Chapter 1017
Under the deployment of the chief, the mechanized unit added more than 200 vehicles in just one week... This is almost all the vehicles of the Eighth Route Army, even Li Yunlong's car of the independent regiment is no exception.

For this reason, Li Yunlong cursed: "Damn it, whoever captures it will go to whoever it is. Today, a little will be transferred tomorrow, and in the end, they will all be transferred away by the superiors?"

"Li Yunlong, what are you talking about?" Zhao Gang sternly criticized: "You still act as the headquarters and don't take care of the independent regiment? Whoever captures it belongs to whom... Did you capture the tanks in the tank battalion? If you are serious, I will ask the superiors to let them They transferred the tanks back first, and returned all the materials you seized to you!"

Li Yunlong became anxious when he said this, and hurriedly stopped Zhao Gang, saying: "Don't, Lao Zhao! Why don't I just talk about it? Why do you take it seriously!"

"Tell me?" Zhao Gang hadn't finished the training yet, so he continued to knock on the table and scolded Li Yunlong: "I said, Lao Li, don't be a good boy if you get cheap. It’s a foul from the bazooka, let alone the bazooka and the aviation team that is still under the independent regiment!”

This time Li Yunlong panicked even more.

Although the aviation team is only organized under the independent regiment and not under the command of the independent regiment, these days the aviation team mostly cooperates with the independent regiment to fight... In fact, it is cooperating with the defense of Yuncheng, just because Li Yunlong guards Yuncheng and the aviation team cooperates more. So there is this illusion.

Therefore, it really needs to be subdivided and clearly divided, and the independent group really does not take advantage.

"Okay, old Zhao!" Li Yunlong tilted his head and replied, "We won't talk about this with you. I'm talking about the bag, and you are all on the plane with me! After talking, do you want to talk about it?" The devil's paratroopers are all counted on our heads?"

Then Li Yunlong moved closer to Zhao Gang, and said in a low voice, "Old Zhao, the paratroopers are very useful. You can jump wherever you want to fight. Tell me... Is there any way for us to play with a paratrooper? Anyway We also have planes..."

Zhao Gang was so angry that he shook his head helplessly: "Lao Li, are you using our fighter jets as transport planes? Our planes are designed to drop bombs and cannot contain people!"

In fact, it's not that Li Yunlong doesn't know this truth, but that Zhao Gang has been taken to another topic by Li Yunlong unknowingly... Zhao Gang's theoretical foundation and logic may be stronger than Li Yunlong's, but he is far from being clever in his words. Li Yunlong's opponent.

As soon as he got the bag, Wang Xuexin immediately organized a mechanized force of 800 people. This force was organized into the fifth battalion by Li Changfu... The Hundred Battle Regiment had four battalions, but these four battalions were reduced during the battle. Seriously, there was no full staff, and one of the battalions even hit only more than 100 people, and barely reached 300 people after replenishment.

Soon, more than 100 half-track vehicles and 26 T3000s arrived from Maoxiongna, and a mechanized force with a total strength of [-] people gradually took shape.

While the Eighth Route Army was busy, Neji Okamura was also undergoing intensive training.

Okamura Ningji's training is mainly for airborne troops.

Because Neiji Okamura had a discussion with Shinta Kono, both of them believed that the main reason for the failure of the empire in the last battle was the insufficient size of the airborne troops and the wrong timing of the airdrops, which caused them to fail to play a role.

"If our army has one or more airborne troops!" Okamura Ningji said: "Then we may give timely reinforcements to our army's mechanized troops in Sanjiadian, granary and other places. At this time, we are likely to It has successfully strangled the throat of the Eighth Route Army!"

Shinta Kono agrees.

"Hans' tactics, especially the 'blitzkrieg', also attach great importance to the airborne troops!" Kono Shinta said: "Because the airborne troops are very flexible, they can overcome almost all obstacles and suddenly appear in the unexpected position of the enemy. If combined with Compared with mechanized troops... The mechanized troops still have traces to be found. The enemy can observe the marching route of the mechanized troops and judge the target of our army. However, the airborne troops can suddenly land and attack the target. It is suitable for dealing with the situation of the Eighth Route Army!"

What Kono Shinta said is correct, Hans is superb in the application of airborne troops.

For example, when the mechanized troops are advancing, Hans will let the airborne troops first occupy the bridges, warehouses, strategic locations, etc. that the mechanized troops need, and then the mechanized troops will follow up and pass through smoothly, forming a near-perfect coordination.

At this time, the rear of the Eighth Route Army can be said to be full of weaknesses, and every weakness may be fatal.

If you use airborne combat, you only need to concentrate your forces for one airborne to end the battle and achieve your strategic goals.

The issue is……

To train a qualified paratrooper cannot be completed overnight, he needs long-term training, in addition to follow-up equipment, such as parachutes, transport aircraft, etc., and more importantly, perfect tactics.

In terms of tactics, sometimes even Instructor Hans has a headache for the Devils.

Because devils are sometimes very stubborn, their commanders insist on carrying samurai swords on the battlefield...

For Hans, this thing is not only useless in airborne combat, but also adds many dangers: a samurai sword is parachuting on his waist, if the handle of the knife hits the ground and presses against a certain part of the human body, then Just sent the commander away.

Therefore, Instructor Hans did not allow the devil to carry a samurai sword.

But devils regard carrying a samurai sword as their own glory, which belongs to the kind of "a soldier can be killed but not humiliated": the head can be cut off and the blood can flow, and the samurai sword cannot be thrown away.

Even because of this, the two sides were very unhappy.

In the end, Instructor Hans compromised and decided to respect the "tradition" of devils, but the instructor was not responsible for the negative impact it caused.

There are many situations like this in training.

Therefore, it is not that the devils do not have Hans' parachute tactics, but that the devils tend to stick to the conventional offensive tactics and are incompatible with airborne operations that require flexibility.

After understanding this, Neiji Okamura and Shinta Kono had no choice but to face reality: at this stage, the empire can only rely on mechanized troops as the main force and airborne troops as a supplement.

This is what Kono Shinta said: "If we have a year, we can completely defeat them with airborne troops! If your Excellency needs to defeat the opponent urgently..."

"One year?" Neiji Okamura shook his head, and he said thoughtfully: "Kono-kun, the Eighth Route Army in front of us didn't even have enough rifles a year ago, and the per capita bullets were no more than three rounds. But Now, there are planes, tanks, cannons, bazookas. Can you imagine, in another year... what will they develop into?"

(End of this chapter)

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