Chapter 1026 Ambush
It's just that using a bazooka on a halftrack is a bit dangerous.

The reason is that there will be a tail flame behind the rocket launcher, and there are ten soldiers on board. Even if there are no soldiers, the car is still equipped with ammunition, which is easy to be burned by the tail flame and detonated.

For this reason, Wang Xuexin also specially modified the vehicle hanger of the half-track vehicle.

When the rocket launcher needs to be launched, a safety lock is buckled from the vehicle hanger. This safety lock can lock the rocket launcher mounted on it in a safe angle to ensure that its tail flame will not burn the ammunition on the vehicle. And the comrades lying low in the rear.

In this way, the anti-armor capability of the half-tracked vehicle came, not to mention the devil's thin-skinned armored vehicle, even the Type 95 light tank.

It's just that this bazooka has an irreparable shortcoming, that is, its poor accuracy.

But any accuracy problem can be solved with quantity, if one shot fails, ten shots...

As soon as the devil's tank or armored vehicle came up, four or five half-track armored vehicles rushed up from all angles relying on their speed, and then there was a whistling sound, and four or five rocket launchers shot at the tank in the dark one after another. run away.

As long as one of these four or five rockets hits, the devil's tank will be finished.

If there is no hit, then use the speed advantage of the half-track car to switch to another batch...

Under the attack of the Eighth Route Army's tactics, the combination of 95 light warfare and armored vehicles, which the devils regarded as a steel shield, was easily broken by the Eighth Route Army in less than ten minutes. At this time, the Eighth Route Army's T26 tanks had not even played a role.

In fact, the role that tanks can play in this kind of melee is very limited.

The reason is that the tank has a narrow field of vision and can hardly see the target clearly in the dark. Most of the time it can only be used as a slow-moving shield.

This is true of the T26 of the Eighth Route Army, and so is the Type 95 of the Devils.

This is also the main reason why the Devil's Type 95 will be approached by a half-track vehicle and destroyed with a rocket launcher.

Noel saw the loss of control ahead and the defeated troops before he could react, and hurriedly ordered the driver to turn around and retreat.

Noel is Captain Hans, who will not fight until the so-called "last minute" like a devil.

What's more, this is not his war, he is just a consultant, and there is no need to sacrifice his life for someone else's war.

But Noel is a veteran after all, he was not panicked by this scene, his thinking can continue to function, so he sent a telegram to Hatta Nakasa as soon as he retreated: "Your Excellency, we have been fooled!" , retreat immediately! The Eighth Route Army has half-track armored vehicles!"

According to common sense, Noel's words were enough to warn Hatta Shibu and let him withdraw his troops and return to Laoyang Village.

but it is not the truth.

One reason for this is that Noel did not state the number of half-track armored vehicles.

Hatta Shiho received Noel's telegram when he arrived at the destination and prepared for an ambush.

Badian Shibu was very familiar with the terrain in this area. He immediately thought that if the mechanized troops of the Eighth Route Army wanted to attack the railway station, they would have to pass through a crossroad called Xiayangzhuang.

Hatta Shibu deployed his troops here.

He divided the troops into three parts, one for each of the three routes at the intersection. Once the mechanized troops of the Eighth Route Army came up, the imperial army could encircle and attack it from three directions.

After getting ready, Hatta Shibu ordered all the locomotives to be turned off and a brief inspection was made to ensure that they could be ignited quickly and pinch the enemy when the battle started.

At this time, Noel's telegram came, and the staff officer stepped forward and whispered to Hatta: "Your Excellency, the captain, the captain warned us that the Eighth Route Army has half-track armored vehicles and asked us to retreat immediately!"

"Half-track armored vehicle?" Badian Shibu was puzzled for a while: "The Eighth Route Army still has this thing?"

Hatta Shibu certainly knows what a half-track armored vehicle is. Captain Noel told him more than once: "It is not acceptable to use a sidecar motorcycle as the main force of a mechanized force. Its defense and load capacity are too poor. We should There are half-track armored vehicles!"

Hatta Shibu could hear the cocoon in his ears, and he even cursed in his heart: "This annoying guy, if there is one, why wouldn't I know how to use it? The empire doesn't have this kind of equipment, so why should I conjure it?!"

Bada Shibu never imagined that the Eighth Route Army was equipped with this thing before the mechanized troops of the empire.

However, Hatta Shibu's first reaction was that the Eighth Route Army should not have many half-track armored vehicles.

"There are only a dozen of them at most!" Hatta Shibu analyzed: "If some of them are encountered in the direction of Noel, how many are there in front of us?"

So Hatta Shibu didn't even think about it, he told Noel's police to the side and ignored it.

Another reason Hatta Shibu would do this is that he thinks that Noel, the consultant, is too cowardly, and he has no sense of sacrifice that an imperial commander should have. Therefore, his warning must be repeated at any time. discount.

What Hatta Shibu didn't know was that he would soon regret not heeding Noel's warning.

Hatta Shipo's arrangement was originally effective.

Because he intercepted the Fifth Battalion as a bait.

The Fifth Battalion was not equipped with half-track armored vehicles, just like what the devils saw and reconnaissance, they were all shoulders and a few T26s.

This kind of equipment is obviously not as good as the combination of devils, armored vehicles and tanks when it is difficult for night tanks to play a role.

On the other hand, the [-]st Battalion immediately following the [-]th Battalion was hit by Noel's troops and was fighting, so the [-]th Battalion was really in danger. It is possible that Hatta made dumplings.

However, Hatta Shibu had thousands of calculations, but he never thought that the location where he set up an ambush was the crossroads of Xiayangzhuang...

It is not only the only way for the Fifth Battalion, but also the only way for the Fourth Battalion to outflank Laoyang Village from the right wing, and it also comes from another direction, that is, the south.

The battalion commander of the Fourth Battalion was called Hong Chengjun, and he still felt strange, why the enemies who fought all the way and blocked in front of him were only a few devils and puppet troops, why the army in front of him was full of devils.

Not only are they all devils, but they are also well-equipped, all of them are devils and even armored vehicles and tanks.

Not only are they well-equipped, but their combat quality is also extraordinary, because they responded immediately and launched a counterattack against the Fourth Battalion.


What surprised Hong Chengjun was that these devils were obviously hiding in the dark, and logically speaking, he should have fallen into the enemy's ambush.

Why did they fight like devils fell into their ambush, everyone panicked...

(End of this chapter)

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