Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 801: Puzzled!gold!

Chapter 801: Puzzled!gold!

Hearing the master's introduction, Qin Wenyuan's heart set off a turbulent wave, damn it!If the Kunlun Taoist sect is under Xiao Ye's command, and Kunlun is regarded as the leader of Taoism in the world, doesn't it mean that Xiao Ye's status is no worse than Li Shimin's emperor status...

Qin Wenyuan couldn't help thinking wildly, a coquettish and weird smile appeared on his face.

Finally, he still knew where it was, and after a little dazed, Jishou talked to his master.

"Thank you master and disciple for clearing up the confusion. The disciple learned that Kunlun is a sacred place of Taoism!"

After saying this, this guy started talking with the wise Taoist priest again.

"Guardian! My son heard about the fairy cave of the patriarch that Master said. The Taoists have been looking for you for a long time for this matter. Now that you have arrived at the fairy mountain, you don't know where this fairy cave is. How can you open it?"

"Holy son Rong Pindao said slowly that the ancestor of our sect, the fairy cave, has a long history. It is recorded in the Taoist secret book that the patriarch Hongjun led his three disciples to participate in the war between gods and demons. Because the disciples of Laozi and Tongtian, the two master-uncles, did not hide the truth about the gods conferred by the disciples of Yuxu's disciples, and believed that Yuxu's sect handled things unfairly and caused civil strife in the Taoist sect. In a fit of anger, ancestor Hongjun opened a cave in Kunlun Xianshan to send us Master Yuxu, Lao Zi, and Tong Tian, ​​two master uncles, came here to face the wall and think about their mistakes. At that time, the old ancestor also came here from time to time to lecture on the scriptures and Taoism with his disciples, so that they can understand that Taoism is indisputable. God, only in this way can we regain the opportunity to ascend to the upper realm, this cave was named Pangu cave because the ancestor Hongjun commemorated Pangu, the great virtue who freed the common people from the suffering of chaos, created the world and transformed the world into a clear and bright world."

When Master Wisdom said this, his expression seemed to be yearning for the glorious years of the Taoist ancestors, and he continued for a while.

"Thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye for me and other disciples of Yuxu's sect, and now it has been passed down to sixteen generations. It is a pity that several brothers such as Pindao were not born in that era, and they were taught by the ancestor Hongjun and the founder of Yuxu. , It's really a pity for life!"

Qin Wenyuan came here only to know that the patriarch fairy cave that he had heard about for several years turned out to be the cave opened by Taoist ancestor Hongjun in the lower realm for his disciples to teach scriptures and Taoism. It is estimated that it has been passed down from generation to generation and recorded in Taoist secret books for thousands of years It has been passed down to today as the "Pangu Immortal Cave" so that people who don't know the cause and effect mistakenly think that this cave is the place where Pangu Great Emperor lived in immortality, but this is taken for granted.

All the Taoists in the hall had solemn faces, and lowered their eyebrows to listen to the glorious history of the Taoist sect told by the master of the temple and Venerable Master Zhiren. During the process, some maids who looked like fairies did not know what kind of footwork they used, holding fresh fragrant fruits in their hands. Sitting cross-legged, the Taoist walked through the world lightly, and placed the fresh fruit in front of Qin Wenyuan.

"Nimma! It seems that the old Taoists in this Taoist temple will enjoy it very much. Compared with the maids in the palace, these fairy sisters are not so beautiful. Judging from the footwork of these sisters, their martial arts must not be weak."

Qin Wenyuan looked at these fairies in a daze, thinking in his heart.

At this moment, there was a loud shout from outside the hall.

"Old Wisdom, Yuxumen called us together, why not invite the Holy Son to meet us, is it possible that your Yuxumen wants to hold the Holy Son to open the fairy cave alone?"

"Old Xuanji, don't talk nonsense. The master of the Holy Son's teaching is my Yuxu sect. Naturally, I will take a rest in the Yuxu Taoist Temple and meet with each other before the brothers and disciples of the sects gather together in the cave. You are an old Taoist. Haste, speaks without thinking."

Following the voice, suddenly there was an old man in a blue Taoist robe with a beard and a slovenly face, rushing into the hall with a gust of cold wind like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Qin Wenyuan was stunned because he didn't understand how the old man used such light kung fu. He didn't see any movement, and suddenly floated into the room as if he was standing still.

The old Taoist named Xuanji entered the hall and looked at Qin Wenyuan with both eyes, seeing him sitting upright on the golden futon with a faint smile on his face, the old Taoist also felt great grief, knowing that the boy is the descendant of the Taoist sect who has been looking for for a long time and possesses the holy body of "Tao Qi" .

The old Taoist looked at Qin Wenyuan's eyes and saw that it was as deep as an abyss, and he knew that this son's heart was as immovable as a mountain, his nature was as impermanent as water, and he knew the mystery of the mutual transformation of yin and yang. , nothing, no self, taking nothing as the law, the law and the law intertwined, the indifference of the law has no definite law, I can't help but be amazed, and I wonder if it is difficult for this child to learn the "Pangu Heart Sutra" to a high level, so there is such an age. Such comprehension and achievement can really be regarded as a talent against the sky that has appeared in Taoism for thousands of years.

Taoist Xuanji Jishou saluted.

"The master Xuanji of the Tongtian Temple has seen the Holy Son, and hopes that the Holy Son will pity the Taoist gate and open the ancestor's fairy cave, so how about going to the fairy cave with the poor Taoist?"

Qin Wenyuan stood up slowly, respectful to Master Zhiren.

"What does the master think? The disciple only obeys the teacher's orders."

Master Zhiren also stood up and spoke.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! The intention of the Xuanji Temple Master is also our idea, so let me go to the fairy cave with you, Holy Son."

After speaking, all the Taoists surrounded Qin Wenyuan out of the Yuxu Temple, and each showed their supernatural powers and used all kinds of Taoism to move, jump, and walk against the wind in the fairy cave between the two peaks of Yuxu and Yuzhu.

Qin Wenyuan's "ghost shadow step" did not miss a single step, which really amazed many Taoist priests.

At this time, the surroundings of the fairy cave were already full of voices, but one of them, an old man in a white Taoist robe and with the air of a scholar, held a gourd full of wine cross-legged on a cedar tree crown and drank, laughing and talking from time to time.

"Today the Holy Son is here, and when the cave door opens, if you coaxed you in without knowing your dignity, don't blame the old Taoist for arresting you to make wine."

"The Lord is not afraid that my body smells bad, just use it to make wine, hahaha!"

Amidst the laughter, Qin Wenyuan and many other Taoists settled down in the wide area in front of the fairy cave.

Many Taoists in front of the fairy cave saw Qin Wenyuan surrounded by him, and they were all amazed that this young fellow had a noble face that could not be desecrated, and bowed in unison.

"I've seen the Holy Son!"

The old Taoist, who was cross-legged on the canopy of the tree, flew down in front of Qin Wenyuan with a smile on his face, and said with a kind smile all over his face.

"Pindao Sanqing Temple's Master Daoxu has seen the Holy Son. Pindao is a disciple of Lao Tzu, and they all belong to the sect of Taoism created by the ancestors. Today, I am very happy to see that the demeanor of the Holy Son is better than the predecessors."

"Master, you are welcome!"

After Qin Wenyuan met Daoxu, he looked carefully at the core of the so-called Kunlun Holy Land, looked left and right, but couldn't see where the gate of the fairy cave that Master and others said was, and couldn't help looking at the several old Taoists around him with some doubts.

Master Wisdom, the master of Yuxu Temple, didn't know Qin Wenyuan was puzzled, so he spoke.

"Holy Son! If you want to open the cave door, you must form a eight trigram yin and yang formation with your master, Tongtian, Sanqing Guanzhu, and several Taoist brothers. Only then can the cave door appear. At that time, you must sit cross-legged in the formation." A drop of blood triggers the mechanism of the fairy cave, and the cave door can be opened. According to the secret book, all disciples who practice my Taoist skills can enter and understand the cultivation of the heart of the predecessors. Only those who can enter can enter, and I will not know the specific situation in the cave until I enter."

Master Wisdom mentioned the method of opening holes, Qin Wenyuan already understood clearly, and couldn't help admiring the meticulous and exquisite mechanism of the ancients, thinking that if the head of the Mohist family had seen this mechanism, he would be obsessed with it.

Eight masters including Yuxu, Tongtian, Sanqing and Zhiren sat cross-legged in front of the mountain wall, which is covered with green plants and covered with snow in the surrounding valleys, forming a formation of gossip. The master muttered something in his mouth, and after about half a stick of incense, he saw a big gossip phantom surrounding him.

"Please ask the Son of Blood to activate the access control!"

Amid the loud shouts, Qin Wenyuan didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily bit his teeth through his fingertips, dripping blood...

The bright red blood dripped into the eyes of the gossip pattern, like blooming flowers forming silky red lines spreading around, one drop, two drops, several drops of blood dripped, and in Qin Wenyuan's panic that he didn't know how much blood he wanted, he suddenly heard There was a "cracking" sound, and then the ground trembled.

The cave door is finally opened, and the warm air rushes out and intertwines with the cold outside the cave, giving people a weird feeling of being in a world of ice and fire.

The eight priests paid homage to Qin Wenyuan after receiving their merits.

"I will refer to the Holy Son, the legacy of the patriarch. From today on, the Holy Son is the leader of all religions in Kunlun. If the leader has an order, I will die forever!"

All of a sudden, many Taoists scattered around knelt down and shouted loudly.

"I'll wait to see the leader!"

After successfully opening the gate of the fairy cave, Qin Wenyuan's identity was completely recognized by the Kunlun Taoist sect.

Kunlun Taoism believes that only by truly possessing the holy body of "Tao Qi" derived from the obsession of Hongjun ancestors, can this mysterious Taoist cave that has been closed for thousands of years be opened. Extermination, this is why Master Zhiren has been worried and has long been unwilling to let Qin Wenyuan be discovered by Kunlun. If it weren't for his disciple's breakthrough in skills to trigger the secret, he would never have revealed his disciple's identity, let alone let him come to Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

The masters of each temple followed Qin Wenyuan into the cave, followed by many elders and disciples.

The ever-burning lamp on the wall of the cave is made of something unknown, that is, Xu Tian has the soul of his previous life, and he is also very surprised by this magical object that glows forever for thousands of years.

Going all the way along the tunnel, you can suddenly see a number of lifelike stone statues of animals that look like monsters standing on both sides. The appearance of their teeth and claws is scary. After walking for about an hour, Qin Wenyuan suddenly felt an extremely dangerous and tense atmosphere. .

But at the end of the stone statue, there is a wide hall and another large stone gate. There is a huge and fierce python hovering around the stone gate. It looks like a python with a thick body like a bull raising its huge head. The scales on the python's body seem to have a faint golden light. But it is red, emitting a fierce light that wants to bite people. The tongue as thick as hemp rope stretches back and forth from time to time, and the wide open mouth reveals teeth shaped like spear points. Experts with profound skills such as the sky already have to use their skills to stabilize their bodies in front of the giant python. Taoists with lower skills have long since lost the ability to move in this air current, trembling all over, and sitting far away in the cave Only around the erected stone statue can you feel unobstructed breathing.

All the temple masters and a dozen or so old Taoists knelt down to pay respects to the giant python. Unexpectedly, the giant python obviously didn't pay attention to these Taoists. Its red eyes glanced at Qin Wenyuan, and its thick and long tongue suddenly rolled him up. Keep sniffing.

Even Qin Wenyuan, who was so bold and daring, was too frightened to move at this time, allowing this fierce python to do what he did, Master Zhiren and others looked on and were also terrified.

Facing the torment of death, talking about it is only a moment, but it makes people feel like a long time.

Suddenly seeing the ferocious python lower its head, arch Qin Wenyuan and sit on the coiled body of the python, it was as docile as a pet, and the breathless pressure in the tunnel dissipated immediately.

"Thousands of years! The little demon finally welcomes its master today."

The voice of relief drilled into Qin Wenyuan's brain, but it frightened him a lot, Nima, who is talking to the young master?
When Qin Wenyuan didn't understand the voice, the vicious python bowed his body with its head again.

This guy was so lucky, he quickly scanned the fierce python with his thoughts, and a voice came from his brain.

"Report to the master that the little demon is a dragon in the Kunlun Mountains. When he was young, he was enlightened by the immortal Hongjun and learned the Taoist scriptures. When the fairy master ascended to the heaven, the ancestor ordered the little demon to wait here for the master who possesses the Holy Body of "Tao Qi", and asked the little demon to serve the master and devote himself to cultivating the Tao so that he could ascend to the heaven in the future."

"Could it be possible that I can also cultivate to become a god?"

What Qin Wenyuan said to Jiao Mang with the power of sound transmission was a bit unimaginable for a while. Looking at the huge body hovering like a mountain, he thought that if such a big and fierce python followed him in the future, he would not scare the world to death. He also thought that if there were such ferocious beasts to protect him, even if there were thousands of troops, he would not be able to do anything to him.

This guy was actually a bit wild, and said with his mind that he called Jiao Mang.

"Let's talk about cultivating Taoism for thousands of years, you can learn the method of transformation, otherwise you may have difficulties getting out of this cave with your big body."

"The law of change is Xiao Daoer, the little demon naturally understands, begging the master to give the little demon blood to form a master-servant contract, the master does not need to worry about the little demon's body."

After finishing speaking, the dragon python shrank its body and transformed into a small golden snake, which instantly jumped into Qin Wenyuan's wrist and looped it into two rings like a bracelet, its shape was very beautiful.

Qin Wenyuan was so happy that he couldn't help calling out:

"I've made a lot of money. I've just entered the Immortal Cave and I've gained so much. I'm sure there will be a lot of surprises later."

When this guy was overjoyed, he bit his fingertips and squeezed out a few drops of blood into the mouth of the little snake. Qin Wenyuan instantly felt close to the snake, as if he could know himself as long as he thought about it. What is in my heart.

Seeing the change of the Jiaomang and the bleeding of the leader, many Taoists naturally knew what happened. They all knelt down and congratulated Qin Wenyuan for having such a good fortune that the gods and beasts recognized him as the master. Put your palm into the groove of the stone gate, and silently recite the "Heart Sutra" to make the pure power of Taoism shout out.


In the sound of "rumbling", one can see the stone gate hidden in the cave wall, revealing the descending stone steps.

(End of this chapter)

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