Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 944 Kill!appropriate!

"Qin Xiaole uses troops and is good at raiding and fighting. This commander is very worried about the safety of the army stationed in Tuyuhun. If this garrison is attacked by the Tang army and loses troops, it will affect our Tubo army and cause chaos in the Xiliang army. I want to take advantage of the Tang army. In response to the battle, we abandoned the strategic goals of defending Shancheng, Langzhou, and Hezhou. Moreover, after our army suffered such heavy losses, we could only retreat to protect ourselves. Now Dafei City ahead is in the hands of the Tang army again. Our army, which is not good at siege warfare, is undoubtedly a dangerous barrier. Our army can only besiege the city and invite Xu Xiaole to lead the army to help, hold back his strengths in using troops, attack his weaknesses, and make him fall into the siege of our army. Only then can we recover from the defeat of our army.”

Gar Qinling had a good idea, but he never dreamed that Qin Xiaole would dare to lead a lone army deep into Wuhai, taking the risk of cutting off his retreat.

The reason why he dared to send troops out of Wuhai City to Dafeichuan was because he believed the counselor Gar Zanlu's estimate that Qin Xiaole's troops were only tens of thousands of troops. It is not a big problem for Wan Jun and the troops stationed in Wuhai to defeat Xu Xiaole on the front line of Dafeichuan, and committed a self-righteous taboo in the army.

The time waiting for the news of the Tuyuhun garrison was painful. Gar Qinling lost his composure as a commander and walked back and forth anxiously in the military tent. Gein lost a large number of troops, and this garrison was extremely important to the entire battle situation. , really can't tolerate any mistakes, otherwise, he will have to consider how to retreat his troops to protect himself. The situation at that time will be very dangerous to the Tubo army. On the front line, Tubo's national strength will be hit hard, and it will no longer have the ability to dare to confront the Tang army.

Qin Xiaole led the army to Hekou first, and after annihilating the thousands of Tubo troops here, he left 3000 troops, led by Li Minzhong, to garrison here, and then raised his troops to the Wuhai city.

The Tubo general guarding Wuhai City is Nu Zhuodan, a Tubo nobleman. He was born with a big head and broad ears, thick shoulders and a fat waist. , Hearing that the Tang army was coming, he was shocked and rushed to the city tower and ordered the city gate to be closed. Standing on the tower, tens of thousands of Tang army cavalry were ready to attack the city.

Relying on the high walls and thick walls of the city, the short fat man didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of Tang troops, and shouted at the soldiers defending the city.

"You don't have to panic. Use crossbows and catapults to kill the Tang army who dared to attack the city. After the commander returns, we will go out of the city and kill the Tang army on both sides."

The soldiers in the city tower were ordered to quickly prepare the bows, crossbows, catapults, lumber and other equipment used for city defense, and launch a defensive battle to defend the city when the Tang army began to attack the city.

Qin Xiaole reined in his horse in front of the army, and used binoculars on his horse to observe the situation of Tubo defending the city. Seeing this fat man showing off his power on the tower, he put away his binoculars, took off the sniper rifle on his back, aimed at the guy's head on his horseback, and immediately pulled the trigger .

After the crisp gunshots, the Tubo soldiers on the tower saw that the master's huge head was instantly thrown off half of it, so that the several generals who were close to Nu Zhuodan were splashed all over their faces by the bloody brain spray from this guy's head. What happened suddenly made all the soldiers on the city tower exclaim and panic.

In the midst of the exclamation and panic of the Tubo army, Qin Xiaole ordered Qin Nianjiang to order five hundred guards to shell the tower.

"Boom boom boom!"

Cannonballs dragging smoke exploded on the city tower. Amidst the loud noise, bricks and rocks flew on the tower. The power of the explosion tore apart the heavy weapons used for defense on the tower and the bodies of the defenders. The waves threw flying stumps, broken arms, and fragments of weapons, screaming at the soldiers who fell from the tower.

After a wave of shelling, dozens of rockets fired at the city gate, and the city gate collapsed with a loud explosion.

Seeing that the city gate collapsed, Qin Xiaole issued an order to blow the horn to charge, and then, he rushed to the city gate first, and the generals around him saw that the master would charge first, fearing that he would lose, they all followed closely...

As more and more Tang Army cavalry rushed into the city gate, more than 2 Tubo troops in the city, who were terrified by artillery fire, hurriedly responded to the enemy in a panic. The situation of the two armies fighting can be imagined. , At this time, they are fighting on their own, and they can't take care of both ends. They just rely on the soldiers' instincts to fight back. How can they be opponents of Tang cavalry who have formations and cover each other to kill the enemy? In less than two hours of fighting, most of the Tubo army's strength is already Dead and wounded everywhere, the rest of the troops flocked out of the city to flee for their lives.

When the general situation in the city was settled, Qin Xiaole ordered Shan Sijing to lead thousands of troops to step up the city defense as soon as possible, so that people could repair the destroyed city gates.

In the meeting hall of the former Tubo Army in Wuhai City, Qin Xiaole summoned all the generals and issued military orders.

"Order Shan Sijing to lead [-] soldiers and disabled soldiers to garrison Wuhai City. After the army has rested overnight, Liu Lang, Cheng Dabao, and Yuchi Xiaohei will use Wuhai City as their forward base to lead [-] cavalry against the enemy. The Gar Qinling Department stationed in Dafeichuan implemented a strategy of harassment to contain the Tubo army. Remember that Hugh had to fight against it head-on. After this general led Xu Nianjiang and other thousands of soldiers to detour back to Dafei City along the original route , to complete the front and rear attack on the Gar Qin Ling tribe."

All the generals are ordered to act according to their orders.

At dawn the next day, Qin Xiaole led his army out of the city, detoured around Dafeichuan and galloped towards Dafei City.

At this time, in Gar Qinling in the middle of Dafeichuan, the news that the [-] troops stationed in Tuyuhun were attacked and defeated by Xu Xiaole's troops was already known. After hearing the news, he vomited blood and fell into a short-term coma. After the Langzhong was rescued, he sent an order on the couch for the whole army to retreat to Wuhai City immediately.

If he knew that Wuhai City had changed hands to Tang Jun at this time, he might be pissed off.

On the way of Gar Qinling's troops withdrawing from Dafeichuan to Wuhai City, the Tubo marshal finally received the news of the fall of Wuhai City, supported his sick body and shouted to the sky, expressing his grief and indignation.

"The defeat of the 20 Tubo army is the fault of a certain family! The results of the war that cost tens of thousands of Tubo soldiers to sacrifice their lives will be gone now. In the current situation, I will gather all the remnants of the army and report to the king according to the dangerous place. Sending envoys to seek peace with Tang Ting, our military has a way out, otherwise, the whole army is in danger of being annihilated—"

After the words fell, the fellow fell into a coma again. The counselor Gar Zanlu sent someone to wait on the commander-in-chief, and ordered the whole army to quickly occupy a dangerous place outside Dafei Sichuan, and sent dozens of small troops to gather around and was defeated by the Tang army. The remnants of Tubo.

When Qin Xiaole and his troops arrived in Dafei City, they saw officials sent by the imperial court to appease the nobles of Tuyuhun. After a short rest, the boy summoned all the generals for a meeting and ordered hundreds of Tang soldiers to guard the court officials to Tuyuhun to appease the court officials. After the officials of Xuanfu went to Tuyuhun, they ordered Langzhou and Hezhou to gather troops in Dafei City and rush to Hekou and Wuhai City to replace the Jinwu Guard cavalry stationed there.

After the distribution is done properly, the letter soldiers will report to the imperial court that the Tang army has conquered and occupied Wuhai City, and request the imperial court to send troops to supplement the defenders in Shancheng, Langzhou, and Hezhou, and send personnel to take over Wuhai to Dafei City The defense, exercise the important task of controlling Tubo.

The royal court of Tubo, King Mansong Mangzan of Tubo received the news of Gar Qinling's defeat. In a fit of anger, he summoned Tubo Prime Minister Gar Dongzan Yusong and other officials of the Qian Dynasty to discuss how to deal with the crisis of defeat. How will the Tang court deal with the situation in Tubo next.

Grand Minister Gar Dongzanyusong was a relative of Marshal Gar Qinling. When Lord Mansong Mangzan received the report of the defeat of the army, he had already received a letter from Gar Qinling, from which he learned that It is an idea to make the Tubo Dynasty send personnel to seek peace with the Tang Dynasty, so that the [-] Tubo army on the front line will gain vitality.

In order to protect the safety of the [-] troops on the front line, even if Gar Qinling did not mention it in the letter, as the Prime Minister of Tubo, Gar Dongzan Yusong would also endanger the Tubo Dynasty after learning about the situation of the battle ahead. The major event of the Tang Dynasty was raised at the court, which made the Tubo king Mansong Mangzan come up with an idea and make a decision whether to fight or make peace with the Tang Dynasty.

During the court meeting of many nobles of the Tubo Dynasty, Mangsong Manzan reported the news of Tubo’s attack and defeat of the Tang Dynasty, which immediately attracted many noisy voices in the hall. Most of them couldn’t believe the news that the Tang Dynasty could defeat the Tubo army. It seems that the Tubo army is an invincible and powerful army.

Because the Tubo harassed the Tang Dynasty every year and gained profits by occupying Tuyuhun, and the invincible Tang army defeated in Dafeichuan, these nobles became somewhat ignorant. They are really uncivilized subjects of a small country. An outstanding person like Tang has the background of a huge empire with many heroes and sons and daughters. If he wants to fight Datang hard, he will undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg.

According to the current situation, Tubo Grand Minister Gar Dongzanyusong said that Tubo will face revenge from the Tang Dynasty, and the resources consumed by Tubo due to the war, etc. No matter how you look at it, Tubo will not continue to fight against the Tang Dynasty For reasons and strength, requesting peace with Datang is the only way out.

Tubo king Mansong Mangzan heard the words and couldn't help bowing his head and thinking secretly.

Thinking that the Tubo Dynasty has been committed to bringing Tuyuhun into its own territory since Tuyuhun became attached to the Tang Dynasty. For this reason, it even did not hesitate to accept the Western Turkic attachment and oppose the Tang Dynasty in the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Western Turks. The military power of the Tang Dynasty affected its control over Tuyuhun. After several years, I don’t know how much Tubo people’s lives and money were spent. Finally, due to the victory of Dafeichuan, the troops were stationed in Tuyuhun, and they were able to exercise control over the territory of Tuyuhun. In just two years, In time, the Tang army reversed the battle situation, regretting that they should not be greedy enough to swallow the elephant, and sent troops to harass the border of the Tang Dynasty, prompting Xiliang to rebel at the same time, so as to force the Tang Dynasty to abandon Shancheng and Langzhou due to insufficient troops. , The purpose of making Tubo occupy the border town of Tang Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Mansong Mangzan sighed in his heart.

"This king overestimated the military strength of Tubo, it's my fault...!"

Even though he was unwilling in every possible way, he was helpless. At this time, Mansong Mangzan did not dare to take Tubo's survival as the last bet and continue to fight against Datang. He had to preserve enough military strength to make Datang afraid of Tubo. And only then can we win the time for Tubo to breathe.

Mansong Mangzan sent the Great Minister Gar Dongzan Yusong to Datang, hoping that this capable minister of Tubo would reach Tang Dynasty's agreement with Tubo and Tuyuhun when he negotiated peace with Datang, and requested that a piece of Tuyuhun's strategic The important land was designated for the purpose of Tubo.

Gar Dongzan Yusong was sent to Datang by the Tubo king. It was the time when the war machines of the Tang Dynasty were at full power and were preparing to march to Xiliang. The young and strong warriors were running around, and the generals who controlled the horses galloped. This guy was terrified of such a situation in the Tang Dynasty, and even more afraid that this situation was aimed at Tubo, so people inquired about it. Only then did they learn that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was preparing to personally conquer Xiliang. Be at ease.

Hearing such news, Gar Dongzanyusong lamented the lack of news about Tubo, and was even more frightened by Datang's ability to dare to use the army to fight on two fronts during the war with Tubo. Destroy Tubo first, and then wield the strategy of Xiliang.

When this guy arrived in Chang'an, after a short rest, he informed the Chancellor of Honglu Temple of the Tang Dynasty that he wanted to enter the palace to meet the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, Li Zhi received a report from Qin Xiaole occupying Wuhai, and a few days later received the news that Tubo wanted to seek peace with the empire and had sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty, so he led his officials to move from the Luoyang Palace to Chang'an.

In the Tai Chi Hall of the Chang'an Imperial Palace, Li Zhi couldn't hide his excitement, and said with a smile to many ministers.

"Qin Xiaole; ​​the empire has brave and strategic generals! With a mere [-] Jinwu guards and soldiers, they practiced strange tactics of war, so that the army can make good use of the strong and avoid them, attack the enemy by surprise, and annihilate more than [-] Tubo troops. , Recaptured Dafei City and Wuhai City, captured tens of thousands of enemy troops and countless grain, grass and livestock, and requested to send troops to supplement the city defense of several states. Ordered the Ministry of War to mobilize troops to take defense in Shancheng, Langzhou, and Hezhou, and requested the court It is a proposal to send personnel to take over the military administration from Dafei City to Wuhai, who do you think can take on this task."

After hearing this, many ministers excitedly went to the table to recommend their favorite generals. Li Zhi thought it was wrong, but he listened to Cheng Yaojin's words.

"Your Majesty, I thought it would be better to let Li Jingxuan, the chief of the Taohe River Army, take up this post concurrently, and be assisted by General Zuo Wuwei and General Hei Chi Changzhi of the Zuo Yulin Army. No worries!"

What Cheng Yaojin said, Li Zhi heard the words and found it very satisfactory, so he sent an order to make Li Jingxuan concurrently serve as the governor of Heyuan, and Hei Chichang as the deputy envoy of Heyuan, to control the military administration of Wuhai City along the Tuyuhun line, the important border town of the Tang Dynasty and several prefectures.

A Hanlin scholar heard the emperor's oral order, and immediately drafted an order, so that the Ministry of War sent personnel to convey the emperor's will.

Then the imperial court discussed who should be appointed as the Minister of Military and Political Affairs on the Western Front. The candidate had just been decided, and the Prime Minister of Honglu Temple entered the palace.

Hearing the words, Li Zhi pondered for a while, and then said.

"After tomorrow's hour, I will receive the Tubo envoys in the Ganlu Hall."

Having said this, Li Zhi ordered all the prime ministers of the imperial court to participate in the ceremony and negotiations with the Tubo envoys for peace tomorrow.

After everything was properly arranged, Li Zhi continued to speak in the hall.

"Xue Rengui; now that the war in Tubo is coming to an end, you, as the marshal of Xiliang, have everything ready. I want to send an order to Qin Tianjian to watch the astrology and set an auspicious date for the expedition."

Hearing what the emperor said, Xue Rengui played. (end of this chapter)

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