Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1043 Training

Chapter 1043 Training
Yu Ping really knew what to do.

Obviously, the Second Air Force has some habits that are different from the First Air Force.

The First Air Force is using Eagle Sauce fighters, and the engine life of those fighters is at least a few hundred hours. Such fighters are considered for long-term use.

However, the Second Air Force used the bear fighters, and the life of the engines could barely reach 50 hours.

Of course, there is no need for the pilots to save their lives at the cost of such a fighter plane, and it should be "simple and rough" when using it... The life of the engine is only 50 hours, and the life of most other components is longer than the life of the engine, so Do you still need to have a "protective fighter" to use it carefully?
After spending a lot of effort to protect the fighter, or not easily flying at high speed or overloading in battle, the end result is that other components are intact and the engine has been scrapped.

At this time, is it still necessary to replace the engine for the fighter?
"Pull 5" is basically not necessary to replace the engine.

Because it is a wooden fuselage, the cost of the engine accounts for most of the cost of the aircraft, and replacing an engine for a "La 5" is not as good as reproducing a brand new fighter.

On the other hand, according to the sale and purchase agreement between the Eighth Route Army and Mao Xiong, Huaxia will have its own "La 5" production line in the near future, which means that the Eighth Route Army can produce this type of aircraft by itself.

So, can the Eighth Route Army let go of using this fighter to some extent?

Therefore, when the first batch of pilots were transferred to Dishipo, the first thing Yu Ping taught them was not flying skills, but how to parachute and how to abandon fighter planes to protect themselves at critical moments.

This subject is rarely learned in Yingjiang.

It's not that Eagle Sauce is reluctant to part with planes. In fact, they also think that pilots are more important than planes.

The reason why Eagle Sauce seldom lets pilots learn to skydive is because their aircraft has a lower failure rate...a lower failure rate means that pilots rarely need to skydive for non-combat reasons, and if they skydive for combat reasons, especially in combat areas Still over the Pacific Ocean, the probability of a pilot surviving after parachuting is too low, so low that it is almost negligible.

Especially in the middle and late stages, the devil pilots are anxious, and the fighters will attack the parachuting eagle sauce pilots.

The first batch of pilots transferred to Dishipo consisted of 50 pilots, including old pilots like Yu Ping, there were 60 pilots.

At the same time as the skydiving training, flight training started immediately.

The training subjects were formulated jointly by Wang Xuexin, Yu Ping and Feiladlov.

In this regard, Wang Xuexin and Yu Ping have reached a consensus, that is, in the direction of training, the combat method of fast attack and quick withdrawal should be maintained to save the pilots.

But Feradlov disagreed.

"Comrade Battalion Commander!" Feiladlov said: "I admit that you have a certain understanding of 'La 5', and the improvement plan is correct. However, in terms of combat, I don't think this is a wise approach. Do you know how long the engine life of the 'La 5' is?"

"I know!" Wang Xuexin replied, "About 50 hours!"

"Yes!" Feradlov said: "Its life span is only fucking 50 hours, less than 50 hours to be exact, because we will have a major overhaul in about 30 hours. In this case, if you use your The tactics mentioned are quick strikes and quick retreats, do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Wang Xuexin asked again.

"It means that our effective combat time will be very short!" Feradlov spread his hands: "Think about it, Comrade Battalion Commander! Hurry up and retreat, that is, fly from a long distance to the battlefield, it may be two 10 minutes, or half an hour, but its effect is only a few short minutes... It retreats after a face-to-face meeting, and it takes another half an hour to fly back! This is uselessly consuming the service life of the engine, which is a kind of Shameful waste, I don't think you can sustain a war like this!"

Wang Xuexin found this very interesting.

It is also because the service life of the engine is only 50 hours, but Wang Xuexin considered on this basis that the quick strike and quick retreat does not need to sacrifice the life of the pilot for this consumable.

On the basis of this, Feiladlov considered that he wanted to make full use of the life of the aircraft so that it could be used in combat as much as possible, that is, to place more emphasis on the "effective combat time" of the aircraft.

Why is this happening?

If you think about Wang Xuexin in detail, you will understand. This may be because of the different national conditions and battlefield situations.

There are relatively many Mao Xiong talents, especially "prospective pilots". For example, there are pilots, flying clubs, and even ground crews who have a good understanding of aircraft structure can become "pull 5" pilots with simple training. .

What Mao Xiong lacks is a fighter plane, a fighter plane that can fight Hans in the air... At this time, Mao Xiong's sky is full of Hans' fighter planes. Small groups of small groups flew into the air and were wiped out by the Hans Air Force.

After all, the output of "La 5" is limited, although its production speed is very fast.

If the bear pilots use the tactics of "fight quickly and withdraw quickly" on the battlefield, it means that the effective combat time of "pull 5" is very short, so a large number of "pull 5" will be scrapped.

The result is likely to be ... scrapped "La 5" or even more than production, which will make the Bear Air Force never scale.

Therefore, Mao Xiong emphasized that the pilots fought bravely and made every effort to use the limited engine life of "La 5" in effective air combat.

The situation with the Eighth Route Army was different.

Although the Eighth Route Army also lacks fighter planes, what the Eighth Route Army lacks even more is pilots.

Therefore, the direction of consideration is to protect the pilot rather than play the role of a fighter.

"Let's put it this way!" Wang Xuexin said to Feradlov: "Comrade Captain, the 50 pilots transferred from our airport this time are already half of the total number of our pilot students. If they sacrifice a batch on the battlefield, we will You can't even find the pilot cadets, so you can only bring the infantry who are fighting on the ground to fly the plane, you understand what I mean?"

Feradlov obviously didn't expect the Eighth Route Army to be in this situation. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, train according to your wishes!"

So the direction of training was set.

The training is very simple, that is, if you drive the "Pull 5", you can safely fly the "Pull 5" into the sky and you are qualified.

After learning to fly "La 5", what you have to do is to fly to the battlefield at the fastest speed.

Next, take aim, fire the X2, and retreat...

From the beginning to the end, the pilot does not need to do any difficult maneuvers, and is even asked not to do evasive actions even if an enemy plane is firing at you.

(End of this chapter)

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