Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 687 Encounter later!I'm not polite!

Chapter 687 Encounter later!I'm not polite!

That's why Du Chuke was so nervous when he heard that the files had been burned.

After all, if such an important file is burned, it means that the past experience and lessons are gone, and everything has to start from scratch.

How much waste and loss will this cause.

With Li Shimin's temper, let alone scolding, he could be demoted and punished.

Qin Wenyuan looked at the content, and then carefully touched the paper.

The paper is yellow and dull, the pages are a little dry and slightly brittle, and everything contains traces left by time.

This is in line with the time of the dossier, it is truly standard, and it should appear on the paper.

Qin Wenyuan put the files back and said, "How many files are there in total? Why did you choose these files to take away?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Han Xun.

Han Xun said: "There are 270 volumes in total. It took me more than a year to take them out, then I copied them myself, and then put them back."

"The reason why I chose these files is because when I followed Zhang Qin, I found that Zhang Qin would stop in front of the bookshelves of these files almost every time."

"Zhang Qin is very cautious. He doesn't come directly to the bookshelves of these files every time. Instead, he often goes to other bookshelves to stand for a while and look at them for a while, and finally comes to these bookshelves."

"Then, he will look through these files very carefully, and even look through them over and over again."

"I don't know what he is flipping through, but I know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking all the files on this shelf away."

"So, I took them all."

Qin Wenyuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Your process has lasted for more than a year, and Zhang Qin has never found out?"

Han Xun said: "I did it very carefully. I started with the dossier in the corner. Every time there is something that can be replaced, I will replace it."


"Furthermore, the paper I used and the writing position were as exactly as possible as the original dossier. In addition, Zhang Qin was very familiar with the content. He hardly checked the content carefully, so he didn't notice it."

Qin Wenyuan's eyes flashed, and he asked, "You said, Zhang Qin didn't check the content carefully?"

Han Xun nodded: "He flips through the book very quickly, and at such a fast flipping speed, it is absolutely impossible to read all the contents clearly."


Qin Wenyuan looked at these dossiers, and his brain began to think quickly.

It has been ten years since Zhang Qin and the fake Han Qian searched for the secrets on the dossier!

In ten years, more than 200 files are enough for them to memorize the contents.

However, they still haven't found it.

Even later, I no longer read the content...

Does this mean that the secret they were looking for had nothing to do with the contents of the dossier?
Or is there another reason?

Qin Wenyuan recalled what Madam Han said to him.

Before Han Qian was replaced, he was repairing some buildings and said he had discovered some terrible secrets.

Then it was replaced!

Then Han Qian, what kind of building did you repair?
Since it is a repair building, there must be files from when the building was built before.

So, is this dossier among the dossiers in front of me?
Which will it be?

Qin Wenyuan looked at Du Chuke and said, "Master Du, there is something that I don't know if Master Du knows."

Du Chuke hurriedly said, "Master Qin, please tell me."

Qin Wenyuan said: "I heard that Han Qian was in charge of repairing a building before his temperament changed ten years ago. The reason why he was later replaced by thieves is probably related to repairing this building."

"So, I would like to know if Mr. Du knows... what building Han Qian repaired ten years ago."


Du Chuke frowned slightly, and he said, "To tell the truth, Mr. Qin, I haven't served in the Ministry of Industry ten years ago, and I was transferred to the Ministry of Industry five years ago."

"So what happened ten years ago, I really don't know much about it."

"However, I can help Mr. Qin to ask other veterans, they may know."

Qin Wenyuan was about to nod when he heard the words.

Suddenly I heard a voice: "I know what building Han Qian repaired back then."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Wenyuan suddenly looked away.

It was Han Xun who spoke.

"you know?"

Du Chuke hurriedly asked.

Han Xun nodded.

"I have been in the Ministry of Industry long enough, and I know a lot of things."

"And when Han Qian received the repair task back then, the task was originally given to me, but because I had other tasks, I finally handed it over to Han Qian."

"Later, Han Qian asked me for some advice. At that time, Han Qian was very humble and polite. I had a good impression of him. But after a while, Han Qian seemed to turn his back on him, as if he had completely forgotten my respect for him. It's the same as helping... This incident made me feel very uncomfortable, and I remember it deeply."

Qin Wenyuan's eyes lit up slightly when he heard Han Xun's words.

This is really looking for him thousands of times in the crowd!

He looked at Han Xun and said, "What building is being repaired?"

Without any hesitation, Han Xun said directly: "The Temple of Heaven in the palace."

"The Temple of Heaven?"

In Qin Wenyuan's brain, information on the Temple of Heaven quickly appeared.

The Temple of Heaven should be called an altar.

It is the place where emperors sacrifice to heaven in the palace.

But this altar is different from the altar outside.

For major events in the past, such as the annual spring plowing sacrifice, such as the sacrifice of important seasons, the emperor would go to the altar outside Chang'an City to do this kind of sacrifice.

Because these altars allow ordinary people to watch from a distance.

The purpose, of course, is to let the people know that their emperor is very concerned about their affairs.

However, in addition to major events, there are also some minor events that require sacrifice.

For example, the emperor had a nightmare.

As the son of heaven, the emperor would think that their dreams were sometimes unusual, so after repeated nightmares, he would ask someone from the Ministry of Rites to do the math. , to perform sacrifices.

Sacrificing ancestors, offering sacrifices to the gods.

And these things are not easy to be watched by the people. After all, in the eyes of the people, this is nothing more than a nightmare. It is not worth such a sacrifice.

But for emperors, they always feel that there are always troublesome people who want to harm me, so a dream is worthy of their attention.

The Temple of Heaven mentioned by Han Xun is such an altar.

Located in the southeast corner of the palace.

It has a private courtyard.

Usually the doors are locked.

It will only be turned on when the emperor needs it!
Sometimes, it turns on frequently.

But sometimes, it will not be opened once a year.

Qin Wenyuan knew about the altar because when Li Shimin gave him the marriage to Changle, after calculating the auspicious days in the Ministry of Rites, he went there to offer sacrifices to the heavens and inform the gods in the sky and the royal ancestors.

Therefore, he really knows something about the Temple of Heaven, but he has never entered it.

After all, outsiders can't get close to royal sacrifices.

And he has not yet officially married Changle, so he is not considered a family.

Qin Wenyuan looked at Du Chuke, and said, "Master Du, do you have the files of the Temple of Heaven?"


Du Chuke knew that the matter was of great importance.

The thief obviously has some ideas about the Temple of Heaven.

And the Temple of Heaven is often used by His Majesty.

Once something happens, none of them can afford to go around.

So he didn't dare to delay, and quickly stepped forward, after searching for a while, his eyes lit up.

He directly pulled out a file and said, "Lord Qin, this is it!"

Qin Wenyuan took the file and looked up.

I saw in the file that there was a detailed record of the construction of the Temple of Heaven.

On the title page is a basic introduction to the Temple of Heaven.

It says why the Temple of Heaven was built, why it was built in that way, what kind of construction method was used, and so on.

Then, the following is the specific construction situation.

There are site drawings.

There are materials for each layer.

Who is responsible for designing, who is responsible for supervising and so on.

The handwriting is clear and there are not many words, but it describes things very clearly.

As long as you are an insider of the Ministry of Industry, you can understand the meaning of each word at a glance.

Although he is not a technician of the Ministry of Industry at present, he has a flexible mind and has been exposed to various books, so after a little thought, he understands the overall situation of the Temple of Heaven.

Even if he hasn't seen the Temple of Heaven with his own eyes, he already has an overall image of the Temple of Heaven in his mind.

Qin Wenyuan nodded and said with emotion, "The dossier of your Ministry of Industry is worth learning from other institutions. There is no nonsense, and every word has a meaning. This will make the dossier very concise, but will not lack any information."

Du Chuke smiled and said, "This is the result of our Ministry of Industry, summarizing experience and learning from the files of the Ministry of Industry in the past dynasties."

"Because our files need to be read frequently later on. If there are too many words, it will waste a lot of time for us to find useful information."

"So, we summed up a set of recording methods to facilitate our later use."

Qin Wenyuan nodded, "Dali Temple will also study in the future."

As he spoke, his brain began to think about the information on the file.

The records in the entire dossier are quite normal.

No matter the personnel, materials or design.

At least Qin Wenyuan didn't find any problems.

He looked at Du Chuke, and said, "Master Du, come and take a look at this file, and see if there is anything strange to you."

Upon hearing this, Du Chuke quickly took the file.

After reading it carefully, he shook his head and said, "This file is normal and conforms to our recording habits. I didn't notice anything wrong with any of the information on it."

Qin Wenyuan narrowed his eyes, but he wasn't too surprised.

After all, Zhang Qin and the fake Han Qian have been searching for ten years. If they found the problem so easily, they would not have gained anything in ten years.

Qin Wenyuan pondered for a moment, then looked at Han Xun, and said, "Master Han, do you still remember why the Temple of Heaven was built back then, and what went wrong with the discussion today?"

Han Xun thought about it for a while, and said, "The Temple of Heaven has been exposed to wind and rain for a long time, and it is not used very much, and no one takes care of it. The ground is covered by some plants to open the gaps, and some The cracks... But they are not serious, and it should not be difficult to repair."

Qin Wenyuan nodded slightly.

It sounds like it's not a big problem.

However, since the construction of the Temple of Heaven will be the main reason for Han Qian's replacement.

Then there must be problems that they haven't discovered.

What did Han Qian discover at the time? ?

When it was repairing, what secret was discovered? !


When looking at the dossier, you discovered a secret?
But he also read the file, and didn't notice any problems.

After Qin Wenyuan pondered for a moment, he let out a breath of foul air slowly.

"It seems that tomorrow I will go to the Temple of Heaven in person."

If there is no problem with the dossier, then there may be a problem with the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, Qin Wenyuan had to go and see the Temple of Heaven himself.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Lu Shisan strode forward.

As soon as Zhao Yeqin saw Lu Shisan coming, his breathing became tense, and he hurriedly asked, "Lord Lu, my family, they... how are they doing?!"

Du Chuke and the others also looked at Lu Shisan.

Lu Shisan smiled, "Fortunately, he did not disgrace his life. Although Zhang Qin's subordinates are very cautious, they still have no power to fight back against our shadow guards."

"Master Zhao, don't worry, your family members have been rescued, and I have sent them back to your mansion. You can see them after you go back."

Hearing Lu Shisan's words, Zhao Yeqin was extremely excited.

He first bowed deeply to Lu Shisan, then quickly turned to Qin Wenyuan, and bowed again, "Master Qin, thank you for your kindness. If you have anything to do in the future, just order it, whether I can do it or not." I will do my best to do it.”

Qin Wenyuan heard the words and said with a smile, "Go home, go and be with your family, they need your company most at this time."

"As for repaying... If you really need your help in the future, I will not be polite."


If there is no problem with the dossier, then there may be a problem with the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, Qin Wenyuan had to go and see the Temple of Heaven himself.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Lu Shisan strode forward.

As soon as Zhao Yeqin saw Lu Shisan coming, his breathing became tense, and he hurriedly asked, "Lord Lu, my family, they... how are they doing?!"

Du Chuke and the others also looked at Lu Shisan.

Lu Shisan smiled, "Fortunately, he did not disgrace his life. Although Zhang Qin's subordinates are very cautious, they still have no power to fight back against our shadow guards."

"Master Zhao, don't worry, your family members have been rescued, and I have sent them back to your mansion. You can see them after you go back."

Hearing Lu Shisan's words, Zhao Yeqin was extremely excited.

He first bowed deeply to Lu Shisan, then quickly turned to Qin Wenyuan, and bowed again, "Master Qin, thank you for your kindness. If you have anything to do in the future, just order it, whether I can do it or not." I will do my best to do it.”

Qin Wenyuan heard the words and said with a smile, "Go home, go and be with your family, they need your company most at this time."

"As for repaying... If you really need your help in the future, I will not be polite."


(End of this chapter)

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