Marry Changle in Datang

Chapter 950 Leave!The city is broken!

Hearing what the emperor said, all the generals bowed their heads in silence, thinking that the Xiliang army's camp outside the city stretched for several miles, how could it be so easy to break out of the encirclement and send a letter to the outside.

As a marshal, Xue Rengui had no choice but to answer the emperor's question. He raised his armor and lifted his robe, and said on one knee.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I will send troops out of the city tomorrow to challenge Su Baotong. I vow to kill the thief. If I can't do my job well, then it won't be too late to ask people to ask for help."

This Xue Rengui was a little displeased when he heard that the emperor sent someone to send a letter to summon Qin Xiaole, and then he committed the problem of self-righteousness, thinking how the Xu family's boy could compare with himself, but he didn't consider the danger of Xiliang's army besieging the city. The reality of losing soldiers and generals in several battles outside the city.

Hearing what Xue Rengui said, Li Zhi was indecisive and he couldn't say anything more, so he had to agree to Xue Rengui's request and told him.

"Marshal leads the army, you have to be careful. In the battle of Xiliang, I rely on you, don't lose the momentum of the Tang Dynasty."

When Xue Rengui heard the words, he obediently agreed to the emperor's instructions. While the monarch and his ministers were talking, another soldier reported to Su Dingtong to call for a battle under the city.

The generals were furious when they heard the report, and Xue Rengui ordered Zhou Qing and other eight generals to go with Cheng Chumo to open the city gate to meet Su Baotong. , Qin Meng cupped his hands and said: "The marshal is going out of the city to destroy the thieves. We are willing to go with you, and I ask the marshal for permission."

Xue Rengui said on his horseback: "Little generals, please be safe and don't be impatient. Today, the commander-in-chief is going to battle, and there are dozens of generals going with him. You will escort the city in the city, and don't make decisions without authorization."

All the young generals heard that the marshal spoke cautiously, and they dared not continue to ask, they all said in unison: "The last general will wait for orders!"

Seeing all the young generals disperse to the government office, Xue Rengui ordered the guards to beat drums to open the door.

But hearing the sound of drums from the city tower, the city gate opened, Xue Rengui took the lead, behind him 24 red army flags separated left and right, soldiers surged across the suspension bridge like a tide, the city tower lined up, Zhou Qing, Cheng Chumo and others surrounded the marshal a dozen times to stand up forward.

In front of the Tang army, Xue Rengui wore a bright silver helmet with two wings and double dragons on the helmet. He was wearing a silver armor with a mandarin duck heart mirror shining on his chest. Four white silk flags, a carved bow and cloud-piercing arrows hanging from the waist, a red racing horse sitting on the horse, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and sitting on the horse's back, so mighty.

Seeing Marshal Su Baotong of Xiliang in the middle of the battle, Xue Rengui urged his horse out, pointed at Su Baotong and said loudly.

"Su Baotong, you are an unknown soldier. You dare not to hurt the three generals of my dynasty, but you dare to show off your power under the tower. Today, when you meet this commander, you will dismount and surrender. You will kill yourself and apologize. This commander can still save your body. Otherwise, don't blame me This commander is ruthless with his long halberd."

When Su Baotong heard this, he laughed and said, "Haha".

"Xue Manzi, you dare to speak so boldly even if you are a defeated general in Sichuan. Emperor Tang is really blind and thinks you are handsome. It seems that Li Tang's power is exhausted, and no one in the court can use it. Don't be so fucking verbose. Let him go if you have the guts." Come over here, watch grandpa chop you into pieces with a knife, and feed them to the dogs."

Hearing such disdainful words from Marshal Xiliang, Xue Rengui was so angry that he yelled "Wow!" and immediately rushed out on his horse, hitting Su Baotong directly with the halberd in his hand.

Seeing Xue Rengui's coming violently, Su Baotong held up the saber with both hands, and used the "Pull the Clouds to See the Sun" saber move to block Xue Rengui's long halberd.

Xue Rengui saw the speed of the opponent's sword, so he had to praise: "What a fast sword!" Then he said: "Well done!"

In the voice, he hurriedly raised Fang Tian's painted halberd to block the big knife, and the weapons met. With the sound of clattering, he turned the long halberd owl, flicked Su Bao and the big knife, and chopped off his head.

Su Baotong hurriedly used the saber to let go of its strength, turned the saber's edge and struck Xue Rengui again, but he shouted: "Xue Manzi has some Dao marks, let's see how the master's saber will look like?"

While talking, this guy was busy with his hands, a big knife made the splashing water impenetrable, and the blade glowed blue, which was a good thing.

Xue Rengui has extraordinary martial arts skills, so he naturally calmly dealt with Su Baotong's fierce attack, opened and closed his long halberd, and performed tricks one after another. , the long halberd stabbed up and down, swinging left and right like a dragon, killing Su Baotong until he was out of breath.

The two fought for hundreds of rounds with no end in sight. It was the general who met the good man. General Shi met General Tie, and no one could do anything. After another forty rounds of fighting, Su Baotong was exhausted at the end, and his sword skills gradually became loose. The arm was numb from the shock of Xue Rengui's halberd.

This guy shouted: "Hey! What a powerful Xue Manzi."

Amidst the cry, Su Baotong blocked the long halberd with his sword, turned his horse's head and left, not wanting to fight Xue Rengui again.

Seeing that this guy is about to run away with his horse, how can Xue Rengui be willing to give up, so he chases after the horse.

At this time, Li Zhi was watching the battle from the tower, and seeing Xue Rengui's victory, he was overjoyed and ordered the soldiers to beat drums to cheer.

Xue Rengui clapped his horse and chased after Su Baotong, he was on guard against his scheme of throwing knives secretly, and was about to let him go, when suddenly he heard the sound of drums on the tower, and his heart suddenly felt proud, thinking that today he would chase Su Baotong to the ends of the world, and he would also take him life.

Su Baotong left the battlefield with his horse. Seeing Xue Rengui chasing after him, he couldn't help being furious. He secretly thought that the southern barbarian didn't know how to live or die, so he quietly sacrificed the flying knife, and the gourd on his back glowed with blue light. Xue Rengui flew to the door.

Xue Rengui was clever, when he saw the blue light rising from Su Baotong's back, he had already stretched the Sky-Shocking Bow like a full moon, mounted the cloud-piercing arrow and shot towards the blue light, with a "swish" arrow, he shot the flying knife straight, Hearing the sound of gold and iron colliding, the flying knife was broken into pieces and fell to the dust, while the blue light scattered in the void.

Seeing that his flying knives were broken, Su Baotong was really shocked, and he was so frightened that he was out of his wits. This guy fought all over, and sacrificed all the remaining five flying knives one after another, making Xue Rengui flustered and grabbed the quiver. The three cloud-piercing arrows shot out one after another, and there were several crisp sounds of "Dang, Dang, Dang" in the air, and then there were fragments of flying knives falling down, and the blue light scattered.

Seeing that his flying knife was completely destroyed, Su Baotong was heartbroken and said angrily.

"Come on, let's go, let's go! This commander followed Master Li Daofu to forge a flying knife, which was broken by you today. This commander is incompatible with you. I will take your life to relieve the hatred in my heart."

After finishing speaking, Su Baotong took out the dart hidden in his waist, only to see the sky was thundering and lightning flashing, and the sun was dark.

Xue Rengui looked up at the sky, and saw a boa constrictor-like monster flying towards him in the air, the gesture of baring its teeth and claws was very scary. It was so fierce that Xue Rengui couldn't stand it anymore, he turned his horse's head and wanted to retreat to the tower, intending to lead the soldiers on the tower to shoot the monster with its teeth and claws in the air with bows and arrows.

"Get, get, get" the sound of horseshoes is urgent, and "swish, swish, swish" pierces the air.

Xue Rengui sat down on his horse and galloped wildly, the darts in the air flew into the clouds and chased after him. When he reached the suspension bridge, Xue Rengui was about to order the soldiers and generals who were marching here to help with bows and arrows, but he couldn't open his mouth in time, and the dart shot into Xue Rengui's left shoulder. He fell off the horse with a loud cry.

Xue Rengui fell off the horse, but fortunately, he was very close to the Tang army. Zhou Qing, Cheng Chumo and others shouted, and each raised their weapons and rode out on horseback.

When Su Baotong saw Xue Rengui fell from his horse, he knew that he had made great achievements with darts, so he led his troops to kill the Marshal of the Tang Army.

Emperor Li Zhi and a group of civil and military officers saw Xue Rengui defeated in the city tower. They didn't know whether he was dead or alive. After Zhou Qing, Cheng Chumo and other soldiers entered the city through the suspension bridge, they urgently ordered the city gate to be closed, and ordered the generals not to fight, and to prepare more stones. , strong bow, bed crossbow, gray bottle and other objects to strengthen defense.

At this time, Li Zhi watched the victorious Xiliang army retreat from the tower, and then remembered Xu Tian's words about Xue Rengui's arrogance and self-righteousness. The imperial court used a lot of silver to build a defensive weapon, but it was because of Xue Rengui's suggestion that the army marched to Xiliang, and naturally they were invincible and invincible all the way.What is said is that the artillery is heavy and not easy to carry, fearing that it will affect the actions of the army and drag the army down.

I think if there are such sharp weapons on the towers now, even if the Xiliang army has thousands of troops, I can sit on Mount Tai without fear.

"What King Qi said is true. Although Xue Rengui has talents in civil and military affairs, his disposition is not suitable to be the commander of the three armies."

Li Zhi thought so, but now he has no choice but to solve the immediate difficulties, and ordered the sergeant to carry Xue Rengui to the government office, and called the imperial physician to diagnose and treat the injury.

Xue Rengui was injured by a dart. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was unconscious. He could only see air in and not out. The imperial doctor came and said about diagnosis and treatment.

"Marshal Xue still has breath in his chest, and the symptom is that he was invaded by poison."

The emperor heard what the imperial physician said, and asked Zhou Qing and other generals who were in the battle, what was Xue Rengui injured by, Zhou Qing and others talked about the details of the battle, and the emperor knew that Xue Rengui was injured by Su Baotong's dart.

Hearing this, the imperial doctor hurriedly made people take off Xue Rengui's armor, and found that there was black blood flowing out from his left shoulder, which was just the symptom of poisoning mentioned earlier, so he reported to the emperor, and had to use a golden knife to cut off the flesh and blood on his left shoulder. Scraping it out and applying the antidote can save its life.

When the emperor heard the words, he ordered the imperial physician to treat her quickly.

The imperial physician ordered Zhou Qing and other generals to support Xue Rengui, took out a golden knife and scraped off the blood on his left shoulder and a circle of black flesh, and did not stop until he saw blood flowing out. During this time, Xue Rengui woke up many times , The screams filled the yamen hall, making Li Zhi unbearable to listen to it.

After the imperial physician applied the medicine, seeing that Xue Rengui was breathing smoothly in a coma, Li Zhi ordered the imperial physician to take good care of him, and then called the generals to discuss how to deal with the current predicament.

On the main seat, Li Zhi looked ugly, and said with a golden mouth.

"Xue Rengui was injured today, and he probably won't be able to lead the army to fight in the short term. In the current situation, I have decided to send an order to make Xu Xiaole the Marshal of the Second Route, and go to Suoyang City to relieve the 30 army. I will deliver the decree to Shancheng."

The emperor said this, and waited for all the generals to come forward, but there was no response for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel very disappointed, thinking that these generals were really far behind the generals under his father's command in the past. After a sigh, he was waiting Let's talk about how to solve the current predicament, Cheng Yaojin came out and said.

"Your Majesty, it's better for the old minister to deliver the decree!"

Seeing that it was Cheng Yaojin who said he was willing to go to preach the decree, Li Zhilian, his old man, how could he break out of the heavy encirclement of the Xiliang army, but he was very pleased that Cheng Yaojin had such a loyal emperor, and he could not help but worry.

"Old Zhuguo solved the problem for me. I am very relieved. However, the Xiliang army is surrounded by layers. I am afraid that I will not be able to rush out and miss Zhuguo's life. How can I bear it? Step back and rest, and then think of other ways." !"

After the emperor's words fell, Zhou Qing and other eight general soldiers finally came out together.

Zhou Qing said: "Old General Cheng promises that he is not afraid of the enemy's power at his age. The last general waits for the middle-aged man to have the face to be a general of the Tang Dynasty, so he opens the city gate and rushes around. There will always be a way to break out and pass the order. I will not hesitate to die on the battlefield, I hope the emperor will allow it."

Hearing what Zhou Qing said, the emperor Li Zhi looked a little happy, and was about to speak to agree to the invitation of Zhou Qing and other generals, but Cheng Yaojin said again.

"No; you should be escorting the city now, and you must not put yourself in danger. This old man has a clever plan to break through, so there is no need to fight with others. Besides, Su Baotong's darts only hurt unlucky people. This old man is such a blessed body." , Even if he has some background in darts, naturally he won't be able to hurt the old man, at that time, Long Live will only need to watch from the top of the city to see how the minister swaggers out of the camp to ask for help."

Cheng Chumo heard his father's skinny, but he was extremely nervous, so he couldn't help saying loudly.

"Daddy! Don't brag at this time, why don't you let me protect you from the siege!"

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin said how he was willing to put his son in danger, and he couldn't help saying angrily: "Little bastard, how dare you say that I am boasting, and I don't know the age when I talk, I really should hit you, I will write it down first, and I will come to you when I come back. How are you?" Accompany you in the city, protect the emperor, and see how your father gets out."

Cheng Chumo saw that his father had made up his mind, and thought of the vicious Xiliang army below the city, his father's life and death were unpredictable, he couldn't help feeling sad, knelt down and cried loudly, which made people feel very sad when they heard it.

Seeing his son like this, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart, he helped his son and said: "My son, you don't have to be so sad, since ancient times, it is the way to eat the king's salary, and to be loyal to the king. I miss your father and I will be punished by the court." Well, now that the country is in trouble, how can we stand by and remain indifferent, naturally we should sacrifice our lives to serve the country, life and death are determined by God, there is no reason not to go."

When Li Zhi heard these words, he couldn't help but feel his eyes burn, thinking that he was moved by the loyal minister's heartfelt words.

Cheng Yaojin and his son bid farewell, took the secret decree from the emperor Li Zhi and hid it on their bodies. During the farewell of the emperor and all the civil and military personnel, they came to the city gate, turned over and rode on the iron-footed jujube horse that had accompanied him for many years. Without taking a single soldier, he ordered the soldiers to open the city gate, and they crossed the suspension bridge one by one, approaching the Xiliang army camp, and shouted loudly. (end of this chapter)

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