Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 910 Face!in this way!

Chapter 910: Face!in this way!

Wang Fangyi heard Qin Shiji's words exactly what the empress said, and he really admired the empress's wisdom, but he had a grudge against Xu Shiji, and secretly scolded him for being too meddlesome, so that I wanted to cause Liu Lang to die unjustly. Frustrated.

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Li Zhi said calmly on the dragon bed.

"The Ministry of War will re-examine Liu Lang's case. It should be a serious military regulation. Hugh can participate in it according to his personal likes and dislikes. This matter will be supervised by Sikong Xu Shiji."

Qin Shiji and Yang Wei led the emperor's oral order.

After the matter was resolved, the three of them bowed to the emperor and resigned. Xu Shiji naturally had to strike while the iron was hot, and seized the opportunity to go to the Ministry of War to supervise and re-examine Liu Lang, but Committee Yang said respectfully.

"Lord Qin, I don't think Liu Lang's matter should be so troublesome. According to military regulations, Liu Lang should be punished by being beaten with a military stick and expelled from the barracks. Since he has already served several days in prison, he should be able to compensate for the whipping with a military stick. Punishment, now let him accept the punishment of dismissal from the military, what do you think?"

By doing this, Committee Yang naturally sold Qin Shiji's face, and it was revenge for Wang Fangyi's dishonesty. I thought, why should I offend Mr. Qin for a villain like you who goes forward and ignores the life and death of his friends when encountering difficulties.

Qin Shiji agreed to the suggestion made by Wai Ling Yang Wei, a member of the Ministry of War. Wang Fangyi was very annoyed when he listened to it, thinking of the Queen's advice not to make this matter a big deal, but he didn't dare to refute it. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with him now. Relationship, even if he has something to say, it may not be of much use.

This fellow bid farewell to Qin Shiji and Yang Wei with a displeased expression on his face, and left on his own.

Qin Shiji also left after instructing Committee Yang to deal with Liu Lang's release as soon as possible.

In the yamen of the Ministry of War, Committee Yang sent someone to order the unlucky scribe to come to meet him, and after reprimanding him severely, Fang Zai, who was scolded so badly, ordered him to go to the Ministry of Punishment with the text of the Ministry of War. Release Liu Lang.

When the Ministry of Punishment received the text from the Ministry of War, it was natural that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and ordered Chief Jia to release him according to the order.

Chief Jia received the order to release him from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. This guy Fang realized that Xu Shiji had seen Liu Lang in prison that day, and Qin Xiaole's order to bring more wine and food to Liu Lang turned out to be because he wanted to rescue Liu Lang and win over Liu Lang. Lang's purpose of being loyal to the Qin family.

Wanting to understand the joints, Chief Jia couldn't help being shocked by the great power of the Qin family, and couldn't help being envious that Liu Lang could win the favor of the Qin family.

"This is pulling people back from the gate of hell!"

Thinking of this, Chief Jia had the idea of ​​making a sincere friendship with Qin Xiaole, and unconsciously placed himself in the position of a member of the Xu family, hoping that one day he would be accepted by the Qin family and become a member of the Xu family.

Liu Lang was released, and this guy was grateful to the Qin family for what they said was true, and came to Qin Xiaole's cell to kowtow to thank him, and vowed to be a cow and a horse for the Qin family in this life to repay the life-saving grace.

Qin Xiaole helped this guy up, "haha" laughed.

"Brother Liu is serious. I think you and I are on the same page. If you make a career in the future, it will not be in vain to come to this world."

This remark made the blood boil of the leader Jia beside him, and he also knelt down and begged Qin Xiaole for support.

Qin Xiaole has long valued Chief Jia's heroic and righteous character. Hearing this, he helped him up and said loudly.

"Thanks to brother A for looking up to Qin, from now on, you and I will be brothers, how about sharing difficulties and blessings together?"

Qin Xiaole said that Liu Lang and Jia Touer were happy or not when they heard about it, and they all acted as brothers to each other. It is said that Xu Xiaole is the youngest and should be the younger brother of the two. This kid calls him elder brother, but he considers himself a member of the Xu family, and everyone calls him Mr. Xu Xiaole.

Qin Xiaole didn't insist on how the two of them called him, thinking that if they were friends with each other sincerely, why should they care about these false feelings, he said to Liu Lang again.

"Brother Liu will have a place to go when he gets out of prison. Are there any parents, wives and children at home?"

Hearing this, Liu Lang's face turned a little sad. He said that he was alone in Chang'an City. His parents died in the war when he was a child. Not yet married.

Seeing this guy tell the truth, Xu Xiaole took off the jade pendant around his waist and handed it to Liu Lang and said.

"Brother Liu, take my younger brother's jade pendant and go to Qi Wang's mansion to find General Zhou Cang. How about submitting yourself as the mansion's personal guard for a while?"

Liu Lang was overjoyed when he heard the words, took the jade pendant respectfully with both hands and resigned, and told Chief Jia before leaving.

"Brother, wait for a certain family to meet General Zhou in Prince Qi's mansion, and bring some wine and meat back after tidying up a bit. How about you and my brothers drinking to their heart's content then?"

"It's right, it's right! Brother Liu, hurry up, brother is waiting here with the young master."

Hearing this, this fellow ran out of the prison like a whirlwind, and went straight to the "Prince Qi's Mansion" to ask to see the head of the Xu family's personal guards, Zhou Cang, who was the general of the Xu family's army at the time!

In the palace, Princess Taiping was in the pavilion of the imperial garden, leaning on the railing and looking at the pond full of lotus flowers, but she had no intention of admiring the flowers.

"I haven't seen Brother Xiaole for a few days. I don't know if he is alone in the prison, and whether he is fine with room and board."

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help misting her beautiful eyes, so that the beautiful scenery in the garden was no longer pleasing to her sad eyes.

Without a happy heart, even the most beautiful scenery at this time may not make people smile, but will arouse longing for people in the heart!
Although Princess Taiping is young, she still doesn't fully understand the relationship between men and women, but she has no feeling for Qin Xiaole when she meets every day, and misses Qin Xiaole so much after seeing each other for two days.

It's been a few days since I saw Qin Xiaole, Princess Taiping naturally misses this kid very much, she went out of the palace early in the morning to enjoy the scenery in the imperial garden, wanting to relax her mind, but she didn't expect that she still felt bored in her heart.

No longer in the mood to enjoy the scenery and have fun, the girl turned around and went to the palace to look for her father, and said when she saw her father.

"Father, can you allow Ping'er to go out of the palace to see brother Xiaole in the prison, and bring him some food?"

Hearing his daughter's request, Li Zhi naturally would not allow his daughter to mess around, thinking that the boy had been in prison for several days, he must have realized his fault, so he ordered the eunuch Rui'an beside him.

"Go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to see that little bastard. If he knows his mistake and has written a letter of repentance, then take him back to the palace. If he still has no intention of repenting, tell him to stay in prison and reflect. I know I was wrong, when will I let him out."

Rui'an got the emperor's order and was about to leave the palace to go to the Ministry of Punishment, but Princess Taiping pulled her father to act like a baby, and begged her to let her go together.

Li Zhi dotes on this little daughter very much, seeing her daughter pulling him so well-behaved, he reluctantly agrees, and tells Rui'an to wait on the princess and go back quickly.


Liu Lang took Qin Xiaole's personal jade pendant to the "Prince Qi's Mansion" to ask Zhou Cang to see him. After getting the report from the door army, he finally met the head of the personal guard who had followed Qin Wenyuan for many years.

This guy presented the jade pendant and said respectfully.

"The last general, Liu Lang, is favored by the young master. Today I ask to see the general, and I also invite the general to serve under his command."

Seeing the son's token, Zhou Cang kindly asked about Liu Lang's general situation, and learned that this guy was originally a general in Wang Fangyi's army, and now he has been relieved of his military post. , So he asked this fellow to serve as a personal guard general, saying that this fellow was regarded as a member of the Xu army from now on, and his status was like a soldier with a military rank in the Tang Dynasty.

Liu Lang got the order, but he reported to Zhou Cang whether he could accompany the young master in prison, and after the young master was released from prison, he would go to the mansion to serve as a personal guard. Zhou Cang heard this request, but he was secretly concerned about this reckless man's affectionate and righteous temperament Praise, nod in agreement.

Hearing the approval from the Shangguan, Liu Lang retired with a military salute, first went to the courtyard where the guards lived to find his own residence, and after tidying up a bit, he found the kitchen in the mansion.

"Brother in charge, a certain family is the new guard of the mansion, and I want to go to the prison to see the young master, can I get some wine and meat to eat here?"

The kitchen steward heard that he was delivering wine and food to the young master. Since he had never seen Liu Lang before, he was naturally a little wary and shouted loudly.

"Who are you reckless man? How dare you pretend to be a personal guard and come to the kitchen, falsely claiming to send some food to the young master. I think Xiong Xinbao dared to provoke trouble in the mansion after eating."

Since Liu Lang first entered the "Prince Qi's Mansion", he naturally didn't know that most of the servants in the mansion were soldiers who retired due to injuries and had special skills. Their loyalty to the Xu family was like that of their parents, and their vigilance was high, isn't it? Compared with the servants of other mansions.

This guy is not angry when he is reprimanded, he secretly hates himself for being penniless, he promised to bring some wine and meat back to the prison, how can he go back empty-handed, rubbing his hands a little anxiously, but he forgot to take out the bodyguard that Zhou Cang gave him A badge to prove your identity.

Just when Liu Lang was a little anxious, the housekeeper Xu Shijun happened to come to the kitchen to look for the steward. Seeing this reckless man's face flushed, he stood up and seemed to be arguing with the steward. He stepped forward to ask about the situation, and found out that this guy was recommended by the young master. The people in the mansion temporarily took the post of personal guard and general in the mansion, so they called him to Zhoucang's residence to confirm what this guy said.

When Qin Shijun and Zhou Cang learned the reason why Liu Lang went to the kitchen, they couldn't help laughing "haha", saying that this guy is simple and honest, why didn't he show the general card to explain the reason.

At this time, Liu Lang knew that he was Lu Yu, so he also started giggling "hehe" along with the two of them.

The three laughed, Qin Shijun took Liu Lang back to the kitchen, ordered some good wine and food to be sent to the prison, and said to this guy with a smile.

"Let's wait for you and the young master to go back to the house and come to find a certain house to get some silver taels. The man of Nuo Da is penniless, how can he work with peace of mind."

Liu Lang brought up the food box full of wine and vegetables, smiled and bowed to Qin Shijun and said goodbye, without saying anything else, he turned around and strode out of the house, but he didn't care about the talk of Yinliang.

Watching the reckless man leave, Qin Shijun felt a little funny and said to himself.

"The young master has a good eye, and he found such a straightforward person."

Liu Lang returned to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, entered the cell where Qin Xiaole was imprisoned, and laid out the food and wine brought on the table.

Looking at the food and wine on the table, Qin Xiaole knew that it was made by her own kitchen, and guessed that Liu Lang must have no money to go to the restaurant to buy food and wine to bring them from the mansion, but this was due to her own negligence. How could this reckless man coax the kitchen steward into agreeing, it was really hard for him.

Greeting Chief Jia to sit down together, the three brothers ate wine and chatted. Xu Xiaole heard that Liu Lang had met Zhou Cang and had to serve as the personal guard of the mansion. He couldn't help being happy for this guy. It is also enviable to get such benefits.

Seeing such an expression from Chief A, Qin Xiaole said with a smile.

"Brother A will stay in the Ministry of Punishments for a while, and when the younger brother leads the army, it will naturally make brother A join the army as a general. According to brother A's experience, it is no problem to be a scout commander in the army. At that time, we will Wouldn't it be nice for the brothers to be proud of the Jianghu together!"

Hearing the words, Chief Jia's face was flushed with excitement, and he raised his glass with Liu Lang to respect the young master, and vowed to obey the young master's orders in the future.

The three brothers ate and drank the wine very happily, but unexpectedly Princess Taiping had arrived at the Ministry of Punishment at this time, and Zhang Liang, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, took her into the lobby.

This Lord Shangshu had seen the princess, and heard the eunuch Rui'an convey the emperor's intentions. He knew in his heart that he wished to let Qin Xiaole go, but he personally accompanied Princess Taiping to the prison without waiting for Chief Jia to come and serve her See that bastard kid Qin Xiaole.

After entering the prison, several people could hear the noisy sound of yelling and shouting resounding in the prison. Zhang Liang frowned, and angrily reprimanded the jailers who stood on both sides of the passageway of the cell to welcome the princess and Shangguan.

"The cell is heavy, why is there such a noise, let's see who is so bold with this officer."

In fact, Zhang Liang didn't even need to think about it, he knew it must be Qin Xiaole's bastard who made the noise. At this moment, he regretted that he was hasty, why didn't he let the bastard calm down before bringing the princess here, but now it was too late, so he had to pretend to reprimand him, The purpose is to make the jailer who wakes up rush to stop Xu Xiaole from messing around.

Of course there are smart people among the jailers. Hearing the reprimand from the Shangguan, several people rushed to the cell where Xu Xiaole was held. Seeing how happy Mr. Jia was drinking with Master Qin and Liu Lang, they said out of breath.

"Princess and Lord Shangshu have come to see Lord Xu in the cell, the boss hastened to pack up the food and drinks so as not to be seen by the princess, so that Lord Shangshu will not be able to cover us up, and then we will be convicted of not abiding by the prison rules."

At that time, Zhang Liang accompanied the princess and the eunuch Ruian only a few dozen steps away from the cell where Qin Xiaole was being held. How could Qin Xiaole and others have time to clean up after hearing the words? , so that the two hid in the room where Liu Lang was originally imprisoned and did not show up.

When the two hurriedly wrapped the leftover food and wine on the table in the sheet on Qin Xiaole's bed, and hurried into the cell in the innermost passageway, Zhang Liang accompanied the princess to the room where Xu Xiaole was detained.

When Zhang Liang and the princess entered the room, they found that the table in front of Qin Xiaole still had greasy traces of wine and dishes from being carried away. Although the whole room was clean, there was a strong smell of alcohol.

When Princess Taiping entered the house, she kept scanning Qin Xiaole's eyes, and even stood up and squatted down, looking under the bed where he was sleeping to look for something. It looked like a daughter-in-law searching for her husband hiding other women in the house, which made Xu Xiaole very happy. fell shame.

After seeing Zhang Shangshu, Qin Xiaole asked angrily when she saw Princess Taiping like this.

(End of this chapter)

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