Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 939 So it turns out!Just know!

Hearing this, Li Hong put on his robes and bowed his hands to leave, but he was confused by Qin Wenyuan's words.

A few days later, Qin Wenyuan sent a secret letter to report to Li Zhi. This secret letter was not to report the prince's illness, but to say that he had some experience in his recent practice, and was going to retreat for a period of time to study for the great Tang Dynasty. Qin Wenyuan wanted to make this The second retreat was kept secret, making the courtiers think that he was still assisting the prince to supervise the country.

The purpose of Qin Wenyuan's report was nothing more than not wanting Xiaoxiao's generation and princes and ministers with ulterior motives to know that he was ready to move after retreating, and he didn't want to be asked by Li Zhi about the prince's illness.

Li Zhi learned that Qin Wenyuan was concerned about the safety of the empire, and heard that Prince Li Hong's condition had improved, so he felt relaxed, so he would not hinder Qin Wenyuan's practice, but he told Qin Xiaole that in addition to strengthening the training of the army, he should pay attention to Luoyang City. The situation should be well known.

Qin Xiao was pleased with the emperor's order to make the veteran Liao Huan specialize in guarding Luoyang City, and to make Liu Lang and Shan Sijing step up the training of the sergeants. There was a bad omen in this kid's consciousness, and he always felt that something bad would happen to the empire. Great things happen.


In April of the second year of "Shangyuan" in the Tang Dynasty (675), Prince Li Hong was ordered to go from Chang'an to Luoyang Palace. At that time, Princess Taiping was pregnant in October and was about to give birth.

Li Hong arrived in Luoyang and lived in the "Qiyun Palace" of Hebi Palace in the imperial city.

In the middle of the night, except for the gentle breeze blowing on the sleeping earth, and the crackling sound of sparks from the burning candles in the Qiyun Palace of the "Hebi Palace", under the dark night sky, Nuoda's palace, There was silence everywhere.

At this time, the Qin residence was in a tense and busy atmosphere. Princess Taiping began to have labor pains in her stomach as the sky was darkened, making the midwives and maids who were serving the baby busy preparing for the new life.

Knowing that her daughter-in-law is pregnant, Princess Changle, who came to Luoyang City half a year ago, is now sitting in the middle hall of the Qin Mansion, watching her son walking back and forth in the hall, showing uneasiness, and said with a frown.

"It's almost my father's man, why are you still so restless, can't you just sit down and wait in peace?"

Wang Feng'er, who was accompanying Princess Xiangcheng at the side, pulled Qin Xiaole to sit down very obediently, and said with a smile.

"There is a mother here, husband, don't need to be too anxious, Sister Ping'er will definitely give birth to Lin'er smoothly, sit down and accompany mother to think about what name to give the child."

Princess Xiangcheng said with a smile when she heard Wang Fenger's words.

"Naming is the child's grandfather's business. As a mother, I can only choose a baby name for the child!"

Just when everyone in the Qin Mansion was happy and nervous, Li Hong's life had already come to an end.

In Qiyun Palace, Li Hong's sleeping face had a smile on his face. In his sleep, he felt the peace and comfort he had never felt before. It was as if he saw a fairy in palace costume floating towards him on the clouds, and the fairy Not far behind, there is a heavenly gate glowing with golden light slowly opening, with a strange fragrance...

Suddenly, several spring thunders exploded in the sky, and the dazzling arcs tore through the dark sky. All the burning candles in the temple were extinguished amidst the thunder. The lighting of the lamps, the calling of people, the slight and chaotic voices and footsteps made the maid who was serving the prince in the bedroom rush to check whether Li Hong was awakened by the bed, but found that the prince was different from the sleeping appearance in the past. Probing it with his hand, the surprise was no small matter, and he called out loudly.

"Imperial doctor—imperial doctor—come here—"

The imperial physician who was often by Li Hong's side heard a maid screaming in the bedroom of the side hall. Knowing that something was wrong, she even crawled into the prince's bedroom. Quickly send someone to report to the emperor that Prince Li Hong passed away safely.

Just as the spring thunder exploded and Li Hong passed away, the cry of a baby broke through the night sky in Xu's mansion, and then the midwife cheered from the room.

"Born—was born—it was a fat boy—"

Outside the delivery room, Princess Xiangcheng, Qin Xiaole, and Wang Fenger hurried into the room upon hearing the news.

Princess Xiangcheng took her grandson from the midwife, with a strange expression on her face, as if she had acquired the most precious treasure in the world, making Wang Feng'er want to take it and hug her, but she couldn't open her mouth.

Qin Xiaole went to the bed and held Princess Taiping's hand to ask for warmth. Seeing that there seemed to be tears in the corners of Princess Taiping's eyes, she thought that the princess was in pain, but unexpectedly she heard the princess saying in a weak voice.

"Husband, just now I seemed to see the elder brother of the prince coming to say goodbye to me—"

Before Princess Taiping finished speaking, she immediately fell into a coma.

Qin Xiaole panicked and called for someone to check, which made Princess Changle and Wang Feng'er nervous again. A midwife who knew medical principles checked and took Princess Taiping's pulse and reported.

"Princess, please rest assured. The little princess collapsed after giving birth. Her body is fine and she can recover after rest."

Qin Xiaole, Princess Xiangcheng, and Wang Feng'er were relieved after hearing the words, and ordered the maids and nuns in the room to serve the princess and the newborn son.

After everything was arranged properly, Qin Xiaole had time to recall what the princess said before she fell into a coma, feeling very heavy in her heart, and relayed the princess's words to her mother and Feng'er.

When Princess Xiangcheng heard the words, she looked in the direction of the palace and murmured.

"The wind is blowing again in Luoyang, I'm afraid there will be no peace!"

In April, it was warm and cold. When the white mist in the morning was still moving slowly with the wind in the mountains and forests, like a girl holding a light gauze dancing in the sky, the mourning bell in the Luoyang Palace had already sounded. The heavy voice made people feel very depressed.

The white mist floating in the forest seems to be also dyed by the heavy bell, and when it floats into the clouds, it turns into drizzle, creating a melancholy color of the world.

At dawn, Qin Xiaole was ordered to lead the Jinwu Guards to guard the palace. The emperor ordered him to have the privilege of beheading first and then playing if he found something critical.

This kid led thousands of troops on the palace tower, and guarded the only way to enter the palace, so that the ministers who entered the palace one after another felt the dignified atmosphere today. The noise of walking and gossiping about unimportant things.

Prince Li Hong died suddenly. Li Zhi couldn't bear such a heavy blow, and his body fell into a state of wilt and dizziness. A group of imperial doctors waited on the emperor's illness in the palace. Although Wu Zetian was grieving, he didn't dare to show a weak expression , there are many important issues that require her to make up her mind to deal with them at this time.

After many ministers entered the palace one after another, Wu Zetian announced the news of the prince's sudden death in Qiyun Palace, and ordered Taichang Temple and Zongzheng Temple to handle the prince's funeral. All officials followed the imperial rituals during funerals.

All the ministers took the decree and retreated dejectedly, not daring to speculate on the cause of the prince's death in private, they were all afraid that a slight careless word would lead to death.

Qin Wenyuan was in retreat in Chang'an City, when he felt a sudden whim, he knew Li Hong had passed away by pinching his fingers, so he couldn't help muttering.

"There is death and rebirth, follow nature, all things are born from the Tao, and return to the Tao, the immeasurable Taiyi Tianzun; this son seems to have something to do with my Xu family—"

At the end of the speech, Qin Wenyuan smiled and turned towards Luoyang, as if saying goodbye to an old friend. Immediately, his body turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the quiet room. At the same time, Princess Caixia, Miss Murphy, Princess Minmin and others Madam heard her husband's voice transmission all over the house.

"Master, go to Luoyang and come back, you wait to make a fuss!"

When the ladies heard the words, they looked at the void and nodded their heads without saying a word, but they were well aware of Qin Wenyuan's whereabouts, which played a decisive role in the stability of Chang'an City.

In Luoyang Qin Mansion, Qin Wenyuan's sudden appearance made his wife Princess Xiangcheng very puzzled, and asked softly.

"The crown prince died suddenly. My husband is not in Chang'an, but why did he end up in Luoyang?"

Qin Wenyuan heard his wife's words and said with a smile.

"Chang'an City is fine, Madam Hugh will only leak the news that her husband is here, and take my grandson to see."

Princess Xiangcheng felt relieved when she heard the words, and brought her grandson to the room of her daughter-in-law, Princess Taiping. Qin Wenyuan took it and said to his wife Changle.

"Go and watch outside the room, no one is allowed to come in to disturb, wait for your husband to clean up your grandson's tendons."

After Madam went out of the room, Qin Wenyuan was about to cast a spell, but he heard a "hehe" laughter in his ears, but he heard Yunxia saying it through voice transmission.

"The lord came here, but he came here for this baby, so he didn't know he would grow old."

It turned out that when Qin Wenyuan entered the mansion, he had already alarmed Aunt Yunxia who was meditating in the small courtyard of the mansion.

Sister Yunxia sensed that the visitor was strong in martial arts, and she didn't know where it came from, so she quietly came out from the courtyard, and saw a ghostly figure entering the room of Princess Xiangcheng, so she followed her shadow and hid herself on the beams of the house, listening to the sound up and down Divine skill, I knew that Prince Qin from far away in Chang'an City came here, thinking that the birth date of Qin Xiaole's son was almost the same as the time of Prince Li Hong's death, that's why I asked this question.

Qin Wenyuan heard the words, looked up at the beams of the house, and said through voice transmission.

"The younger generation came here for the sake of my grandson, but I didn't want to expose my whereabouts. I didn't dare to visit the senior. I hope to forgive my sin!"

Sister Yunxia replied.

"It's okay; you can act with confidence, the old body and your Dharma protector are the ones, but, for such mysterious reasons, the prince must not forcibly change the fate of good and evil destined by the three life stones, let alone reveal the right and wrong of this son in this life, past lives, and great past lives Merits and demerits, you should use this son to cultivate goodness and accumulate virtue, get blessings, make the way of heaven fair, do good deeds in this life, and the way will follow naturally!"

Qin Wenyuan said with a solemn expression when he heard the words.

"The younger generation would like to follow the instructions of the seniors and follow the will of God!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Wenyuan sat cross-legged, made seals with his hands to hang the baby in the air, muttered words, and prayed to all the Taoist ancestors in the fairy world, but he could see the milky white air surrounding the baby coming in and out from the baby's body until there was a faint golden glow. color appears.

After the golden brilliance appeared, Qin Wenyuan raised his index finger and middle finger of his right hand together, pointed at the baby and shouted.

"The gods of the four directions, with supernatural powers, follow me to protect the way, and lead the illusory spirit back to its place. I obey the order of Hongjun Daozu!"

After drinking, he saw the phantom of Prince Li Hong appearing in the golden glow, worshiping Qin Wenyuan from a distance, and immediately, like a ray of multicolored sunlight, it disappeared into the void, and the room was filled with a strange fragrance.

At this time, the baby hanging in the air couldn't stop laughing, looking at Qin Wenyuan with a pair of bright eyes.

Qin Wenyuan sent Li Hong's soul away in a way, and then patted out a few soft Taoist zhenqi with both hands, making the little guy's muscles and muscles all over. At this time, he was nourished by the "three cleansing" qi of the Taoist school. Li Hong's memory.

This matter is simple to say, but it has consumed more than ten years of Xu Tian's skills. After finishing the work, he hugged his grandson in his arms and said softly.

"You brat, you have such good luck, you are really loved by heaven and earth!"

Aunt Yunxia who was protecting Qin Wenyuan on the beam also said at this time.

"What's the matter here, what is the prince's plan? This kid is very talented. When he is a little older, let him complete the foundation building as soon as possible, and practice my Taoist innate magic skills as soon as possible. This kid's achievements are limitless!"

Qin Wenyuan heard the words and said respectfully.

"The junior will go back to Chang'an after a short break. Xu's mansion and this kid, I hope the senior will take care of you more. Thank you, junior!"

Qin Wenyuan and Aunt Yunxia used the method of voice transmission to communicate with each other, so that the princess of Xiangcheng outside did not know anything about it.

Seeing her husband coming out with his smiling grandson in his arms, Princess Xiangcheng greeted her grandson and said.

"Husband, this is the end of the work. While you are here, let's give your grandson a name!"

Looking at the grinning baby in the arms of Princess Yuxiangcheng, Qin Wenyuan pondered and said immediately.

"The children and grandchildren of the Qin family are all named after the word De, since this son is so happy, let's call him Dezhi!"

Qin Xiaole's son has since been named "Xu Dezhi".

That night, Qin Wenyuan bid farewell to his wife, Princess Xiangcheng, and returned to Chang'an.

Qin Wenyuan came and left in a hurry, few people knew about it, not even Qin Xiaole, his wife, Wang Fenger and other relatives.

A few days later, when the prince Li Hong was buried, the emperor Li Zhi seemed to be in good spirits, and Li Hong was posthumously posthumous as "the emperor of filial piety" with the edict of the prince "benevolent, loving, and never forgetting the emperor", and was buried in Luoyang city with the etiquette of the emperor. Outside the "Tang Gongling".

After the prince was buried, the imperial court issued an imperial decree to make all the officials mourn for [-] days. The emperor Li Zhi wrote "Rui De Ji" to commemorate the emperor's son, and asked the craftsman to engrave this classical Chinese tablet and erect it beside Li Hong's tomb.

After the period of mourning expired, because the empire could not live without a crown prince, many courtiers went to the table to ask the emperor to establish a prince early.

When Li Zhi heard the report, he was disheartened, and passed an edict to promote Li Xian, the second son born to him and Wu Zetian, to the crown prince, so that Li Xian would no longer have to compete with others for the crown prince, and successfully obtained the position of crown prince.

After the crown prince passed away, Li Zhishi felt physically and mentally exhausted, which caused the relapse of wind dizziness, which had improved somewhat, and became more and more serious.

At the court meeting on this day, Li Zhi spoke to the courtiers in the hall.

"I feel that my energy is low at the moment, and I want the empress to act as regent for me, do you have any objections?"

The ministers in the palace heard what the emperor said, but most of them were silent, thinking that now that the two saints are coming to court, on the surface, the imperial power is still in the hands of the Li family, but it is because the queen's opinion is often influenced in the administration, so the emperor retreats behind the scenes , making the empress stand alone on behalf of the emperor, is this still Li Tang's country?

A chancellor, Hao Chujun, came out to remonstrate and said.

"In the world of Gaozu and Taizong, it is probably not appropriate for the emperor to appoint the queen instead of passing it on to his descendants!"

Li Zhi hesitated when he heard the words, and did not dare to continue this issue, lest more courtiers would be dissatisfied with Wu Zetian's aristocratic family and nobles in the court, so he sent an order to temporarily shelve this issue.

The news that many ministers opposed the queen's regent spread to the harem. After Wu Zetian heard about it, he gritted his teeth in resentment and said to the female officials around him.

"Pass down the decree of this palace, and summon Xu Jingzong, Yang Jixing, etc. to Ziwei Palace for discussion." (End of this chapter)

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