Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 594 Freedom!right there!

Chapter 594 Freedom!right there!
The pillars are made of white marble.

The pillar on the left is carved with a lifelike pattern of a dragon soaring into the clouds.

The pillar on the right is carved with the pattern of phoenix dancing for nine days.

Because they are underground, they don't see the sun all year round, and they haven't experienced wind and rain, so these two pillars don't have any sense of vicissitudes.

White and clean.

Compared with the pillars of the Tang Palace, it looks more grand and solemn.

The pillars of the Tang Palace were already a little gray due to the wind and rain.

And this is inevitable.

After all, even in later generations, there are so many ways to protect buildings, but it is still impossible to avoid the corrosion of rainwater and the stickiness of dust.

Fatty Zhang walked up to a pillar, touched it lightly, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Just this one pillar is expensive."

"Who built this?"

"And when was it built?"

"I have read so many history books, but I have never heard of anyone who built such a palace underground."

Qin Wenyuan smiled: "History books are written by victors and emperors."

"If they are willing to write it down, it will be recorded."

"But if they don't want to write it, then the history books will be useless."

He said, "Let's go and have a look inside."

Qin Wenyuan led the crowd directly into the palace.

As soon as they entered the gate of the palace, everyone was shocked by the luxury of the palace in front of them.


"Crazy, crazy!"

"I feel like I've been dreaming all the time."

Hua Zhanchao and others couldn't help exclaiming again and again.

I saw that the ground of the palace was actually paved with gold.

The whole ground is glittering with gold.

And the pillars supporting the dome were all made of jade.

The jade is pure in texture, and the quality is first-class at first glance!
On each pillar, there is a night pearl the size of a bowl.

These luminous pearls exude a soft light, illuminating the underground palace like daytime.

Fatty Zhang couldn't help but said, "This can't be true!"

He quickly squatted down and dug out a piece of gold from the ground.

He took a bite and was about to cry: "Real gold, it turned out to be real gold!"

Even Wang Junyan, the master of thousands of arts who has seen strong winds and heavy rains, couldn't help but say at this moment: "Just this piece of gold is enough to make our life worry-free in this life."

"The entire palace, not to mention anything else, just the ground, just the jade pillars, and just the night pearl, the value is unbelievable."

"I think, even if it is Datang's treasury, it may not be worth as much as here, right?"

Qin Wenyuan nodded and said, "It's really not as good as here."

He has been to the treasury, and also to Li Shimin's small treasury.

And no matter which one, there is no way to compare with this place.

This is not a palace, this is simply an empire of wealth!

The name of this palace, Qin Wenyuan felt, could be called the Palace of Wealth.

Could this be something my mother left for me?

The mother left herself a wealth that is incomparable to the country?
Qin Wenyuan thinks it is possible.

Although at the beginning, before he came here, he had considered whether his mother would leave a pile of gold and silver treasures for himself.

But soon he ruled it out, he thought that a heroine like mother would not be so vulgar.

But after coming here, it was difficult for Qin Wenyuan to describe the money here in a vulgar word.

When the amount of money is small, it is indeed very tacky.

But when the number of front desks reached a situation where it was difficult to count.

So vulgar, I can't say it.

Qin Wenyuan took a deep breath and said, "Check this palace and see if there is anything else besides these treasures."

Qin Wenyuan felt that no matter whether the palace was left to him by his mother, his mother would definitely leave some clues to tell Qin Wenyuan.

So, now he wants to find the clues his mother left for him.

When everyone heard the words, they naturally would not hesitate.

They quickly scattered around to examine carefully.

Qin Wenyuan, on the other hand, walked towards the highest throne, step by step.

He was thinking, this throne is the most special place in this palace.

If the mother left clues for herself, would she be on the throne?
Qin Wenyuan walked towards the throne on the high platform step by step.

Stepping on the steps made of white marble, Qin Wenyuan soon reached the high platform.

This high platform is located at the back of the main hall and is the highest place in the entire palace.

And the throne, which represents supreme power, is located on the high platform.

Qin Wenyuan stood in front of the throne, looking at the throne.

I saw that the throne was made of gold.

The entire throne, Qin Wenyuan felt, must have at least a hundred catties of gold, and its value can be imagined.

The throne is very wide, and two people sitting side by side will not feel any cramping.

On the armrest of the throne, there is a carved dragon with eight claws.

The dragon flies around the handrail and soars into the clouds, as if it is about to take the throne and soar into the sky.

Qin Wenyuan slid his finger across the throne lightly, then raised his hand.

I saw a layer of dust sticking to my hands.

He felt a little emotional.

No matter how precious the throne is, if no one sits on it, it will be dim.

Qin Wenyuan gently swept away the dust on the throne, and carefully inspected the throne.

However, apart from being expensive and luxurious, this throne does not have any other special features.

Qin Wenyuan narrowed his eyes.

However, he was not too surprised.

It would be strange if it was so easy to find what his mother gave him.

Although I have been separated from my mother for nearly 20 years.

But Qin Wenyuan knew his mother's habits very well.

From the two paintings left by mother and the exquisite lock, it can be seen that mother likes to pose problems for herself.

Qin Wenyuan smiled and sat down.

He didn't dislike his mother's habits, on the contrary he liked them very much.

After all, what a wise person like him likes most is guessing riddles.

If everything is clearly in front of you, it will be less fun.

Sitting on the throne, Qin Wenyuan's first feeling was cold.

The throne made of pure gold is so cool.

"What's so good about this throne?"

"Hard and cold."

Qin Wenyuan complained.

He looked back, put his hands on the armrests, and looked down at the entire palace.

It has to be said that the position of the throne was chosen extremely well.

Sitting on the throne, you can see the whole palace.

What Hua Zhanchao and the others were doing was completely in Qin Wenyuan's sight.

A picture appeared in Qin Wenyuan's mind.

An emperor, sitting on the throne.

Overlooking the civil and military officials.

The civil and military officials stood tremblingly below, every subtle expression and every movement of them, whether it was true or false, was taken into the eyes of the emperor!
And that emperor, who knew everything, did not show the slightest bit.

He looked down on everyone calmly, like looking down on ants, watching everyone's life and death indifferently.

Take the reins.

Life and death are determined by the mind.

Qin Wenyuan exhaled slowly.

"No wonder everyone wants to be an emperor."

"It's just that once you sit on the throne, even if you can control the life and death of everyone, you will also be completely trapped on this throne."

"It's a sad thing to be stuck in one seat for the rest of your life, and you can't leave it for the rest of your life."

Qin Wenyuan got up slowly.

He already knew where the things his mother had left him were.

The throne is like a prison.

And this confinement is not what my mother would like to see.

So, mother deliberately let him come here.

Qin Wenyuan felt that it should be to tell himself not to be imprisoned by power.

Mother didn't talk to Qin Wenyuan about any big reasons.

She just put all this in front of Qin Wenyuan.

Let Qin Wenyuan come to this magnificent palace by himself, to see the splendor of the palace.

To feel the beauty of the throne.

Then, let Qin Wenyuan understand that although the person sitting on the throne has power, he also loses his freedom.

Forever and ever, imprisoned on this golden throne.

Is this worth it?

Qin Wenyuan walked down the high platform step by step.

He knew that since his mother didn't want him to be imprisoned by power.

Then, what mother left him must not be on the high platform, not on the throne.

But in the place farthest from the throne!

Because, that's what mother wants!
Don't be burdened by fame and fortune.

Be a free man!
Be a person who wants to do what he wants to do!
And in the whole palace, the place farthest from the throne is the most free place in Empress Beidou's heart!

Therefore, the thing that Empress Beidou left to Qin Wenyuan must be there!
Qin Wenyuan stepped off the high platform and walked towards the opposite side of the high platform.

If the entire palace is judged as a rectangle, then the points farthest from the high platform must be the two furthest corners of the rectangle.

The high platform is located behind the center of the palace and on the symmetry line of the rectangular palace.

Therefore, Qin Wenyuan needed to investigate two locations.

Opposite the throne, that is, the two corners where the extension line of the palace gate is located, is Qin Wenyuan's target.

Qin Wenyuan walked to the front left corner first.

Stepping on the floor made of gold, looking at the figure reflected in the gold, Qin Wenyuan smiled.

He felt that his mother must be a very interesting person.

She can think of this method to tell herself the truth of life, instead of just talking about it.

This is enough to reflect the wisdom of the mother.

In this world, mothers have countless reasons that they want to tell their children.

It's just that some mothers will only dryly order their children, not to do this, not to do that.

As everyone knows, for some children with a strong sense of autonomy, this way of ordering will only cause the child to rebel.

In the end, it is likely to cause the child to go further and further away from his desired goal.

But some mothers will use her love and wisdom to tell the children the truth of life in a way that the children can accept.

He will not interfere.

He will put the truth in front of the child, and he will not interfere too much whether the child is willing to accept her reason.

Often, the children raised by such mothers will, on the contrary, get closer and closer as they hoped.

My own mother is the best of the latter.

However, Qin Wenyuan felt that his mother seemed to have always had confidence in her IQ.

After all, the secret scroll can only be discovered no matter where the two pictures come together.

It is still the meaning of the throne.

It takes a certain amount of wisdom to see through.

If you don't have enough wisdom, you won't be able to understand the meaning of Empress Beidou.

He was thinking, why is mother so confident in her own wisdom?
Is it because my mother is also very wise?

So, a wise mother believes that her child must also be very smart?
Qin Wenyuan suddenly remembered another thing.

When he was in Nanzhao before, he found Tianquan, who was his father.

From his father, he learned something about the encounter between Empress Beidou and his father.

According to Dad.

My own mother should be the kind of woman who is full of heroism, full of sense of justice, and passionate, but not far-sighted and wise!
But now, the impression his mother gave him was full of wisdom!

and so……

Qin Wenyuan couldn't help sighing.

"Father, how many words are there in your words that are credible!"

Originally, Qin Wenyuan felt that it was the truth of the past to rule out that Mother Beidou liked Dad, so she insisted on following Dad.

But now, he discovered that the truth seemed to be far worse.

What kind of lie did my father tell in order to maintain his image in front of him?

Qin Wenyuan couldn't help shaking his head.

He felt that it was necessary for him to have a good chat with his father the next time he saw him.

Let my father not slander my mother.

But when can I see my dad?
When he first met Yuheng, he forgot to ask about his father.

If there is a chance in the future, I must inquire about the whereabouts of my father.

Bei Chen hated his father more than himself.

This also shows that the old man is more dangerous than himself.

If there is a chance to help Dad, I have to help too.

While thinking about it, Qin Wenyuan came to the corner.

I saw that this palace is really luxurious!

Even this corner is covered with gold bars.

Makes the corner here, bling.

Qin Wenyuan took a careful look at this corner, and suddenly, he laughed.

I saw that there was a place in the corner of the wall, and there was no gold bar.

And there, it was filled with a piece of jade.

A gentleman should not be disturbed by power and money.

But a gentleman should be as gentle as jade.

Going to Jinliuyu was exactly what his mother had hoped for him the most.

A gentleman with words, warm as jade.

Qin Wenyuan touched the jade block with his hand, and saw that the gold bar was cold, but the jade was very warm.

He smiled and pressed lightly.

Seeing this piece of jade, it fell directly.

And behind the jade, there is a letter.

"found it."

Qin Wenyuan smiled lightly.

Qin Wenyuan took down the letter.

He glanced at the envelope.

I saw that the envelope was pure white, and there were two lines written on the envelope.

"To the best Qin Wenyuan in the world."

And "If you are not Qin Wenyuan, if you dare to read this letter, I will curse your eight generations of ancestors."

Two lines of characters, beautiful handwriting.

Very clear.

Qin Wenyuan watched for a while, not knowing what to say.

He can only say that mother is still as tough as ever.

Qin Wenyuan smiled, tore open the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

He opened the letter and looked inside.

"My son, Xiaoqing."

"When you read this letter, it means that you already know who your mother is. I am very happy that you can find this letter."

(End of this chapter)

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