Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 866 Withdrawal!resentment!

Chapter 866: Return!resentment!

This is what Li Daozong took for granted. Like Qin Wenyuan, a big boss who doesn't need the Tang Dynasty's salary, how can the court restrain him.

Xue Rengui returned to Beijing with Qin Shiji, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice judged that this guy went out to the army privately. He wanted to be demoted to a commoner and emigrate to the frontier to serve as an army, but he was saved by Li Daozong's death.

Qin Wenyuan sent a telegram to the Northeast, so that Xu Jiajun, who had come to Silla King City, retreated and resumed the establishment. He only left a standing army to guard the Queen in Goguryeo King City. He promised that if the two countries obey Qin Wenyuan's orders in the future, they will receive the protection of the Qin family army and help them develop their people's livelihood.

The kings of Silla and Baekje judged the situation and had no choice but to agree to such subservient treaties. Since then, the queen of Goguryeo adopted her husband's strategy and used the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water during development. Integrate into one.

Everything was well arranged, but Qin Wenyuan and Crown Prince Li Zhi were busy with setting up an official school in the northwestern frontier of the Tang Dynasty. Given that this would cost the court a lot of money, Minister of the Household Department Tang Jianchao said at the meeting.

"Your Majesty, due to the huge cost of flood control in Henan Province, the Ministry's inventory is insufficient. Now the crown prince and the king of Qi want to implement the policy of setting up official schools in the frontier fortress, but it is a bit embarrassing for the old minister. Can the emperor decree to delay the implementation until the flood in Henan Province is relieved? , How about the imperial court calming down and doing this again?"

Li Shimin frowned when he heard that Zuo thought he had no money and was restricted in everything he did, so he spoke.

"All the ministers and workers have a way to solve the silver bills, and you can speak freely in the hall!"

No matter which dynasty, talking about money is not a happy thing.

None of the many ministers in the imperial court wanted to talk about this matter first, for fear of putting themselves in an unpleasant situation.

Qin Wenyuan didn't care what the courtiers thought, Jin Luan said loudly.

"Your Majesty, I have a method to solve the embarrassment of insufficient money! I just don't know if the Emperor supports it?"

Li Shimin said with a smile when he heard this.

"If you have any idea, let's talk about it. If it is feasible, I will certainly support it."

Qin Wenyuan glanced at the ministers in the hall, all of them stared at him, eager to hear what good ideas he could come up with.

But this guy is slow and orderly, he is really anxious to death.

"Your Majesty, there are two ways for ministers to solve the plight of the court's lack of money. First, all ministers in the court who have property in the Tang Dynasty, aristocratic families, etc. can donate some silver taels to help the court when it is difficult. Second, the court It is possible to set up Yinzhuang to issue bonds to officials, gentry, merchants and common people in the Tang Dynasty, promising a certain amount of interest and repaying them at maturity. , The turmoil caused by the failure of the court to pay when it expired cannot be easily quelled by the court."

The idea put forward by Qin Wenyuan caused waves in the hall. First, the Wang family made an attack.

"If you want to talk about the property in Datang, Prince Qi has a lot. I don't know how much money Prince Qi is willing to give to solve the difficulties of the court."

Qin Wenyuan dared to say this method, and of course he was prepared to deal with doubts in his heart. He naturally knew that these aristocratic families would attack him for his ideas.

"Hey! No matter how much your Wang family is willing to pay, this king will double it. You still have something to say."

This guy despises the ministers of the Wang family who made trouble against him. In terms of the arrogance of the palace, he has suppressed many rich families and ministers who have property and dare not speak again.

Looking at the expressions of the ministers, Li Shimin didn't know how he wanted to make these ministers take money out to share the country's worries. It was clearly to cut their flesh and bleed their blood. When the empire was in trouble, what it did was really hypocritical.

The emperor's old son was really satisfied with Qin Wenyuan's statement, thinking that this is my son-in-law, who not only has the law to solve the crisis of the court, but also despises the Tang Dynasty, a family that even the court would not dare to offend easily, so that this boy can assist the emperor, Even if Lao Tzu died that day, there should be no worries!

"Qin Wenyuan; tell me about Yinzhuang, what are bonds, and why do you need to reserve gold and silver to deal with crises?"

"Your Majesty, if you want to say that this bank is simply a lending institution, it is qualitatively different from private banks. First, the government-run bank is guaranteed by the power of the imperial court. Secondly; the government-run bank can be based on the national economy. Issuing currency for development, commodity prices, and people’s income, etc., and implementing a unified monetary policy. Of course, this cannot be achieved overnight. It will take time for the people to recognize the slow development. As the benefits of government-run banks appear, I believe that this step can be achieved. As for Gold and silver reserves are the lifeblood of the country and an important condition for running a bank. Let’s take the issue of bonds as an example. If a minister buys a bond of 100 taels of silver, he will get 110 taels of silver when it matures. The court can’t use it. At that time, I will use wars and disasters as excuses to even pay back my money. The so-called gold and silver reserves are the confidence of the imperial court to deal with various crises, and of course it is also a guarantee of credit."

Qin Wenyuan's words seem to be a bit far-reaching, but if it is really operated and succeeded, then the history of Datang will be even more brilliant.

People of insight in the hall were very interested in Qin Wenyuan's economic strategy. Yang Jixing, the new top scholar, received a lot of inspiration from it, and humbly asked Qin Wenyuan for advice in the hall.

"The prince's words made the lower officials suddenly understand, but the lower officials don't understand in what form the bonds should be issued, and how to convince the people to buy them?"

This question asked about details, which showed that the young courtier already understood the efficacy of bonds.

"Of course, the imperial government must have a detailed plan for issuing bonds. First, it must determine the amount of bonds to be issued according to the needs of the imperial court. Second, it must estimate the ability of the imperial court to repay the repayment, so that the bonds can be divided into one-year, two-year, etc., according to the regulations. The principal and interest of the purchaser will be returned to the purchaser when the denomination is due."

After saying this, Qin Wenyuan continued.

"For making money, the best way is to make money with money. The court will not worry about selling it for the benefit of the people. The key point is the issue of credit. You must not use the method of deception, otherwise, the world will be in chaos. "

Tang Jian, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, heard Qin Wenyuan's economical methods. Although the old man secretly praised Qin Wenyuan's great talent, he thought that such unnatural things were unheard of. The destruction of a family makes people angry. If it is an official bank run by the imperial court, it will not be like the folks.

What this old ghost thinks represents the thoughts of many ministers in the palace. Because no one can understand this advanced economic model, it is compared with the profit-seeking method of the people.

Qin Wenyuan's method is actually just the prototype of the bank in his previous life. In today's age when private commerce is underdeveloped and money is scarce, such a method may make the economy move too fast, and no one can guarantee success.

Any reform has its dangerous side, and it depends on how those in power control the danger within a controllable range.

Of course, Li Shimin and a group of ministers did not dare to take this risk, and they all dared not express their views on this matter or express their approval.

Prince Li Zhi thought of a good way.

"Father, my son thinks that the method proposed by King Qi is feasible. Considering many factors such as the current economy of the imperial court and lack of such experience, it is better to use Chang'an City as a pilot to verify the feasibility of its government-run bank in a small scale. In this way, even if any danger occurs, the imperial court can control and correct it in time."

Li Shimin's perfect strategy for his son was a joy, showing that his son can now think about the affairs of the court alone and have corresponding handling methods, which is the consciousness that a king should have.

"The emperor has finally grown up, I am so relieved, the Tang Dynasty is very lucky, and the Li family is very lucky!"

After Li Zhi put forward his idea in the Taiji Hall, many ministers agreed with the prince's idea, most of them seconded and agreed, but who was in charge of this work caused the ministers to argue again.

The aristocratic families and the nobles of the imperial court all think that this matter is a piece of fat, and it involves a beautiful matter of money. Who would want to get involved in it to gain some benefits? It seems that when people like them think about national interests, they always have family members in their hearts. prosperity.

First, Sun Anye, the eldest son of Xue Guogong, came out to play.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the Crown Prince should be in charge of this matter, and each family will send capable people who are proficient in banking affairs to assist the Crown Prince. If this is the case, the event will be settled!"

Changsun Anye's words meant to exclude the honorable faction of the imperial court, how could he get the support of these important ministers.

The son of the late Shangshu Youpushe, the Duke of Yu Wen Yanbo, who inherited the title of Duke of Yu, Wen Yuting, who is now the royal censor of the imperial court and doctor Guanglu, came out, and Jin Luan bowed his hands and said.

"Your Majesty, I think what the eldest grandson said is inappropriate. I think that the new yamen established by the imperial court is not the same as the private bank. How can we make those villains in the bank who compete with the people become officials and assist the prince? This is not in accordance with the etiquette. If you don’t criticize me, I’m afraid I’ll lose the court’s prestige!”

This is a high-sounding statement, no one can find out the disadvantages, thinking that the treasurers in the money houses of various families are all without official status, so how can they perform official affairs on behalf of the imperial court.

Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Tang Jian, Li Jing and other ministers all watched with great interest when seeing the internal strife between the always united aristocratic families and nobles of the court due to interests, but in secret they smelled the smell of blood because of the interests. Mosquitoes are shameless.

Li Shimin was so disappointed, no wonder Qin Wenyuan would say that most of his courtiers are people who forget righteousness for profit.

The old emperor resisted the unhappiness in his heart and spoke up.

"Qin Wenyuan, tell me how to do this?"

Hearing that the emperor asked for his opinion, Qin Wenyuan had long been displeased with the power struggles of noble families and nobles in the imperial court, so he said angrily.

"I think that if you want to do this, you can only be an official appointed by the prince. Others should do whatever they want. Don't think about Yinzhuang's idea. This new yamen should have a name, and the officials in it must be those who are good at arithmetic. Those who act rigorously and are honest and honest, those who have aristocratic families and noble backgrounds in the court, and all courtiers who think about forming cliques all day long will not be used. If there is not enough manpower, they can be selected from Confucian scholars. "

These words offended many ministers in the palace, Xue Guogong's grandson Anye said loudly with anger on his face.

"Qin Wenyuan; what qualifications do you have to dictate to the noble family and court honors? I think we followed the late emperor to fight and expand the territory. Which family has made great achievements, but your father and son hold a large army and occupy Qizhou and the Northeast. It shows that the emperor is the master, and the court is under the rule of the court, but it is actually a separatist regime. Powerful officials like your father and son have no merits in the court, so why dare the court talk about us."

The eldest grandson Anye also went all out, thinking that if he didn't suppress Qin Wenyuan's strength in the hall today, there would be no room for him to speak in the future.

Qin Wenyuan said with disdain for this guy's words.

"Old grandson, you must have a basis for your words to convince others. It is true that you followed the late emperor to create the Great Tang Dynasty. However, the honor given to you by the imperial court is beyond your credit. For decades in the country, I miss you. Relying on trivial achievements, wantonly doing beneficial things, often oppressing good people, arbitrarily seizing people's property, enclosing land, overriding the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and many other evil deeds, why don't you say anything about it, an old man. Everyone in the world knows whether the king has made any contribution to the court. Not to mention other things, the high-yield crops that the king donated to the court will solve the food shortage of the people and make the world stable. , Xu Jiajun guarded Qizhou and the Northeast, and made many ethnic minorities surrender to the Tang Dynasty. Do you need to tell me about many deeds? This king disdains you and others for a little credit, so he takes credit for it and wins what he thinks is beneficial to him. It's life and death, it's really not a thing."

Many ministers in the hall heard that Qin Wenyuan scolded the eldest grandson Anye sharply. His words did not deny the meritorious service of the noble family and nobles, but pointed out the fault of these meritorious families for their meritorious deeds.

Those ministers who have gained fame through ten years of hard study without any background or reliance, were all moved by Qin Wenyuan's words of daring to scold aristocratic families and nobles, thinking that these words were exactly what they said.

The eldest grandson Anye was scolded by Xu Tiandian in public, he was not angry in his heart, he knelt down and shouted.

"Your Majesty; Qin Wenyuan insulted the courtiers with obscene words in the palace, and the courtiers impeached Xu Tian for the crime of contempt of the court, and begged the emperor to make decisions for the courtiers."

Li Shimin frowned, he never thought that the eldest grandson Anye would fight Xu Tian head-on for a place in Yinzhuang, it would take a lot of benefits to make him do this, it seems that the interests are so important The courtiers who are more important than life, do I dare to trust them with such matters?

"It's that little bastard Qin Wenyuan who can see through the faces of these people!"

Li Shimin endured impatience in his heart, and said indifferently to the eldest grandson Anye who was kneeling under Jinluan.

"Let's live! Qin Wenyuan despised the order of the court, and I will punish him accordingly according to the situation. However, what should you do for your baseless nonsense in the palace? Don't always look at things from your own point of view on many things, and focus on the overall situation. Is it not good?"

Seemingly an understatement, the emperor has already set the tone for this guy's impeachment of Qin Wenyuan, which puts a stone on the hearts of many courtiers who want to see Qin Wenyuan's jokes, and feels the pressure of the emperor's love for Qin Wenyuan.

The eldest grandson Anye retreated in embarrassment, but he was full of resentment towards the emperor and hatred towards Qin Wenyuan.

Li Shimin said again.

(End of this chapter)

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