Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1054 Defense

Chapter 1054 Defense
Ikeda is not trying to blow up the machine gun firepower of the Eighth Route Army.

If it is a machine gun fire point, I am afraid that there is not enough time at all, because a squad of devils only has one grenadier, while the Eighth Route Army has three machine guns.

One stand after another was knocked down, and when the three stand were knocked out, the main force of the Eighth Route Army might have already arrived.

What's more, the firepower of the machine gun doesn't mean that it will be gone if it is blown up... The enemy is guarding the ammunition depot, which is full of equipment. As long as there are still people around, they can add a few more machine guns at any time.

Ikeda did this in the hope that the grenadier could be shot into the warehouse through the window and detonate the ammunition in the warehouse.

This is what Ikeda thought in a hurry: there is no need for them to rush into the ammunition depot, if the purpose is to detonate it.

This order may not be possible for others.

Because the mortar hits a curve, it is difficult for the shooter to drive the shell into the warehouse along the window, especially if it has to extend a distance inward to detonate the ammunition in it.

But for the devil, it can be done.

Because the devil's grenadier shooters are well-trained, they are all fed with shells, and they can shoot wherever they want on the battlefield, and they don't even need to calculate the trajectory at all. Yes, as soon as I waved the grenadier in my hand, I naturally outlined its trajectory in my mind.

With a sound of "Teng", a grenadier was shot out, and the first shot hit the window.

It's just that it was a bit higher, hitting the upper edge of the window and failing to pass through the window.

Captain Ikeda yelled: "Hit again, you idiot, go down!"

The grenade shooter was so nervous that his forehead was sweating, because he knew what his hit meant... That was the ammunition depot. If the shell accurately passed through the window, the entire ammunition depot would explode in a chain in the next second.

At this time, his position is only tens of meters away from the ammunition depot, can he escape?
Sagittarius does not want this result.

Perhaps this is also the reason why he failed to make a debut...

It's not that he misses intentionally, but the pressure is too great: the enemy died when he hit the target before, but now he dies when he hits the target.

Are you really ready?
"Fire!" Seeing the shooter hesitate, Captain Ikeda urged.

"Teng" fired another grenadier, this time successfully passed through the window, but hit the ceiling and exploded inside, failing to detonate the warehouse.

The monk woke up suddenly... Damn it, the devil is going to blow up the ammunition depot and die together!

It's a man!

But how could the monk let the devil succeed? Without even thinking about it, he ordered: "Comrades, go!"

As he said that, he jumped out of the window, charged towards the devil with a box cannon in each hand, and shot left and right, hitting the devil so hard that he couldn't get his head out.

At this moment, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company were stunned.

They don't understand what the hell the company commander is doing, why are they rushing at this time?Wouldn't it be enough to block the devil like this?Isn't it good to let the devils come up one by one to die?
If it goes on like this, it only needs to persist for a while longer, won't the main force come up and take the devils away?

But a reconnaissance company is a reconnaissance company.

They just hesitated for a moment, and then immediately rushed up, shouting, holding rifles and holding bayonets.

The thirteen soldiers of the reconnaissance company rushed to the enemy with twice as many troops as them without hesitation, and they were all well-trained devils.

However, the devils were caught off guard by the reconnaissance company's counterattack.

Especially at that moment, Captain Ikeda was still assisting the grenade shooter to aim at the window... Captain Ikeda was so absorbed in staring at the window that he didn't even notice that the Eighth Route Army launched a countercharge. .

The frightened Captain Ikeda hurriedly raised the bastard box in his hand, but before he had time to strike, the opponent's bayonet had already ruthlessly pierced into his chest.

At the last moment, Captain Ikeda's eyes were still looking at that window, he hoped that a shell would pass through there successfully to accomplish his goal.

However, what Lieutenant Ikeda didn't know was that the grenadier shooter didn't fire the shells at all...

It's not too late, the shooter always has the opportunity and time to fire the shell.

However, the enemy is right in front of you, holding a bayonet dangling with blood, who has the courage to fire shells at this moment?
The shooter is accustomed to grab the gun and resist naturally.

At the moment he went to grab the gun, he had actually lost his last chance, a chance to die with the Eighth Route Army and even blow up the steel factory.

Who knows?

Maybe the shell will succeed when fired, maybe it won't.

But if it's not launched, it certainly won't be successful.

The monk and the surviving devils were inseparable. After all, devils have an advantage in numbers, and devils are good at stabbing.

However, this situation did not last long, because Li Yunlong and the main force of the independent regiment had appeared behind the devils and quickly joined the battle group to wipe out these devils.

After the war, Li Yunlong found the grenadier that was still erected on the ground and aimed at the window.

He carefully looked at the angle of the grenade, and then at the window, sweating secretly... If this shell was fired, half of the steel plant would be burned down.

It took 58 minutes before and after, and the independent group successfully occupied the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant, and it was basically complete.

"Essentially intact" because several rockets went off-target and blew up a warehouse.

Fortunately, this warehouse is used to store steel ingots.

The steel ingots were scattered everywhere, half of the warehouse collapsed and the steel ingots were buried... Visually, there was not much loss, and those steel ingots were still usable when they were dug out.

After Wang Xuexin received the information, he let go of a hanging heart.

Occupying the steel plant is the first and most critical step.

Once this step has been taken, the rest will be easier to handle.

Then Wang Xuexin issued two orders one after another.

The first order was to the Independence Regiment: "Organize defense immediately and hold the steel plant at all costs!"

To defend the steel plant here is not just to guard the steel plant itself like a devil.

For the devils, it is enough to build a gun tower around the steel plant and defend it. This is because the Eighth Route Army guerrillas do not have long-range artillery, and they cannot threaten the steel plant from a long distance.

But this is not the case for the Eighth Route Army.

Devils have long-range artillery, not only ghost cannons and mortars that can hit several kilometers, but also heavy artillery that can hit more than ten kilometers.

Heavy artillery cannot be defended by infantry, this aspect can be done by the air force.

Shoot mortars and ghost cannons for several kilometers... These things cannot be defended by aircraft, because they have strong flexibility and concealment.

Therefore, the defense of the Independent Regiment must push the defense a few kilometers away from the center of the steel plant.

The best way is to occupy the surrounding high ground.

(End of this chapter)

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