Chapter 1028
Hong Chengjun is worthy of being the battalion commander of the Hundred Battles Regiment who has experienced many battles, and the devil's reinforcements are indeed as he expected.

At the moment when the guns sounded from the south, Hatta Shibu felt that things were not going well... The enemy should have come from the road to the west, but the guns sounded from the south. Does this mean that the enemy has changed the direction of attack and found himself? Arrangement?

Then Bada Shibu received a telegram: "Your Excellency, the Noda Squadron was attacked by the Eighth Route Army. The enemy is a mechanized army. The strength and equipment are unknown!"

The strength and equipment are unknown because it was night, and the Noda Squadron was suddenly approached by the Eighth Route Army from the rear, and they were so nervous that they had no time to find out the situation.

After hearing this report, Badian Shibu thought that it just verified his thinking: the Eighth Route Army must have known about its deployment in advance and changed the direction of attack.

"Cunning eight roads!" Hatta Shibu gritted his teeth and cursed.

If Hatta Shibu can fully understand the strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves and the deployment of troops at this time, he should take advantage of this time to pull his troops back to Laoyang Village for defense, so that some of his mechanized troops may survive.

However, how could Hatta Shibu be willing to suffer a series of disastrous defeats in the first battle, so he ordered the troops to reinforce without thinking.

Hatta Shiho's thoughts are as follows:
Noda Squadron was blocking the impact of the Eighth Route Army in the south, Heshang Squadron and Kono Squadron were outflanking one from the left and the other from the right, and he led the reserve team to the rear to prepare for reinforcements at any time. This battle was safe.

Soon Hatta Shiho paid the price for his arrogance and recklessness.

Because Sibao Fuhou had just dispatched his troops, he found that few shells roared from the south to the distance of his hiding place.

"What's the matter?" Sibao Fuhou shouted happily: "The artillery shells of the Fourth Route Army have already hit there. Is Noda so vulnerable?"

As he said that, Si Hong Chengjun turned his head and ordered the staff: "Order Noda immediately to launch a counterattack against the enemy, so that we can escape!"

"Yes!" The staff officer immediately ordered the communications soldier to call.

However, after a while, the staff officer looked at Si Hong Chengjun with astonishment on his face, and said in panic: "Master Zhong Zuoge, Noda-kun... I have already died in battle!"


"Also!" said the staff officer, "Noda Squadron is likely to stop the Fourth Route Army's retreat!"


"Yes..." the staff officer corrected with another telegram: "Above Zhongzuo Pavilion, the Noda Squadron has been defeated, and the Fourth Route Army is retreating in your direction!"


Sihong Chengjun almost dared to doubt that what he heard was true.

You must know that Noda is one of his most powerful assistants. The Noda Squadron is also the main force of the Imperial Mechanized Forces. They are equipped with armored vehicles far superior to other troops. Already crushed...

However, that also made Si Hong Chengjun suspicious, because at that time, a T26 tank had "rumbling" appeared on the other side of the road, and there were bright objects everywhere on both sides. The machine gun below it was blowing flames towards the position where the Si Hong Cheng army was.

The Sihong Cheng army was instantly suppressed by the enemy's firepower in the hiding place and could not take the lead.

The staff officer persuaded under the sound of guns and guns: "Master Zhong Zuoge, for your danger, go forward!"

But the Sihong Chengjun is willing, I want to see that the mechanized troops of the Fourth Route Army in the back have so many heads and eight arms, they can defeat their ace squadron in an instant.

So, Sihong Chengjun shouted: "Flare, flare!"

At the moment when the flare was fired, Sihong Chengjun raised his binoculars and looked in the direction of the enemy.

When seeing the enemy's military appearance, Si Hongcheng's army instantly understood: there are not many half-track vehicles in the Fourth Route Army, but it is what he understands... there are only a few!
"We..." Sibao Fuhou wanted to ask something but in the end he couldn't ask.

There is not much I want to know:

Where did the half-track vehicles of the Fourth Route Army come from?

How could the Fourth Route Army know the tactics of using half-track vehicles to form mechanized troops!
Why did that unit of the Fourth Route Army suddenly appear there?

However, it doesn't make much sense to know that now!
The reality is that the enemy is right behind and is pushing back towards where he is.

Sihong Chengjun gritted his teeth and ordered: "Advance!"

As he said that, he retreated his armored vehicle with a bucket drill.

However, it was too late to escape at that time, especially the armored vehicles of the devils were still very eye-catching when driving under the road, especially the front armor of the armored vehicles was still very thin and strong, especially when Si Hong Chengjun shot several shots into the air after a long time. A flare... The flare illuminated itself while illuminating the Fourth Route Army.

As a result, the armored vehicle had just started to retreat into the acceleration phase, and immediately a few mortar shells roared and fell in the distance and exploded.

Fortunately, those shells had no hits on armored vehicles.

While Si Baofu was breathing a sigh of relief, there was a sound of "Keng Keng Keng Keng" in front of him, and then Si Hong Chengjun only felt a pain in his chest, and then lost consciousness.

Sibao Fuhou was actually killed by himself.

My command gave Tian Shibu an excellent opportunity to break through the center and go straight into his command center.

In terms of military strength, Tian Shibu's battalion had only eight tanks plus [-] half-track vehicles and a dozen sidecars, and the total strength was more than [-] people.

That is the standard establishment of the mechanized troops of the Fourth Route Army, plus the command organization, front support and reserve team, the total strength is no more than [-] people.

But a small team of devils has more than a thousand people.

A battalion of more than 700 people against Tian Shibu's [-] people, even if it is equipped with a mechanized unit like the Fourth Route Army... In fact, the difference in equipment is small.

Because the Fourth Route Army only had eight tanks and eighty half-track vehicles.

But if you add up all the tanks and armored vehicles in a squad of devils, you can reach that number even if there is a small difference.

In addition, the quality of the devil's infantry is better than that of the Fourth Route Army, so they fought a serious battle, and it is estimated that Bao Fuhou's Seventh Battalion is pleasing to the eye.

The problem is that the Fourth Hongcheng Army made an accurate judgment when the battle started, thinking that the Noda Squadron could block the enemy, so they sent troops out to retreat to the right and left to outflank.

At that time, Bao Fuhou seized the opportunity and calculated that the enemy would outflank him. At the critical moment, he advanced and retreated.

What happened in the end is needless to say, the Sitian team lost its command because of the death of Sibao Fuhou.

Losing command is no small matter for the devil.

Because the devil has no substitute commander to take over the command at any time.

The point is that the equipment of the Fourth Route Army's half-track vehicles put pressure on the devils, and the speed with which they suddenly launched a surprise attack from the front and knocked out their commander within ten minutes made the devils completely lose their confidence in fighting.

As a result, a so-called elite force was broken up just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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