Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1012 Disagreement

Chapter 1012 Disagreement
But of course the chief will not treat the new second regiment badly.

This is actually a kind of coordination in the army... Even the chief can't casually transfer the elites of other troops because of the needs of the army, unless it is a very urgent combat need.

Because doing so will greatly damage the morale of other troops and make them slump.

For example, with the chief's transfer this time, the Baizhan Regiment has gained the elite of the New Second Regiment and its strength has greatly increased. Do you want Kong Jie's new Second Regiment?

If not, then this establishment will simply be cancelled.

But Kong Jie didn't make a mistake, didn't lose a battle, and even made meritorious deeds on the battlefield, so why should he be revoked?

If you want to.

This time the chief can empty out the elite of the New Second Regiment, won't it happen again next time?
If it continues like this, won't the new second regiment become a recruit training regiment?

Kong Jie is still the leader of the fart, so he can directly become an instructor!

Even other troops would think: If the elite of the New Second Regiment will be emptied in one go, will their troops also have the same situation?

Does that mean we need to train less elites?
Therefore, considering the overall situation and also the morale of the New Second Regiment, the chief must give the New Second Regiment some acceptable compensation.

The chief's compensation is also very reasonable: "Didn't the New Second Regiment have no tanks all the time? Allocate ten tanks to form a tank company for them, can it make up for this gap?"

At this moment, Kong Jie beamed with joy.

Elites can be cultivated, but tanks are hard to come by.

I always thought that the new second regiment followed the independent regiment to secretly learn tank tactics, so that it would be their turn when there was a tank one day?
No, here's your chance!

To change or not to change?
Of course change!

In the past, these elites were cultivated without tanks. Now that there are tanks, will it be easier to train them in the future?

What's more...there are ten tanks. With this batch of tanks, the strength of the new second regiment will soon surpass the strength of the main force regiment, right?

A fool would not change it!

There is no need for Wang Xuexin to worry about these things. What he has to consider is the training of mechanized troops.

After having a driver and a tank soldier, the main thing to practice is infantry-tank coordination.

The infantry-tank coordination of mechanized units is somewhat different from that of other units.

The infantry-tank coordination of ordinary troops refers to the coordinated operations of infantry and tanks. It is about the mutual cover of infantry and tanks and the maximum output of firepower.

Mechanized troops, infantry and tank coordination added armored vehicles...

For example, infantry quickly get off their vehicles to deploy their troops when they are in danger.

There is also how an armored vehicle as a combat unit should provide cover fire for infantry and tanks.

In this regard, Wang Xuexin had another argument with Li Changfu.

Li Changfu is indeed the head of the Baizhan Regiment who is good at fighting regular battles. He was a little stunned. When he came up and saw the half-track armored vehicle, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, and said, "Hey, 10MM steel plate, devils can shoot anything!" If you can’t get through, isn’t that a ready-made trench?”

Therefore, his idea is that once he gets involved with the devils, he will use the half-track vehicle horizontally as a trench, and the troops will shoot at the enemy behind the half-track vehicle and tanks...

When he saw Wang Xuexin's training method, he stepped forward to stop Wang Xuexin and said, "Battalion Commander, how can this battle be fought like this? What a good shield, it is a line of defense wherever you put it. Not only do you not use it, but you also let it Drive and fight with the enemy... This is driving while fighting, can you hit accurately when you are staggering in the car? Can the infantry keep up? What about the cover of the infantry?"

Wang Xuexin's use of half-track vehicles is quite different from that of Li Changfu.

It is impossible for Wang Xuexin to use half-track vehicles as trenches. If he uses them like may be the most expensive trench in the world.

Moreover, it is true that this "trench" can block bullets, but do devils only have bullets?
What about the devil's mortar?
Where's the devil's tank?

Even the devil's grenade can blow it up...

Wang Xuexin's use of half-track vehicles is a supplement to the firepower and vision of tanks:
Tanks have a narrow field of vision, and the main firepower is flat-firing tank guns, which cannot attack targets hidden behind obstacles, such as mortar positions behind hills.

The half-track vehicle has a wide field of vision and is closely connected with the infantry. It can even be used as an infantry unit in battle. Its firepower has a flat-firing machine gun... It can provide cover for the tank to destroy the enemy's demolition team.There are also mortars, and curved mortars can hit dead ends where tank guns cannot reach.

Therefore, the combination of the two is perfect.

Coupled with the coordination of infantry light weapons and bazookas, the iron triangle combination of tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry can be formed.

If it is on the plain, the half-track armored vehicle can even use its mobility to play an even more amazing role.

But Li Changfu didn't understand what Wang Xuexin said.

Wang Xuexin can understand Li Changfu, because the Eighth Route Army was mostly on the defensive in previous battles, including the current Yuncheng, which is still on full defense.

Li Changfu was used to defensive warfare, and he couldn't help thinking about the scene of devils charging the Eighth Route Army's defense in his mind.

In addition, quite a few commanders of the Eighth Route Army were still stuck in the backward tactical thinking of "defense is greater than offense".

They always think about defense, that is, to occupy a favorable geographical position and make preparations. The enemy has no fortifications to attack, of course they will suffer.

Therefore, why attack at the expense of vital strength when the enemy can be destroyed?
They don't understand that if the combat between mechanized troops is still like infantry, it will be bypassed by the enemy and left behind instead of fighting.

In the end, I was entangled by Li Changfu and couldn't help it.

In fact, it's not that there is no way to entangle, but Wang Xuexin believes that if training is to be carried out, the regiment leader Li Changfu should understand what kind of tactics he will use in what kind of war he will face in the future.

Otherwise, even if the troops are trained well, he, the regiment commander, cannot correctly command the troops to fight and win.

But Li Changfu was stubborn enough.

What he meant was: it’s okay to train according to Wang Xuexin’s method, because this is an order from the chief, and he obeys it unconditionally, but he just doesn’t think Wang Xuexin’s style of play is right.

Wang Xuexin can only kick the ball to the headquarters.

This also proves that Wang Xuexin's previous worries were justified... Li Changfu, a regiment leader who is suitable for fighting hard battles, seems not suitable for commanding mechanized troops.

The chief was furious and severely criticized Li Changfu:
"Let me tell you, Li Changfu, you think that no matter how old you are, how many battles you have fought, your tail will go up to the sky!"

"Do you think you can compare to Xiao Dongbei? You can also fight against him? You even competed with him!"

"Let me tell you, if you don't understand this tactic, don't be the commander of your regiment. I'll replace you immediately! Many people want to be the commander of this mechanized unit!"


(End of this chapter)

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