Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1020 Night Battle

Chapter 1020 Night Battle
The reason why Wang Xuexin chose to launch an attack in the early morning was not because this time was suitable for mechanized troops to fight.

In fact, on the contrary, this time is not suitable for mechanized troops to fight.

The reason is that it is very difficult for mechanized troops to march at night, and even tanks do not have the ability to fight at night... There is no night vision device in this era.

The bag is fine.

Because the sling has a wide field of vision, adding a headlight covered in black cloth on the front allows you to see the road clearly and walk, and the tank can be commanded verbally by the commander after the hatch is opened.

For example: Go straight ahead, prepare to turn right...turn right...

This will seriously affect the marching speed of the tank or even slow down the marching speed of the entire army.

But tanks are indispensable for mechanized troops.

Because the mechanized troops will inevitably encounter several enemy troops blocking the way forward.

Because mechanized troops pay attention to speed, they are required to break through the enemy's position in the shortest possible time... If there are no tanks, if there is no stronger firepower and defense than the enemy, how can mechanized troops "break through quickly"?
The reason why Wang Xuexin chose to fight at night is mainly to prevent the enemy's aviation from playing a role.

This is not to say that Wang Xuexin is afraid of the devil's aviation.

On the contrary, Wang Xuexin at this time is still confident about aviation, because the new X1 has been successfully air-fired and the effect is quite good... Since the quality of the wires produced by Yingjiang is much better than that of Devils, the new X1 not only has a longer range and a faster rate of fire Faster and more responsive than before.

This made Wang Xuexin a little strange:

The wire of the eagle sauce is thinner, and the wire is like a hair. Although the wire of the devil is also thin, it is at least several times thicker than the wire of the eagle sauce.

According to physics, thicker wires should be more conductive, that is, more sensitive. How come the devil's wires are dull or even have a sense of sluggishness?
Later, after measuring with Zhimin, it was discovered that the devil's copper wire was actually mixed with other ingredients.

This is not surprising, because the devils want to use all the copper for ammunition, so they cut corners in industrial production.

It may not even be "cutting corners", but a "production standard" of a national nature.

This has greatly increased the confidence of the aviation team in the new X1. The pilots are all gearing up, saying that they were really angry when they were beaten up by the devils last time, and now they can finally avenge themselves. up.

The statement of the pilots is really true, because the last time the air force did not fight under Wang Xuexin's order.

As a result, as soon as the pilots walked out of the airport, someone would follow behind and ask:

"I said, why isn't our plane flying?"

"Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Aren't there some new weapons, don't you dare to use them?"


Now there is indeed new equipment, and it is more advanced than before.

Wang Xuexin gave this new X1 another number: X2.

Wu Guozhi originally suggested that Wang Xuexin fight during the day.

"After the mechanized troops break through the devil's defense line, the devil will definitely send fighter planes to intercept them immediately!" Wu Guozhi said: "It's time for our aviation team to perform. Please rest assured, battalion commander, we will definitely protect the safety of the mechanized troops and not let them The devil plane is approaching the sky above the mechanized troops!"

But Wang Xuexin frowned and did not speak.

Other commanders and fighters felt strange, shouldn't battles be fought like this?
Especially now that the Eighth Route Army is sure to have air supremacy, why not lure a group of devil fighter planes to shoot them down first for an appetizer?
Wang Xuexin was silent for a while, then said: "Comrades, the target of our battle this time is the enemy's mechanized troops, not the enemy's air force. Of course, the enemy's air force is also very important, but the devil's air force can only be defeated completely." Is it?"

There is nothing wrong with what you said, the devil's fighter planes fought batch after batch, and there was basically no end in sight.


Wu Guozhi said: "But the battalion commander, can't the mechanized troops be defeated?"

In fact, mechanized forces are cheaper than air forces and therefore easier to form.

But Wang Xuexin didn't think so: "It's true that the devil's mechanized troops can't be defeated, but the aviation team should fight a lot. We just eat up the mechanized troops before attacking the air team!"

Seeing that the commanders and fighters did not understand, Wang Xuexin further explained: "If we dispatched the air force from the beginning and won the first battle, and even beat the devils badly, you think the mechanized troops of the devils will be given by us. Lie out?"

Having said that, the commanders and fighters suddenly realized.

Air supremacy is the most important thing in the combat of mechanized troops. Without air supremacy, the devil's mechanized troops came out of Laoyang Village and they would be targeted by the Eighth Route Army Air Force.

Therefore, of course it is impossible to "lead the snake out of the hole".

On the contrary, as Wang Xuexin said, if the mechanized troops are attacked first...even if the devil's mechanized troops are beaten terribly, the devil's air force still doesn't know anything about X[-].

If the devil's aviation team thinks that the Eighth Route Army is still equipped with X[-], then its tactics are still old tactics.

As soon as it was light the next day, the Devils Air Force thought it was time for their air force to intercept the Eighth Route Army's mechanized troops, and even dispatched on a large scale because of the victory of the Eighth Route Army's mechanized troops last night, hoping to regain the lost face Come.

Therefore, this is the time for the Eighth Route Army Air Force to perform.

At that time, the Eighth Route Army Air Corps will not only eat less meat than the original plan, but will instead eat much more meat than originally planned.

After thinking about this point, the commanders and fighters agreed one after another:

"I agree, this is a time to hurt the devils, let's see what kind of 'blitzkrieg' they organize in the future!"

"I also agree, let's kill two birds with one stone and severely damage the devil's mechanized troops and air force at the same time!"


So the strategy was decided.

Even in order to make the devil's mechanized troops ready earlier, Wang Xuexin deliberately revealed a little information about the mechanized troops...

This is actually very easy, that is, order the fifth battalion to rush to the Yuncheng defense line.

The Fifth Battalion was the mechanized unit used as bait, all of them had 26 T[-]s.

Of course, they did not go too far, but marched secretly at night, and the T26 even made the necessary camouflage.

But the real mechanized troops, those half-track armored vehicles and tanks, are "disguised" with canvas and wooden boards as cars and drive all the way to Yuncheng... The tracked armored vehicles are originally very similar to cars. To disguise them as cars, they only need to be lengthened and widened. OK.

Then, it was Yuncheng who opened the opening in the defense line.

(End of this chapter)

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