Chapter 114
When Wang Xuexin was packing up his things and preparing to return to Zhaojiayu, Su Xin came to his door.

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Su Xin hesitated, "Where... are you going?"

"Go back to Zhaojiayu!" Wang Xuexin replied while skillfully tying the marching quilt: "I am a soldier of the independent regiment, so I can't stay here forever!"

Then Wang Xuexin said "Huh" again: "Comrade Xiao Su, why did you call 'comrade' again today?"

Su Xin was taken aback for a moment, secretly thinking that even the name of this nervousness had changed, and she didn't realize it.

His face flushed, and he hurriedly handed the lunch box to Wang Xuexin, and replied, "You can shout whatever you like, you can control it?"

"Yes." Wang Xuexin replied: "One day, just don't call me 'traitor' or 'dog leg'!"

Su Xin was amused: "Who dares to call you such a hero?"

Wang Xuexin stuffed the dental cup into his satchel, turned his head and asked, "What can I do for you?"

Su Xin's hands that were folding clothes froze for a moment, and nodded, but immediately shook her head again.

"Are you all right?" Wang Xuexin patted his satchel: "I'm about to leave after tidying up, and I don't know when I'll come next time!"

Su Xin gritted her teeth, nodded and said, "It's something, that..."

"What is that?" Wang Xuexin snatched the clothes from Su Xin: "Hurry up, Old Hei and the others are still waiting outside!"

"It's Xu Xiufen." Su Xin glanced at Wang Xuexin with a complicated expression, and said, "She asked me to propose marriage to you."

"What? Marriage proposal?" Wang Xuexin was stunned.

Su Xin explained: "She... aren't you her savior? I also know that you haven't met yet, and you said that you can do everything first. What do you think?"

It turned out that Xu Xiufen asked Su Xin about Xiaodongbei after she went back that day.

Su Xin didn't see what Xu Xiufen was thinking at first, and couldn't stop talking about Xiaodongbei:

"This man is like Monkey King who jumped out of a rock. He has great abilities and has two hands with everything!"

"It's nothing to kill Shanmaozi. I heard that he tricked the devil's airdrop, so he sewed a few rags into a devil's flag and waved it into the sky, and the devil's plane dropped the thing. Already!"

"Everyone in the army regards him as a hero, and people in our arsenal talk about him all day long! Look at how proud he is! He almost put his tail up to the sky!"


The more Xu Xiufen listened to it, the more she liked it, and then she asked, "Sister Su Xin, that little Northeast... is he right?"

"No!" Su Xin replied without thinking, "He fights all day long, so how can he find time to find someone?"

Then Su Xin was surprised again: "Why are you asking this?"

"Sister Su Xin!" Xu Xiufen said with some embarrassment: "Look, Xiaobei rescued me and avenged my family. I have nothing to repay. Xiaodongbei has no time to fight all day long. The about you ask him, do you like me as a target for him?"

Su Xin was stunned at the time, she should have told her that she had a match if she knew it earlier.


"Sister Su Xin?" Xu Xiufen looked at the dazed Su Xin suspiciously.

Su Xin let out an "oh" and replied, "Success, I'll ask you another day!"

When she came to look for Xiaodongbei, Su Xin was so entangled.

Is this a question or not?

Ask, what if Xiaodongbei agrees?
Don't ask, how will Xu Xiufen reply?

Can Xiaodongbei agree?
He might...not like Xu Xiufen!

That's not sure, why don't you like it, why go all the way to beat the Bobcats, and even beat a dozen of them with two people!


If this woman thinks about something, there are hundreds of thousands of possibilities, and there are countless possibilities.

Su Xin struggled all night and didn't sleep. She planned to delay this matter, but now she heard that Wang Xuexin was going back to Zhaojiayu, so she had to bite the bullet and ask.

"That's not the case." Wang Xuexin was a little bit dumbfounded: "I mean student Xiao Su, please tell Comrade Xu Xiufen that I didn't go to beat Lynx because of her..."

Su Xin immediately relaxed after hearing this.

Then, Su Xin, who was still hesitating just now, immediately began to fight for Xu Xiufen: "I said, Xiao Wang, are you looking down on people or what? I can tell you that Xu Xiufen died the day she was robbed up the mountain The one who escaped stayed in the wheat field for two whole days and did not go back! Her father was also killed by the lynx... She is also a miserable person!"

"It's two different things!" Wang Xuexin replied with a bitter face: "I can't tell you, anyway, don't worry about it, you should worry about whether you can get married! That's it, let's go! "

Saying that, Wang Xuexin ran away as if he was running away.

Su Xin was stunned in the back: "What do you mean I can get married by myself? Do I need to worry?"

Although this matter did not come to fruition, Su Xin felt relieved as if a big stone was lifted from her heart.

Just thinking about it, I don't know what to tell Xu Xiufen later.

Wang Xuexin never thought that Xu Xiufen would be misunderstood and get into trouble, but he couldn't explain it to Su Xin.

I can't tell Su Xin... the one I went to beat Shan Maozi to save was actually a monk!

That would definitely be regarded as a lunatic by Su Xin.

When we arrived at Zhaojiayu, the monk was already waiting at the entrance of the village.

He was Li Yunlong's bodyguard, and he found out on the phone that Xiao Dongbei was coming back, so he waited at the entrance of the village while walking his horse.

When the monk saw Wang Xuexin from a distance, he patted his horse and came up to meet him and asked, "The chief didn't punish you, did he?"

"Don't mention it!" Wang Xuexin shook his head and replied, "What a curse!"

The monk laughed: "You asked for it yourself, who told you to go hunting bobcats?"

Wang Xuexin asked back: "You don't have a fucking share?"

Then Wang Xuexin said "Hey": "That's right! You also have a share, why should you rely on me alone?"

"You're not being righteous!" The monk was a little puzzled: "Could it be possible to ask me to go back and scold the chief again?"

"No, no, no..." Wang Xuexin laughed and waved to the monk: "Monk, I have something to tell you! Good thing!"

"Can you... still have good things?" The monk expressed doubts.

"Of course it's a good thing!" Wang Xuexin patted his chest, then shook his head pretending to be profound: "Forget it, you won't listen to it!"

He flattered his horse and left.

The monk hurriedly caught up from behind: "Hey... you are not being righteous, what is the matter if you want to keep a good thing in your heart?"

"Monk!" Wang Xuexin said, "Do you still remember the girl who was almost beaten by us?"

"Remember!" The monk nodded.

"What do you think of her?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Very good!" The monk laughed: "At first I thought it was a crazy woman, but I didn't expect..."

"It's her!" Wang Xuexin said mysteriously: "She is thanking us for beating Shan Maozi and wants to repay her favor!"

"Really?" Monk's eyes lit up immediately.

"Of course it's true!" Wang Xuexin said, "She thought it was me who beat the lynx, but I told her that it was the monk who did it..."

"This..." The monk looked at Wang Xuexin in surprise, then suddenly seemed to understand something, patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder heavily, and said, "My good brother, I must have hit this!"

Wang Xuexin cursed in his heart: I'll go, I'm really fucking fast at learning!
(End of this chapter)

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