Chapter 1090
In fact, Neiji Okamura guessed right, this was indeed arranged by the Eighth Route Army for the devils to see.

Dishipo Airport was obviously not bombed, but Dishipo Airport obviously could not be used as a permanent airport under the threat of Devil V1.

Because I don't know when, a batch of Devil's V1 missiles will fly over and bombard them indiscriminately.

If the bombing is not bad during the day, "La 5" can take off in an emergency to intercept.


Therefore, unless the V1 missile is taking off or climbing, it is basically impossible to intercept it at the highest speed or even during the dive phase.

At that time, the chief and the chief of staff were still in a dilemma about the "human fire" of the devils.

The current Eighth Route Army is not retreating, nor is it not retreating, both of which will cause the Eighth Route Army to suffer irreparable losses.

But you must choose one of the two, whether to retreat or not to retreat.

You can't attack without preparation, right?
It is obviously not suitable to attack at this time, because the devils came prepared, and the Eighth Route Army thought that the devils would not attack in winter, so they did not take precautions.

This made the troops of the Eighth Route Army relatively scattered, especially the Eighth Route Army's serious lack of equipment and experience in winter combat... It is true that the Eighth Route Army grew up in this area and was familiar with the climate, but how can they get used to it if they don't even have enough cotton clothes?
Just when the chief and the chief of staff were having difficulty making the next decision, Zhang Zongping sent a telegram: "The battalion commander has made a decision, urgently evacuate supplies and retreat!"

The chief never interfered with Wang Xuexin's command before.

On the one hand, this is because the chief believes in Wang Xuexin's ability, and on the other hand, the chief usually does not leapfrog command in this way...he is more concerned with formulating direction strategies, and the specific implementation is for Wang Xuexin to play freely.

But this time, because the matter was so important, the chief asked: "Has he thought about it? Withdraw, where can he retreat? If the retreat continues like this, the devil will continue to push the 'High Fire' forward... When Is that the head?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Chief, we need to retreat at this stage! I think we should use our tactics and let the devils have the upper hand!"

"How do you say it?" The chief didn't understand what Wang Xuexin meant by "follow the plan".

To be precise, the chief knew what it meant to "do the tricks," but he didn't know what else to use at this time.

"Chief!" Wang Xuexin explained: "We have discussed before that the devil's strategic goal is probably not just our Eighth Route Army!"

The chief said "Oh" and immediately understood.

Wang Xuexin is right.

The devil's strategic goal is not just the Eighth Route Army airport.

In fact, the Eighth Route Army and the Eighth Route Army airport are not even the main strategic targets of the devils.

The devil's main strategic goal is to attack south, hoping to open up the supply line from north to south, and at the same time achieve a complete encirclement of China.

The second is to eliminate China's vital forces and completely control China.

These two goals should be said to be more difficult, because on the southern frontal line of defense, it is the main force of the stubborn army that stands in front of the devils.

Although the stubborn army is not strong enough to resist the war and its combat effectiveness is weak, it is an army supported by Yingjiang and Maoxiong at the same time. In addition, there are sufficient sources of troops and geographical advantages. It is not easy to completely defeat it. It can be done.

For the Eighth Route Army, although the equipment has made great progress recently.

But the Eighth Route Army has only just begun to have fighter planes and air teams. The pilots of the stubborn army have trained several waves, and there is even a Flying Tigers team composed of retired Yingjiang pilots.

However, there is a very serious problem for the devils to achieve these two strategic goals: the devil's logistics supply line is below the combat radius of the Eighth Route Army fighter planes.

If the devils forcibly attack the recalcitrant army and want to achieve a connection between the north and the south, the Eighth Route Army will use its air supremacy to bomb the devil's logistics supply line... No army can bear such a situation.

Therefore, the devil must solve his own worries, which is the main reason why the devil is eager to compete with the Eighth Route Army for air supremacy.

As far as the Eighth Route Army is concerned, if the air supremacy is always in their own hands, the devils will always regard the Eighth Route Army as their number one enemy.

If the air supremacy is compressed and far away from the devil's supply line, or even completely loses the air supremacy, does it mean that the devil will immediately launch an attack against the stubborn army?
Thinking of this, the chief asked the chief of staff: "During this time, how many troops have the devils transferred from the mainland?"

The chief of staff replied: "The exact number is not clear, but it is estimated that there are 20 people!"

The chief said "hmm", so many troops are all on the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army will definitely not be able to bear it.

Then why not let the stubborn army share a little?
What's more, the strategic retreat at this time is not what the Eighth Route Army is willing to do. The Eighth Route Army is indeed forced to retreat by the devil's V1 missile.

Wang Xuexin added another sentence: "When the devils implement other plans step by step to fight the stubborn army, it will be the time for our army to counterattack. At that time, the devils' troops in the northeast will be relatively empty..."

The chief clapped his hands and said: "What a drudgery, let's do it!"

So Wang Xuexin immediately implemented a series of emergency evacuation actions at Dishipo Airport.

Although it is an evacuation, it is actually more of a superficial work.

There are reasons for preparing for the future, but also reasons for helplessness.

The reason for the preparation for the future is that Dishipo Airport is about [-] kilometers away from the front line, and there is a high probability that such a distance will not be directly occupied by Japanese infantry.

Then, if the ammunition and fuel are reserved at the airport, when the Eighth Route Army wants to counterattack in the near future, as long as the runway is repaired, the airport can be used again immediately.

The reason for the helplessness is that the Eighth Route Army simply does not have such a strong capacity to evacuate the entire airport before dawn.

Therefore, ammunition, fuel, etc. can only be evacuated and buried on the spot... Dig a hole near the airport, transport the materials, stack them in the hole and bury them.

The Eighth Route Army used to do this kind of thing too. When fighting guerrillas, they buried supplies that were too late to take away. As long as they kept it secret and identified the location, they could dig it up and use it in the future.

There are still some who have no time to evacuate and hide in the cave on the rocky slope.

All the planes were transferred to a temporary airport farther away from the Devils in a straight line and camouflaged...the straight line distance of 240 kilometers must be exceeded, otherwise they might be bombed by Devils V1.

In addition, even the planes at Wangxing Airport and Wanxian Airport have to be transferred, because they may also become targets of devils.

After it was over, Wang Xuexin blasted the airport runway and houses, and then set fire to it, pretending that the airport was bombed.

(End of this chapter)

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