Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 842 Shout out!Fate!

Chapter 842 Shout out!Fate!
Prince Li Zhi of Qin Wenyuan was the examiner on site. On the day of the examination, this guy did something unexpected by the court invigilator, causing hundreds of guards under his command to wear standard khaki military uniforms, military caps, and breeches, and their feet were polished black. Black leather boots, a unified saber hanging from his waist, and a unified red cherry spear tightly grasped in his white-gloved hand.

The clothes of the Qin family's personal guards, and the majestic momentum standing outside the examination room, have already attracted loud applause from the people in Chang'an City who watched the many Confucian scholars' examinations from afar, and those young people who like the army are all very envious of these " The guards of Prince Qi's Mansion, and the Tang officials and soldiers saw the Qin family's army fighting, and thought that the Qin family was so powerful.

At the entrance of the examination room, two men in military uniforms guarded a black background and white letters.

However, it can be seen that the announcement reads:
"Anyone who disturbs the discipline of the examination room, any bully or cheater, once discovered, will be disqualified from the examination depending on the severity, expelled from the examination room, dismissed from his reputation, and those who gather a crowd to whip or beheaded for public display, and those who have nothing to do with the examination will not be allowed. Those who enter the examination room and refuse to listen to the advice will be sent to jail at least, or exiled into the army at worst."

For a while, inside and outside the examination room, the atmosphere was solemn.

Not far from the examination room, where the carriages and horses stopped, there was Marquis Wu of Chang'an City to maintain order. The rigor of this examination is really easier than in previous years. In the capital city, the sons of the wealthy, honorable, and gentry who thought that Lao Tzu was the best in the world finally saw something today. called rules.

Qin Wenyuan was sitting in a high position in the main hall of the examination room at this time. Today, this guy is wearing a royal robe embroidered with unicorns, with fangs and claws on his chest, and a unicorn head that looks like a lion and a dragon, making people look mighty and noble.

In today's exam, the topics are Four Books and Five Classics, Poems and Fu. Candidates are required to freely express themselves regardless of form. They can write beautiful articles such as poems, words, and classics. The main purpose is to assess the comprehensive qualities of candidates such as cultural level and self-cultivation.

Just as the invigilator handed out the papers to each examinee's desktop, and when the examinees entered the room and listened to the bell to start answering the papers, there was a commotion outside the examination room.

Qin Wenyuan frowned, leaned over and told the invigilators to continue to do their best to make the candidates enter the arena in an orderly manner, and immediately shouted.

"Who is making noise outside!"

Zhou Cang heard the call of the prince and entered the examination room to report.

"Report to the lord; there are people from the Luoyi clan of the King of Yan outside the examination room who did not abide by the rules of the examination room, bullied the poor candidates, and gathered crowds to make trouble."

"Fork out the troublemaker and whip him to show the public. Today is the heavenly king Laozi, so he should follow the rules of the examination room set by this king."


Zhou Cang quickly left the examination room, facing the three young masters with red lips and white teeth surrounded by dozens of guards and the guards behind him.

"No matter how powerful you are in a certain family, you dare to take advantage of the power to bully the poor students. Gathering a crowd to make trouble is already against the regulations of the examination room. My sons, take the three of them down and show them to the public."

Just when dozens of personal guards were about to make a move, "Jie Jie" laughter came from behind the three young masters.

"If you dare to touch my young master, don't blame me for being ruthless. If you are sensible, let my young master enter the examination room first. How can these untouchables go ahead of the noble children."

"Really! A certain family doesn't know where you are going today, take it down."

Hearing the chief's military order, several personal guards had already let go of their hands and feet to deal with the guards of the three young masters, but several personal guards had started to arrest the three young masters.

But one of the sons was heard shouting loudly.

"Others are afraid of your Qin family's personal guards, but our Luo family is not afraid. Good time, let's see how the young master beats and kills you."

Following the words, I can see that this young master is using his hands and feet to fight against the Xu family's guards with the Luo family's boxing techniques, but the Qin family's guards have all learned from Xu Tian the skills of capturing and fighting prisoners in the previous army. Really will meet good talent.

The guards who fought against the guards were outnumbered, and they were all captured by the Qin family's guards. Only the young master surnamed Luo was still struggling to resist.

Zhou Cang made a move, and quickly arrested Mr. Luo, together with the other two young masters who were frightened, they were bound to the pillars erected outside the examination room, and he loudly ordered the guards.

"These three people were disqualified from the exam, and each of them was whipped thirty times in public and kept away from here. The servants and guards they arrested were dragged to a distance and beaten with sticks. A certain family can't subdue these villains who think they are superior. "

All the guards suddenly agreed, and a dozen of the guards would take the family guards who accompanied their son to make trouble like chickens to a place a little far away from the examination room for disposal.

Many Confucian students who entered the examination room in an orderly manner outside the examination room, those young men in bright and luxurious clothes, watched the three young men tied to the pillars struggling and angry, and secretly rejoiced that they did not make trouble with the young masters of the Luo family, while the poor children But he secretly made up his mind because of Prince Qi's style of not being afraid of the powerful. If God favors him, he will be on the high school imperial list, and he will be an official in the future as the king of Qi is in charge of the people.

But it turned out that these three aristocratic and noble sons, relying on their family backgrounds, secretly hated being candidates with poor children and had to queue up to enter the examination room in an orderly manner, and were dissatisfied. He was so bird-like that he disdained the rules of the examination room set by Qin Wenyuan, and ordered his guards to push away the impoverished children in front of him and even threatened him with violence.

Naturally, many poor Confucian scholars dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out.

The guards of the Qin family discovered the commotion here, and came forward to interrogate them to find out the reason for the commotion. Most of these wolf-like guards were from the poor, and they hated bullying the most. At this time, it is impossible to control the identity of the troublemakers. Well, dare to challenge the majesty of our prince, even the king of heaven, the relatives of the emperor, have to say something today.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Luo, not the Qin family's personal guards, together with the other two aristocratic sons in Chang'an City, made a scene outside the examination room.

Just when the three guards were about to whip the young master who was tied to the pillar with long whips, Qin Qiong and his son Qin Huaiyu rushed to them and shouted loudly at the guards who were about to whip.

"Wait a minute! How dare you do this to a nephew of a certain family, but you know that this is the grandson of King Yan Luo Yi, so you are not afraid of King Yan's questioning?"

Seeing that it was Qin Qiong who blocked him, Zhou Cang stepped forward and said politely.

"General Qin is very polite. There was an announcement in the examination room today, so that the Confucian students participating in the examination should follow the rules of the test room. Those who violate the rules of the test room will be punished. These three young masters don't know their own interests. The prince has an order, and anyone who violates the rules, regardless of their status, even the emperor's relatives, must follow this order, and I hope that General Qin will make it easier for Zhou to carry out the prince's military order."

Listening to Zhou Cang's words, Qin Qiong looked at the huge notice board outside the examination room, and secretly hated her nephew for not being up to date. When she was thinking about how to deal with this matter, she heard her nephew calling sadly.

"Uncle hurry up and save your nephew!"

This call naturally aroused the weakness in Qin Qiong's heart. Thinking that his cousin Luo Cheng is such a hero, but his son is so humiliated today, it is impossible to say that a certain family today has a reputation of domineering and should protect their nephew well.

This guy ordered his son Qin Huaiyu to guard his nephew here, and said to Zhou Cang with a serious face.

"General Zhou waits to execute the punishment, what will happen after Qin has seen your prince?"

At that time, the elders of the other two sons' families probably heard about the arrest of their sons, and hurriedly led a dozen men in hardcover to outside the examination room, but it turned out that they were the cronies sent by Concubine Wei and the eldest grandson Heng'an's family in the palace. Seeing his young master being tied to the pillar, before seeing Xu Tian, ​​they all said angrily in a pretentious manner.

"Quickly release my young master, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!"

Zhou Cang couldn't reply Qin Qiong in time, and was furious when he heard the words.

"Really! My sons and daughters, listen to the order and persuade those who are not in harmony with the so-called to leave, and those who do not listen to the advice will be executed!"


In the loud promise, dozens of guards held spears and formed a battle formation, step by step pressing on the elders and dozens of men sent by the Wei family and the eldest grandson's family.

Just when the situation outside the examination room was a little tense, the bell rang in the examination room, and the answering questions of the Datang Imperial Examination officially began.

Qin Wenyuan got up and scanned the examination room. Seeing the orderliness of the examination room, he only heard the sound of paper being flipped and ink being rubbed. He smiled in satisfaction and went out to check how the troublemakers were being dealt with outside the examination room.

When I left the examination room, I saw the scene where the guards drove away dozens of strong and strong men with their spears. Seeing Qin Qiong and Qin Huaiyu on the scene seemed to protect the young man who was tied to the pillar. Qin Wenyuan frowned, and first said to Zhou Cang.

"Pass down the king's order, no one should leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

Having said this, Qin Wenyuan spoke again to Qin Qiong, Qin Huaiyu and his son.

"I don't know what the father and son of General Qin care about here. This king is ordered to invigilate the Confucian scholars from all over the world in the Tang Dynasty. If General Qin and his son have nothing to do, please leave this place, so as not to be criticized by the world and damage the prestige of the Qin family."

Qin Qiong saw that Qin Wenyuan obviously asked the question knowingly, although he was polite and polite, it still made people angry, so he said with a majestic face.

"Will Prince Qin release a certain nephew because of the old man's face? Now that this son has been disqualified from taking the examination, it seems that this kind of punishment has already made the prince powerful. There is no need to punish such cruel hands in public!"

"General Qin's words are wrong! This king disdains to show prestige on such unknown boys. They are not qualified. Since ancient times; without rules, there is no square. General Qin is also the leader of the army. You should know that those who disobey the military orders will be executed. Reason, this king has already made a rule in the examination room, but there are always some people who don't take it seriously, it's no wonder that this king doesn't show affection, if this king gave the general face today, how should he convince the public in the future, please teach me the general , Alas! In fact, General Qin doesn’t need to protect his weaknesses so much. This king thinks it’s good to let these dudes who think they’re the best in the world learn some lessons. Don't worry about it, so, will the general intercede for them?"

Qin Wenyuan tried to persuade Qin Qiong and Qin Huaiyu because they had a relationship with the Xu family. Even though there was some dissatisfaction with Qin Qiong, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty and even a deified figure, he still respected Qin Qiong and did not want to be with the Xu family. It completely tore the face.

Qin Huaiyu listened to Xu Tian's words, in fact, he also recognized this former friend in his heart.

After returning to Chang'an City from the Qin family's army, although he and Qin Wenyuan didn't have much contact with each other, Qin Huaiyu always referred to Qin Wenyuan as his friend. With the current situation, Qin Huaiyu couldn't help being disturbed.

"One side is a friend, and the other is a relative. If it is logical, I really shouldn't care about such crap. But how can my father let go of the deceased cousin's only son? It's really a dilemma!"

Qin Huaiyu frowned while thinking, Qin Qiong talked to Qin Wenyuan again.

"Prince Qin knows that among these three sons is the second son of Qin's cousin Luo Cheng. This son's father Luo Cheng and elder brother Luo Tong have made great military achievements with the Tang Dynasty and have sacrificed their lives for the country. Can the prince remember the great achievements of his father and brother? Let’s make a difference, and bring this bad guy Qin back to Mrs. Luo for strict discipline.”

Hearing Qin Qiong talk about the origin of the son of the Luo family, facing the son of such a meritorious minister, even if there are thousands of mistakes, Qin Wenyuan seems to be unable to do things in the face of his deceased ancestors. Many times life is like this They are so helpless, clearly acting from the standpoint of justice, but have to worry about the good-hearted concept of right and wrong in people's hearts. This is the contradiction between the law is intolerant and the law is nothing more than human feelings!

Qin Wenyuan pondered for a while when he heard the words, he was already thinking about it, and he said loudly to the many people who were watching.

"The young son of the Luo family was blessed by his father and brother's meritorious service in the Tang Dynasty. Today, the king will be merciful outside the law. He will only disqualify this son from the examination, spare him the whip, and make General Qin bring him back for strict discipline."

Qin Qiong didn't say anything after hearing the words, but he got this result, thinking that Qin Wenyuan gave the Qin Luo family great face, if he took the exam again, it would be a little bit of an inch, and it aroused Qin Wenyuan's resentment at that time, and I am afraid that things will not be good today.

Qin Huaiyu finally relaxed, the father and son bowed their hands and bid farewell to Xu Tian, ​​and took the son of the Luo family away in a panic while being pointed at by many common people.

After the father and son took the people away, Qin Wenyuan actually stood in the field in public and spoke again.

"The king is not strict in enforcing the law. He should be punished by Zhou Cang himself under the rule of three lashes."

Saying these words scared Zhou Cang and many of his personal guards to their knees, and the surrounding people also shouted.

"The sternness of the prince's law makes me and other ordinary people admire it. You must not use your precious body to suffer for others. Please take back your life!"

The two young masters who were still tied to the pillars were scared to death at this time, thinking that Xu Tiangui, as a prince, would not hesitate to set an example and accept the whipping, and the Wei family and the eldest grandson family did not have such military achievements as the Luo family, so how could this be? That's right, I regret that I offended this evil god because of the hatred between my family and Qin Wenyuan!
Qin Wenyuan smiled and waved to signal the people to stand up, and shouted at Zhou Cang again.


Zhou Cang had no choice but to bite the bullet and whip the master three times with the long whip, then dropped the long whip and knelt down with tears in his eyes to ask the prince to punish him.

Qin Wenyuan helped Zhou Cang up, and pointed to the two young masters tied to the pillars to the execution guards.

"Let's let them go with ten lashes each!"

The family members of the two sons who were driven away by the guards and still refused to leave saw Prince Xu doing such a thing, and actually admired him very much in their hearts. A hot-blooded man naturally knows and disdains the success of the children of the aristocratic family, but reality forces him to do something against his will.

Hearing that the two young masters were whipped, the screams were mixed with the sound of the whips screaming in the wind, the guards and servants of the two families were all terrified, but the surrounding people cheered.

"The great virtue of the prince made us and the people dare to stand up and be a man, and we should pay homage to us."

(End of this chapter)

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