Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 723 So!depressed!

Chapter 723 So!depressed!
After Cheng Yaojin and Zhang Gongjin were reprimanded by the emperor to step down, Hejian King Li Xiaogong said in front of the hall.

"The emperor and the veteran have something to say that they don't know what to say, and I hope the emperor will forgive the crime of the veteran."

Hearing Uncle Huang's words, Li Shimin was a little surprised and said.

"I forgive you for your innocence. Uncle Huang, do you have anything to say?"

"Your Majesty! The veteran thought that Qin Wenyuan led his troops well. The equipment of the army under his command has long surpassed the Tang army. If the emperor ordered to attack the Qin army, it would definitely be the result of losing troops and losing generals. Even if my Tang army can win, it must be a miserable victory. , wouldn't this be letting foreigners see my Tang's jokes or taking this opportunity to violate our territory? The emperor might as well think about it, rather than hurting both sides, he would put forward some conditions to the Qin family and then agree to what he will play. Isn't it more beneficial to Datang?"

Du Ruhui and a group of dignified veterans of the court felt that the words of Hejian Wang Li Xiaogong made sense, and after a little pondering, they all agreed with each other.

"The emperor, the ministers and others agree with what the prince said!"

After Li Xiaogong, Du Ruhui and other ministers had spoken, Li Shimin leaned on the dragon couch, looked at Xu Shiji and Li Jing and said.

"Do you two see it the same way?"

Xu Shiji moved a few steps to the hall and knelt down and said.

"Your majesty and humble ministers are members of the Qin family. You should avoid suspicion. No matter what the court's attitude towards Xu Tian and his elder brother is, Shiji dare not express any opinions. The only thing he can do is stay out of the matter and do what he should do." .”

"My lord Xu has pushed it cleanly. Do you know how many court officials Qin Wenyuan killed in Haizhou? Yang Xinzhi, the governor of Haizhou, was killed because he was loyal to the court and refused to go against the Qin family. So you can stay out of it?"

Xu Shiji squinted at the sound, but found that it was Li Tai, King of Yue, who was speaking angrily. After a little thought in his brain, he knew that Yang Xinzhi that Li Tai said must be his confidant. Killing, how can Li Tai not be angry and vent his anger on himself.

"His Royal Highness the King of Yue, if I didn't push it cleanly, what did Qin Wenyuan do have anything to do with the minister? The governor of Haizhou, Yang Xinzhi, was killed and the King of Yue didn't even know that the minister didn't know about it. How could the minister stay out of the matter according to the king's intentions? "

Li Tairen is talented and intelligent, so why is he an opponent of Xu Shiji, an old man like Xu Shiji, after hearing what Xu Shiji said, he didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to tell his father.

"Father and son-in-law thought Xu Shiji was a close relative of the Qin family, and they inevitably had the heart to protect the Qin family. They must not let him take up a post in the army. The son-in-law asked the father to make a clear decision."

"The king of Yue made a second proposal, and asked the emperor to remove his post in the army so that it will be difficult for the world to be a man!"

Xu Shiji echoed Li Tai's proposal and said so. After hearing Xu Shiji and Li Tai's words, all the officials in the hall were silent, and there was a moment of silence and depression.

Seeing the atmosphere in the hall, Li Jing moved into the hall and knelt down beside Xu Shiji and said.

"Your Majesty and my minister were guilty. On that day, my minister was ordered to stop Qin Wenyuan from leading his army to leave privately because of his old friend's face. I asked the emperor to issue an order to remove my minister from the position of General Guard as a punishment. I hope the emperor will be kind." allow!"

Li Shimin was very upset when he heard the words of the two big men in the army. However, if these two generals, who can be called the pillars of the Tang army, quit, it would really make things worse. Thinking of the complicated situation of the Turkic tribes in the north The matter with the Qin family in the east was still unresolved, and Li Shimin was also very dizzy. He glanced at Li Tai bitterly, took a long breath to calm down, and then said softly.

"Li Jing, please tell me which old friend has the promise of face to make you dare to go against my will?"

"Your Majesty, the old man of this minister, the Emperor, is also acquainted, but he is Zhang Zhongjian, the righteous brother of this minister. Thinking back then, Zhang Zhongjian, the righteous brother, donated all the family property to the minister to help the emperor and the Tang army. So far, the minister has not been able to repay him, and that of Qin Wenyuan. My mother is the sister of my righteous brother Zhang Zhongjian. Weichen and Qin Wenyuan learned of this relationship when the two armies were facing each other. If Weichen and Qin Wenyuan start a fight, let’s not talk about whether the [-] cavalry led by Weichen can defeat the Qin army. Ten thousand cavalrymen and hundreds of Qin Wenyuan's personal guards, if Qin Wenyuan's mother is hurt because of this, how can I see my righteous brother again in face, I know my crime, and I ask the emperor to punish him."

"What, you said that Qin Wenyuan's mother is Zhang Zhongjian's sister! Are you serious?"

"Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely true!"

Li Jing's words made Li Shimin's heart even more shocking, thinking that the bearded man Zhang Zhongjian was not a good character, if he hadn't been fooled by himself and Li Jing to give up his ambition to fight for the world and turn to help Tang Jun, this person would have A foreigner with strong martial arts is afraid that he will bring a lot of trouble to Datang.

Today, this man is so insane that he doesn't see the end. Judging from what he said to himself and Li Jing when he left, "In the next ten years, when there are strange things thousands of miles away in the southeast, it will be the autumn of my success." Well, this person is afraid that he has a force that cannot be underestimated. If he hooks up with Qin Wenyuan, he doesn't know what great things he will do.

After learning about the relationship between Qin Wenyuan's mother and Zhang Zhongjian, Li Shimin was no longer calm.

The ministers in the hall, including Xu Shiji, did not expect that his sister-in-law Qiuniang had such a great background. With the character and ability of the bearded man Zhang Zhongjian, if he knew that his sister and nephew were being bullied, he would definitely not give up.

Yuwen Shiji also exclaimed secretly when he knew Qin Wenyuan's relationship at this time.

"What a big enemy the Yuwen family has provoked!"

After Li Shimin pondered briefly, he spoke in the hall.

"Xu Shiji and Li Jing are dead! The two of you should stop talking about resigning from the military. Now that the world is in troubled times, I still hope that all my lovers will protect my country with all my heart. I think Qin Wenyuan has such a big ideal. If he It is true that the southeast states of the Tang Dynasty can be governed to be as prosperous as Qizhou, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment without losing the strong backing of the Tang Dynasty, so I followed the Xu family's play, and the ministers have no objections."

"Your majesty and my ministers thought that the Qin family's announcement of the establishment of the royal court in Licheng of Qizhou was unacceptable. Once this matter of conferring a king with a different surname is known and imitated by a powerful member of the army, how will the court respond? My minister Thinking that it would be better to divide the counties occupied by Qin Wenyuan in Henan Province and Cangzhou and Dizhou in Hebei Province into the governance of the Xu family, and set up a Metropolitan Governor's Office in Licheng to manage Cangzhou, Yunzhou, Haizhou, Chongzhou, Qingzhou, Yizhou, and Dizhou , Laizhou, and Dengzhou, Qin Changqing was named the first-rank governor, Qin Wenyuan was named Chang'an county marquis and a fourth-rank chariot general. In the chaotic situation, the Qin family's army can defend the country of the Tang Dynasty, isn't it a matter of killing two birds with one stone? Please judge the emperor!"

After Li Shimin put forward his opinions on how to deal with the Qin family, Fang Xuanling once again put forward his own opinions in the hall.

Hearing Fang Xuanling's suggestion, Du Ruhui hurriedly said loudly in the hall.

"Your majesty and my ministers think Mr. Fang's proposal is very feasible, I hope the emperor will approve it!"

These two duo of left and right in the imperial court are extraordinary, they forcibly overthrew the Qin family's idea of ​​establishing a royal court, they also expected that the Qin family did not value titles, they just wanted to make a career.

Fang Mou's decision was not just for fun, the ministers saw the ability of these two people to handle political affairs at the critical moment, now it is up to the Qin family to see whether the Qin family will accept the imperial court's order...

In the Hall of Taiji, two ministers Li Shimin Zhunfang Xuanling and Du Ruhui played the decree. The decree was drafted by the Zhongshu Order and issued to Shangshu Province and the yamen in various places in the Tang Dynasty. In the nine prefectures of Zhouzhou, Qingzhou, Yizhou, Dizhou, Laizhou and Dengzhou, Qin Changqing bestowed the title of first-rank metropolitan governor to manage several prefectures and appointed prefectural officials on his own.

Qin Wenyuan bestowed the title of Chang'an County Marquis and a fourth-rank chariot general. When the court has major issues to be resolved, he must listen to the announcement and enter the court for discussion.

Regarding the proposal of Li Shimin, Defang and Du, who went to Qizhou, the imperial edict was finally ordered to go to Qizhou to deliver the decree to Wei Zheng, the admonishment doctor and school secretary, and Li Shimin summoned him again before Wei Zheng left.

"Seeing that kid Qin Wenyuan told him to put an end to the affairs of Qizhou and go back to Chang'an! Otherwise, I will take all his property in Chang'an into the royal treasury."

Wei Zhengde ordered the emperor to pass the decree to Qizhou without mentioning it.

Besides, after Xu Tian took control of the seven prefectures of Yunzhou, Haizhou, Chongzhou, Qingzhou, Yizhou, Laizhou, and Dengzhou on the southern road of the Tang Dynasty, in addition to reorganizing the city defense troops of these prefectures, all of them were organized into the Qin family army to strengthen training. The city defenses in several states were all replaced by elite troops from the Xu family army.

With the increase of soldiers, Qin Wenyuan established a new organization called "teaching team" in the whole army. All the officers of the Qin family army who rank above ninth rank must participate in the training team in the teaching team to be indoctrinated to be loyal to the Qin family army's governance philosophy of protecting the family and the people. "Who are we fighting for?" New thinking.

Officers who have completed their rotation training must take an oath of allegiance to the military regulations of the Qin Family Army before they can lead troops.

All the textbooks of the teaching team were written by Qin Wenyuan based on the political theories he learned in the military academy in his previous life and adapted to the cognition of people in this era.

Qin Wenyuan understands that apart from the advanced weapons, the most important thing for a strong army is the soldiers' thinking. Only a united army can establish a military spirit, and the military soul is the life of the army.

After handling the defense of several prefectures, all the political affairs will be directed by the Governor's Office of Qi prefecture. Qin Wenyuan made one request, hoping that the people's livelihood work in these prefectures will catch up with the pace of Qi prefecture as soon as possible, so that the people in the jurisdiction can get the necessary information as soon as possible. The benefits brought about by the reform have strengthened the support of the people in all states for the Yamen.

During the few days when Qin Wenyuan returned to Licheng to convene the Mo family and shipbuilders collected along the coast to discuss how to build a military port and how to build warships, Wei Zheng came to Licheng by order.

Wei Zheng met with Xu Changqing and Qin Wenyuan in the Grand Marshal's Mansion of Licheng, and after briefly explaining the intention to announce this time, Wei Zheng advised Xu Changqing and Qin Wenyuan not to be obsessed with the establishment of a royal court in Licheng, as long as the place under their jurisdiction can It is the best result to display one's own ruling philosophy, and the title is just a vain title.

Qin Wenyuan very much agrees with Wei Zheng's definition of titles. In fact, even if his father does not confer a king with a different surname, as long as the area he governs is approved by the court according to his own ideas, it doesn't matter much whether he is a prince or not. With the gradual use of troops on this fertile land, the title of prince will fall to the Xu family sooner or later, but the prince at that time was the real prince who owned most of the Turkic tribes and a large area of ​​fertile land.

After learning that the Qin family father and son did not oppose the emperor's will, Wei Zheng admired Qin Wenyuan, who had taken the lead in Xu's family, and secretly said that this son had a far-sighted vision, and his plans did not show excitement or frustration based on temporary gains and losses. The depth of the city makes it difficult to see through this son's true thoughts. Isn't such a person just a good talent who can truly support the invincibility of the Tang Dynasty?

After unifying the opinions, Qin Changqing led all the officials in Licheng and the officials from the seven prefectures of Yunzhou, Haizhou, Chongzhou, Qingzhou, Yizhou, Laizhou and Dengzhou under the jurisdiction of the original Henan Province to gather in the Marshal's Mansion in Licheng to arrange incense cases. , Pushing Jinshan, and pouring jade pillars to meet the emperor's imperial decree.

After the Wei Zhengxiang case, the emperor's imperial decree was read aloud, and when the imperial decree was read out, all the officials congratulated the Qin family father and son in unison.

It was night, and the Licheng Marshal's Mansion held a banquet to entertain Wei Zheng, and it was also an opportunity to get to know the officials from all walks of life who had newly joined the Qin family's camp. Yu Xi said loudly.

"We thank the emperor for his great love. Long live the emperor, long live, long live! Please, my lords, drink this cup to the full and wish the emperor well."

After all the officials drank the water and wine, Qin Wenyuan raised his glass again and said.

"My lords, now the emperor has given us a bigger stage. How to deduce the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty on this stage is what I should do next. I hope all the adults will do it in the days to come." Strengthen the management of people's livelihood work such as politics, military affairs, commerce and farming in the area under our jurisdiction in Qizhou, and strive to make the states under Qizhou's jurisdiction a wealthy place with clear politics and open doors at night in the next few years. Please!"

Said Bi Qin Wenyuan drank all the water and wine in his hand, and his superior demeanor was fully displayed, all the officials in the hall cheered in unison.

"I will definitely live up to the expectations of the governor and the major general!"

Seeing that Qin Wenyuan is good at motivating people's hearts, Wei Zheng's evaluation of this son has a deeper understanding than when he first met him in Licheng. The temperament and the means of governing are also rare in the world. If such a young talent can be properly employed by the court, it is a proper talent for the prime minister.

Taking advantage of Qin Wenyuan's free time, Wei Zheng pulled him aside and said with a smile.

"Boy, the emperor ordered the old man to tell you that after you finish the matter of Qizhou, go to the capital to meet the Holy Majesty, otherwise the emperor will take your property in Chang'an into the imperial treasury, you can figure it out yourself!"

Hearing what Wei Zheng said, Qin Wenyuan couldn't help but secretly scolded Li Shimin for being so shameless.

"Li Shimin is so shameless. I, Qin Wenyuan, worked hard to earn such a property in Chang'an City. Every year, there is a lot of money from the mines and the properties that the Wang family lost to me. This is how to do it. The betrothal gift from me is not that much!"

Seeing that Qin Wenyuan mumbled something after hearing what he said, Wei Zheng couldn't help smiling and said again.

(End of this chapter)

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