Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1065 Welcome

Chapter 1065 Welcome
Then, Wang Xuexin's second "self-defense army" was naturally used.

The first "self-defense army" is the "self-defense army" that persuaded to surrender.

The second "self-defense army" is to use the "self-defense army".

Furthermore, it is disguised as a "self-defense army".

This is what Wang Xuexin said to Li Yunlong: "Regimental Commander, the 'Self-Defense Army' and the devils have ambiguous contacts with each other. Those who have not surrendered will definitely form some kind of alliance with the devils. Why don't we take advantage of this?"

Li Yunlong was taken aback for a moment, then he slapped his head and called "Okay", then laughed "Hehe" and said: "I said you boy, you are really enlightened! We can't do it pretending to be a devil, but pretending to be a 'self-defense army' But it's easy! We don't need to wait here, waiting for the devils to attack, isn't it too passive to fight like this? We should go to welcome the devils! Hey...he came all the way here, so we have to do everything we can Landlord's favor! We not only welcome them, but also 'cooperate' with them. When they arrive at the steel plant and start attacking, it is not easy to find the artillery positions of the devils? Is it not easy to cooperate internally and externally?"

Li Yunlong is a smart man, he immediately understood how to fight when Wang Xuexin woke up.

But Wang Xuexin thought more than Li Yunlong.

Wang Xuexin added: "Leader, let our people take the radio station, don't let the devils find out. Send the location to the airport when you have time, and our plane will chase the devils all the way..."

"There is a way!" Li Yunlong slapped his thigh: "Damn it, the devil is in trouble this time!"

So the battle plan was decided.

The battle was carried out in two hands, which is what Wang Xuexin said while persuading surrender while organizing troops to disguise themselves as "self-defense forces" to meet the devils.

The persuasion went smoothly, and even Staff Officer Liu, known as the "self-defense army" think tank, sent someone to contact the Eighth Route Army... This made Li Yunlong let go of a hanging heart.

Because there is still a variable in this plan, Li Yunlong is worried that when the Eighth Route Army pretends to be a "self-defense army" and joins the devils, what will happen if the real "self-defense army" joins the devils?
At that time, Li Gui met Li Kui, and instead of being seen through by the devil, he was exposed by the "self-defense army".

Staff Liu sent someone to send the information, and Li Yunlong knew it. The "self-defense army" did not rush to join the devils, but hid in Wolong's mouth.

Now the Eighth Route Army can safely and boldly disguise.

At the same time, the "self-defense army" in Crouching Dragon's mouth cannot be easily let go, otherwise when the devils come, they will come out to act as demons again, and there may be some troubles.

Therefore, Li Yunlong immediately ordered the first battalion to march towards Wolongzui in the dark, and must block Qiu Chengzuo and his party in Wolongzui to force him to surrender.

Later, it was discovered that Li Yunlong had sent a lot of people. In fact, it only needed to send a company of troops.

Because the Eighth Route Army only shouted from outside: "Listen, people inside, you are surrounded! Come out and surrender, the Eighth Route Army will treat the prisoners preferentially!"

Then there was chaos inside, and the gunshots rang out "bang bang bang bang", but none of them were aimed at the outside, but the "self-defense army" in the mountain depression hit themselves.

It turned out that it was Staff Liu who took advantage of this time to rise up and led his subordinates to rebel. They fought with Qiu Chengzuo's guards for a while, and finally the wounded Qiu Chengzuo was escorted out.

A commander-in-chief's dream of getting rich ended here.

On the other hand, Li Yunlong can be said to have played a big game. He sent two battalions plus a reconnaissance battalion of monks to "greet" the devils.

In the past, the troops fighting infiltration warfare are usually not many, at most a company has more than 100 people, but now they have sent thousands of people in one go.

In Li Yunlong's words: "The devils have a brigade of 6000 people, and this infiltration warfare is not an infiltration warfare in principle. The devils can clearly distinguish us, and we can't easily mess up!"

Li Yunlong was right.

Because the key point of infiltration warfare is that the enemy can't tell the enemy from himself, so he doubts everyone around him, so there will be large-scale chaos.

For example, when attacking a steel factory, the Eighth Route Army disguised itself as a "self-defense army", which caused the "self-defense army" to fall into chaos regardless of whether it was the enemy or ourselves, and made the devils confused about the real and fake "self-defense army" and fought with them.

But now, the Eighth Route Army pretends to be the "Self-Defense Army" and sneaks into the devil's brigade... Even if the "Self-Defense Army" suddenly launches an attack, the devil can still distinguish the enemy from the enemy.

Coupled with the fact that the devils are well-trained, it is basically impossible to get them into chaos.

Therefore, Li Yunlong simply arranged for 1000 people, which is almost one-third of the strength of the independent regiment.

This caused Li Yunlong's troops stationed on the defense line to be seriously insufficient, and he had to send laborers who had just been trained to shoot guns.

Then the fun started.

The "Self-Defense Forces" successfully rendezvoused with the devils fifty kilometers away... At that time, the devils were marching towards the steel plant.

This is because the devils do not have air supremacy, and they dare not travel along the highway in cars.

In the absence of air supremacy, driving along the road in a car is synonymous with courting death, and it is impossible to move.

Therefore, Major General Yabe Kanan could only order the troops to march along the mountain road on foot, and also rushed towards the target overnight.

Yabe Kanan knew that it was safest to march at night, and only in this way could he avoid the enemy's bombing.

When thinking about this, Yabe Kanan felt a little bitter and resentful:

The empire has always occupied the sky of China, but now it has to avoid the planes of the Eighth Route Army!

Air Force guys, don't they have state-of-the-art Zero Fight?Why don't you dare to fight?Could it be that he was afraid of being beaten by the Eighth Route Army?

But it was useless to think about it, so Yabe Kanan could only follow the troops all the way to the steel factory.

After much difficulty, they rushed to a location ten kilometers away from the steel plant before dawn.

Yabe Kanan did not dare to move on.

Yabe Konan was worried that after a day and night of rapid marching, if the troops advanced and encountered the Eighth Route Army at this time, they might not have time to rest once the battle broke out.

Therefore, Yabe Kanan ordered the entire army to rest for an hour, recharge their batteries and replenish their physical strength before launching an attack on the Eighth Route Army's defense line.

After the order was issued, Yabe Kanan found the major of the "Self-Defense Army". He wanted to know some information about the Eighth Route Army from the major.

What Yabe Konan didn't know was that the major he thought was the "self-defense army" was actually a monk.

When the monk was called over by Yabe Kanan, he thought he was making a lot of money, a major general, should I screw his head off?Or cut open his belly?Or cut open his stomach first and then unscrew his head?
Yabe Kanan still felt a little strange at the time, why did this "Self-Defense Army" major look him up and down, with lustful eyes and a smile on his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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