Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 189 What a bizarre case, chilling your back

Chapter 189 What a bizarre case, chilling your back


Chang Le was obviously stunned, and it took her a while to realize that her husband Qin Wenyuan said he would not help.

But... how is this possible?
After all, they are both husband and wife, and Changle knows Qin Wenyuan best. If he doesn't help, his husband won't come here at all, because he always adheres to the style that more things are worse than less things.

So Changle didn't talk badly, but looked at Qin Wenyuan angrily, and said angrily: "Bastard husband, you are making fun of me again!"

Qin Wenyuan didn't take it seriously, hugged it with both hands, and said with a smile: "Whoever said I made you happy, I really don't want to help."

After hearing this, Princess Gao Yang's face changed slightly, and she hurried over and said, "Young Master Qin, I beg you to act, I... I will pay you what you deserve."

"What are you paying for?"

Chang Le grabbed Gao Yang's hand and backed away, but quickly realized that he was pulling the princess, how could he, a "commoner", do this?
She quickly let go, and then looked at Qin Wenyuan with rare complaining eyes, "Husband, since you are not helping anymore, what are you doing here? Go back, go back quickly."

After all, Changle continued to push Qin Wenyuan away.


Qin Wenyuan's face froze when being pushed, he realized that he couldn't frighten his wife at all.

Originally, she pretended not to help, in exchange for Madam to act like a baby and intercede for Gao Yang, but in the end she did the opposite.

Alas, it's not good for Madam to be too smart, her personality is tightly controlled by her.

Qin Wenyuan sighed, then grabbed Chang Le's little hand that was pushing him with his right hand, and said with a smile: "Madam, you are just kidding, just kidding, let's go back."

"Hmph!" Chang Le snorted tenderly, and immediately rolled his eyes at Qin Wenyuan, "Husband, do you dare to make such a joke? What if you frighten Princess Gao Yang?"

"If you're terrified, you're terrified." Qin Wenyuan said indifferently, "That Monk Bianji, Weiyang has already told me that he's a jerk."

"The authorities are obsessed with the onlookers. Princess Gaoyang is too worried, so she forgot what Bianji did to her for a while. In my opinion, what we outsiders can help her is to take her back so that she can't know. Debate news."

"As time passed, she came out, and Bian Ji who dared to slap the royal princess was also sentenced. That mistress...cough cough, that Qiu Lin is already dead, so why not do it?"

After the words fell, Chang Le's eyes trembled. She thought this method was very good, but there was something wrong with her.

After a while, Chang Le's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Husband, isn't the truth important? From my point of view, that Bian Ji and Qiu Lin have a very good relationship, so it's hard to be a murderer."

Qin Wenyuan smiled and replied: "Ma'am, sometimes the villain will do the opposite. In theory, you don't think he is a murderer, but in fact he is. Everything he did before was just to make you Gain your support by arguing that he has no reason to commit a crime."

"That's the first thing, the second thing, do you think the truth is really important?"

After the words fell, Qin Wenyuan continued without waiting for Changle to answer: "In terms of handling a case, the truth is certainly important, but in life, the result is the most important."

"Just like the case of Bian Ji, even if he is not the murderer, but someone wants to frame him and make him have a murder record, in this case, he can only go to jail or be beheaded."

"By doing this, Princess Gaoyang is the one who benefits. She doesn't have to continue this bitter life, and she doesn't have to be angry about the people outside the defense machine every day. Maybe the incident subsides, and a little persuasion can make her forget about the defense machine." , you can return to live in the palace.”

Qin Wenyuan talked eloquently, analyzing the pros and cons.

He still knew about Princess Gaoyang. In history, Tang Taizong Li Shimin was furious because of his affair with Bianji. He cut Bianji in half and killed dozens of slaves.

Afterwards, Princess Gaoyang resented her so much that when Taizong died, she showed no sorrow.

Princess Gaoyang loves Bianji very much, it's true, but after Bianji died, didn't she also marry the Fang family?
So Qin Wenyuan knew that this was not an infatuated woman.

At this moment, Chang Le is also well aware of her sister's character, and she is immediately annoyed by her husband's slight teasing.

If she had figured out this level earlier, when she was in the shabby house, she thought she should just let Wei Yang knock Gao Yang out, instead of coming here.

But, I am stupid!Can't think of this level.

Chang Le sighed.

Immediately, she looked at Qin Wenyuan softly, and said, "Husband, you are the best. You can give Princess Gao Yang the best solution in just a few words."

"It's just... now that she has come here, we..."

Speaking of this, Chang Le glanced around secretly, and found that no one was paying attention to their couple, and quickly approached Qin Wenyuan and whispered in his ear: "Is it too late for us to knock her out and take her away?"


Qin Wenyuan shook his head and said: "It's too late now, this place has already attracted too much attention, and it's still inside the Yamen, we rashly knocked her out, maybe the case that will be heard by the county magistrate is not the murder of the defense, but It is our crime of blatantly despising the court and trying to kidnap people."

"Then... can't you trick Princess Gao Yang out and knock her out?" Chang Le was a little unwilling.

Qin Wenyuan still shook his head, "Princess Gao Yang is all focused on the court now, how can she have the mind to pay attention to other things? I'm afraid she won't leave here until the verdict of Bian Ji comes down."

"Then...then what should we do?"

Qin Wenyuan smiled, looked at Princess Gaoyang who was still staring at the court, and said with a smile: "Let's look at it again, the county magistrate will not rashly decide on such an important matter as a trial."

"Besides, Gao'an County is still close to Chang'an City, at the foot of the Son of Heaven. If there is an unclear case, Dali Temple will not let them go."

Hearing this, Chang Le nodded, subconsciously approached Qin Wenyuan's arms, put his head on his heart, and turned his eyes forward as well, and said softly: "It can only be like this."

Soon, Qin Wenyuan and his wife walked back.

"Mr. Qin, how are you talking? Can you avenge Bianji's injustice?"

Princess Gao Yang sobbed, and continued: "Today, I still saw him flirting with that Qiulin, and even beat me because of Qiulin. How could he kill Qiulin? This must be an unjust case. Mr. Qin, Can you really help me?"

After the words fell, Qin Wenyuan and Chang Le smiled bitterly.

You really are a fan of the authorities, you still plead for him when others treat you like that.

Chang Le opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to speak, so he had to give up.

In the end, it was Qin Wenyuan who stood up, nodded perfunctorily and said, "Yes, I will."


at the same time.

In the front place, Liu Youwei, the county magistrate, knew almost all the situation.

After listening to the old bustard's narration, he quickly led the policemen from the county yamen, the yamen servants and Bai Jingde to the room where the crime was committed in Yihong Courtyard.

This room is very large, except for the door, there is only one window that leads to the outside.

But the window outside this window directly leads to the busy street. When Qiulin died, it was the time when the sun was not too hot, and there were people coming and going outside.

Therefore, if someone broke in, the people outside would definitely be able to see it. Except for the confession of the madam, many people at that time, Liu Youwei, also found the right confession, saying that they did not see anyone sneaking into the window.

For this case, Liu Youwei attaches great importance to it. This is his first murder case after taking office. replace.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Youwei only wanted the truth, and it was the beautiful, impeccable and absolute truth!

At this moment, Liu Youwei led the team to look at the situation in the room. There were people watching at the door and outside the window of this place. It was really not a good place to commit crimes.

This defense machine is really a elm head, if you want to kill people, you can come here to kill them?If you want to kill someone, why don't you find a corner where nobody cares about and kill slowly?

The whole county knows about it.

Liu Youwei was contemptuous for a while.

Immediately, he led the police and a group of yamen servants to the bed where the crime was committed. After walking a few steps, he saw a teenage woman lying on the ground, covered with blood, presumably it was Qiulin.

He went forward and pinched his nose to look, and found that Qiulin had been pierced with a dagger in her stomach, like an arrow, pierced straight through, and there were no other scars.

"When the case happened, were you sure there were only Bianji and Qiulin here?" Liu Youwei asked again, detailing everything.

As soon as the words fell, the old bustard hurriedly stepped forward, with tears in his eyes, nodded and bowed and said: "Return to your lord, yes."

"After all, how can there be other people present for such a thing between a man and a woman? If you don't believe me, I can also bring all the girls in the courtyard for you, and let you ask them one by one."

"No, no need." Liu Youwei waved his hand quickly.

At this time, because of coming here, the old bustard saw Qiulin's death, and tears came out of her eyes again, pointing to Qiulin's body and crying: "Master County Magistrate, my Qiulin died so badly, must To be the master for her..."

Hearing this, Liu Youwei began to comfort the old bustler non-stop, looking at the already cold body lying on the ground, he ordered the old bust to be taken away quickly to avoid the crying from affecting his judgment.

In the end, Liu Youwei continued to inspect Qiulin's body carefully, and found that there was really no other scars on Qiulin's body except for the fatal wound on her stomach. He looked around carefully again, and found again , and there was no trace of a fight at the scene, obviously Qiulin was unaware of the danger she was facing before she died.


In other words, the murderer took Qiulin's life when she was unprepared, and he was someone she knew well!Really that monk! !Definitely that monk! !

Thinking of this, Liu Youwei's face softened a lot. Although he was a county magistrate, he was also a policeman in his early years and often went out to handle cases, so he also knew the modus operandi.

At this time, all signs showed that this was definitely done by that monk! !

Thinking about it in another direction, even if there are other people hiding secretly in the room, but there is no secret passage in the room, and there is no place to escape, how can the murderer escape?
So this is impossible at all, it can only be that monk.

County magistrate Liu Youwei rubbed his old beard, narrowed his eyes slightly, or... Thinking of a scary place, Bianji might have been planning to kill Qiulin a long time ago, so during this period of time, there was no The responsible person who has been to Goulan often visits Bianji, and only orders Qiulin. This is probably to get acquainted with Qiulin gradually, let her relieve her psychological defense, and then take advantage of Qiulin's surprise and kill her with a single knife!

The more Liu Youwei thought about it, the more he felt that it was reasonable, and he was going to convict him later.

Thinking this way, there was an untimely voice next to him, which suddenly rang out.

A yamen servant looked at Qiulin's body and couldn't help frowning. He seemed to be talking to himself or to someone else, and murmured, "Tsk tsk tsk, the murderer is so vicious, is he seeking money or killing him?" ?”

After finishing speaking, Liu Youwei's eyes suddenly widened! !
By the way, what was the motive of that monk's crime? ?

Only then did Liu Youwei notice that Qiulin's right hand was clenched in front of her chest, as if she was holding something.

He quickly squatted down and thought about it carefully, and then opened Qiulin's fingers, only to see a small piece of silver and a copper coin in his palm.

"Silver? Why is the silver here? And... it's also in the clothes, what's going on??" Liu Youwei said in a puzzled voice.

After thinking for a while, he reached out to feel in Qiulin's arms again, and found a money bag. The mouth of the bag was still open, and there were two broken pieces of silver and some copper coins in it.

Smelling it forward, there was even a smell of sweat, obviously it came from the man's hands.

"It can't be that monk's?"

Liu Youwei murmured.

He knew Bian Ji's identity before, and he was a hard worker, so this money couldn't be the bounty paid by Bian Ji, right?The bounty that was only given to Qiulin alone...

He took out the money bag, his mind was running fast, even though he claimed to be smart, he couldn't figure out the nature of this case.

seek money?

But what about the money on Qiulin's body? ?

What about the motive for the murder? ?

Goulan Jiese, how is this possible?And...they all went to bed, and they all fell asleep together on the spot, what a fart!


Is it hatred? !

However, according to the confession of the old bustard, Qiulin was adopted by her since she was a child. When she was adopted, Qiulin was still a crying child, about two years old.

Where does this hatred come from?And even if there is hatred, it must be Qiulin whose father doesn't know whether he is dead or missing. It is she who wants to avenge other people. How could it be that the monk revenged Qiulin...

This case is so weird.

Obviously all the clues point to Monk Bianji, but he, Liu Youwei, can't find the most important clue, which is the motive for the murder! !

(End of this chapter)

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