Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1000 Improvements

Chapter 1000 Improvements
In terms of tanks, Wang Xuexin is not very worried.

The reason is that the anti-tank missile has already taken shape, and Skinner is improving it. If it is not possible, it can also be used for emergency equipment troops with this prototype.

At that time, the Eighth Route Army will have an anti-tank equipment with a longer range than the bazooka, higher accuracy, and stronger penetration.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin just asked Chen Songyong to develop anti-tank missiles as soon as possible... The Eighth Route Army called it the production of anti-tank rockets and the training of related personnel.

Wang Xuexin's focus is still on X1 at this time.

This is because Wang Xuexin learned some basic data about "La 5" from Lemonokov: "The weapons of 'La 5' are only two 20mm caliber cannons in the nose, with two hundred rounds of ammunition! In addition, it A 150kg bomb can hang under its wings!"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help frowning, but all fighter jets usually have machine guns and machine guns, and there are as many as six or seven machine guns. For example, the "Hawk 81" has six machine guns, of which the two machine guns on the nose are 12.7mm. MM's heavy machine gun.

This is set up because the nose position has a high hit rate. Once the enemy’s tail is bitten in air combat, the two machine guns on the nose are often parallel to the target. Therefore, the heavy firepower is generally placed on the nose. This is also the "pull 5" "The main reason for placing the only two cannons on the nose.

But the two machine guns of "La 5" have only 200 rounds of seems too little, right?In addition, the fighter also has bomb pylons, making it look even less like a fighter.

But Wang Xuexin thought about it deeply, and felt that Mao Xiong was very smart in doing so.

The reason is that the "La 5" fighter is not a fighter that wins by "quality", it is positioned as a fighter that wins by "quantity" and "output".

To put it simply, Mao Xiong never thought that "La 5" needed too many machine guns and ammunition in the air battle with Hans... because the quality of Mao Xiong's pilots was far behind that of Hans pilots, if the 200 rounds If the ammunition is exhausted and the enemy plane has not been shot down, there is a high probability that "Pull 5" will also be shot down.

That being the case, do you still need it to hold thousands of rounds of bullets or even add machine guns with low hit rate on the wings?
It's better to save these "unnecessary" weights and make them into bomb hangers.

Once the "La 5" has a bomb hanger, it means that it can not only perform air combat tasks, but also perform ground bombing tasks, especially destroying enemy tanks... and this is what Mao Xiong urgently needs to achieve.

Therefore, there is no certain standard for equipment, good or bad, only the most suitable is the best.

Then Wang Xuexin thought that this might just meet the combat needs of the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army did not have bombers, but the "La 5" can target both air and ground. It can be said that one aircraft can be used as two aircraft to make up for the shortcoming of bombers.

More importantly...

Wang Xuexin can also strengthen the anti-air combat capability of "La 5".

Doesn't "La 5" only have two cannons on the nose and no wing-mounted machine guns?

So why not hang the X1 on the bomb rack?
Damn it's a match made in heaven... Putting on the X1 means that the anti-air weapon of "La 5" has become a combination of X1 and cannon, and its speed is much faster than the devil's "Zero War". Is it not greater?

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin no longer hesitated, and immediately decided to develop X1.

The bottleneck in the development of X1 is the "wire".

Professor Su and He Zhimin have always been troubled by the "wire".

Wang Xuexin took advantage of Yingjiang's project to make a detour and get the wire easily.

Wang Xuexin still remembers the expressions of surprise and joy on their faces when he threw the slender and extremely resilient wire in front of Su, and the two of them.

He Zhimin snatched the wire like a monkey snatching food, carefully took out a short piece and put it under the light, looked at it, pulled it again, and asked in surprise: "Battle Commander, where... where did you get it?" ?”

Wang Xuexin told the truth: "It is produced by Yingjiang, and there will be more in the future. Does this wire meet the requirements?"

"Of course, of course!" Professor Su stepped forward to take a look, and grinned from ear to ear: "This toughness, if we increase the speed of X1 by half, it can also hit a range of 1000 meters! "

It turned out that Professor Su still underestimated the processing technology of this wire. This wire can withstand twice the current speed of X1, that is, a range of 800 meters at a speed of more than 1000 kilometers per hour.

The speed of more than 800 kilometers is not fast for a missile, but the speed of aircraft during this period is not fast, most of them are around 500 or [-] kilometers per hour, and the speed of "Zero War" is only more than [-] kilometers per hour.

Therefore, the X800 with more than 1 kilometers is enough to deal with them.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was thinking about a question:

If the X1 can be used for air combat, can it also be used to control ground tanks?
But this seems to be difficult.

Because the X1 tracks the target with the pilot's operation, if it wants to deal with the tank on the ground, it means that the fighter plane has to dive to the tank on the ground, and then lift up when the X1 hits the tank... and it is too late by then up?
Just when Wang Xuexin was thinking about how to solve this problem, Zhang Zongping hurried in: "Battle Commander, the commander sent a telegram! Let you go to the headquarters for a meeting immediately!"

As soon as Wang Xuexin heard it, he knew that something unusual had happened.

Because the headquarters had already moved to the new address Jiangyang Valley at this time, in order to keep it secret, they did not convene meetings as much as possible. Holding an emergency meeting now means that the headquarters would rather risk the risk of the headquarters being exposed again.

Sure enough, when Wang Xuexin arrived at the headquarters, there was already a slightly tense atmosphere in the meeting room.

In fact, Jiangyang Valley should be called Heyang Valley. It is an old valley located on a tributary of the Yellow River... Maybe it is a valley washed out by the old course of the Yellow River. It is well known that the Yellow River often changed its course in ancient times. The devils also blew up Huayuankou, causing the Yellow River to break its embankment and changing its course, causing severe disasters in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

The main purpose of setting up the headquarters here is to avoid the bombing of the devil fighter planes... After all, it is a river valley, with high ground on both sides, and it is difficult for the fighter planes to threaten the buildings in it, whether it is strafing or dropping bombs, especially the headquarters is set on the side of the valley. in the cave.

As soon as Wang Xuexin arrived, the chief of staff spoke up.

"Comrades!" The chief of staff said, waving a stack of documents in his hand: "This is the information detected by our intelligence personnel. We believe that the devils have reached cooperation with Hans in many aspects. They hope to improve the North China Front in all aspects. The fighting power is even equipped to deal with the war situation in China!"

It was only then that Wang Xuexin realized that it was probably not just tanks that the devil wanted to improve.

(End of this chapter)

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