to him. Wealth and rights are meaningless to an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. What he really wants is an heir.

As long as a child is born, will Red Oak Castle do something behind his back, or directly betray him.

These are not important to him at all, so what if the entire Red Oak base is taken away?
Everything here is just for Dracula to successfully have an heir.

And the Cradle Project can just increase the probability of Dracula having an heir.

Dracula on the other side nodded, he agreed with Chen Changqing's statement, but his face was still ugly:
"Having said that, these people have made an extremely stupid decision."

This made Chen Changqing stunned for a moment, and one thing quickly came to his mind.

After World War II, the polarization was polarized, and the civil rights movement and the rise of national consciousness began on a large scale around the world. After being repeatedly backstabbed and beaten, Ying Jiang changed from the original father to the former brother, and finally became a direct Eagle Sauce's son.

Among all European countries, the sauce is the most affected country.

Of course, if it's just Eagle Sauce's black hand reaching into the Red Oak base.

Chen Changqing will not be too surprised, because this is nothing more than normal.

But at the moment Chen Changqing was thinking about another thing, if I remember correctly?
Although Eagle Sauce is an immigrant country, it is also a religious country. The power of God is unprecedentedly strong in this country.

According to rumors, the best way to bond with neighbors is not to send neighbors baked treats on weekends.

Instead, bring a Bible and go to pray together on weekends.

Ordinary political groups, or some ancient consortium family.

In front of a vampire who has lived for thousands of years and has the strength of a demigod, these are nothing at all. If you make me unhappy, you will be slaughtered every minute, especially in Western countries. No one in power will do it for a few politicians , or a wealthy family, thus offending such a super boss.

But what if the other party is a sect with thousands of years of inheritance?

This made Chen Changqing stunned, and looked at Dracula with a slightly weird expression: "Don't tell me, this child's mother is from the church."

Dracula was silent, under Chen Changqing's astonished eyes?

The old vampire who lived for more than 1000 years nodded, his expression was angry and helpless:

"Now you should understand, why am I upset? This kind of thing that is impossible to happen at all, actually happened, Fake!!!"

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