Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 856 Leave!reason!

Chapter 856 Leave!reason!
At this point, Li Shimin's "Mount Tai" enshrining Zen, which Li Shimin had been planning for several months, was finally shelved, and the court restored the tranquility of the past. Groups of five gathered in restaurants, brothels, and teahouses to chat, have fun and revel.

Qin Wenyuan is indifferent to the emperor's desire to go to "Mount Tai" to enshrine Zen and the many changes that have been put on hold due to the celestial phenomena. He spends all day hanging out with the Earl of Buddha, because the wine brewed in the fief of King Qi has already been produced, and it is crystal clear. The color and taste of the red wine are top-grade compared to the wines brought by caravans from the Western Regions on the market.

Due to packaging and storage problems, Qin Wenyuan asked the housekeeper Xu Shijun to gather the farmers in the fief, so that some people learned how to make glass bottles, and some people followed the instructions of the winemaker of the Buddha machine to choose a place to build a large wine cellar. Planting conditions, to see if grapes can be planted in the climate and soil of Chang'an, so that the cost of wine making can be lowered.

Not to mention, this guy finally found an area suitable for growing grapes near the outside of Chang'an City, so Xu Shijun took the Qi Wang's famous stab to find the county magistrate Daoming's intention to buy land in the Chang'an County Government.

How dare the county magistrate of Chang'an disobey King Qi's intentions? Moreover, King Qi bought wasteland with real money. If it is such a good thing to say that Prince Qi sent money, even if Prince Qi would never give it out, this petty official wanted to hold King Qi tight this thigh.

Qin Shijun bought thousands of acres of wasteland in Chang'an County outside Chang'an City. According to the wishes of his master Qin Wenyuan, he asked the county magistrate to issue a notice to recruit idle farmers to open up wasteland.

After the glazed bottles were fired, the farmers in the land of King Qi were so busy bottled, stored, and sold every day that there was no idler in their families. For a while, the news that the people in the land of King Qi in Chang'an City made a lot of money spread to villages far and near. , so that the Lantian County Magistrate and Chang'an County Magistrate both wanted to go to the "Qi Prince's Mansion" to see the King of Qi to see if they could solve the livelihood problems of the people on their own land.

On this day, Qin Wenyuan and Earl Ator were in the warm pavilion in the palace, and asked the cook in the mansion to cook some delicate dishes. The two of them tasted the red wine very well, and they were touching each other in the glass cups they made, and they drank with a "jingle" When the faces were full of red, the magistrates of the two counties asked Cheng Yaojin to take him to the palace to meet Qin Wenyuan.

The old man came to the palace with two respectful county magistrates Da Chichi, but he couldn't bear to be notified by the servants, so he broke into the Nuan Pavilion, seeing Qin Wenyuan and the foreigners who had met once, drinking with delicate dishes, the room was full The smell of wine suddenly made the old ghost shout "Wow".

"The little bastard has such good wine and food, why don't you let the old man enjoy it together, maybe there are good things behind the old man's back."

After saying this, the old man saw the glass cup and the glass bottle of sobering wine on the table, his eyes were bright, he took the glass bottle and drank the red wine in a few gulps, smacking his mouth and muttering uncontrollably.

"What a prodigal! He actually used this treasure to hold wine."

Qin Wenyuan was not surprised by this guy's behavior, but he was so shocked that Earl Ator held up the red wine in his hand, neither put it down nor drank it...

Seeing Cheng Yaojin's appearance, the two county magistrates didn't dare to laugh at the old ghost. In fact, as far as they were concerned, the surprise they saw today was not much lower than that of the old ghost.

The two knelt down to pay homage to the prince, Qin Wenyuan smiled and made the two sit down, ordered the kitchen to serve more dishes, and brought over a dozen bottles of red wine that had already been packaged.

"Uncle Cheng, put the bottle on the table, and wait for the boy to pour the wine into it to sober up, so that it tastes mellow."

When Qin Wenyuan said so, Cheng Yaojin was a little embarrassed and put the glass bottle he was holding tightly on the table, but looked at Qin Wenyuan with wide eyes and hummed.

"Your boy is always able to make weird words, why do you have to wake up to drink this wine, could it be that this wine can still fall asleep."

Count Atol has been in the Tang Dynasty for a long time, and he can already understand the language and tone of the Tang people. Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, he couldn't help laughing "haha", which made the old man's eyes widen with anger, and he shouted again.

"What are you laughing at, you long-haired blond ghost, is the old man that funny?"

The two county magistrates sat at the bottom of the table in a dignified manner, feeling honored to be at the same table with such big men as King Qi and Duke Guo, and laughed at the handsome but different Earl Atol, Cheng Yaojin , I heard the Duke Cheng Yaojin yelling angrily, and quickly lowered his head, he was obedient and dared not speak, his eyes were on his nose, his nose was on his heart, and he was very cautious.

Qin Wenyuan smiled, took the glass cup and poured half a glass of red wine for the old ghost, and said by giving him the opportunity.

"It's because Uncle Cheng doesn't understand this wine. This kind of wine is different from high-grade wine. The so-called sobering up is to fully combine the wine in the bottle with the oxygen molecules in the air, so that the sourness in the wine can be removed, and it tastes more mellow. Well, if my uncle insists on saying that the wine can't fall asleep, that's really the case. Exposing the wine to the air is just to wake up the wine. The reason for this is what the boy said, and my uncle probably won't know."

"Wow! You brat, do you mean that the old man is uneducated, so he is not as good as you when it comes to drinking?"

"Hey! The boy didn't say that, by the way, what's the matter with uncle and the two county magistrates?"

Cheng Yaojin was so angry at Qin Wenyuan's words that he only cared about drinking a glass of wine, which made Earl Athol despise the old man with his eyes. Take a cup to see how much this old ghost can drink.

How does this old ghost care what other people think? With such mellow, mellow, slightly sweet, slightly sour, and slightly astringent wine accompanied by exquisite side dishes from the Qin Mansion, it is a joy to eat and drink. I wish others would not drink it. , keep it to yourself.

When the two county magistrates heard the prince's question, they stated their purpose for coming here, nothing more than begging Qin Wenyuan to take care of the farmers in the two counties so that they could earn some money.

Qin Wenyuan understood the meaning of the two county magistrates and said with a smile.

"This matter is simple. The two county magistrates will find this king's steward later on. If they can give some help to the farmers in the two counties, this king is obliged to do so. If we are officials, don't we just want the people under our rule to live comfortably? Is it? The two county magistrates have made this move, and the king is very happy. The Tang Dynasty can have such good officials who serve the people like you, so why worry about the prosperity of the people and the strength of the country."

The two county magistrates were very excited when they were praised by the King of Qi. They secretly thought that the effortless matter would make the King of Qi agree. It can be seen that the legendary words of King Qi's emphasis on people's livelihood are true.

Qin Wenyuan appreciated that the two parents and officials who directly governed the people did practical things for the people and did it by themselves. Putting aside their identities, he filled the cups in front of the two county magistrates with wine, and said with a smile.

"My lords, don't be restrained. Try the wine that has not been brewed by the farmers in the king's territory. This wine is much different from the wine brought to Datang by merchants from the Western Regions. It has a softer taste. The king bought thousands of acres in Chang'an County. The land is just for growing grapes and developing the winemaking industry. When it reaches a certain scale, all young and strong men and women can come to the king's planting bases and wineries to work in the king's planting bases and wineries during the off-season to earn some silver and improve their livelihoods. Come, come, come! How about a taste of this wine, my lord?"

Chang'an County Magistrate and Lantian County Magistrate were overwhelmed by Prince Qi's drinking and drinking, and they all knelt down and worshiped him again. The face of the aristocrat with his eyes looking up at the sky, actually treated the subordinate officials so courteously today. We can only repay the prince for this kindness by doing a good job in the livelihood of the people.

Both of them thought so in their hearts, and the expressions on their faces were full of admiration.

Qin Wenyuan helped the two of them up, and said that they don't need to be restrained, so that the two county magistrates finally let go of their hearts.

Unexpectedly, after the two county magistrates let go of their restrained attitudes, they were also two drunkards.

Earl Artor watched Qin Wenyuan's behavior from the sidelines, and he finally understood why this fellow Yu Datang was so powerful. Thinking that the prince who is waiting for the support of the people, it would be no problem to ask for such a flamboyant country. This foreign ghost at this time It is also a rise, raise a glass and join the game of fighting wine.

Relying on his own seniority, Cheng Yaojin acted like a great general pointing out the country in the game of wine fighting. This guy is not very educated, but he speaks nonsense, his funny appearance made everyone laugh out loud.

The old hooligan didn't realize that he was making people laugh, but he actually begged Qin Wenyuan to make a drink to make the crowd more lively.

Qin Wenyuan was helpless, and said to the crowd with a smile.

"This king will come up with the rules of the game. This is a game of talking big compared to small. If you say big in your mouth, your hands should be smaller. Otherwise, it is a violation. Naturally, you will be fined a glass of wine. You can understand it. Why don't you practice it first?" ?”

Everyone agreed, Qin Wenyuan immediately said that he was small, but his hands were wide open, and then he ordered Earl Ator who was sitting beside him to follow.

Earl Atol understood, saying that his mouth was bigger, but his hands were smaller. In this way, everyone in the hall quickly understood the rules of the game.

To say that this game tests people's ability to respond, it has the effect of dual-purpose, even when people are sober, they occasionally make mistakes, not to mention drinking, the more you drink, the more you will naturally lose, and it will not matter how drunk you are in the end. Know.

The wine order started, and Cheng Yaojin's seniority naturally started with him. This guy shouted loudly, but clasped his hands together to make a small circle, which was considered a pass, and then the Chang'an county magistrate shouted small, and made his hands open to make a big circle , When I arrived at Lantian County Magistrate, I heard this guy shouting.


The small characters are exported, this guy's hands are also smaller, Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed, "haha" laughed.

"Hahaha! Drinking, drinking, such a child's thing, how can the parents of Lantian County not respond in time, I really laughed to death."

The county magistrate of Lantian was laughed at by Cheng Yaojin, and he kept gesticulating with his hands in confusion. He couldn't figure out why he couldn't do such a simple thing.

Another round started, and it was Cheng Yaojin's turn to call Xiao Bi Xiao. Those who thought it was simple finally found out that this order is not simple. After dozens of rounds of shouting orders, Cheng Yaojin lost in a complete mess and was too drunk to lie down.

The two county magistrates were also a little drunk at the time, but fortunately they still remembered to be guests in the "Qi Wang" mansion, otherwise, they might have made some gaffes.

Earl Ator was slightly drunk at this moment, and said to Qin Wenyuan in Spanish while pulling his handsome face that was about to burst into laughter.

"His Royal Highness's order is interesting. How can you not make mistakes again and again, but this makes Artor puzzled."

"Haha! This order has the effect of one mind and two purposes. Whatever you think in your heart, you can do the opposite thing with your hands. Although this matter is easy to do, it is not easy to do it. The Earl has nothing to do, so you can understand the connotation with your heart. Maybe it will do you some good for your sanity."

This is Qin Wenyuan pretending to be profound, like this kind of game, it’s just to keep people’s brains clear, what’s the connotation, in fact, it’s to use this to make this gringo respect the civilization of the Tang Dynasty even more, even this little game It can contain the principle of mutual generation of things.

How did Earl Artor know Qin Wenyuan's thoughts, he naturally took this guy's words as the truth, thinking that Tang Wenming is better than Buddha's machine.

After the banquet, Qin Wenyuan sent Cheng Yaojin and the two county magistrates away with the guards of the mansion, and then he and Earl Ator drank tea in the hall to sober up, and chatted about interesting things about the Tang Dynasty and the Buddha Kingdom.

At this time, a guard of the mansion brought in a person, but it was a letter history sent by "Qizhou"...

Xin Shi entered the room to meet Qin Wenyuan, knelt down and presented the letter and reported it.

"Report to the young master, it is the master who sent the young one to deliver the letter!"

Qin Wenyuan ordered his personal guards to take the letter and history down to rest, and read the letter written by his father in front of Earl Ator. In addition to explaining that the emperor "Taishan" sealed the Zen, and withdrew the Tang army gathered in "Qizhou", the main thing was He said that he had received a report from his uncle Zhang Zhongjian's subordinates that the fleet led by Zhang Zhongjian would return in one month, and this time the fleet was accompanied by Countess Catherine, the royal princess of the Buddha Kingdom, who asked in the letter How did Qin Wenyuan receive the princess and count.

After reading the letter, Qin Wenyuan handed it to Earl Ator and said with a smile.

"Brother Earl, you are the one who called the princess of your country. Are you not afraid that the princess will be in danger with such a long sea route?"

Earl Athol said excitedly while reading the letter.

"Your Highness is worrying too much, but our imperial sister is very barbaric. It's lucky that she doesn't bully others. Thinking about the danger of such a huge warship like the Tang Dynasty on the sea, the prince will go back to Qizhou to meet her. Is Miss Huang coming to Chang'an City?"

"Let's not talk too much about this matter. If the king wants to leave Chang'an City, he must have the emperor's imperial decree. After the king asks the emperor, he will make a decision. But your royal sister is here. Maybe you also want to live in the palace of the king. But let me tell you, this king's wives are not easy to get along with, and at that time, a few tigresses will argue, no wonder this king didn't do what he wants to be a landlord."

"It doesn't matter; letting Huangjie live in the palace will also let her know how elegant the wives of Datang are."

Qin Wenyuan has his reasons for what he said earlier, although it also made the wives in the mansion, but because they spend most of their time with Taohong, Princess Caixia, Princess Changle, Princess Minmin, Miss Murphy are still quite jealous, The breath in the mansion is sour. If there is another Princess Catherine, she will be ugly. If she is beautiful, the king will not be able to survive if the girls quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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