Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 571 Open the door!Open your eyes again!

Chapter 571 Open the door!Open your eyes again!

And in this case, it is absolutely impossible to come to the inner library without knowing the gods.

Not to mention that there is a team of soldiers and horses guarding directly outside the inner warehouse.

As he spoke, he hurriedly stepped aside and said, "Open the door!"

The huge door, which was blocked by more than a dozen locks, was directly pushed open.

Qin Wenyuan glanced at the chief guard.

The chief guard just smiled at Qin Wenyuan, but did not stop Qin Wenyuan.

Qin Wenyuan knew it in his heart.

It seems that Li Shimin has sent a message.

After all, this is Li Shimin's most important internal treasury. Qin Wenyuan believes that outsiders will never be easily allowed to enter here.

As expected, Li Shimin would not stop him from doing anything.

He bowed his hands to the head of the guard and expressed his thanks.

Qin Wenyuan found that there was not a single window in the inner vault, and if he wanted to get in, there was only one door.

But although there are no windows, it is not dark at all, but very bright.

The reason is that many night pearls are inlaid on the walls of the inner library.

These luminous pearls are as big as pigeon eggs, and they are very shiny. At first glance, they are the best quality luminous pearls.

With these luminous pearls here, it's like turning on the lights, and it doesn't look dark at all.

I saw that it was the door on the far right.

According to different categories, there are four categories, four rooms, and four doors in this small vault.

Behind each door, there are corresponding extremely precious things.

Even if it's just a book, it's the only copy left in this world, and it's absolutely impossible for anyone except the imperial palace to find it.

So don't look at the small size of the internal treasury, but when it comes to the real value, the importance of this internal treasury is definitely more important than the national treasury.

The room behind the door is still extravagantly illuminated with luminous pearls.

So as soon as the door opened, Qin Wenyuan saw the situation in this room.

I saw that the size of this room was about [-] square meters.

Not too big, but not too small either.

In this room, there are many shelves.

The shelves are filled with all kinds of curiosities.

Qin Wenyuan saw a huge jade coral and a tiger carved out of jade.

I saw a huge tripod.

I also saw some things that were so dark that I couldn't tell what they were at a glance.

When Qin Wenyuan was adjudicating a case, I don't know how many people broke their heads and wanted to give Qin Wenyuan something, so that Qin Wenyuan would hold their hands high.

Because of this, Qin Wenyuan never accepts gifts from anyone.

Because Qin Wenyuan was afraid of getting into trouble.

Afraid someone would dig a hole for him.

On the top of the shelf, there was a box that looked as if it was all made of refined iron.

This box is not big, just over an inch long and half an inch high.

But the whole body is made of fine iron, which makes it very heavy, and it is difficult for people to break it open with external force.

Moreover, from Qin Wenyuan's angle, he can clearly see that the lock of this treasure chest is exactly that kind of extremely special cylindrical shape.

Qin Wenyuan's memory is excellent.

He clearly remembered every detail of the keys he got in the old house.

And those details correspond to the keyhole of this treasure chest.

So, that key really opened this treasure chest!
Could it be...the things in this treasure chest will hide the secret of Empress Beidou?
Qin Wenyuan jumped straight up and came to the treasure chest.

Then he took the treasure box off the top of the shelf very easily.

Take the treasure chest and put the treasure chest on the table.

Qin Wenyuan checked the treasure chest carefully.

He found that the decoration of this treasure chest was very simple.

The surface is extremely thick iron sheet, and the iron sheet is the original color, because it has been rusted for a long time.

Apart from that, there is not even a picture or text.

The lock on the treasure chest is integrated with the treasure chest.

If you want to open the treasure chest, unless you have a key, there is only one way to break it by violence.

But no one is sure whether the violence will destroy the contents inside.

Therefore, Li Shimin has been reluctant.

Just put it here for more than ten years.

Also exactly ten years ago?
Ten years ago, it was the time when Dad feigned death and escaped.

It is also the time when I start to feel lonely.

At that time, this treasure chest happened to be delivered.

Is it a coincidence?

And... Goguryeo...

Qin Wenyuan was still considering whether it would be Nanzhao.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Goguryeo.

Goguryeo is not a big country, but its strength is not weak.

And the demise of the former Sui Dynasty was largely related to Goguryeo.

It's not that Goguryeo attacked the Sui Dynasty, which led to the collapse of the Sui Dynasty.

It was Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty who conquered Goguryeo three times, but they all ended in failure. This dragged down the Sui Dynasty, aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people and the family, and finally stepped into the abyss of destruction.


Therefore, the country of Goguryeo is somewhat special.

Moreover, the relationship between Goguryeo and Datang is not good.

Now Goguryeo will never pay tribute to Datang.

Because Yuan Gai Suwen, the power minister who controlled Goguryeo, was extremely hostile to Datang. After he took power into the court and emptied the King of Goguryeo, Datang and Goguryeo almost broke.

So Qin Wenyuan never thought that Goguryeo would actually pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty ten years ago.

Looking at the dusty treasure chest and the tense relationship between the two countries, Qin Wenyuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional.


It's really a vicissitudes of life.

Qin Wenyuan took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it.

He directly took out the key found in the old house.

This key was specially sent from the Beidou Tower in Nanzhao in the past few months.

Although Qin Wenyuan didn't know who sent it, but that person must have had a special secret after spending a lot of time.

And now, this key fell into the hands of Qin Wenyuan.

Qin Wenyuan suspected that someone might want to use his own hands to open this treasure chest.

Now I just don't know what is in this treasure chest.

Maybe... After opening the treasure chest, many questions will have some clues, and even have direct answers.

Qin Wenyuan took a deep breath, and he didn't delay any longer.

He quickly put the key into the lockhole.

Everything was exactly as he expected.

The key and the lock are completely corresponding.

This key is the key to the treasure chest.

With his slight turn...

The lock was easily opened!
There was a crisp mechanical sound.

This very special lock, just like that, opened in response.

But Qin Wenyuan never believed in any coincidences.

In his opinion, anything that is labeled as a coincidence often means that someone has made some efforts when he and others don't know.

It's just that I don't know what they did.

That's why I think it's all a coincidence!
But Qin Wenyuan still knew something.

He knew that the cabinet shouldn't be there in the first place.

Therefore, he felt that all of this was done on purpose.

Someone set himself up to find this key on purpose.

So I was able to find the treasure chest immediately, which exceeded their expectations.

Or, their energy is stronger than what I imagined?
If there is something wrong with the eunuch serving Li Shimin, then Li Shimin's safety is absolutely in danger.

Qin Wenyuan has a strong ability to know people.

When solving a case, he can accurately find any clues.

So judging whether a person is lying is still very simple.

Qin Wenyuan didn't think too much about it anymore, whether all this was a coincidence, he only needed to ask the eunuch to be sure.

The most important thing now is to take a look at what is in this treasure chest.

Someone behind the scenes tried their best to let him find these treasure chests, and there was definitely a purpose.

And what that purpose might be in this treasure chest.

Qin Wenyuan moved his wrist, and a dagger fell into his palm.

He also took a step back and carefully looked at the treasure chest.

Someone here deliberately let him find this treasure chest, he had to guard against it.

If the treasure chest is not a treasure, but a hidden weapon or something, it will be troublesome.

He took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and shot forward with the dagger in his hand--

The lid of the treasure chest was opened directly.

No hidden weapons were fired.

No powdered poison either.

Qin Wenyuan felt relieved, took a step forward, and looked into the treasure chest...

The treasure chest was opened.

There is no danger.

Only then did Qin Wenyuan step forward and look into the treasure chest.

Qin Wenyuan looked down, only to see that the space of the treasure chest was not small, but in this not-so-small space, there were only two things.

a letter.

And...a picture.

The letter is sealed and has not been opened.

But the picture was folded, exposing a corner, so Qin Wenyuan could tell it was a picture at a glance.

Without any hesitation, he directly took out the letter and the picture.

Qin Wenyuan opened the picture first.

Look up.

"This is?"

Qin Wenyuan's eyes also narrowed.

In this picture, the colors are very bright.

Predominantly red and cyan blue.

And it has many lines.

It's just that the lines don't have any regularity.

It's completely random.

It makes it look like this painting was drawn by a child.

But Qin Wenyuan knew that this could never be a scribble.

Protected with such a treasure chest.

The key is even hidden in Nanzhao, which has nothing to do with it.

It would be a bit ridiculous if such a thing that took so much effort to protect was scribbled.

It's just that it's not scribbled, so what is it?
With Qin Wenyuan's intelligence, it was difficult for him to understand the meaning of this picture the first time he saw it.

At this time, Qin Wenyuan suddenly discovered a line of small characters.

"Far away, take it from the blue and be better than the blue!"

It's this line again!
It's the familiar handwriting again!
Empress Beidou's handwriting!

This painting was drawn by Empress Beidou!

The words were written by Empress Beidou!
Suddenly, Qin Wenyuan remembered that he had also seen a painting in the mansion of Kanglefang.

That painting, with the blue sky and white clouds on it, also has blue and cyan colors, and has the same words!

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Qin Wenyuan's mind.

He seems to have found something.

I saw Qin Wenyuan closed his eyes.

He was recalling all the details of the painting he saw in the mansion.

Qin Wenyuan possesses the ability of photographic memory.

As long as it is something he saw, he will not forget it in a short time.

Even if it is a painting, no detail will be forgotten.

Even if it's a word, a color combination, he will never forget it.

At this moment, in Qin Wenyuan's mind, the painting he saw in the mansion and his mind appeared out of thin air.

This painting is exactly the same as the one in the mansion.

Then, another painting appeared in Qin Wenyuan's mind.

And this painting is exactly the one in the treasure chest!

The two paintings are suspended in the air parallel to each other.

The two paintings are exactly the same size.

Even in the use of many colors and details, they are exactly the same.

And more importantly, Qin Wenyuan discovered that their words "far, better than blue" are exactly the same!
The ones here are exactly the same, not just the handwriting.

Even the size is exactly the same.

It's as if it was carved out of a mold.

Qin Wenyuan's heart skipped a beat.

These two paintings began to overlap slowly in his mind under his control.

In the beginning, when the two paintings overlapped, nothing changed.

Gradually, when their two sentences completely overlapped, the two paintings actually changed dramatically!

Those messy and irregular lines turned into mountains, rivers, and trees under the influence of the color of another painting.

These two paintings, after overlapping, turned into a map!
A map!
And, on this map, there is a mark!
"Treasure Map?"

The first moment Qin Wenyuan saw this picture, these three words popped into his mind.

But he knew that it should not be a treasure map.

But this is no different from a treasure map.

This is a map with clear directions!
My own mother actually used two paintings to hide a secret like a treasure map!

This secret, without a single picture, will remain undiscovered!
Even, if I didn't have a good memory and compared it, I might not be able to find it!

My own mother hid this secret really deeply!
In Qin Wenyuan's mind, he used the overlapping of the two paintings to reveal the real secret of Empress Beidou!

This turned out to be a map like a treasure map!

On the map, there is a triangle mark.

Without a doubt, that's where this map points.

Just this place, where is it?
Qin Wenyuan knew Chang'an fairly well, but he didn't know much about other places in Datang, especially mountains and rivers.

After all, his main place of activity is in Chang'an City, and he rarely goes to other places.

In this life, he left Chang'an City only twice, once to lure Beichen from the Big Dipper Society, and once to go on an expedition to Nanzhao.

And these two departures, he also had a clear purpose, and he was not in the mood to travel around.

Therefore, after seeing the map at this moment, Qin Wenyuan didn't realize where the map pointed to.

In this map, there are mountains, rivers, and trees.

There is no city, and there is no other hint information such as stone tablets that can indicate the specific location here.

Therefore, it was difficult for Qin Wenyuan to judge where this place was.

But he believed that as long as he could find the place pointed by the map, maybe he could understand some secrets of Empress Beidou.

His mother spent so much time and thought to hide these two paintings so deeply, he believed that it would never be a waste of energy.

Qin Wenyuan let out a long breath and opened his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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