Chapter 1035

The first batch of "La 5" was dispatched a week later.

They are attached to a place called Dishipo.

Dishipo got its name because it is rich in a kind of sharpening stone that is tough, wear-resistant and as flat as a knife.

Such a place was not originally suitable for an airport.

The main reason is that there are stones everywhere nearby and the gravel materials left after grinding the stones. It is conceivable that once the terrain is bombed by the devils, gravels will fly everywhere, and these gravels will become the power multipliers of the devil bombs. .

Wang Xuexin finally chose here for several reasons:

First of all, Wang Xuexin has considerable confidence in the defense of the airport.

Purely from a military point of view, it is still uncommon for an airport to be directly bombed by enemy aircraft. It will only happen when it is attacked by surprise or the aviation forces of the enemy and the enemy are out of proportion.

For example, the devils attacked Pearl Harbor, and for example, the devils' aviation force was much stronger than the Eighth Route Army.

This is why the Eighth Route Army had to consider airport defense and even built air-raid shelters at the airport or hid aircraft in underground fortifications.

Although this defense method is safe, it is very passive.

Because the plane is always used for offense, and it also pays attention to speed.

If they are hidden in tunnels or underground warehouses, it means that the take-off speed will be slower.

What's more serious is that once the enemy air force bombs the airport and destroys the runway, and continues to block the airport with bombers or fighter jets, it means that all fighters will be blocked in the bunker and cannot take off.

The Eighth Route Army suffered this kind of loss at Wangxing Airport before. The entire air force was blocked in the underground fortifications and could not fight or play a role.

The active defense method is to use radar to detect the airspace around the airport, and once an enemy plane approaches, use fighter planes to drive away and intercept it so that enemy fighter planes and bombers cannot approach the airport.

Of course, this requires the aviation team to have considerable strength, otherwise it will be the end of World War I being exhausted by the enemy.

The Eighth Route Army did not have such strength before, but after the introduction of "La 5" from Maoxiong and even the production line for production, the Eighth Route Army undoubtedly has such strength, especially the Eighth Route Army has the air combat weapon X2.

"La 5" is equipped with X2, whether it is speed, range or air combat method, it completely crushes "Zero War". "The 5-kilometer range is simply incomparable, which also determines that the "La 900" can only be used for defense and cannot be used for offense.

However, this feature is also in line with the needs of Mao Xiong and the Eighth Route Army... Whether it is Mao Xiong or the Eighth Route Army, what is more needed is defense rather than offense.

Another reason why Wang Xuexin chose Dishipo is that it is 200 kilometers away from Daqingshan Iron and Steel Works in a straight line and 430 kilometers away from Wangxing Airport. (Note: The straight-line distance between Yuncheng and Daqingshan is more than 600 kilometers)
As mentioned before, the first task of "La 5" is to provide air cover for the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant.

Therefore, the airport must be close enough to the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant.

Only if it is close enough can "La 5" fly over the steel plant to provide cover for it when possible.

Objectively speaking, the distance of 200 kilometers is already too far. It takes nearly 5 minutes to reach the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant at the top speed of "Pull 650" at 20 kilometers per hour.

20 minutes is not a short time for an airplane.

However, this is impossible, because it is impossible for Wang Xuexin to set the airport too far north. First, it is easy to be approached by devils, and second, too close a distance in actual combat will also bring danger to himself... The devil's fighter plane and The bomber suddenly flew over the airport and bombed indiscriminately, and the loss would be great.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin believes that the distance of 200 kilometers from the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant is reasonable.

As for whether it can provide cover for the steel plant in time, Wang Xuexin learned a trick from Neji Okamura: set up a temporary airport, and there is more than one.

To put it simply, if the so-called "Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Forces" are defeated in the future and the devils are driven away and the steel plant is captured, two temporary airports will be built near the steel plant as quickly as possible.

The benefits of temporary airports are many.

For example, temporary airports are not afraid of devil bombing... Temporary airports usually store less fuel, parts, and ammunition, and the planes are also temporarily parked. Here, follow the enemy's style of bombing.

However, in terms of protecting the skies above the steel plant and preventing the devils from seizing air supremacy, the temporary airport can play many roles: if "La 5" can temporarily stop at the steel plant to refuel, and then take off to fight, its combat radius will be the steel plant as the center. Draw a circle in the center.

The planning of combat radius is very important to "La 5", because its range is only 990 kilometers, and its combat radius can only be counted as more than 300 kilometers at most.Because the combat radius is so short, it must be carefully calculated.

Otherwise, if the calculation starts from the whetstone slope, the "La 5" will almost reach the combat radius just by flying over the steel plant.

Of course Wang Xuexin would not make this mistake.

Therefore, Dishipo can only be regarded as a main airport in the rear, and several temporary airports in front can be set up as needed.

On the other hand, Dishipo is 430 kilometers away from Wangxing Airport... This distance is within the one-way flight of "La 5". If necessary, "La 5" can also provide reinforcements for Wangxing Airport, that is, in the direction of Yuncheng.

(Although 430 kilometers is beyond the combat radius of "La 5", because Wangxing Airport and Wanxian Airport can land and replenish fuel, the degree of freedom of combat has greatly increased)

All these, Wang Xuexin has done enough consideration and written in his plan.

Even the chief nodded and praised after reading the plan: "This little Northeast has two hands! I don't know where he learned it, and he has such in-depth research on air combat!"

"Zhang Zongping also asked this question!" The chief of staff explained with a smile: "Xiao Dongbei's argument is based on imagination and deduction. He has to fight with himself all day long to be able to You are so thoughtful!"

The chief laughed "hehe" when he heard this: "This is also a kind of skill! This fully shows that war is not only about wisdom and experience, but also rich imagination!"

What the chief said is correct, war does require a rich imagination.

For example, many novel tactics cannot be summed up by experience. Hans' "Blitz" is a very creative and bold attempt.

Had it not been for this attempt, the war might have remained limited to the trench warfare of World War I.

However, there is one thing that the chief did not expect. Wang Xuexin relies not only on imagination, but also on knowledge and experience from the future.

(End of this chapter)

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