Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 814 Otherwise!Could have!

The old man Wei Zheng started talking loudly in the hall with a smile.

"My lords, Wei heard that General Xu has been busy recently. He went to the Northeast and Khitan to meet with the princes and leaders of various ethnic groups. He must have made some big moves. The general is a great talent, and his actions are often unexpected. Can you talk to the old man about the Northeast and Khitan? political strategy, to satisfy the curiosity of the old man and others."

"Your Majesty Wei really mentioned that General Qin is a great talent, and I have been waiting for him like a thunderbolt. I can see you today, and I just want to hear the general's high-level remarks on military and political governance."

Qin Wenyuan heard the words of these old foxes, how could he not know that these ministers of the court wanted to grasp the major policies and policies of the Northeast and Khitan, so that they could implement effective prevention and management strategies against what they had done in the court council? , then looked around and said it and Yan Liben, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, said with a smile.

"Boy, I heard that Master Yan is building the Daming Palace in Chang'an City, so why did he go to various places to supervise?"

"Ah! This matter is too difficult to explain in one word, so let's not talk about it."

"What's the matter, but what difficulties can't be solved?"

This is because Qin Wenyuan didn't know that the construction of the "Daming Palace" caused a lot of controversy in the court. This is because the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan insisted on going his own way and made the "Jing Zhaoyin" governor Ma Zhouzuo, who was appointed as the imperial doctor, asked Li Shimin to issue a decree in the northern part of Chang'an City. "Longshouyuan" was built as a summer palace for the Supreme Emperor. Li Shimin had no choice but to give it a go, and ordered the Ministry of Industry to build a large-scale construction project. However, the empire's financial resources were limited, and the construction of "Daming Palace" was often stopped during the construction of "Daming Palace". Although Li Yuan was not completely satisfied with the completed palace, he did not urge the construction of other palaces. However, it made the palace complex which occupies a large area look a bit scattered, which is really not satisfactory.

Yan Liben is a minister who puts all his heart and soul into everything he does. Naturally, he feels a little disheartened by such a hastily started and fruitless building. How dare he mention it.

Seeing that Mr. Yan didn't intend to bring up this matter, Qin Wenyuan certainly wouldn't force it, and roughly shared some policy policies for the Northeast with the ministers but didn't mention anything about the Khitan tribe.

Li Jing, Wei Zheng, Yan Liben and other court ministers were all moved when they heard Qin Wenyuan's targeted policies aimed at solving the minority forces once and for all.

Wei Zheng pondered to himself.

"This kid has a clever method. First, he uses the strategy of developing people's livelihood so that the people can solve their food and clothing, and then implements the strategy of education to transform the people's thinking. Over time, the people of all ethnic groups in the Northeast will gradually unify their ideology, pursue a kind of doctrine, and completely submit to it. Xu Tian's rule."

Li Jing spoke to Qin Wenyuan again in the hall.

"There is an envoy from the Koryo State to report to the emperor, telling you that Master Xu has forcibly occupied the land of the Koryo people in Liaodong, forced the nobles such as the Wang family of Koryo to move to Longcheng, and stationed heavy troops in the city of Liaodong, to prevent Koryo from developing business in the Tang Dynasty and paying tribute to the court. On the way, the old man leads a group of people to inspect this time, and according to the emperor's order, he wants to find out the matter of Liaodong City, what can Master Xu say?"

"That's right, Liaodong City has already been captured by Xu, and the land of Liaodong has been renamed Liaocheng Prefecture and Bohai City was built in the Suwei tribe, so that Xu's army can be stationed, forming a strategic situation to control Koryo. , As for the development of bilateral commerce and trade, Xu has already reached an agreement with the envoys sent by Goryeo, and it is nonsense to prevent Goryeo from paying tribute to the court. Could it be that the court wants to hold Qin accountable for this matter?"

"No! The imperial court has no intention of holding Mr. Xu accountable. Mr. Qin has contributed to the community by taking down Liaodong City. Li and others are nothing more than trying to find out the actual situation in Liaodong today, so that they can report back to the emperor and make the court respond to the situation. When the Korean envoys, there were some arguments to refute."

After Li Jing finished speaking, many inspectors brought up the appointment of officials in Liaodong and Northeast China, which made Qin Wenyuan feel a little impatient, and spoke slowly with a slightly sarcastic tone towards the court.

"Listen up, my lords, the military and political officials under the boy's command have little to do with the Tang court. Since the boy's management of the west of Liaoxi and now he has opened up the situation in the Northeast, has the court ever given the boy a penny? It's not good to say In other words, the reason why the boy can gain a foothold in Liaoxi and Liaodong is entirely due to the financial support of my Qin family, while the development of the Northeast has benefited from the Tang court. Doesn’t it make the boy think that the court has ulterior motives? If the emperor has any will, you might as well show it to the boy.”

Seeing Qin Wenyuan's impatience and intention to disobey the imperial court, Wei Zheng quickly smoothed things over.

"I'm going to follow the order, but you listen to me and tell you how hard it is to fight. Although the Liao officials have not eaten the imperial rations, they are still subjects of the Tang Dynasty."

Just when Qin Wenyuan had some disagreements with the ministers, the head of the post reported that the food and drink were ready, and invited the young prince and many ministers to the table.

Qin Wenyuan got up and said what everyone said.

"Everyone is a guest from afar. The Qin family should treat us as landlords. No matter what disputes there are with us about government affairs, eating is the most important thing. Please, my lords."

Everyone followed Qin Wenyuan to the restaurant to participate in the welcome banquet, and when they arrived in the hall, they saw Qin Changqing sitting on the seat.

"I'm waiting to see the lord!"

Li Jing led the crowd to salute, thinking to himself, this former Sui fourth-rank general who was equal to him in the past, is now a worthy king of the Tang Dynasty, how nice to have a son of a monster!

"My lords, you don't have to be polite, please sit down and drink freely."

Qin Wenyuan sat with his father, and at the banquet, the father and son raised glasses frequently to toast the ministers, not talking about political affairs, they just talked about interesting things they saw when they entered the state of Qi, so that the guests and hosts at the banquet would enjoy themselves together.

At the end of the banquet, the Qin family father and son returned to the "Xuanyuan" mansion, drinking tea and chatting in the study.

"Son! Now Li Shimin may be wary of my father and son. I don't know how to deal with it, so that the court and my father will not interfere with the river, and Qizhou will always be the land of the Xu family."

"Father don't need to worry about this matter. My son thinks that although the Tang Dynasty is now peaceful, Li Shimin and Li Shimin are still burdened by the Guanlong nobles and local separatist forces. The Xuanwumen's notoriety for killing brothers and seizing the throne makes it not justifiable to bear the throne. Moreover, the world belongs to the people of the world. My father only needs to develop Qizhou according to the established strategy to make it stronger. If Li Shimin understands the way to compromise, then that’s all. so what."

"The son can tell his father what he said, don't let outsiders know about it. Now that the Northeast land has been completely in my son's hands, my Xu family can advance and retreat freely, but my father is a little too worried about the current situation. "

"It's no wonder my father has such thoughts. Li Shimin's emperor's heart is like a deep one. It's not wrong for my father to be careful, but there's no need to be careful in everything."

The father and son talked at night in the study room, and then decided on a development strategy to deal with the Tang court's peace and stability. They stayed in their rooms until late at night to rest.

After Li Jing, Wei Zheng, Yan Liben and other imperial inspectors made a brief inspection in Qizhou, in view of the prosperity of Qizhou and the smooth flow of government orders, officials at all levels are doing their best to serve the people, and within a few days they brought satisfactory inspection results. Bid farewell to the father and son of the Qin family and leave "Licheng" to go to other state capitals of the Tang Dynasty.

It is rare for Qin Wenyuan to go home, because he was too lazy to trust Sima Yuntian and other officials at all levels who stayed in "Dragon City" to manage the military affairs, so he simply stayed in the "Xuanyuan" Qin Mansion as a shopkeeper, and kept the two elders of the Mo family and Li Kuang all day long. Hang out together and develop diesel generators and manual wool spinning machines in the workshop of "Xuanyuan".

The envoy ordered Yu Shuijun Zhang Dabao to bring back a large amount of crude oil and furs from the Yingzhou military port. Qin Wenyuan told the Mo family's second son Yazi how to refine crude oil by local methods, and allocated a large number of people to build in the wasteland outside "Licheng". Earth furnace, sedimentation, cooling and other large pools are waiting to convert crude oil into diesel oil. Mo Yazi knows the wide range of uses of this pungent black-yellow liquid, and he really wants to open Qin Wenyuan's head to see Look at the ideas from him, and how he knows the use of this liquid called diesel.

"Boy, is this thing really that useful?"

"Hey! Take your time and take a look at it. This thing is very useful. With the corresponding equipment and technology, it can be refined into gasoline and various derived chemical fiber products."

"What is gasoline and what are chemical fiber products?"

Worse, how careless he was when he spoke, but he couldn't explain it if the old man "broke the casserole and asked the bottom line!"

Qin Wenyuan secretly complained that he was fast-talking, and had no choice but to use vague words to fool the old man.

"The so-called gasoline is a liquid that is clearer than diesel oil and can burn and explode when it encounters sparks, and chemical fiber products are derived from the process of refining crude oil through the interaction with some special items, such as the clothes we wear. The cloth used for the robes, etc.”

"This liquid can produce cloth? How dare you fool the old man with nonsense."

"Cloth can be generated naturally, but the boy can't do it now. If you don't believe it, let's see what it is."

As Qin Wenyuan spoke, he took out a small bag made of nylon fabric from his arms, which he removed from the system with his mind.

Passed it to Mo Yazi to watch for a while, Xu Tian said again.

"Can you see what kind of cloth this small bag is made of? The boy told you that it is made of chemical fiber products. I will give it to you to study carefully."

Mo Yazi was taken aback by the things and words Qin Wenyuan brought out, flipped through the small bag and looked left and right, and found that the small bag was really not made of cotton cloth, and couldn't help but fell into a kind of thinking about the unknown.

In fact, the warehouses in Qin Wenyuan's system have everything for diesel generators, diesel, gasoline and other materials.

The main reason why he asked the Mohists to develop these things was to pass on how humans can make good use of natural things through the Mohist people's understanding and development of these materials that are unknown to this era, and how to make good use of them through natural science. Knowledge of the development of productivity-enhancing technologies.

The refined diesel oil was transported to the mountain workshop around "Xuanyuan", where Mo Jiazhu and Li Kuang, who stayed here to make manual wool spinning machines according to the blueprints, had already followed the method of how to weave fur according to the books given by Qin Wenyuan. , tried to spin wool, and the two old men were so happy that they went crazy.

Seeing this black-yellow liquid with a pungent smell again, and listening to Mo's second son explain its use, the three old ghosts didn't know the hidden dangers of it, as if naughty children used a wooden stick to soak the oil to make fire It was easily ignited, and there was no danger in the "crackling" flames. Qin Wenyuan was so frightened that he hurriedly moved the burning stick away from the pottery jar containing the oil, and said loudly.

"You old guys are dying. If the oil in the altar is ignited and there is an explosion, this workshop will also be blown up. Someone should keep an eye on this place at all times. Fireworks are strictly prohibited."

"Little bastard, you dare to reprimand the old man and so on, you are too courageous."

"Hey! Isn't this a kid who is anxious and afraid that the old man will be in danger, don't blame, don't blame!"

"Hmph! Let's hurry up and tell me how the generator is made and how the oil is used."

There is no way for these three old things. Qin Wenyuan explained the principle of making diesel generators one by one. He used a large amount of copper and iron and Mohist elders to smelt aluminum with impurities, and drew a rough figure while talking. It made the three old men, who were regarded as scientific madmen, dance and dance, and led many disciples to start trial production according to the diagram.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, Qin Wenyuan was tortured by the three elders in the workshop, but he couldn't help laughing. Finally, he fiddled with the diesel generator and connected it with wires and light bulbs, so that Li Kuang pulled the rope-wound When the device was activated, there was a sound of "chug chug" emitting black smoke, but the light bulb could be seen to emit bright light, and the illuminated area was much wider than that of candlelight.

The three elders stared at the light with silly smiles, while the craftsmen of the Mohist school knelt and kowtowed to the light, thinking that this was a flash of divine light, and their respectful expressions were nothing but piety.

Qin Wenyuan wiped off the oil on his hands, and said loudly to the crowd.

"This matter is complete. You already understand the knowledge of generators. You can use this machine structure to derive a larger power generation device. For example, in a river with a large drop, let the water power drive the machine to generate electricity, and the power generated by electricity can be used. Regarding lighting and production, I will leave the books recording this knowledge in the Mohist School for you to study and study, so that Qizhou will enter the era of semi-industrialization.”

Hearing what Qin Wenyuan said, the elders of the Mo family were already trembling with excitement.

The head of the Mo family sternly said to the clansmen.

"You and those who participated in the research and development should keep this matter secret, otherwise, don't blame the old man for being cruel and merciless. The second child hides the books in a secret place and puts them under strict protection. Except for the mad master who can read them at any time, the clansmen should treat them as if they were books. Thanks to the merits of being able to read it, these heavenly books must not reveal a single bit, remember, remember!"

The second son of the Mo family was submissive to his elder brother, and Li Kuang looked at Qin Wenyuan with fanaticism, wishing he had a daughter to marry this guy.

During the time when Qin Wenyuan was busy with the three old things at home, asking for advice from time to time, changing ways to make his children happy, using the yin and yang skills to nourish the wives, and making them happy and infinite, he counted his fingers , It has been more than half a year since returning to the mansion, and with Princess Gaoqin giving birth to Lin'er, the time has come to May of the ninth year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty.

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