Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 928 Sneak attack!Command!

After retiring from Dafeichuan and escaping the doom of being besieged by the Tubo army, Xue Rengui immediately faced the doom of shortages of food, grass and military supplies. Dafeichuan had no danger to rely on, so he had to lead the army to fight and retreat.

Generously because Xue Rengui knew that if Dafeichuan was completely occupied by the Tubo army, with the outstanding military talent and ambition of the Tubo army commander Gar Qinling, once he escaped from the threat of his subordinates, he would definitely order the main force of the Tubo army to attack Shanzhou, making it the base for the Tubo army to attack Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty.

When the imperial court received the news of Xue Rengui's defeat in Dafei City, Li Zhi was furious in the hall and smashed the jade ruyi placed on the dragon case in the hall. Thinking that Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty was facing a critical situation of being breached by the Tubo army, this old boy secretly hated himself for employing people improperly, which caused endless troubles.

Seeing the emperor's anger, all the courtiers in the palace dared not show their anger. Cheng Yaojin came out to play.

"Your Majesty, the situation is critical now. I think that Qin Xiaole, the general of the Jinwu Guard, can lead the troops to rescue Xue Rengui's troops. After gathering his troops, he can try to defeat the Tubo army and retreat to the front line of Wuhai, so that the Tang army can stand firm in Dafei City, and build a stronghold in Dafei Mountain to respond to the danger. Only in this way can we solve the crisis of Dafeichuan and the danger of Chang'an City."

After hearing what Cheng Yaojin said, Qin Xiaole also came out to play under Jin Luan.

"Your Majesty, Empress, what Old General Cheng said is very true. I am willing to lead the army to the expedition, and I hope the second sage will agree!"

Looking at the boy in front of him, Li Zhi seemed to see Qin Wenyuan's confident appearance in the palace during the time of the former emperor Li Shimin, and he felt a little peaceful in his heart, and said softly.

"Boy, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, your majesty, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Li Zhi said again.

"How many troops do you want to use to solve the difficulty of Dafeichuan?"

Qin Xiaole cupped his hands and said.

"It is enough for the minister to lead the Jinwu Guard with thousands of elite cavalry. The so-called soldiers are precious and fast. When the court cannot mobilize a large army, when the minister arrives in Shanzhou, he will take over the [-] Tang troops under the command of General Ashina Daozhen. I hope the emperor will allow the minister to request."

Hearing this, Li Zhi felt relieved that Qin Xiaole had such a clear thinking, so he took off his saber and said to Xu Xiaole.

"Zuzao! I will give you the Sword of the Son of Heaven, and give you the post of the Great General of Conquering the West to relieve the difficulties of Dafeichuan. Anyone who does not obey the order will be cut off by the Sword of the Son of Heaven. I hope you will not disappoint me. Go!"

Qin Xiaole took over the sword bestowed by the emperor, this kid must have had a plan in mind, but when he was leaving the palace, he took a square step and said with a smile.

"I'm going to kill the enemy for the emperor!"

The funny words of Qin Xiaole's withdrawal from the hall made Li Zhi curse inwardly while looking at the back of this fool.

"Little bastard, you are still playing like this at any time. I really don't know the seriousness. I hope you can help me to solve my problems and let me hear good news."

But Wu Zetian looked at this kid's extremely relaxed expression, and felt confident in his heart, thinking that this kid is like this, he must have a plan to defeat the enemy in his heart, the old lady wants to see if you can be reused, so she told the eunuch beside her.

"Wait until Qin Xiaole leads the army to leave the capital and bring Princess Taiping back to the palace."

Qin Xiaole went back to the mansion and talked about the battle in the Western Regions. Although Princess Taiping was worried about her husband, she knew that this was not the time to be soft and sad.

"Your husband is out fighting, so be careful, and don't worry about family affairs. Ping'er is waiting for your husband to return in triumph."

Hugging his wife into his arms, Qin Xiaole also said.

"Don't worry, girl, when your father is fighting on the battlefield, it is the time to fight all directions, defeat the enemy, and make meritorious deeds. Niu will wait for you at home. When he comes back, we will continue to create people."

Taiping heard the words, although he was reluctant to leave her husband and leave home, but he hugged her husband and said with a smile.

"I hate it; I don't know how big I am, and I'm still so poor at this moment."

Qin Xiao was delighted to hear the princess's words, and smirked lovingly and affectionately. The love was so true that the mothers and maids in palace costumes who waited on the princess in the room all smiled when they saw it, secretly praising this young couple for their unparalleled love.

The two embraced goodbye, Qin Xiaole went out of the house, and when he was parting at the gate of the mansion, he asked the people in the mansion who sent him to the expedition to wait.

"You wait for the princess to be a good student, and the Lord will lead the army to go out now!"

After finishing speaking, the boy got on his horse and headed to the Jinwuwei barracks to prepare for the expedition.

The next day, just after five o'clock, the Jinwuwei barracks were brightly lit, dispelling the darkness of the sky beyond the radiance of light. On the playground, three thousand Jinwuwei elite cavalry, all in armor and armed with halberds, were all sitting on horseback with their chests upright, waiting for the command of the general to go out.

For a while, the night sky was silent, but there were horses neighing and horseshoes kicking the ground one after another. The soldiers on horseback looked solemn and full of evil spirits. This kind of momentum was just in response to the poetic sentiment of "the yellow sand wears gold armor in all battles, and if it is not broken, it will not return".

Following Qin Xiaole's loud shout.

"Get on the horse!"

In the barracks, the sound of horns and war drums was loudly heard, and immediately the sound of horseshoes "boomed".

Look in front of the cavalry of three thousand iron-blooded men, Qin Xiaole is wearing a golden armor, wearing a golden crown with two dragons playing pearls on his head, a long halberd in his hand, and a sword of the emperor hanging from his waist. There seems to be a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

On the left and right sides of this boy with a smirk on his mouth, there are two evil gods, Shan Sijing and Liu Lang, both wearing black iron armor, holding a red cherry spear, and a horse lance glowing with black iron light.

Behind the three boys, veteran Liao Huan was surrounded by Cheng Dabao, Yuchi Xiaohei, Li Minzhong, Fang Yong, Du Ziyan, Wei Wuya and a group of general disciples. In front of the Tang army flag and the general flag, they each controlled their horses at the same pace.

After getting out of the city gate, Qin Xiaole sent orders on horseback to order the whole army to gallop. Amidst the shrill horn sound, the earth trembled and the horses neighed again and again.

Qin Xiaole led the army to Shanzhou, joined Ashina Daozhen and the [-] Tang troops under his command, and summoned the generals in the military tent. After reading the imperial edict, he seized the right of Ashina Daozhen to lead the army and ordered him to lead [-] soldiers to camp outside the city of Shanzhou.

After Ashina received the decree to thank him, Qin Xiaole said again.

"Jinwuwei General Liao Huan commanded [-] Tang troops, with Fang Yong, Du Ziyan, and Wei Wuya as partial generals to help them, stick to Shanzhou City, there must be no slight difference, otherwise, military law will follow."

Liao Huan, Fang Yong, Du Ziyan and Wei Wuya led the order, all saying:

"The end will be ordered!"

Hearing that several people were leading the order, Qin Xiaole continued to say:

"Shan Sijing, Liu Lang, Cheng Dabao, Yuchi Xiaohei, and Li Minzhong listened to the order. When you and I followed the commander to Dafei City, we would join the scout commander Jiatouer who was here to inquire about the news. After learning about General Xue's current situation, Liu Lang and Shan Sijing followed the commander to take back the Dafei City as our army's advance base. After gathering Xue Rengui's remnant army, we can move on to the next step."

In the military tent, Qin Xiaole made proper arrangements one by one, and ordered the three thousand elite cavalry of the Jinwu Guard to replenish food and grass and take a short rest.

At dusk, Qin Xiaole led the elite cavalry to attack Dafei City, and contacted Jiatouer a few miles outside the city, so that the cavalry rushed to a hidden place, Qin Xiaole asked Jiatouer.

"Can you find out the situation in the city?"

Chief A said:

"General Qi, there are [-] Tubo soldiers stationed in Dafei City. The chief general Zhuoerwangdan is a Tubo nobleman. He is brave, but he is not good at commanding the army. There is a lot of food and grass in the city. The general thinks that this is the food and grass prepared by the Tubo general Gar Qinling to appease the tens of thousands of Tuyuhun troops. If our army succeeds in the surprise attack, it will relieve Xue Rengui's remnants of the army."

It turned out that Chief Jia was led by Qin Xiaole to attack the Western Regions. After receiving the reinforcements from Xue Rengui's remnant army, this kid first sent Chief Jia to lead the scout battalion brothers to Dafei City to inquire about Xue Rengui's remnant army and at the same time to inquire about the situation of the Tubo army in Dafei City.

This leader Jia is the "pai pai" in Chang'an City. He has been mixed among the three religions and nine streams, understands many dialects of the Western Regions, Turks, etc., is clever, and is best at getting close to others.

After hearing about the situation in the city, Qin Xiaole had some calculations in his mind, this kid is really a brave man, he ordered Shan Sijing to lead his army to hide in the forest outside the city, so that he could be exposed, but he himself led Jiatouer, Liu Lang and other dozens of soldiers into the city.

Dafei City is a city of mixed ethnicities. Qin Xiaole and others changed into casual clothes and scattered into the city. After arriving in the city, Xu Xiaole gathered the scattered soldiers and gathered not far from the camp of the Tubo Army garrison general Zhuoerwangdan, Qin Xiaole said softly.

"After I entered the camp and found the chief general of the Tubo army, Chief Jia led a dozen people to wait for the opportunity to set fire to the Tubo army barracks to create chaos. At that time, Liu Lang led the rest of the people to follow me into the vicinity of the city gate. When the gatekeepers' attention was attracted by the fire in the city and there was a slight commotion, they took the opportunity to open the city gate and lead the troops into the city."

When everyone got the order, they all nodded and remained silent.

It was when Yuehei Fenggao killed people, but seeing Qin Xiaoleshi unfold the "ghost shadow step" taught by his father, throwing himself into the darkness like a wisp of smoke.

The boy bypassed the patrolling soldiers in the tent, found Zhuoerwangdan outside the sleeping tent of the Chinese army, stopped to listen to the movement in the tent, heard the voices of men and women talking in the tent, and after a while, there was a woman's panting sound in the tent. Hearing the sound, the boy roughly guessed the situation in the tent at this time, and couldn't help but put on a smirk.

But seeing a man and a woman hugging each other, Qin Xiaole held a steel knife and approached the bed. First, he raised the knife and cut off the man's head, then raised the head and patted the woman to wake him up. He asked in the woman's terrified eyes.

"Is this person Zhuoerwangdan?"

The woman looked at the head in his hand but couldn't speak. He fainted from fright between opening and closing his eyes. The boy felt so helpless that he had to tear off the bed sheet and tie the woman's hands and feet tightly. He blocked his mouth, looked at the woman's body, and said to himself.

"Death under the peony flower, being a ghost is also romantic. It's easy for you, but it makes me feel bad."

After the words fell, the boy's figure floated out of the tent like a ghost, and returned to Liu Lang and other hiding places.

Seeing the head in Qin Xiaole's hands, Jiatouer and others knew that the assassination of the Tubo general was successful, so they ordered a dozen men in Tubo costumes to leave quietly, but Qin Xiaole led Liu Lang and others to the city gate, and quietly approached under the cover of darkness.

Not long after Qin Xiaole and others arrived at the city gate, they saw dozens of places on fire in the Tubo barracks, and heard the screams of many soldiers.

"It's on fire, it's on fire, put out the fire quickly...!"

The sergeants at the city gate of Dafei City heard voices from all over the city yelling that the barracks were on fire, and they didn’t know it for a while.

Qin Xiaole and Liu Lang took advantage of this opportunity, gathered dozens of people, and launched a sudden attack with lightning speed. Before the Tubo army could react, they cut down dozens of soldiers.

Qin Xiaole was brave and captured the guarding commander of this gate early on, causing the gate army to be defeated and flee without a command. Seeing that the situation was under control, he quickly ordered his subordinates to open the gate here, and ordered Liu Lang to quickly set fire to the gate tower and send out a signal.

Outside the city; Shan Sijing saw the flames rising from the tower of Dafei City, and sent more than 2000 armored soldiers to attack at a high speed.

The sound of horseshoes shaking the ground suddenly resounded through the night sky.

Shan Sijing took the lead, and more than 2000 armored soldiers rushed out of the hidden forest like a stormy wave, and rushed into Dafei City.

Qin Xiao was happy to see the troops entering the city, so he ordered Liu Lang and Shan Sijing to lead [-] soldiers to occupy the other gates, while he himself led the remaining [-] soldiers to enter the Tubo camp.

At this time, the Tubo army camp was on fire everywhere, and the flames lit up half of Dafei City, causing the soldiers in the city to be in a mess. After hearing the news that the main general Zhuoerwangdan was beheaded, nearly ten thousand soldiers in the city were looking for generals and soldiers in the flames.

Look at the sergeant on horseback, when he ran out of the barracks, because of panic, he did not know how many people were killed and injured. The soldiers who were also panicked and ran around because of the chaos.

At this time, a dozen generals in the Tubo army had already discovered that Tang cavalry was approaching, and they all shouted loudly, trying to make the soldiers set up their horns quickly to resist the Tang cavalry that was approaching. (end of this chapter)

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