Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1022 Interspersed

Chapter 1022 Interspersed
As soon as the battle started, Li Yunlong felt that something was wrong.

Because when you go into battle, you break through the enemy's frontal defenses...

Li Yunlong scolded: "Damn it, the devil's 21st Division is standing in front of us, break through this front line of defense... and then go in and let them surround us?"

Zhao Gang snorted: "I said, Lao Li, aren't you afraid? This is not like you!"

"Who's afraid!" Li Yunlong stared, and replied: "I'm worried about losing money in business, and what I seized isn't worth what I traded out!"

At this time, Zhao Gang handed over another telegram, saying: "You are right. Our army is only responsible for tearing apart the enemy's frontal defense line and breaking into the enemy's hinterland...Leave it to the Baizhan Regiment!"

Hearing these words, Li Yunlong was stunned for a long time before recovering.

Only then did he understand that when the chief heard himself say "Whoever captures it belongs to whom", he would reply: "That's what you said, don't regret it!"

But what's the use of understanding, the matter has come to this point, the task has been completed, how can I say that I don't do it and don't do it!
Li Yunlong could only say "ah", took off his hat and thought he was unlucky, he didn't dare to admit it in front of Zhao Gang, but he scolded in his heart: "Damn it, this time I'm really beating dogs and eating meat!"

But things are not as simple as Li Yunlong thought.

Because Li Yunlong didn't count as "beating dogs", the real "dogs" to beat were not part of the 21st Division stationed outside Yuncheng at all, but the devil's mechanized troops.

It was not difficult for the Independent Regiment to tear through the line of defense, because after the 3-minute rocket bombardment, the tank battalion of the Independent Regiment immediately followed.

The tanks of this era did not have night combat capabilities, but the tank battalion of the Independent Regiment was different. They already had quite good night combat capabilities at this time through the coordination of bazookas and incendiary bombs, as well as special training for night combat.

At this time, on the other side of the ocean, Hans' infrared night vision device should have been developed and used on armored vehicles and tanks to deal with bears... It is said that because bears always launch sneak attacks on Hans at night, Hans has no choice but to Not tinkering with an active night vision device that can spot targets at night.

But objectively speaking, although the active night vision device at this time sounds tall, it may not be as good as the bazooka that fires incendiary bombs in actual combat.

The main reason is that this active night vision device is an infrared detector, which can only faintly see a little figure due to the limitation of detection power.

If at this time, a few incendiary bombs exploded nearby and released a lot of heat, the originally blurred figures would basically disappear.

The Devil's tanks have neither night vision goggles nor night combat capabilities, and the 21st Division is still equipped with Devil's "Type [-]" tanks.

The "Type One" tank is indeed thickly armored and has strong firepower. It is undoubtedly stronger than other tanks of the Devils.

The problem is that his opponent is "T34".

In front of the "T34", the armor and firepower of the Devil's "Type I" tank are hardly worth mentioning.

In this case, the "Type 95" is not as good as the 34 Light War... because they are no different in front of the "T95". .

The result can be imagined, the devil's "type one" chariot rushed to the reinforcements, but was severely beaten by the tank battalion of the independent regiment in a charge, and the defense line of the 21st division was torn apart in front of Yuncheng. A two-kilometer-wide opening.

As soon as the opening was opened, the Fifth Battalion of the Hundred Battle Regiment pierced through the opening like a sharp knife.

Li Yunlong stared angrily at the cars passing by one after another, and cursed softly: "Damn it, I said where did I hand over my car? I thought it was the chief who wanted it. I didn’t expect it was for the Hundred Battles! Is there such a game?”

From this point of view, Li Yunlong is really wronged enough, it's nothing more than making wedding clothes for others during the war, and one of them is his own bag...

But then Li Yunlong stopped talking, because it was a "car" that he had never seen before driving into the gap at low speed in the dark without turning on the lights.

"What is that?" Li Yunlong asked.

Zhao Gang looked at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, it should be new equipment bought by the army! Is it... the half-track car mentioned in the last meeting?"

The introduction of half-track vehicles was still a military secret at this time, and even Li Yunlong and other regiment-level cadres had only "heard" and had never seen the real thing. They didn't even know that it had been introduced.

Li Yunlong looked at the thing that looked like a car and was equipped with tank tracks, so he nodded, knowing that it was almost inseparable, it was a half-track car.

At this time, Li Yunlong became more and more unbalanced: "Damn, I said Lao Zhao, this chief is too partial. The Hundred Battle Regiment has so many half-tracked vehicles, and they can't see the end of each one. They still want to put Our bag was confiscated...isn't this bullying?"

Zhao Gang replied: "Follow the arrangement of the organization. If you are not willing, hand over the aviation team and tanks!"

This time Li Yunlong immediately shut up.

The air team also said that this is something in name only for the independent is only organized under the independent regiment, not under the command of the independent regiment.

But the tank battalion, this actually belongs to the independent regiment, and it is the only tank battalion in the whole army.

Zhao Gang then added: "If you are jealous, we can make a report and exchange the tank battalion for this half-track vehicle. What do you think?"

Li Yunlong "cut": "Are you stupid or something? Trading a tank for a car? I don't care about it!"

As he spoke, he turned his head with his hands behind his back and returned to the headquarters.

In fact, it's not that Li Yunlong is not rare, but he has other plans in his heart... His mother's little Northeast, aren't these things all bought by Xiaodongbei?Why don't we keep some for ourselves?Others gorge on meat, but we should also drink soup!
It's good now, not only did he not drink the soup, but he also ate rice... Li Yunlong fired more than 1000 rockets when the heartache started the war.

But for the Eighth Route Army, these more than 1000 rockets are too worthwhile.

Because they not only wiped out many devils of the 21st Division, but also paved the way for the mechanized troops to advance.

And the mechanized troops also successfully lured the devil's mechanized troops out...

As soon as the Fifth Battalion entered the gap, they quickly moved along the road to the enemy's train station.

Since the six T26 tanks were leading the battle, and there was infantry coordination, the devils and puppet troops who set up obstacles on the road were beaten to death and wounded immediately, and the T26 almost marched towards the target without stopping.

At this time, the only thing that can stop them before they hit the train station is the devil's mechanized troops in Laoyang Village.

(End of this chapter)

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