Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 881 Play!Annoyed!

Chapter 881 Play!Annoyed!

Li Shaozhi is the third division of Kaifu Yitong, the eldest son of the late prince's young master Li Gang, although he didn't have much acquaintance with Qin Wenyuan, but he admired Qin Wenyuan in his heart, unlike his predecessor, Kong Yingda, who regarded Qin Wenyuan's thoughts and understanding as heresy Heresy, but think that Xu Tian's thoughts are like a clear stream in the academic world, and Yu's theory of governing the country can discard the dross and extract the essence, so that it can be used in practice.

"Prince Qi ordered, Li naturally did not dare to disobey, so he asked Lu Shuang to study at Guozi School. However, if Master Jijiu learned about it and objected in the future, I hope that instead of talking about it, Li will not embarrass Li."

"Naturally, this king will definitely not embarrass the Doctor."

After Lu Shuang, Xu Xiaole, and Lu Biao all entered Guozixue and worshiped Dr. Li Shaozhi, Qin Wenyuan did not want to meet face-to-face with Kong Zhiliang, the current priest of Guozijian, to talk about his nephew. In his will, he regards Confucianism as the top of all schools of thought. Of course, he can't urinate in a pot, but he obtained the emperor's handwriting directly from the palace, so that Lu Shuang's study in Guozixue is justified.

Since then, the three boys Qin Xiaole, Lu Biao, and Lu Shuang were all under Li Shaozhi's family, but Kong Zhiliang didn't like it for the sacrifice of wine. How could the three boys buy this old thing? Tomorrow it will make his travel difficult again, and it will really toss him.

At that time, Kong Zhiliang was suffering from severe hemorrhoids due to physical discomfort. Whenever he went to the toilet, he had to use a wooden stick standing in front of the squatting position to pull his hands, so that he could go to the toilet smoothly.

Qin Xiaole and the other three boys found out about this, and after discussing it, they asked Lu Shuang to let the wind out of the toilet. Then use soil to cover it up so that there is no trace of being touched.

Today, Mr. Kong Jijiu went to the toilet as usual, and he still squatted down and held the wooden stick with both hands as usual. When he was enjoying himself, how did he know that the wooden stick he usually held was tampered with? The wooden stick suddenly broke when it was dripping, and the old thing was unprepared. Holding the broken wooden stick with both hands, he fell back into the latrine pit, screaming for help in the cesspit in panic.

"Come... come...!"

The three boys hiding outside the latrine saw their hand, and ran to a secret place in the school, laughing loudly.

"Brother Le; that old thief wouldn't drown in the cesspit, would he?"

Lu Shuang said with a little worry, but Lu Biao laughed and said.

"The cesspit is not deep and there are farmers digging out manure regularly for fertilizer. Even if the old thing eats some manure, it will not drown."

"Brothers; this matter must not be leaked, otherwise, you and my brother will lose their ass."

Qin Xiaole said seriously in a low voice, and the brothers from the Lu family said yes again and again.

Kong Zhiliang, who was fished out of the cesspit, was in a state of embarrassment. His whole body was covered with yellow excrement and feces, and the stench was so strong that everyone covered his nose with his hands and looked down on him. The man shouted in embarrassment and anger.

"It's an insult to the gentleman, it's an insult to the gentleman!"

The members of the Kong family covered their noses and quickly took Master Jijiu away, so as not to make a bigger joke, but none of them thought about how their elders would fall into the latrine.

The fact that Kong Zhiliang fell into the latrine became a joke of the Imperial College. This old thing has not been at school for many days, so that the three boys Xu Xiaole, Lu Biao, and Lu Shuang have no one to find fault with. Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang's son Li Hong are delighted to see each other.

"Brother Xiaole; ​​where did this ball come from, how did it jump so high, let a certain family try to kick it too."

"Hey! Do you know how to play football?"

If you ask this question, Li Hong thinks he just kicked it with his feet, who the hell can't.

"Brother underestimates people, let's look at mine!"

But seeing Li Hong's luck, he raised his foot and kicked the football placed on the grass, but his kick was empty. He couldn't control his body and turned around before staggering to a stop. While touching the brain, I was a little annoyed and felt incredible.

From time to time, the grandson of the Yuchi family, Yuchi Xiaohei, Cheng Yaojin's grandson Cheng Dabao, Li Jing's grandson Li Minzhong, Fang Xuanling's grandson Fang Yong, Du Ruhui's grandson Du Ziyan, and Wei Zheng's grandson Wei Wuya saw the excitement and ran to the grass, They were also curious about Yuanyuan's football, but they kicked it without waiting for the consent of Qin Xiaole, Lu Biao, and Lu Shuang. Many people ran wildly following the football, having a great time.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaole took the football back into his hands and shouted loudly on the grass.

"You have to play with brute force. If you want to play, you can form two teams, set up a goal in the competition field, and attack each other according to the competition rules. Wouldn't it be more fun to play?"

This proposal was echoed by many boys, all of whom were excited to invite their friends to form a team, but Li Hong asked someone to call a carpenter, and set up wooden doors according to where Xu Xiaole and Lu Biao stood at both ends of the grass.

A group of children from the three generations of the royal family such as Li Daozong, Li Xiaogong, etc. all formed a separate team, with Li Hong as the captain, while Qin Xiaole was with the Lu family brothers, Cheng Dabao, Yuchi Xiaohei, Li Minzhong, Fang Yong, Du Ziyan, Wei Wuya and other court officials. The sons of Xungui form a team, with Xu Xiaole as the captain to fight on the court.

At the beginning of the competition, Qin Xiaole told many boys the rules of playing football. Once the competition started, there were a lot of tricks. Some ran with the football, and some ran rampant with their strength, and Xu Xiaole was so angry that he hugged the football. yell.

"Stop playing, stop playing!"

"What do you mean, buddy, holding the ball and yelling not to play, thinking that everyone wants to listen to you, so if you are sensible, put down the ball, otherwise, I will kick you."

How could Li Anyin, the grandson of Li Daozong, be willing to let Xu Xiaole cling to the soccer ball when he was having a good time? This guy didn't take Xu Xiaozi seriously because of his thick skin and thick skin.

"Go away! I want to play the ball for whoever you want, just like you, you have to see how capable you are, and dare to say such cruel words."

Li Anyin yelled "wow" at Qin Xiaole's angry words, and actually attacked Xu Xiaole like a humanoid tank, trying to snatch the football from him by brute force.

Qin Xiaole's body is light and nimble, how could she be bumped into by such reckless men, making her move her feet in a controlled manner, not to mention tripping her feet and causing Li Anyin to fall to the ground.

Li Anyin fell down and gnawed his mouth full of grass, causing many boys to laugh into a mess, this guy was so angry that he got up and tried to attack Qin Xiaole again.

Qin Xiaole jumped away and shouted loudly.

"Damn it! The young master gave you a face, didn't you? Don't blame the young master for being rude to you."

Many young and middle-aged boys in the arena watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. They all clamored and wished that the two boys would fight...

The sound of drumming attracted more and more boys to gather in the open space of the school, and the louder noise finally attracted the doctors of various disciplines from the Imperial College to leave the house. Dr. Li Shaozhi of the Imperial College came here with a livid face and loudly reprimanded him.

"You think it's itching to violate the school rules, who can tell the reason for the noise, otherwise, all the boys here will be punished according to the school rules."

Hearing the doctor's reprimand, many boys were too frightened to say anything, thinking that the school rules are not fun, ranging from copying and memorizing books, to severe corporal punishment. Thinking of the heart-wrenching pain of being whipped by the pointer, that person has lingering fears.

Seeing Qin Xiaole holding the ball, Li Shaozhi probably knew that the noise here must be related to this kid, so he asked loudly.

"Qin Xiaole, what is in your hand, is the noise here caused by you?"

"Sir, what does the noise here have to do with the kid? It's Li Anyin who is ignorant and incompetent. He wanted to bully the students with brute force, and accidentally fell down. The things in the students' hands are called footballs. Collaborative, personal charm plaything."

Hearing that the small ball has such a function, Li Shaozhi asked in detail about the rules of the game called football, and was very interested in hearing it. He actually discussed it with several doctors here, and then reprimanded Li Anyin. After a few calls, he ordered Qin Xiaole and others to form a team and play according to the rules, hoping to see if these new gadgets were as Xu Xiaole said, and what kind of surprises they could bring to the digital doctors.

Qin Xiaole and Li Hong heard that they formed their own teams and made their respective teams form offensive and defensive positions. In the Imperial College, a most primitive football match began.

In the first competition, although the situation on the court was still a bit chaotic, Li Shaozhi saw the benefits that football can bring to students. In addition to physical exercise, teamwork, offensive and defensive thinking, and personal ability are the keys to winning this sport. essence.

This movement gave Li Shaozhi some inspiration in his teaching, and made the Guozixue he taught change from the lifeless one in the past. He used a more relaxed method to make it easier for students to accept and understand, and finally won the support of students.

The news of the Guozijian football competition spread in Chang'an City. Many boys in Chang'an City were very interested in this sport, but they were depressed because they didn't have a leather ball.

For a while, leather balls in Chang'an City became precious things, and many children from other families sewed sheepskin into bags and stuffed them with cotton to make balls for playing, and football became popular.

Seeing this business opportunity, Qin Xiaole went home to discuss with her father.

"Father; our workshop has a way to make footballs. This business must earn a lot of silver."

Seeing that his son can find business opportunities from the things around him, Qin Wenyuan is a little relieved. He is not happy for making money, but he thinks that his son has such independent thinking ability, and can think of starting a workshop through playing things. From here It can be seen that the thoughts instilled in the children by the Qin family's unique family education are more important than how much money they earn.

"My son has grown up!"

The servant couldn't help sighing, and immediately said happily.

"You have such thoughts, and I am very pleased with my father. However, you should not do things on a whim. You must have a long-term development plan. Once you decide to do something, you can't change it easily. The father will leave the construction of the football club to you. Be independent, and ask the housekeeper for help if you need anything."

Qin Xiao was encouraged by his father, half-grown boy, was a little excited about this kind of encouragement, wishing to do something to get praise and affirmation from the elders in the family.

In view of the technique of inflating the ball, Qin Xiaole thought that the Mohist artisans could not solve the problem, so the boy coaxed his Aunt Murphy with a smiley face and asked her to order the Mohist artisans in the mansion to develop the pump.

Qin Wenyuan observed his son's actions in an orderly manner, and secretly ordered the housekeeper Qin Shijun to do his best to help his son complete the matter.

The three boys Qin Xiaole, Lu Biao, and Lu Shuang have been devoting their energy to the preparation of the ball workshop when they have a little spare time recently, while the children of the royal family, noble families, and nobles in Chang'an City are distressed because they don't have a ball like Qin Xiaole, and so on. Under the circumstances, when the three boys saw that the workshop was almost ready, they started a business of collecting deposits in advance in a whimsical way.

The students of Guozijian have heard a piece of news recently.

"Le Pai Cuju, quality assurance, limited quantity, those who want to pay a certain amount of deposit, pay early and get it early."

This news made most of the boys who didn't know where to buy cujus hold silver taels, begged their parents and told their grandmas to find three boys, and only paid a deposit and waited patiently for the goods.

Half a year passed quietly, and the Qin family's sporting goods monopoly workshop in Chengdong City, Chang'an came into being.

Qin Xiaole opened up a successful business when he first started his business. Unexpectedly, this small thing would make the cuju manufacturing industry bigger and bigger, which led to the shortage of "Neon Clothes" brand jerseys, trousers and sneakers produced by Qin's clothing workshop.

In the imperial garden of the imperial palace, Li Zhi often saw several sons playing Cuju. After asking about the origin of this object and the rules of playing, he became fascinated by it. The idea of ​​competing with Guozijian students.

In the Tai Chi Hall, after Li Zhi dealt with the affairs of state, he joked with the officials with a smile.

"I recently heard about the rise of Cuju kicking in Chang'an City. This kind of fun has some merits. It can not only enlighten children's wisdom, but also make people healthy. In order to show the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, I want to let the royal family members form a The team competes with the students of the Imperial Academy to play cuju, and then all the officials and workers can join me and have fun with the people."

After Li Zhi said this, Yang Jixing, Xu Jingzong and other court ministers sang their merits and virtues, and they all praised the emperor's great virtues in the hall, and the monarchs and ministers were happy.

After the news that the emperor ordered the children of the royal family to compete in Cuju with the students of the Guozijian, the high-ranking officials, nobles and poor people in Chang'an City were all excited about this grand event. Some casinos even opened handicaps to bet on the victory or defeat of the two teams.

Ever since the brothers of the Wu family agreed to their creditors to design the matter of the Qin family, they have been thinking about it for a long time. They wanted to provoke the Xu family but they didn't have the guts. The captain of the player will definitely participate in this competition, so he came up with the idea of ​​designing the Qin family boy in this competition.

The two brothers first found Li Anyin, the son of Li Daozong, and said that the Xu family never took his father and son seriously.

"The little prince still remembers being teased by the kid from the Qin family at school. In this cuju competition, that kid lied about humiliating the team formed by the princes of the royal family in the competition. It is extremely hateful and outrageous. Therefore, my brother was annoyed when he heard this. However, because of King Qi's power, he dare not stand up for the young prince, so he is really annoyed."
(End of this chapter)

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