Chapter 96
This series of bizarre events that cannot be explained by common sense started with the giant eye stone pillar that Ke Lan saw under the water. Unexpectedly, in the dead end of this underground labyrinth, he would encounter this thing again.

But at least it can explain why there is a portrait of this thing in Collins' notes... He should have seen this stone pillar in the cave, not in the underwater city.

But why does this stone pillar appear here?Could it be that there is a city right under this deserted island...?
Or... that abyss hatchery, just below this deserted island?
So where the hell is this desert island?

Ke Lan can basically be sure that he has done at least one "traveling", and there are only two nodes where the "traveling" is most likely to occur - one is when he first saw the giant eye stone pillar, and the other is when he saw the giant eye pillar for the first time. After he fell into a coma at the bottom of the sea...

No matter which node it is, all in all, he should be quite a distance away from the anchor point of the Pioneer icebreaker now.

"I hope it's a time-travel at the spatial level... so that at least there is a chance to go back..." Ke Lan said in his heart, if even the time changed, it would be a big deal.

Ke Lan glanced at the stone pillar again - to be honest, in the dark tunnel, there was always such a faint green eye staring at him, and he always felt a little hair all over his body - although Ke Lan knew that this thing was just a A statue, but that uneasy feeling lingers all the time.

He simply pulled out the dagger, walked to the statue, and pried off the glowing mineral.

This ore is about the size of a football, with an oval shape and a rough surface. In terms of weight, its density should be similar to that of common [-]-grade iron ore.

Ke Lan held the ore in both hands, and through the thick gloves, he could still feel a slight tingling and tingling sensation in his palms, which meant that the ore had a high radiation dose—most of the stones that glowed by themselves were For radioactive minerals, Ke Lan had already taken twice the dose of anti-radiation drugs before starting, and also put on a protective suit found in the 776 special team camp.

"Gu Long Long..."

"Huh? What's the sound?" Ke Lan immediately pressed his body against the wall of the cave, holding his breath and standing still, not moving.

"Gu Long Long..."

When this strange sound came again, Ke Lan instantly locked the direction of the sound source—it was the giant eye stone pillar!

I saw that the giant eye that had dug out the "eye" was left with only a black pupil, and this voice came from this "pupil".

"Could it be that some mechanism was triggered?" Ke Lan looked around, but found nothing unusual.

"Gu Long Long..."

"Huh? Could it be..." He suddenly felt that the sound was very similar to the sound of turbulent water passing through a water pipe, when the pipe vibrated... But why is there a water pipe in this place?
His gaze moved to the stone pillar involuntarily: "Could it be... this stone pillar is a water pipe... right?"

"Gu Long Long..."

The sound came from the ground, from far to near... In less than ten seconds, black sea water had already flowed out from the "pupil" of the stone pillar.

This water flow is not large, but the sea water is not only rushing out from this hole - at this moment, the ground and walls of the entire cave, wherever there are gaps, are seeping water... just like the coming of the tide, The water level had already passed Ke Lan's instep.

"...Is this a leak?!" Ke Lan hurriedly ran back. He didn't have any breathing apparatus on him now. If the entire cave was filled with seawater, he would be drowned alive!
[PS I feel a little uncomfortable today, only half a chapter, I'm very sorry for everyone to understand. 】

(End of this chapter)

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