Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 728 Convenience!leave!

Chapter 728 Convenience!leave!

After Liang Shidu established himself as the prime minister, he colluded with the Eastern Turks, and repeatedly joined forces to attack the counties and counties around Shuofang City. He was in the limelight for a while, but the bad thing is that he is self-righteous. If you say you are against the Sui Dynasty, you will be against the Sui Dynasty Why do you want to collude with foreign countries to harm your compatriots? Isn't this drawing the resentment of the people all over the world?

Later, Liang Shidu led his army to defeat the Sui general Zhang Shilong and took advantage of the victory to capture Diaoyin, Honghua, Yan'an and other prefectures. After the territory and strength increased greatly, he was proclaimed emperor and the country was named Liang.

After Liang Shidu proclaimed himself emperor, he accepted the titles of "Dadu Piga Khan" and "Son of Jieshi" bestowed by the Turkic Khan Shibi Khan. The Turkic soldiers and horses invaded the Central Plains, causing the Turks to occupy Henan and capture Yanchuan County.

After Li Yuan proclaimed himself emperor, the world almost returned to the Tang Dynasty. Because of territorial disputes, the Liang division repeatedly sent troops to attack Lingzhou in an attempt to open up the Hexi Corridor for the westward attack. Fortunately, every time Liang Jun sent troops to attack, he was defeated by Tang guards Lin Xingcan and Duan Decao.

Liang Shidu had no plans to capture Lingzhou, so he asked his master for help, and instigated Chu Luo Khan to invade the south with the excuse of unfavorable Tang unification and the pretext of Turkic survival and development. Act as a guide.

Fortunately, God bless Datang so that foreign enemies do not cause trouble!

At the time when Chuluo Khan formulated a five-way plan according to the situation and prepared to unite the armies of the Khitan, Mohe, and Xi tribes to invade Taiyuan, Youzhou, Yanzhou, and Wuyuan in the south and join forces with Jinzhou and Jiangzhou with the Xia King Dou Jiande. However, Chuluo Khan died of a serious illness suddenly, and the plan to invade the Tang Dynasty in the south was shelved halfway.

After the Turkic invasion plan was put on hold, Datang was able to take a breather and draw out troops to deal with Liang Jun. Liang Shidu began to be severely attacked by Tang Jun, and the situation in Liang State began to get worse. On Tuesday, the twelve states under his command will surrender to Datang.

Datang got this situation and quickly made Duan Decao take this opportunity to attack Shuofang County and take down Shuofang East City.

In order to save their lives, Liang Shidu rushed to Dongtu to meet Jieli Khan and instigated his East Turkic army to go south to invade Datang. During Tang's war against the Eastern Turks, the continued siege of Liang Shidu was relaxed.

After Li Shimin ascended the throne, the powerful enemies around the Tang Dynasty have been wiped out, but Liang Shidu is still stubbornly resisting. The only thing he has to do is to have the powerful East Turks behind him. Among them, the East Turkic support for Liang Shidu can no longer be guaranteed, and the situation Liang Shidu is facing is becoming more and more critical in the face of the pressure from the Tang Dynasty. They all recognized the situation and returned to Datang as soon as possible and promised to use him as a high-ranking official. However, Liang Shidu still stubbornly refused Li Shimin's surrender.

There is a saying: "If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished!"

Seeing that Master Liang was obsessed with obsession, Li Shimin sent an order to Xia Governor Shi Liumin and Sima Liu Lancheng to plan to eliminate Liang Guo.

Liu Min and Liu Lancheng have been stationed at the border for many years, and they are well aware of Liang Guo's political situation and people's sentiments. At the same time, the Tang army was sent to ravage the crops in the territory of Liang State, so that the food reserves in Shuofang City were empty, and it was very difficult for the soldiers and the people to have a full meal.

This plan has been implemented for nearly a year, and the military, government and people's sentiments in Liang State have changed drastically. Many ministers and generals of Liang State surrendered to the Tang Dynasty either explicitly or secretly, and even the soldiers and people of Liang State resented Liang Shi. Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, Liu Min and Liu Lancheng believed that it was time to attack the Liang State and finally wipe out the Liang Division, so they wrote a letter to the imperial court to send troops to attack the Liang Division.

After Li Shimin received the memorial from the two, he agreed immediately, and ordered Chai Shao and Xue Wanjun to join forces to attack Liang Guo, while Liu Min and Liu Lancheng led elite troops to defend the east city of Shuofang County.

This battle is the Tang Dynasty's determination to completely cut off the cancer that hangs at the border and invades from time to time. It can be said that Li Shimin is the biggest concern these days besides the troubles of the imperial court, the aristocratic family, and the Xu family in Licheng.

After Qin Wenyuan learned of this news, combined with his prediction of the direction of the entire historical event in his previous life, he knew that Li Shimin would send a decree to the Tang army to start a desperate war with the Eastern Turks soon after solving the serious problem of Liang Shidu.

The reason is that the Turkic people were exhausted due to successive years of wars, frost, drought and other reasons. In addition, the weather in the north suddenly turned cold. Facing the tragic scene of many sheep and horses being frozen to death and starving to death, Xue Yantuo, The tribes of Huihe, Payegu, and Tongluo took the opportunity to rebel against the rule of the Eastern Turks. Several tribes jointly promoted Yinan, the leader of the Xueyantuo tribe, as Zhenzhu Khan and accepted the canonization of the Tang Dynasty.

The Eastern Turkic sub-Khan Tuli Khan had already come out to join in the fun at this time. Because of the long-term suppression and exclusion of Jieli Khan, this fellow had long been dissatisfied with Jieli. He also secretly asked people to contact Datang and expressed his willingness to join Datang, since then, all aspects of Datang's counterattack against the Turks have fully matured.

In November of the third year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (629), East Turkic generals Yalkin and Ashnadur led their troops to harass Hexi. , used the city to block the Turkic cavalry, and finally made the Turkic cavalry return without success. This incident made Datang seize the reason for the Turkic provocation and refused to give up, and finally gave Datang an excuse to send troops to fight back against the Turkic...

Qin Wenyuan, who was 22 years old at the time, had gradually matured from the disputes with the ministers of the DPRK and China and various forces after the governance of Qizhou for these years and then the work of controlling the locust plague in Chang'an City. In the management of several prefectures in Hebei Province, he finally understands a truth. If you want to rule a powerful country and make the people happy, you have to have a clear and clear internal politics, so that the people feel that happiness is not easy to get, and thus establish a certain belief. The second is We must be strong and iron-blooded externally, and no matter what force invades our borders and dares to bully our people, we must use ruthless strikes, so that the invading enemy has to weigh the gains and losses when he wants to take action under the rule, whether he can bear it ability to retaliate.

The military barracks in Dengzhou have been built. The first batch of [-] naval troops is based on [-] soldiers from the Xu family army and enriched with the civilians who enlisted in Dengzhou and some pirates who were captured. After several months of combined training on land and water, it has begun to take shape. Combat capability, if the built warships are ready, this Dengzhou water army will be Datang's most powerful water combat force.

The first Yamen General of the Navy was Zhao Feipeng, the deputy general who had followed Qin Changqing for many years. Not in a hurry, in the army he is dominated by Xu Changqing, but in private he is commensurate with Qin Changqing's brother. After entering Licheng, he has been the cavalry commander of the "Qinglong" battalion. This time, Qin Wenyuan transferred him to Zhao Feipeng after obtaining Zhao Feipeng's own consent. In Dengzhou, he made good use of his steady temperament to lead the navy, and the deputy generals were Qin Dapeng and Zhang Dabao.

Seeing that Dengzhou's military port has taken shape, it will be less than a few months before warships can berthed. The construction of warships has been smooth and gradually formed.

On this day, Qin Wenyuan summoned Yamen officials in the new military camp to discuss with Zhao Feipeng, Qin Dapeng, Zhang Dabao, etc., focusing on the training of the army and the development of people's livelihood in Dengzhou. Discuss with craftsmen about speeding up the progress of shipbuilding and military ports.

After handing over Dengzhou Yiying's military and political affairs to the county magistrate Zhuang Degui and Zhao Feipeng, Qin Wenyuan led the [-] cavalry accompanying Dengzhou back to Licheng.

Back in Licheng, the exhaustion all day made Qin Wenyuan turn into a playboy mode. He often played with Lu Yueer, who was already pregnant, in the mountains and rivers in the "Xuanyuan", or took Pinger and Murphy to the old days. Take a walk around the city and the surrounding states of Licheng. He wants to use his rare free time to spend time with a few people. Once Chen Laosan hears the news of the imperial court dispatching troops, he will lead Xu's army with tens of thousands of troops to go through Youzhou went north to lay down a few pieces of land as the base for occupying the beautiful grass and water under the Yin Mountain in the future.

The Mohist mansion in "Xuanyuan" has been completed, and Mo Qingzi brought dozens of Mohist family members to live in the "Xuanyuan" mansion. Both Mo Qingzi and the Mohist veterans are very interested in this place built by Xu Tian. Qin Wenyuan's whimsical buildings in the garden and the weapons in the hands of the guards in the garden, this old man seems to be enjoying the bloody mosquitoes all day long, looking here and there, touching, as long as he grabs Qin Wenyuan So he wanted to keep asking, until Qin Wenyuan was so annoyed that he would avoid him everywhere when he saw him.

Qin Changqing and Qiuniang have already asked someone to propose marriage to the Mo family and got the consent of Mo Fei's father, Mo Qingzi. They will marry Qin Wenyuan and Mo Fei on the auspicious day selected by the Mo family.

Ordinarily, men and women who have made an engagement cannot meet before they get married. However, this kid Qin Wenyuan always uses tricks to seduce Murphy, and even asks for some advantage from Murphy's body from time to time, which makes Murphy so beautiful. The woman in the middle school was unruly and had a violent temper. She often chased Xu Tian with a dagger in her hand, causing Xu Tian to dodge around.

In his spare time, taking advantage of the time at home, Qin Wenyuan installed a beautiful bathroom in the bedroom of her house with construction materials taken out by the system for the convenience of Lu Yueer's pregnancy and after giving birth to a child. Compared with the original facilities and flush toilets he built in "Xuanyuan", it is indeed much more convenient.

In order to have hot water in the room all the time, Qin Wenyuan installed a solar energy device on the roof, enduring being regarded as a monster by others. This move left the Mo family stunned, as if they didn’t know how these things could play a role. Uses they have not thought of and dare not think of.

Mo Qingzi is such a good and studious baby who pesters Qin Wenyuan every day, even at the expense of his own girl, insisting on letting this boy explain how these things are made and how the principle can produce such an effect.

Qin Wenyuan's pretending appearance forced this old man who is very obsessed with structure and mechanics to enshrine him as his ancestor every day. After explaining and demonstrating the role of the floating ball in the flushing and draining process of the toilet, so The simple principle is that Mo Qingzi beat his chest and shouted in shock.

"Why can't I think of such a simple method?"

After looking at the tall water tower standing next to the house and the water diversion pipe made of bamboo, Mo Qingzi understood the water pressure and other issues that Qin Wenyuan talked about this time. With great comfort, I can't wait to marry the girl into the Qin family as soon as possible.

As for the device that can heat water on the roof, no matter how Qin Wenyuan explained it, it couldn't do what the old man wanted. He Xutian had no choice but to use the simplest method to call Lu Yueer's younger brother Lu Qingyun and let Murphy lead him there. In the distance, a huge mirror was used to refract the sun's rays on Mo Qingzi when there was sunlight, and then said with a smile.

"Uncle Mo, does he feel that his whole body is warmer than usual?"

After feeling that the place around his body illuminated by the mirror seemed to add some warmth, Mo Qingzi seemed to have a lot to say, but Qin Wenyuan continued without waiting for him to say anything.

"This is the effect of light conduction heat transfer. After the boy on the roof installs the heat-absorbing material, the light will introduce heat energy into the water through the action of the guide material to heat the water. This process is the process that you will feel warm when you grow old. , It’s just that these light-guiding materials are more able to attract sunlight, but these materials are not something we can produce, and we have to find them in a very mysterious place by chance, and the boy got these pieces by chance thanks to Master’s blessing.”

Qin Wenyuan's words made Mo Qingzi confused. After listening for a long time, he still couldn't figure out what the "heat energy" was. The role of the Mohist has also been mentioned in his Mohist classics, but these things are too mysterious and not many Mohist descendants have studied them in depth...

The days at home are always relaxed, happy and easy, and in a blink of an eye it will be late November in the third year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty.

From Chang'an City, Chen Laosan heard the news that the imperial court wanted to send troops from the Sixth Route Army to exterminate the Eastern Turks. The news mentioned that the imperial court sent troops this time because Zhang Gongjin listed six reasons for the Tang Dynasty to send troops to the Turks.

Li Shimin adopted Zhang Gongjin's opinion, and under the pretext that the Eastern Turkic generals Yaerjin and Ashnadur led the army to attack Hexi of the Tang Dynasty, he ordered the soldiers to divide into six groups to attack the East Turkic war.

In the Hall of Taiji, Li Shimin decreed that the Duke of Wei and Li Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War, be the chief of the Dingxiang Road, Zhang Gongjin, the deputy chief of the march and command the Chinese army, and Xu Shiji, the governor of the state, the chief of the Tonghan Road. Attacking the hinterland of the Eastern Turks, Chai Shao, the governor of Huazhou, was the general manager of the Jinhe Road march. He led the army to advance along the Yellow River from the west road, forming a situation that echoed the troops led by Li Jing and Xu Shiji.

After the three-way army was established, Li Shimin passed on the decree to appoint Li Daozong, the king of Rencheng County who had been transferred to the Minister of Rites, as the chief of the Datongdao army, and Zhang Baoxiang as his deputy. Wei Xiaojie, governor of Youzhou, was the head of the Heng'an Road march, guarding the Yanyun area to prevent the Turkic troops from fleeing eastward. Xue Wanshu, the governor of Lingzhou, was the head of the Changwu Road march. .

(End of this chapter)

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