Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 747: Missing!Allies!

Chapter 747: Missing!Allies!

It was the night when Zhao Wenxuan's mansion in Yingzhou City held a big banquet. Qin Wenyuan got his brother's permission to take Murphy to the inner room to meet his sister-in-law and meet his niece and daughter. At the same time, he officially introduced Murphy to his brother and sister-in-law. Unexpectedly, Murphy and Zhao Wenxuan Mrs. Wu Shi hit it off right away, and the two got along like sisters who haven't seen each other for many years.

Wushi is a woman of the Mohe tribe, with a bold and generous personality, and she couldn't help being very interested in the rare gift Qin Wenyuan gave her, and said jokingly.

"It's still a brother who understands a daughter's family! Unlike your idiot brother who is boring, these gifts are very exquisite. Our Xue'er is blessed. From now on, this girl's dowry will fall on her brother-in-law."

"What did you say, mother! Thank you uncle for giving Xue'er a gift."

Zhao Wenxuan's daughter, Zhao Ruxue, held the perfume, mirror and other women's delights from Qin Wenyuan in her hand, blushing and said softly.

Murphy said softly to the beautiful girl who was not a few years younger than him.

"You don't have to be polite, Xue'er. Your uncle has a lot of weird things. If you go to Uncle Qizhou's mansion, will you really open your eyes?"

"Little aunt, is this true? Xue'er hasn't traveled so far since she grew up!"

Hearing what Zhao Ruxue said, Murphy pulled Xue'er and said softly again.

"There is a chance! Xue'er can go with us when your uncle returns to Qizhou."

The two women kept talking with a girl, leaving Qin Wenyuan and Zhao Wenxuan aside.

Leaving Murphy in the inner room to have a conversation with Zhao's mother and daughter, Qin Wenyuan bid farewell to his sister-in-law and then went out with his elder brother to meet guests in the hall.

At this moment in the hall, the generals of the Jingsai Army and the Qin Family Army had already gathered together to drink and eat meat, very happy.

The two entered the hall, and the generals of the two armies bowed their hands to pay homage. Zhao Wenxuan waved his hands to indicate that there is no need to be polite, and just said with a smile.

"Generals, today the Jingsai army and the Qin family army are friendly armies, and they should work together to protect the safety of the two prefectures. The governor hopes that the two armies will help each other and will obey the command of Brother Zhao from today on."

All the generals of the Jingsai army and the generals of the Qin family army bowed their hands together.

"I will follow your lord's orders!"

Qin Wenyuan laughed loudly as he picked up a bowl of wine.

"Generals of the Jingsai Army, we gather today. I hope you will get closer. Today, the two armies are brothers and allies. We will work together to build camps and pacify the two states. Hehe! Brothers fighting tigers, brother soldiers, Do you guys think so?"

At that time, most of the soldiers in the army were vulgar military men, and they were more happy with straightforward and easy-to-understand words. Several burly military men raised their wine bowls to toast Qin Wenyuan, and one of them, a fierce man with a beard, said loudly.

"The general admires the general's might, please drink this bowl of water and wine."

After finishing speaking, the fellow raised his head and drank the big bowl of wine in his hand, but there was not a drop left.

Qin Wenyuan secretly praised this guy for his boldness, he drank all the water and wine in his hand, this move won the applause of all the generals in the army, and all the generals came forward to toast one after another.

Qin Wenyuan never refuses anyone who comes, he picked up the wine jar and smiled to the crowd.

"It's troublesome to pour the wine, so why don't you use this wine from the altar to have a good time with everyone?"

Zhao Wenxuan said worriedly.

"Brother, don't be reckless, the wine on this grassland is strong!"

"No problem! Brother, don't worry."

After all, Qin Wenyuan mobilized the qi in his dantian, like a dragon absorbing water, sucked out several bowls of wine in the altar like a white thread and drank it, the hot zhenqi in his body then evaporated the wine, but there was still half of the wine.

Seeing Qin Wenyuan's kung fu, the knowledgeable general in martial arts was already shocked. To be able to suck the wine out of the wine jar, the method of controlling the internal force must be so clever. The generals in the army admired this Such a person with high martial arts skills and boldness was instantly convinced by Qin Wenyuan.

At this time, Zhao Wenxuan knew that his newly sworn brother had high martial arts skills. He thought that the sparring under the city gate must have been fought for nearly a hundred rounds by the brothers to save face, otherwise he would have been defeated by him long ago. more than.

The banquet in the Zhao Mansion ended happily, and all the generals of the Jingsai Army fell in love with the newly worshiped brother of the Governor.

Qin Wenyuan never imagined that a feast of wine could conquer the hearts of the soldiers. In fact, there has been a saying since ancient times that "the quality of wine depends on character", and this point is especially prominent in the army. Not a bird.

This is Qin Wenyuan's innate personality charm that is unique in this era.

The charm of a person is not determined by the noble status, but by being ordinary and easy-going without being burdened by the status.


In May, Yingzhou, which is located in the west of Liaoning Province, just after the dawn, there is a touch of golden sunlight shining on the distant mountains where the sky and the earth meet. There is already a little noise in the city that has been silent all night. People who hurry up start the day. of making a living.

In the temporary barracks of the Qin family army, Xu Qinwenyuan finished his training after finishing his cultivation. When he obtained the divine weapon, the "Pangu Heart Sutra" had reached the peak of the fifth level, and there seemed to be signs of great perfection. The size of an egg, the radiance emitted during exercise becomes more and more solid, and there are faint signs of penetrating the body.

Looking inside the body, the originally pale golden blood became more golden red, but the bones all over the body had a faint blue light like jade. Xu Tian felt that his body was like a monster of Nima, but he didn't know If someone in the Taoist sect finds out about his idea, he will definitely call him bloody.

It's really: "If you get it cheap, you'll be good!"

It is recorded in Taoist classics that Qin Wenyuan's physique is the result of the Taoist patriarch's obsession in reincarnation. In his previous life, it is the inheritance of "genes". It is not easy for the Taoist school to obtain such a good quality for thousands of years Disciple, this is also the reason why the Kunlun Taoist Temple has been looking for him. In addition to being able to open the cave that Hongjun ancestor left in the mortal world, a Taoist disciple with his physique may even peep into the sky. possible.

If Qin Wenyuan knew that his physique was so precious, he might be scared to death. In fact, the theory of ascension was not important to him. What he wanted was family harmony and happiness, and to be a leisurely prince with beautiful women all day long. Wouldn't it be better to play with him? Perhaps this is the obsession left in his soul because of his loneliness in his previous life!

In the Yamen of Yingzhou, the generals and civil servants of the Jingsai Army gathered together. Zhao Wenxuan, the governor of Yingzhou and the envoy of Pinglu Jiedu, took the main seat, and Qin Wenyuan accompanied him on the side. After waiting for the civil and military personnel to quiet down, Zhao Wenxuan said first.

"Today you are summoned to discuss the matter. It is because Master Xu, the new governor of Pingzhou and the military governor of Liaoxi, has something to say. This governor hopes that you will listen carefully. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask Lord Qin for advice."

After finishing his opening remarks, Zhao Wenxuan spoke to Qin Wenyuan again.

"Brother, you can tell me what you think, and I will do my best to help you!"

Qin Wenyuan cupped his hands in thanks, and then he gathered his thoughts and began to speak to the audience slowly.

"My lords and generals! When Qin came to Pingzhou for the first time, he followed the imperial government's order to control the military and government in Pingzhou, Yingzhou, and Songmo. I also hope that all the adults in Yingzhou will follow the order and help me do a good job in the military and political affairs of Yingzhou."

After the simple words, Qin Wenyuan paused for a while, and said again when he saw that there was no objection from the crowd.

"My official came to the West of Liaoning this time because the imperial court took advantage of the opportunity of the destruction of the Eastern Turks to solve the stable situation in the northeast. The emperor's envoy Xu first took steps along the Great Wall of the West of Liaoning to implement the Qingming politics of strengthening defense externally and developing people's livelihood internally. When the time is right, we will develop into Liaodong until we fully control the Liaodong regime, forming a harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups in the northeast of the Tang Dynasty..."

Speaking of this, Qin Wenyuan took the opportunity of drinking tea to give the civil and military people a chance to understand or digest the amount of information.

After a while, he continued talking.

"This official believes that the first thing to do in managing Liaodong is to do a good job in the defense and economic development of Western Liaoning. Only when a good political environment brings about the development of people's livelihood and the development of commerce and trade can people gather popularity. I came all the way from Yunzhou and saw Western Liaoning along the way. There are seven out of ten rooms in the land, sparsely populated, and barren land, but there are not many herdsmen grazing in such a grassy and fertile land. In view of this situation, in addition to strengthening the defense of Yingzhou against Koryo and Liaodong, this official wants to vigorously develop Liaoxi. People's livelihood and commerce, and the most important thing to develop people's livelihood is convenient transportation. If you want to get rich, build roads first. Do you think this is the truth, so I need the Yingzhou Yamen to post a notice in the near future, and all the people who have no livelihood You can participate in road construction in exchange for wages. Caravans of various ethnic groups transiting the border or doing business in various cities in western Liaoning can reduce taxes to gather popularity. When the roads are accessible, the official wants to build the largest in western Liaoning in Lulong City, which connects Pingzhou and Yingzhou. In this city, tea, porcelain, silk, etc. from the Tang Dynasty are traded here with the special products of various ethnic groups outside the customs. You can imagine what kind of prosperous scene it will be at that time..."

Qin Wenyuan finally uttered the point of view he wanted to clarify, and all the civil and military personnel in the yamen were silent after hearing it, perhaps they hadn't recovered from the words they heard...

However, Zhao Wenxuan has long been shocked by the grand blueprint in the words of his brother-in-law. If it is true what his brother said, what kind of changes will take place in this fertile land in western Liaoning, and he dare not think about the extent of its prosperity. , I just felt the blood in my chest was churning, and my mouth was dry.

After a little silence, all the officials in the yamen finally became excited, and various questions kept coming one after another. Qin Wenyuan answered with a smile on his face, but his erudite and humorous words made all the officials feel excited. Their hearts were torn apart, and the clear goals in their hearts were obviously taking shape.

What the officials in the bitter cold place want is a practical official like Qin Wenyuan, who is not as difficult to deal with as those ministers in the court who only know how to intrigue all day long. The big clan fought with the nobles, but he really didn't want to put his energy into that kind of meaningless waste.

Originally thought that the Yingzhou matter would take at least some energy and time to straighten out, but he didn't expect that it would take no effort at all. Qin Wenyuan was greatly encouraged, and it seemed that it was exactly as he thought.

"People! They all yearn for a beautiful and peaceful life..."

After discussing with Zhao Wenxuan the details of how to deal with the future affairs, Qin Wenyuan presented his righteous brother with a military dagger and a telescope with a cold light, and bid farewell to Zhao Wenxuan's astonished eyes. Taking care of each other with his family members, Qin Wenyuan took Murphy and led the Xu family army and left Yingzhou.

Back in Longcheng for a rest, Qin Wenyuan first ordered Ma San to lead a disguised caravan to Songmo City to inquire about the news there, and then summoned Sima Yuntian, Longcheng yamen officials and generals to the original Xiao Yi's mansion. Pingzhou Governor's Mansion discusses matters.

After the generals came to the mansion, Qin Wenyuan reported the affairs of Yingzhou. After the generals congratulated and pacified the city, the focus now is on the peace of Songmo City and the governance of the two states. In the conversation with Li Weidong, the governor of Longcheng, the main point is to ask the government to take measures as soon as possible to organize craftsmen and refugees to participate in the construction of the road from Yuguan Road to the border of Yingzhou, and Qin Wenyuan suggested that the roads from Longcheng to Pingzhou The Dudu Mansion is responsible for completing the construction, so this matter naturally falls on Sima Yuntian's shoulders.

In view of the series of situations, the most lacking thing in Pingzhou now is the population, and the food is second. Thanks to the support of Qizhou, a large amount of food and grass are continuously transported to Pingzhou under the escort of warships, so that Pingzhou, which was originally in short supply of food and grass, can get more food. However, the lack of population is something that Xu Tian cannot solve in the short term. He can only hope that the development of Pingzhou will attract people of all ethnic groups to settle in western Liaoning.

In terms of military affairs, in view of the uncertainty of the direction of Songmo, the generals suggested that another [-] cavalry be deployed to the "Kuancheng" fortress near Songmo, and they will join with the [-] infantry and [-] Turkic cavalry deployed there to form an offensive and defensive body. fighting situation.

Qin Wenyuan agreed with the proposal of the generals and sent Wu Ping to lead [-] cavalry to the "Kuancheng" fortress to command all the soldiers and horses there.
Just when Qin Wenyuan started to develop the construction of Pingzhou and Yingzhou and implemented a series of military and political measures in full swing, the Xiao family of Lanling sued him with the emperor.

In the letter to the emperor, the Xiao family listed Qin Wenyuan's various evil deeds in Pingzhou, such as disregarding the imperial court's law, self-righteousness, perverse behavior, attacking the Xiongwu army in Longcheng and killing the leading general Xiao Yi, etc. If the officials in this position are slightly dissatisfied, they will either kill their heads or drive them away. The cruelty is comparable to that of foreigners. It even attracted aliens to intrude on the front line of Youzhou.

Xiao Yu, the elder of the three dynasties, played Qin Wenyuan's evil deeds at the court meeting, and there was an uproar in the court for a while. The Xiao family had many dignitaries in the Tang court, and their voice was very powerful, and they regarded the family's sense of pride and honor. heavier than anything.

This Xiao family was an extremely noble family in the Sui Dynasty. Compared with the Changsun Wuji and other families, it is even bigger. It is known as "the Xiao Dynasty in the middle of the Tang Dynasty". Its foundation and power can be imagined.

Speaking of Xiao Yu, apart from her sister being the queen of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, she is also the son of Xiao Kui, Emperor Ming of the Later Liang Dynasty. During Li Yuan's time, he was granted the title of Song Guogong, and after Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, he was named Zuo Pushe, Minister of the Tang Dynasty. On the top is the high position of the noble.

There is a saying: "There is nothing wrong in the world, let mediocrity disturb you!"

(End of this chapter)

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