Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 734 Battle!Good at!

Chapter 734 Battle!Good at!
"It's all you, it's all you! My aunt and aunt are visiting, how can we go out to meet guests like this!"

"What's the matter, no one saw what you did, why are you guilty!"

"Who is guilty."

"Huh? Don't you like it?"

While the two were bickering softly, Qin Wanying had already entered the room and heard the last sentence, so she couldn't help asking with a smile.

"What do you like? Show it to my sister."


When Murphy heard Qin Wanying's words, he blushed and exclaimed.

Looking at Murphy's appearance, Qin Wanying understood roughly what the two were talking about, secretly blamed herself for talking about Meng Liang, and for a moment her face was already blushing and she yelled at her younger brother with hatred.

"Get out of the room!"

Qin Wenyuan fled as if leaving the room, but saw Chai Shaowu sitting in the hall looking at him playfully, to cover up his embarrassment.

"Brother-in-law is here!"

Unexpectedly, Chai Shaowu looked at Qin Wenyuan and said a word without thinking.

"Your boy can play, brother-in-law admires, admires!"

Qin Wenyuan didn't know how to answer his brother-in-law's words, and he couldn't help thinking secretly, could this fellow be able to see from himself what happened with Fei'er just now?Impossible!

However, Qin Wenyuan misunderstood what Chai Shaowu meant. It turned out that Chai Shaowu was talking about what he had done in Dengzhou and Yunzhou these days.

"Xiaotian, tell my brother-in-law about the fact that you led the army to fight around these days. My brother-in-law also wants to take a look at the battlefield like you."

"Ah! Brother-in-law is asking about this, we thought..."

"What do you think? Could it be that you have something else to hide from me and your sister?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

"Hmph! You little cunning think that my sister doesn't know what you've been up to these days, tell me who my nephew and niece look like."

Qin Wanying came out of the inner room holding Murphy's hand, talking happily as she walked.

"Hey! Of course it's a cute and handsome guy like your younger brother..."

"Bah! Shameless, she looks like Sister Yue'er, but she still wants to say she looks as ugly as you."

Before Qin Wenyuan finished speaking, Murphy next to him began to speak eagerly, this girl always likes to argue with Qin Wenyuan, and if she doesn't fight, it seems that Qin Wenyuan will be taken advantage of.

Seeing this pair of enemies Qin Wanying was speechless, the siblings waited for a while and sat down to talk about some serious business. Qin Wenyuan called Qin Shijun and first explained to his sister and brother-in-law about the expansion of the tailor workshop in Chang'an City, and hoped that the brother-in-law would spend more energy in the future In this regard, after all, this is not a small industry.

Chai Shaowu has made a lot of money in the tailor shop these years, and he knows what Qin Shijun said. He knows that Qin Wenyuan took care of his sister and acted like this.

After the matter was finished and Qin Shijun resigned, Qin Wenyuan briefly mentioned to his sister the matter of building a military port and warship in Dengzhou, and at the same time shared his thoughts on managing the land in Liaodong and his plan to come to Chang'an to share with his sister. The matter mentioned by the emperor came out, and Qin Wanying's blood boiled when she heard that her younger brother was so ambitious. She wished to go with her younger brother to have a look this time, but she resented Chai Shaowu coquettishly when she thought that she was pregnant and could not travel far. .

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

These are some kind of monsters, why are there no other fresh explanations for these two sentences of "it's all your fault, it's all you..."?
Qin Wenyuan didn't know the reason, but he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Chai Shaowu let his wife tell, smiling and not saying a word.

The siblings talked a lot together, and Qin Wenyuan told his sister and brother-in-law to live a good life in Chang'an City, and if they encountered any major problems that could not be solved, besides talking to the eldest princess and Qiao Guogong, they could go to look for Chen Laosan, Let him pass the message to himself.

Qin Wenyuan knew from the memory of his previous life that Chai Shaowu would eventually become an official in the court, and eventually go to Anxi, a remote border area, to take charge of the government. He didn't want his brother-in-law to be too far away from his sister, he would rather be a rich man to accompany him Even if my sister doesn't want him to work in that dangerous place, if he wants to be an official, is he afraid that there will be no chance for him to be an official in the Qin family's territory?

The sky has not yet fully revealed its bright colors, and it is still somewhat dim. In front of the palace gate, there are already voices of people and the sound of carriages and horses. The main hall slowly moved forward, and on the aisle leading to the Taiji Palace in the imperial city, the lanterns burning in the cold wind swayed and gave off a dim light, which aroused the drowsiness in the hearts of many ministers.

Qin Wenyuan yawned and followed the ranks of ministers entering the palace. Suddenly, he was slapped on the shoulder by a thick and powerful palm in a daze. When he turned around, he saw Cheng Yaojin looking at him with a smile.

Qin Wenyuan hurriedly bowed his hands and said.

"Uncle Cheng is well. The boy just arrived in Chang'an City yesterday and he hasn't yet visited his mansion. I hope uncle will forgive me."

"It's only been a long time since you've seen each other, and you've learned from this mother-in-law. How can the master be so particular about it!"

While talking, the two walked towards the main hall. At this time, Yuwen Shiji came up with a bit embarrassed expression and greeted Cheng Yaojin and Xu Tian.

"Master Cheng, I don't know if I want to say a few words to friend Qin Wenyuan?"

Hearing what Yu Wenshiji said, Cheng Yaojin patted Qin Wenyuan on the shoulder and left with a smile. After Cheng Yaojin left, Yuwen Shiji took out a bank note from his sleeve and said to Qin Wenyuan.

"Brother Qin, the old man is willing to gamble and admit defeat. This is a one million tael silver note. I hope our two families can turn our fight into friendship in the future?"

Looking at Yuwen Shi and his slightly old face, Qin Wenyuan said with a smile.

"Your Majesty Yuwen is too polite. In fact, the boy does not want to be an enemy of the ministers of the court. Some things have to be done as a last resort. I hope Lord Yuwen will forgive me. Take this money back, the two masters, and treat it as a joint venture between the boy and the lord." joke."

Seeing that Yuwen Shiji served softly, Qin Wenyuan was a master who took softness rather than hard work, and also heard that the emperor wanted to stop mentioning the bet, so at this time he was unwilling to accept the silver taels handed over by Yuwen Shiji.

Yuwen Shiji did not expect that Qin Wenyuan would be so talkative, so understanding of the principle of accepting as soon as he is good, he was a little admired and grateful for his magnanimity and generosity. Thinking about his son's comparison with other families, he suddenly felt that his son was not a star and a half, After secretly sighing in his heart, he saluted Qin Wenyuan and left alone.

In the distance, Qin Shiji saw his nephew chatting with Yuwen Shiji, presumably it was because of the bet. Hatred, this is more beneficial than getting a million taels of silver.

Qin Shiji quickly approached Xu Tian, ​​and the two uncles and nephews naturally had a conversation after meeting each other. When talking about Yuwen Shi and the scene of meeting Xu Tian just now, Qin Shiji's unique insights made Qin Wenyuan feel quite reasonable.

"Xiaotian, that Yuwen scholar and he is already a veteran of the three dynasties. He is arrogant and has his own set of rules for his views on things. He can let go of his identity and reconcile with you. He should see something and untie the knot in his heart. It is because he is afraid that the family will be in danger from the unknown in the future. This person, who has been an official for a long time and is old, wants to protect his future. If he is not fully sure about people and things, he will not easily take his own wealth Dangerous."

"Uncle, in fact, Master Yuwen doesn't have to be like this at all. As long as he doesn't use some tricks against the boy behind his back, we won't do anything to him. Today he wants to understand that it is not the boy who wants to make an enemy of him and proposes a settlement. It is considered that he can correctly distinguish in his heart." Right and wrong."

After listening to Qin Wenyuan's remarks, Xu Shiji laughed and said nothing. He felt that his nephew seemed to be a little more mature than before, and his understanding of things was no longer the simple way of just knowing what to do, and everyone talking based on their strength.

The two uncles and nephews talked and walked, and soon came to the Tai Chi Hall. At this time, the number of civil and military ministers in the hall was already crowded, and they each looked for their positions according to their ranks and stood in line to wait for the emperor's arrival.

Qin Wenyuan stood at the back of the ranks of the generals and still looked for a thick pillar in the temple as usual, leaning on a thick pillar with his eyes closed slightly, his indifferent appearance gave off an image of laziness and indifference, as if he just watched It was like a lively crowd, and the officials in the Zhijiao Hall, who regarded the court as extremely sacred, were unhappy and whispered to each other.

"This son is an ignorant person. He won the honor of participating in the court meeting but does not know how to cherish it. A rebellious son cannot be taught!"

Then in the hall, when all the ministers were thinking about their own thoughts and talking softly in twos and threes, they suddenly heard a voice shouting loudly.

"The Emperor is here!"

Following the voice, Li Shimin was full of energy and strode straight to the dragon couch on the Jinluan Hall. Behind him, Li Chengqian came to his seat with a smile.

A little while after Li Shimin sat down, he issued an order to announce that the Turkic Jieli Khan would go to the palace. Kneeling under the golden throne, only heard Jieli Khan saying in a trembling voice.

"The Turkic sinner Jieli paid homage to the emperor, Xiao Wang recklessly resisted the Heavenly Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty repeatedly, causing the people of the Tang Dynasty and the Turkic people to suffer from the war. For the sake of Tang Dynasty, please forgive Xieli's crime."

"Xieli, it's not because you are willing to surrender to our Tang Dynasty, but because your tribe is no longer able to compete with the great army of the Tang Dynasty and has no choice but to do so. I think that the Turks have repeatedly invaded the border of the Tang Dynasty over the years, and gave the Tang Dynasty a lot of trouble. How much damage and loss the military and civilians have caused is beyond description. Today, the palace cannot tell clearly. Now that you have surrendered as a vassal, in order to show the magnanimity of my Tang Dynasty, I will not care about the past grievances with you and leave your life. From now on Spend the rest of your life in Chang'an City!"

After Li Shimin sternly said this to Jie Li, his expression softened a little, and he said softly to the eunuch who was close to him.

"Proclaim the decree!"

When Eunuch Liu heard the emperor's order, Yu Jinluan shouted loudly.

"Jieli and the Turks surrendered to listen to the order!"

Xu Tian and all the ministers in the hall heard the eunuch's loud reading, and then they knew that Jieli was granted the title of king of Beiping, and the mansion was given to live in Chang'an City. As well as Qibi Heli were awarded official positions above the third rank.

Xieli and other Turkic generals knelt down to thank the court when they heard the imperial conferment, and immediately retired and left the hall to settle down in the mansion.

Since then, the historically invincible Eastern Turks have left the stage of history, which has curbed the Turkic raids on the Tang Dynasty. The victory of the Tang people in this battle has greatly deterred other ethnic minority regimes around the Turks and guaranteed the protection of the Tang Dynasty. As a result, China's economy and politics have developed smoothly to varying degrees, creating a stable environment for the later prosperity, and also laying a solid foundation for the future suppression of Western Turks.

After Jieli Khan and the Turks left the hall, all the ministers in the hall saw the fall of a kingship and foresaw that a nation would begin to decline from now on. Joyful, silent, and at the same time, there are those aristocratic families who have begun to think of unknown ideas, with greedy eyes in their eyes...

Sitting on the dragon couch, Li Shimin had a panoramic view of the performance of the ministers in the palace. How could the emperor's family not know the complicated thoughts in the minds of these ministers at this time? For the emperor, as long as the ministers have ideas, it is a good thing. Different thoughts in people's minds exercised the art of the emperor to exert a strong control over the ministers.

After a little noise in the main hall, Li Shimin let out a soft snort and waited until the hall was quiet before speaking.

"Li Jing, the head of the Dingxiang Road, made great contributions in the war against the Eastern Turks. However, he led the army several times against my will to use troops privately, regardless of the safety of the ministers sent by the imperial court to the Turks for peace talks. Afterwards, the Turkic camp even sent troops to plunder Turkic wealth, resulting in the loss of a large number of Turkic treasures. I think that merit is merit and demerit is demerit. Li Jing, do you have something to say for yourself?"

All the ministers in the hall suddenly heard the emperor's words, but they didn't know the reason. They thought that the theme of today's court meeting was to reward the soldiers of the Pingdong Turkic War, but unexpectedly, the style of painting changed to the emperor's accountability to Li Jing.

After Li Jing heard the emperor's words, this famous general of the Tang Dynasty who had experienced countless battles, pondered for a while and realized that the emperor just made some mistakes to reduce his achievements because of his great achievements this time. The art of balance Li Jing doesn't want to say anything more, he just needs to keep in mind the danger of "accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger".

Li Jing was originally full of excitement, but when he thought of these things, his heart was as cold as if he had fallen from the warmth of March to an ice cellar, and he no longer had the desire to refute, so he went out of class and said to the emperor in fear.

"My minister has nothing to say, Li Jing is guilty and please be punished by the emperor!"

Seeing Li Jing like this, Li Shimin knew what Li Jing said, and he must be disdainful that the royal family used such methods to treat meritorious ministers, but his nose was too big to hold his mouth and he dared not speak.

He didn't dare to blame Li Shimin, a minister who was capable of fighting, otherwise, if there was another war, where would the court find such a general who was good at leading the army.

Li Shimin then spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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