Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 737 See you! 1 sure!

Chapter 737 See you!must!
After everyone sat down and said goodbye and Qin Wenyuan led the army to participate in the war against Turks, Qin Huaiyu put down the tea bowl in his hand and asked first.

"Xiaoyuan, what are your plans for the future? Can you take your buddies to go outside to have a look? The brothers can't make a name for themselves in Chang'an City, and we have a great time in Chang'an City. We don't want to waste our time in Chang'an City."

"That's right, that's right! My father told me to go outside with Xiao Yuan to practice."

When Yuchi Baolin heard what Qin Huaiyu said, he hurriedly answered.

"What can you do stupidly? Why don't you just play horses and pick up girls in Chang'an with Fang Ersha?"

"Cheng Dasha, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I beat you so hard that your father wouldn't even recognize you!"

Cheng Chumo's words provoked Yuchi Baolin and Fang Yiai to look at each other angrily, Yuchi Baolin clenched his fists and said angrily.

Seeing that these three tough men with simple minds and well-developed limbs were about to fight each other, Qin Wenyuan laughed and waved for everyone to calm down, then put away his laughing face and began to speak seriously.

"Do you really want to go outside to practice? You must know that the outside is very bitter and even life-threatening. You should think about it."

"Xiao Yuan! You are happy outside all day, but you don't know that I am waiting at home all day long, and my father scolds me, saying that I can't wait for you one-tenth of a millionth, and you don't know that after some military achievements in the army, you will eat and wait to die in Chang'an City. , I’m so shameless, I will definitely go out with you this time, so that I can do something so that my family will not dare to underestimate me..."

Qin Huaiyu took Qin Wenyuan's words and said in a low voice.

Looking at the faces as young as himself, Qin Wenyuan couldn't help but think in his heart that the army under his command really lacks a group of generals who can kill the enemy. He can lead an army alone in the army, and if he can really pull them into his own army, it must be good.

Thinking of this, Qin Wenyuan's expression became serious in an instant and he spoke cautiously.

"It's not impossible for the brothers to go out, but they have to endure hardships and mentally prepare for it. At the same time, they have to seek the consent of the family. If there is no problem, after the younger brother gets the imperial decree, the brothers can freely The younger brother went north to practice in the surrounding cities of Yunzhou, but the ugly words of the younger brother were mentioned earlier, and you must not be self-righteous when you go out and act on the younger brother's military order, otherwise, the younger brother will not be able to bear this responsibility if you are in danger."

Hearing that Qin Wenyuan agreed with the brothers, there was a burst of joy, and he agreed to Qin Wenyuan's conditions in every possible way. Seeing that the big furniture was gearing up as if it was about to set off, Chai Shaowu also said beside him.

"Xiaotian! Brother-in-law also wants to go out to see and see. Can you bring brother-in-law with you this time?"

"Brother-in-law! You don't want to join in the fun this time, okay? You should stay at home and accompany my sister to give birth to the baby, okay? If you still want to come out and venture, I promise to ask the emperor to let you come to Liaodong How about using your talents in this position?"

"Yes, yes! Brother is still thoughtful, brother-in-law really has to learn from you."

"Brother-in-law, why don't our family be so polite?"

"Yes, yes! It won't be too late to come out after you become a father. Our brothers are waiting for you at Xiaoyuan's place. At that time, I will be happy waiting for my brothers to make achievements, hahaha!"

This guy Cheng Chumo finally said something reliable, all the brothers were overjoyed for a moment, and shouted for the servants in Qin Wenyuan's mansion to serve wine and food quickly, the brothers waited to celebrate.

Hearing the screams from his host and friend, the servant of Qin's mansion brought the prepared wine and dishes to the table after obtaining the consent of the housekeeper. Cheng Chu silently looked at the golden-grilled leg of lamb dripping with oil on the charcoal fire, whetted his appetite and yelled loudly. Picking up the knife on the table, he cut off half and put it on his own plate, causing Yuchi Baolin to shout angrily.

"Cheng Dasha, do you want noodle? Just cut off half of a leg of lamb, buddy. What are you doing?"

"Hey! Yuchi Xiaohei, who told you that you don't know what to do, maybe you want me to imitate those sour scholars in the court and pretend to be modest when eating."

Luo Shiyi, who had been silent all this time, picked up a bowl of wine and drank it, then laughed contemptuously at the two big fools.

"Eating can't stop the mouths of you two boys. If you want to quarrel, go outside to quarrel. Hugh will spoil the interest of drinking."

At this time, Fang Yiai, who had eaten the red-flavored pork, tugged at Cheng Chumo and said.

"Boy, do you dare to guess two punches with the young master?"

"Just you idiot, why don't you dare, you wait for the young master to take another bite of this mutton and enjoy it, and then fight with you for more than three hundred times, then the young master is afraid that you will refuse to drink."

"Fuck you, Cheng Dadu, it wasn't your boy who reneged on his debts that time, so I forced myself to bring it up here and say..."

"Come, come, come! If I don't drink you down today, I won't be named Cheng."

Looking at this group of guys who don't regard themselves as guests at all, Qin Wenyuan is also speechless. He and Qin Huaiyu and his brother-in-law slowly taste some exquisite fried dishes, and at the same time talk about what he saw and heard in Yunzhou this time. It was very interesting to hear.

While Qin Wenyuan was drinking and chatting with Qin Huaiyu and Chai Shaowu, the wine battle on the table was already in full swing, Cheng Chumo and Luo Shiyi formed an alliance to deal with Yuchi Baolin and Fang Yiai, look at that Cheng Dasha with one foot on the stool , mouth full of alcohol breathed out and shouted loudly.

"Wine is the essence of food, the more you drink, the younger you will be!"

"The wine is in the bowl, if you don't drink it, how will you moisten your throat!"

"Come, come! Sanyuanzhong, Wukuaishou, Qixingzhao..."

"Fang Dasha, you kid, hurry up and drink up the wine you owe. You keep it for fish farming or something. You will be punished with a bowl of wine for dripping water. I am willing to accept the bet. Why don't you come here and play around here."

"Hey! This guy has a very slippery mouth recently. Where did he learn the words of the previous life? Could it be that this guy dreamed of going to the place where I came from?"

Hearing Cheng Chumo's words, Qin Wenyuan seemed to have a feeling of returning to his previous life, but he didn't know that as long as the alcoholic got interested, with a little guidance, he would invent many words that transcended all times when he was happy, and Cheng Dasha was one of them of the best.

"Cheng Dasha, what are you so proud of? Seeing that the young master killed the two of you today, wow! Nine Lian Dang, Ten Eye-catching, Seventh Sister, Two Hugs... won! Cheng Dasha and Brother Luo should drink for you two, Cheng Dasha should stop beeping, drink quickly and talk about the next thing, Brother Yuchi work harder to let these two idiots drink more."

Fang Yiai shouted happily to Yuchi Baolin after winning the punch.

Xu Tian, ​​Qin Huaiyu and Chai Shaowu always saw that these four people refused to give in to each other, and they forced each other...

"These little bastards are going to go against the sky, see if I can't beat you to death."

With a sudden loud shouting sound, several people entered the room together.

Qin Wenyuan heard the sound, turned around and saw Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde, Li Jing, Chai Shao and Xu Shiji came together.

Cheng Yaojin entered the room and rolled up his sleeves, looking at his son fiercely and shouting loudly.

"You little rascals are very happy, one by one, the old man, the young man, what is I waiting for, you little bastard, let me listen to you, otherwise hehe! This pair of fists of my father is designed to hit the old man and the young man!" Lord."

Seeing that several elders entered the house, Qin Wenyuan hurriedly got up to greet them and ordered Qin Shijun to serve tea quickly.

The boys who were drinking happily had already woken up most of their drunkenness, Cheng Chumo said to his father.

"You guys are naturally old and young masters..."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yaojin slapped his son on the head with his big palm.

"You ignorant thing, master...! I will beat you to death, you little bastard..."

Cheng Chumo, who was slapped by Cheng Yaojin, hid aside and muttered to himself.

"As if you are so academic..."

The boys had already hid far away from the wine table and whispered together after hearing Cheng Chumo's murmur.

"Yes, yes!"

"You little rascals dare to arrange Lao Tzu..."

Cheng Yaojin was so angry that he turned around and wanted to find a furniture or something to slap these boys. Seeing that the situation was not good, the boys turned around and ran outside the house. When Cheng Yaojin found the wooden stick and turned around, there were still a few of them. Kid figure.

Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde, Chai Shao, Li Jing, and Qin Shiji sat on the chairs drinking tea and didn't know how to stop the boys. They all smiled and watched the play between Cheng Yaojin and the boys. It was very interesting.

Seeing that Cheng Yaojin was still furious, Yuchi Jingde said aside.

"Have you gone crazy enough, old man, don't you just drink a few bowls of wine for a few boys, really!"

Hearing what Yuchi Jingde said, Cheng Yaojin stared at Qin Wenyuan with wide eyes, and Qin Wenyuan hurried forward to speak to Cheng Yaojin.

"Hey! It's all the boy's fault, it's all the boy's fault. Uncle Cheng, please sit down and have a cup of tea to calm down."

"Huh! Who wants to drink your bird tea, and make the old man happy if he doesn't make a few drinks and dishes again."

"Boy, prepare now, prepare now!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Wenyuan immediately ordered Xu Shijun to call the servants to remove the remaining seats and notify the kitchen to prepare the food and wine again.

After waiting for Cheng Yaojin to sit down, Qin Wenyuan smiled and said to several big brothers.

"A few uncles came to the boy's house to order something?"

"Xiao Tian, ​​please sit down first. Uncle is waiting to come to your residence to discuss something. Let's talk about it after Huai Yu and Shao Wu Xian nephew get those boys back!"

After Qin Shiji said this, he gave instructions to Qin Huaiyu and Chai Shaowu who had become silent like obedient babies.

"Huaiyu, Shaowu, you two go and call those boys back, I have something to say."

Qin Huaiyu and Chai Shaowu got the order, and they left the house with some doubts about what to do with them juniors.

After the two left, several big bosses looked at Qin Wenyuan with strange eyes and smiled while sipping tea, which made Qin Wenyuan feel a little confused for a moment.

Not long after the food and wine came to the table, the big bosses put down the tea bowls in their hands and got up and sat around the wine table. After drinking a few bowls of water and wine, Li Jing spoke first.

"Boy, old man, etc. learned that you want to negotiate with the emperor for the management of Liaodong. This matter is not so easy to deal with. Is there any way for you, boy, to open up the situation in that area. Let me tell you, old man."

Hearing what Li Jing said, Qin Wenyuan realized that the purpose of the big bosses coming to the mansion was this. It must be that the eldest princess said that she knew Chai Shao after returning to the mansion, so that all the court generals who had good friends knew about that area. Even these big bosses didn't dare to underestimate them. Now that Qin Wenyuan only wanted to manage Liaodong by himself, these big bosses admired Qin Wenyuan's ideas but were a little worried.

In fact, since Qin Wenyuan started to send troops to the border of Youzhou, Li Jing has noticed that this kid has big plans, but he still underestimated Qin Wenyuan's intentions. He did not expect that this kid not only has big plans, but also his strategic layout has long surpassed his heart. What he thought, when he heard Chai Shao tell that the kid was playing the emperor's match, he was shocked, and he couldn't help admiring the kid's vision and ambition.

This kid wants to get away from the shackles of the imperial court and create a world of his own to implement his ideals.

Without the restraint of those self-righteous ministers in the court who always like to intrigue and play tricks, this kid can't:

"The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fishes to leap!"

Even Lao Tzu wants to go to Liaodong with this kid, maybe he can see his righteous brother Zhang Zhongjian in that vast land, and he may not be sure, anyway, it is more comfortable than being cautious in this court.

Li Jingru thought about inviting these bigwigs to the Qin mansion today after thinking about it. They also wanted to hear about this kid's plan. On the way here, the princes of several countries were all moved, and wanted their son to go with Qin Wenyuan to earn some money. merit.

"Several uncles asked Rong to speak slowly. You uncles already know that the land of fertile water and beautiful grass around Yinshan Mountain extends to Liaocheng and Songmo. I have already planned for this place with great development prospects. Dengzhou was established. The military port, the development of the water army, and the fact that the boy led the army this time are all for this purpose. Why is the boy obsessed with recruiting Turkic soldiers and generals, men and women, young and old? With the local understanding and the strength of the Qin family army, Pingzhou first created a prosperous place of all ethnic groups, and then after several years of development, it gradually assimilated the people in the surrounding areas and merged with the people of the Tang Dynasty. Race, its ultimate goal is nothing more than to have a shelter, a good people's livelihood policy coupled with a strong military deterrence, Huairou and the means of using barbarians to control barbarians, and at the same time gradually introduce the enlightenment of Central Plains culture, elders, think about it. After a few years, this area will gradually become naturalized, and at that time, the Tang Dynasty will truly control the vast land of Liaodong and Northeast China."

After listening to what Qin Wenyuan said, the big bosses felt a huge wave in their hearts. How much ambition and strength do you need to have such an idea? It's just that the means of governance are beyond the reach of ordinary people. No way, this kid is so evil...

Li Jing took a sip of wine and sighed.

"The old man's vision and pattern are not as good as this kid... I have to obey!"

Affected by Li Jing's sigh, several big bosses fell into deep thought and fell silent, and the atmosphere in the banquet became a little dull for a while.

Seeing this scene, Qin Wenyuan picked up his wine glass and was about to say some more relaxing words to adjust the dull atmosphere, when he suddenly saw Qin Shijun, Qin Huaiyu and Chai Shaowu rushing into the room, Chai Shaowu gasped and said loudly.

"It's not good, it's not good! Chu Mo and his brothers were all arrested by the imperial army, and they are being taken to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

(End of this chapter)

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