Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1003 Half-track Vehicle

Chapter 1003 Half-track Vehicle

At this time, it is very simple to trade with Mao Xiong for T26.

First of all, it is because the T26 is basically eliminated for Mao Xiong... This kind of light tank is basically useless on the battlefield against Hans.

Secondly, Mao Xiong is in urgent need of the "High Fire" and X1 of the Eighth Route Army at this time. If the Eighth Route Army is willing to exchange these items for their eliminated tanks, Mao Xiong will be happy before it is too late, and of course he will not object.

The chief said happily: "Then it's no problem! Although our army doesn't have many scorpions, if we collect the captured scorpions from the whole army, we can find a way to get a batch from the devils and equip 2000 troops." It shouldn't be a problem!"

Wang Xuexin didn't speak, neither agreed nor objected.

Seeing Wang Xuexin's expression changed, the chief asked suspiciously: "What? Do you have other ideas?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Chief, it is true that it is fast to form a mechanized army with a sling, but it has two fatal shortcomings: one is that the defense is too poor, and it is almost exposed to the enemy's firepower. Casualties. The second is that the load capacity is too small, that is, the ammunition and supplies that can be carried are not much. This does not seem to be a big problem for the devils, because the devils can use transport planes to airdrop them, and our army does not have transport planes or airdrop technology... "

So the chief understood.

Forming a mechanized army is not as easy as imagined, and tanks and shoulders can be formed.

You must know that tanks and slings need to burn oil, and troops also consume bullets and shells in combat. How to solve the problem of supplying supplies when they are sent out to fight?Are there still dozens of cars transporting oil and ammunition?
What if there is another problem with the car: the road that the tank and the bag can walk, but the car can't?Are the troops unable to move forward?
The chief asked Wang Xuexin puzzled: "But Comrade Wang Xuexin, our army has nothing but bags!"

Wang Xuexin said: "Boss, when I traded with Maoxiong before, I heard them talk about something called a 'half-track vehicle'. I think that using this kind of vehicle instead of a shoulder bag will have a much better effect than the shoulder bag! "

"Half track?" The chief and the cadres in the conference room were all confused, including the chief of staff who had studied in Mao Xiong's.

Because the half-track vehicle is still a relatively unpopular and emerging equipment at this time, most people only focus on the planes and tanks, and do not pay attention to this kind of thing used to transport troops.

Wang Xuexin explained: "The half-track vehicle is probably such a thing. It is somewhat like a car, with wheels at the front and tracks at the back. This makes it have the advantages of both a car and a tank. It can be used as a car on the road. Running, and strong cross-country ability to cross complex terrain!"

"Is there any difference between it and a satchel?" The chief of staff asked, "If it's just a car, isn't it also defenseless?"

"No, Chief of Staff!" Wang Xuexin explained: "This half-track vehicle will have enhanced armor protection on the front and sides to protect soldiers. In addition, because it has a large space and a large load capacity, it can also carry more supplies!"

There is no need to explain too much about the following words. Compared with the devil's shoulder bag, the advantage is quite obvious.

It is conceivable that if the devil's mechanized troops using slings collided with the mechanized troops of the Eighth Route Army using half-track vehicles... Not to mention the firepower gap between the 95 light war and the T26, only the half-track vehicles can form an absolute attack on the devils crushed.

The cadres in the meeting room are all veterans who have come from the battlefield, and they immediately understood the benefits of Wang Xuexin's words.

The chief of staff asked suspiciously: "Mao Xiong has this thing, I...why never heard of it before?"

Wang Xuexin said: "It should be new equipment!"

This is indeed new equipment for Mao Xiong. It is the NATI41 half-track car developed by Mao Xiong on the basis of the Jiss 52 car in 42.

The reason why it is called "half-track car" instead of "half-track car" is because Mao Xiong is a simple combination of a car and a tank's track. This thing is so ugly that people can't see it. It's just a four-way difference, and the performance is not satisfactory... This is the fault of not developing a special engine, and the off-road speed is only 8-20 kilometers per hour.

What is the concept of a speed of 8-20 kilometers per hour? An ordinary runner can run at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour with a little exercise.

But half-track vehicles are better than nothing.

Wang Xuexin considered that the Eighth Route Army was fighting at home, and the application of roads would be relatively more... because the highlands on both sides of the road were garrisoned by the Eighth Route Army, and mines would not block his way.

Maoxiong's half-track vehicle can run at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour on the road, and it is not immobile like a car off-road. This can basically meet the needs of the Eighth Route Army to form mechanized troops.

In addition, the speed of the T26 is not fast: the top speed is 30 kilometers per hour, and the cross-country speed is 20 kilometers per hour.

This speed basically matches that of a half-track car, so Wang Xuexin decided to use it.

In fact, Wang Xuexin also considered Yingjiang's half-track vehicle.

Yingjiang's M2 half-track vehicle is more mature and faster, with an off-road speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

The question is, is Yingjiang's equipment really suitable for the Eighth Route Army?
If the Eighth Route Army wants to consider building its own industry in the future... For example, the aviation industry comes from Maoxiong, and the automobile industry can come from Yingjiang?
It may not be a problem for the automobile industry to import from Eagle Sauce. We should learn some technologies from various countries and then integrate them.

The question is... once the Anti-Japanese War is over, Yingjiang is destined to turn against the Eighth Route Army. Will he be able to support the Eighth Route Army to upgrade its own industry?

If not, does that mean that the industrial base that the Eighth Route Army has worked so hard to build will be completely abolished because of the confrontation with Yingjiang?
With this in mind, Wang Xuexin finally decided to cooperate with Mao Xiong instead of Yingjiang.

The chief thought about it, and then asked, "Is there any problem with the deal with Mao Xiong? Are they willing to sell this half-track car?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "There should be no problem. We can use 'High Fire' and X1 to trade with Maoxiong. They need these two equipments urgently! I think Maoxiong is very happy to use these things to pay for 'La 5'!"

There is nothing wrong with Wang Xuexin thinking so.

Because for Mao Xiong at this time, "Pull 5" is something that can compete for air supremacy, and it should be put into the battlefield as soon as possible, as soon as possible, the better.

And the half-track car...

Although its output increased during the war, Maoxiong preferred to use the half-track vehicle aided by Yingjiang because of its poor performance.

If they can be used to offset part of the "La 5" trade with the Eighth Route Army, Wang Xuexin thinks Mao Xiong will not even frown.

(End of this chapter)

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