Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 825: Thinking about it!overseas!

Li Shimin was very concerned about gains and losses, and he didn't think about the pros and cons, so he sent an order to transfer Xue Rengui, the general of the garrison of "Gubeikou" in Youzhou, with [-] troops, to be the guardian of Silla and Baekje, and exercise the government of the Tang Dynasty.

Qin Wenyuan's spy leader Chen Laosan, who was hidden in Chang'an City, reported the imperial court's policy. After sneering, he issued a handbook for several days, ordering the "Dengzhou" navy and Zhang Dabao's warships to ask his uncle Zhang Zhongjian to send "Yaoluo Island" The pirates cooperated to fully control the sea routes of Silla and Baekje, and on land, where Koryo bordered the two countries, [-] elite cavalry from Xu's army were stationed.

After making Silla and Baekje a strategy closed by the Qin army, Xu Tian secretly made Queen Gaoqin disobey the government of the Tang Dynasty, immerse herself in the development of the domestic military and politics, and implement a unified distribution system for the whole people so that the people have Land, living in houses, all nobles who resisted the state government because of their interests, confiscated property and sentenced to death.

When it was time to bring Goryeo's state affairs on the right track and steadily promote the development of the Northeast, Xu Tian entrusted Sima Yuntian, Luo Shiyi, Lu Qingling, and Kili Sugu with important tasks to become the core figures in exercising military and political power in the Northeast and assisting Goryeo in promoting benefits to the people.

In late autumn, Qin Wenyuan took Princess Caixia and his uncle Zhang Zhongjian to bid farewell to Gaoqin in the royal palace of Koryo, and ordered Zhou Cang to lead his personal guards and set off for "Licheng" with him.

Along the way, the horses neighed and their hooves sounded neatly. In the cold wind of late autumn, the knights on the horses already felt the biting cold...

The Qin residence in the "Xuanyuan" is very lively today, many guests and friends gathered to celebrate the reunion of Qiuniang and Zhang Zhongjian.

Zhang Zhongjian, a big man, is as obedient as a child today, allowing his sister to hold hands and enter the hall, his funny appearance made many guests, father and son of the Qin family, grandparents and wives all laugh.

In the hall, Qin Changqing said to the visitors with a smile on his face.

"Today, the king hosted a banquet to welcome his wife and uncle. All relatives and friends should feel free."

Followed Qin Changqing for many years, now in the "Xuanyuan" there are all the confidant generals in the mansion, who are originally from the army, with a rough personality, they all shouted loudly when they heard the name of Zhang Zhongjian.

"I've heard about Zhang Daxia's reputation for a long time, so today I want to get closer!"

But Mo Qingzi, the old man of the Mo family, laughed out loud. Because of making weapons, this old man had a lot of contacts with the generals in the army. He didn't know that these old men were addicted to alcohol, and today's banquet might be very lively.

Several civil servants in Licheng Prince's Mansion, together with Lu Yuanming and other adults who like to drink tea, are gathering around the "Qingfengguan" master Xumu Laodao to ask for advice on self-cultivation. This old Taoist often comes down from the "Pine Forest Mountain" The "Xuanyuan" Qin Mansion used Taoist secret methods to refine their muscles and bones for Qin Wenyuan's three sons, so that they could practice various Taoist scriptures according to their physical fitness after "building a foundation".

However, many of Qin Wenyuan's wives and his sister Xu Wanying, who had already returned to the "Xuanyuan" Chai Mansion, and other female guests, set up three square tables in the flower hall separated by a screen and fought endlessly. It was Qin Wenyuan's good friend. In order to let mothers and wives have entertainment to pass their leisure time, they actually taught them to play "Mahjong" cards, but this made the old and young ladies in the mansion out of control. The wives and ladies of various prefectures in Xuanyuan gather together to have fun, which makes the "Mahjong" play popular in "Licheng" today, and you can hear the "cracking" "Mahjong" tiles hitting everywhere you go. This also shows that the people in "Licheng" are now richer than they used to be when they were worried about food and clothing.

Qin Wenyuan's mother, Qiuniang, and her younger brother Zhang Zhongjian sat beside her husband and son, laughing and scolding their daughter-in-law and daughter who were only focused on playing mahjong.

"Why are you still playing around like this when you see your uncle? You really have been hooked by the cards. It's getting more and more unruly. My mother decided to deduct and fine you for this month's money, and send them all as cannon cards to my grandson. , granddaughters."

Several descendants who were next to the old lady were all smiling when they heard what the grandmother said, holding hands, holding legs, and cheering sweetly.

“Grandma is the best!”

"Can grandma give me more?"

"Why do you want more?"

Qin Wanying's son, Chai Rong, and Lu Yue'er's son, Qin Xiaofeng, started arguing at the side. The two boys are now very aggressive, but they often fight and refuse to give in to each other.

Qin Xiaoqian, the granddaughter of Qin's parents, saw that the two boys were attacking again, and said softly.

"Again, shut up!"

This little girl has Lu Yueer's savage personality, and several children in the family are afraid of this little witch.

Seeing the resemblance of a few children, everyone in the hall laughed.

Looking at the children, Zhang Zhongjian was very happy, and took out from his bosom a rare item sent by his subordinates, which turned out to be a lifelike phoenix jade card. Gave it to a few girls.

Looking at the various colors on the jade plaque, it is really a rare thing. They are all just right so that the carved phoenix is ​​made according to the colors on the jade, as if it is alive. Waiting for beautiful jade is rare in the world, and it is very valuable.

This girl Qin Xiaoqian is really well-behaved, like a little adult, she leads all her brothers and sisters to kneel and kowtow respectfully.

"Thank you uncle and grandpa for the reward!"

The expressions on the faces of this little granddaughter and many little people made all the elders laugh, Qiuniang pulled her granddaughter up and said lovingly.

"Get up! She is more sensible than your mother, and grandma is very happy."

Lu Yueer complained in a low voice.

"Mom! You are too biased, we use the monthly money as a bet for playing cards."

"Hmph! As long as you talk a lot, it's possible that you still have to fight with the younger generation, but it doesn't work here, I will ask you for it in front of your husband."

Qin Wenyuan smiled wryly, lying down without speaking.

The atmosphere in the hall was lively, and all kinds of delicacies and delicacies were served. Qin Changqing, Zhang Zhongjian, Qin Wenyuan, the two elders of the Mohists, Li Kuang, Lu Yuanming, Chai Shaowu, Lu Qingyun and the military and political officials of "Licheng" sat around and occupied the main seats in the hall. , and the rest were the officials of the palace sitting in turn, while Qiuniang led her daughter, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and many female guests to the flower hall.

Qin Changqing raised his glass and smiled at Zhang Zhongjian.

"Brother! My brother-in-law has been taken care of by your sister all these years, the family is harmonious, and the house is full of children and grandchildren, but it is hard for the brother to be away alone. If we get together today, how about staying in the mansion for a long time?"

"Brother-in-law doesn't need to be like this. My younger brother is used to being free, so I don't feel lonely. Listening to what Xiaoyuan said about the overseas affairs, it's time for me to experience it. How can I be content with such a peaceful life? Brother-in-law Hugh Speaking of this matter again, after my younger brother has seen the wonders of the world, then I will be with my brother-in-law and sister."

"Xiaoyuan! Why did you push uncle to do such a dangerous thing? For my father, I heard that the wind and waves in the ocean and the huge monsters are not human-powered. If your uncle encounters something, how can you explain to your mother?"

"Ah! Don't worry, father. My son should be fully prepared for my uncle to go to sea. In this life, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. If my son is not entangled in mundane affairs, I would want to go overseas to see it. "

According to what Qin Wenyuan said, the old man of the Mo family and Li Kuang were very caring, while Mo Qingzi stood up and toasted with Zhang Zhongjian.

"Brother Zhang, my little old man once heard that my son-in-law wanted to build a semi-mechanized large-scale warship for use in the far seas, but I don't know if my Mohists will be able to accompany me at that time. I think there must be a lot of interesting things and foreign things in overseas places. If you can learn The art of casting and mechanical manufacturing is very fortunate for the Mo family."

"Father-in-law has this idea, but he has a far-sighted vision. The boy knows that there is a country of Franji, but he is good at forging guns, cannons, etc., and forging weapons, and there are many high-yield crops in the countries along the way, such as the introduction of fertile fields in Qizhou and Northeast. The food should be able to meet the gap brought by the population growth, and the advanced industrial technology can enable the people to change the productivity to improve the efficiency. Now that there are still uncivilized foreigners in the coastal areas, if my uncle has the heart, he can build a country. Be the emperor, hehe! At that time, my uncle’s harem was full of blonde beauties, so I’m afraid I’m enjoying it and don’t think about leaving.”

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

Zhang Zhongjian was teased by his nephew, and he hadn't finished his reprimand, but Lu Qingyun, a foodie beside him, interrupted.

"Brother-in-law, I also want to go out to sea with my uncle and master. Wouldn't it be great to expand the business of the Lu family overseas and taste all the delicacies in the world?"

This guy actually didn't forget his desire for good food at this time, but his words about taking the Lu family's business overseas made the head of the Lu family very pleased.

"My son has grown up! It's time to let him go out and venture."

Thinking of this, Lu Yuanming said to Qin Wenyuan.

"My son-in-law! When building the warship, my Lu family also donated some money and goods. How about forming a caravan so that Qingyun can go overseas for trade?"

This incident happened, Xu Tian never imagined that the curiosity of this ancient man was more interesting than those who liked to travel in the previous life.

That being the case, let's go big if we want to do it!

Qin Wenyuan thought so...

Xu Tian, ​​the chairman of the hall, and others talked about overseas affairs, and the meaning of the theme attracted many civil and military officials in the hall, as well as relatives and friends of Xu's family. They asked Xu Tian to talk about interesting overseas affairs.

This guy is actually a little bit interested today, so he thinks it's better to take advantage of his uncle going out to sea with many bandits who are skilled in maritime affairs, and form a large-scale merchant fleet to go out to sea for trade. Or establish overseas bases on islands with few original residents to build them into emerging countries.

Based on his knowledge of the history of the coastal countries in his previous life, Xu Tian had already formed a plan in his brain and spoke to the many people gathered in the hall.

"If you want to talk about the strange people and strange things overseas, you can't explain clearly in a few words. The boy thinks that if everyone has the idea of ​​​​hunting for novelty and making a fortune, it's better for each family to contribute some money to form a large caravan. , tea, porcelain and other special products are exported overseas, and the income is, hehe! The boy is afraid that the elders will count the money until the time comes."

"It's such a good thing! You don't have to be a fool, tell me how I should contribute?"

Everyone was moved by Qin Wenyuan's few words. The understanding of this son's life and work in the past made everyone believe in what he said. Who would think that there is too much money.

No one will think too much money!
Tossing around with this kid, earning money by skill is the right way.

The so-called: "A gentleman gathers money, and he does it in a proper way!" No matter what happens to people or birds.

Seeing all the relatives and friends looking at him eagerly, Qin Wenyuan said again.

"The kid thinks that each family can use some spare money to invest according to their family background, and form a fully privately controlled maritime caravan. After the formation of this caravan, the first thing to do is to build merchant ships suitable for long-sea trade, recruit seamen and train foreign trade talents for various countries. As for the safety of the sea caravan, you can ask your uncle and his elders to escort the sailors who are good at naval warfare on Yanluo Island, and then the profits of the caravan will be divided according to the amount of money and effort they contribute, what do you elders think?"

After listening to Qin Wenyuan's speech, Mo Qingzi, the elder of the Mo family, first spoke in the hall.

"It's a wonderful move. You can go to sea to see the world, and you can gain something, so the old man ordered the housekeeper to prepare silver taels."

The Patriarch of the Lu family joked aside.

"Old ghost Mo, take your time. The so-called rules and regulations must be followed. Xiao Tian said to form a caravan on the sea, but there must be a leader, so that the caravan going out to sea must follow the rules."

Hearing the words of the two father-in-law, Qin Wenyuan laughed "hehe".

"Father-in-law's words are reasonable. I think Lu's family has come to do business. I can't compare with my business experience. The boy thinks that this caravan will be hard for his father-in-law to take care of, and Qingyun's younger brother has the ideal of doing business overseas. How about taking Qingyun as the leader?"

Everyone in the hall heard Qin Wenyuan's idea, and they all echoed and cheered.

"As a result of this matter, Master Lu has been in business for decades, and we will join the silver taels in the business and form an overseas trade caravan according to the idea of ​​the little prince."

"Since you all have this intention, I have to explain first. The way of businessmen has both losses and profits. If you only want to make money and don't want to take risks, the old man dare not take over this matter. Before doing this, First sign a contract of sharing benefits and risks, what do you guys think of the old man's proposal?"

"It should be like this. We trust Master Lu in his dealings with others, and he will never plot against us."


Hearing that many people agreed with his proposal to have the Lu family undertake the matter, Qin Wenyuan then proposed an advanced partnership concept.

"Elders, listen to my son. As far as I know, high-seas trade is a lucrative business. The risks mainly come from the wind and waves and pirates at sea. This requires a leader with rich experience in sea navigation. Uncle is the leader in this area. Experts, their subordinates are also good at sea battles. If the Mohists send craftsmen on board to deal with ship failures, there is nothing to worry about, and trade is the strength of the Lu family. The boy thinks that it is better for the Lu family to form a chamber of commerce with the Moh family and uncle. As the chairman of the chamber of commerce, my uncle and the Mo family are responsible for the safety and operation of the ships on the sea. With the income of the caravan, they can even set up warehouses in coastal countries, so that Qing Yun can lead the sales personnel of the Lu family to have more opportunities for overseas business. The place where you settle and organize supplies, hehe! Brother, you can build a good relationship with foreign royal families and win foreign princesses, and you boy will not be so happy to forget the way back home."

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