Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1032 Machine Tools

Chapter 1032 Machine Tools
After attacking the train station, Hong Chengjun was the first to see dozens of cars loaded with machines.

Hong Chengjun was disappointed for a while. As a soldier, what he wanted to see most was a truckload of ammunition and equipment. It would be even better if there were machine guns and mortars. The mortars of the mechanized troops are not enough!
Hong Chengjun originally wanted to order these machines to be vacated so that the cars could be loaded with munitions in the warehouse, but each of these machines mounted on the cars was not small in size and weight, and it would take a lot of time to free them up. Cheng Jun thought again: Didn't the Eighth Route Army get a batch of machines from the devils before?These machines are used to produce canned food, compressed biscuits, and weaving for business, supporting many people in the base area.

These machines now look like the devils are eager to transfer them out, and they are probably not cheap, maybe they are looms.

Thinking of this, Hong Chengjun didn't bother to drive the car, and ordered his subordinates to drive all the cars with machines back to the base area, and reported to Wang Xuexin that they had handed over a batch of looms.

Wang Xuexin didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The loom was dismantled according to the local area and started to be imitated. At this time, several machines have been produced. Although the performance is not as good as the original factory, it also means that the value of the loom is in the The base area is greatly discounted.

Now handing in a batch of looms from the train station is in the situation of "more, not more, not more", so I didn't take it to heart, and ordered the batch of looms to be shipped directly to the three stores without thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, when these machines were transported to Yuncheng for refueling, Alexey glanced at them by accident, and then he was ecstatic, and kept asking in Russian:
"Where did these come from?"

"How do you have these things?"


When he knew that the machines were seized and planned to be sent to the weaving factory, Alexey immediately stopped the machines and reported to Wang Xuexin.

Alexey rushed into Wang Xuexin's office, blushing with excitement, and said, "Comrade Battalion Commander, do you know what we seized? It's a machine tool, Comrade Battalion Commander! It's a machine tool that can produce automobile engines!"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help being taken aback, what's the good thing?
They actually seized a batch of machine tools from the devils?
It turned out that the devils had lost a lot of equipment, including cars, because of the days of war.

All these things need to be transported from the production base in the Northeast by railway line, which increases the pressure of transportation and wastes precious resources and time.

Therefore, the devil intends to transport the machine tools to Shanxi, which is rich in coal and iron mines, to build an automobile industry, so that it can not only use the nearby mineral resources of Shanxi, but also reduce the transportation pressure.

But no one expected that when the batch of machine tools arrived in Yuncheng to be loaded on cars for transfer, the mechanized troops of the Eighth Route Army would intersperse in... This is also one of the benefits of mechanized troops. Breaking into the enemy's rear, this makes the enemy too late to prepare, so there are often some "surprises".

And this "surprise" is exactly what the Eighth Route Army needs:

The transportation of the Eighth Route Army will be cars in the foreseeable future and even for a long time.

On the other hand, the Eighth Route Army needs to form a mechanized unit and also needs to produce automobile engines... Half-track vehicles also use automobile engines.

The batch of machine tools that Hong Chengjun seized from the devils were machine tools imported by the devils from Yingjiang, and their quality, precision, and advanced level were even better than those of Mao Xiong.

(Note: Most industries of Devils are developed by relying on the technology of Yingjiang, Sun Never Sets and other countries. Whether it is before or after the war, even the machine tools for the production of "Zero War" engines are imported from Yingjiang)
Hearing this, Wang Xuexin still didn't believe it. He asked Alexei, "Are you sure that's a machine tool for producing automobile engines?"

"Of course!" Alexei nodded with certainty: "I used it when I was studying in Eagle Sauce, 100% sure!"

Wang Xuexin asked again: "With it, can we produce car engines?"

"In principle, yes!" Alexei nodded: "I mean, there is no problem with the production equipment, and the technical problem is not too big. I can disassemble the car engine and reverse design them. The only difficulty , is whether we can produce the steel needed for the engine!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin was relieved.

The problem with the steel is not that big, the reason is that the three stores used to produce the barrels of the Springfield rifles... the steel requirements for the barrels are also very high, because the production of the barrels is actually a whole section of steel, which is continuously forged on the machine tool Turning, and finally grinding the internal rifling.

If the quality of the steel is not up to standard, it is easy to have problems or even break during the forging process. Even if the rifling is barely carved, it is easy to blow up the chamber and become unusable in actual combat.

Therefore, when establishing the rifle production line, experts and equipment were introduced from Yingjiang to partially solve the problem of steel quality.

The reason why it is said to be "partially" solved is because its output is not large, and it only meets the needs of the rifle production line.

So the problem facing Wang Xuexin is:

If car engines were to be produced, that would mean less Springfield rifle production.

If the production of Springfield rifles is to be guaranteed, automobile engines cannot be produced...

Both are important.

The Springfield Rifle means that the overall improvement of the combat effectiveness of the troop equipment is updated.

And the car engine... that is the problem of the Eighth Route Army's logistics supply capability, mechanization and modernization.

More importantly, the automobile engine represents another level of industry rise, and it solves the problem of "walking" in "food, clothing, housing and transportation".

It is the least important for survival.

Because if a person does not have "food, clothing and housing", it is likely to threaten his life, that is, he cannot do without them.

But "okay"'s a big deal not to go out, just stay at home with enough food and clothing.

This is also in line with the living habits of the people. Most people consider the convenience of "travel" after solving "food, clothing and housing".

Because of this, when the industry develops to the step of "going", it indicates that other problems have basically been solved and rise to another level.

Wang Xuexin thought, has the Eighth Route Army already solved the "food, clothing and housing" at this time?

Obviously not, many refugees are still hungry!
Is it too early to start entering the automotive industry at this time?
From a livelihood point of view, this seems to be the case.

But Wang Xuexin then thought of:
This is wartime, and wartime is different from peacetime.

Automobiles are very important for the Eighth Route Army's operations and future development, and even in terms of not being stuck by others.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, we must develop.

(End of this chapter)

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