Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 116 The wings are hard

Chapter 116 The wings are hard
After the regiment was full of wine and food, Wang Xuexin staggered back to the army.

In fact, it’s not “satisfaction” because there is only wine but no food, and the Shanxi Fen wine has a strong stamina. Wang Xuexin thought that he drank too much today, so he should find a place to lie down, otherwise sleeping on the ground would not look very good.

Qilian's resident was at the east end of the village by the river, and Wang Xuexin went to the river to wash his face first, otherwise it would be dusty and smell of wine, and he would stagger when walking, making himself uncomfortable.

Stimulated by the cold river water, Wang Xuexin regained consciousness and walked towards the dormitory. When he entered the room, he was a little dazed. There were a bunch of faces sitting inside. Wang Xuexin thought he was drunk and went to the wrong room.

He went out again to look at the place, yes, it was this house when he left, and Hu Zi drew two circles on the wall to distinguish clearly!The big circle represents the seventh company, and the small circle inside represents a row...

Just when Wang Xuexin was wondering, a thin soldier inside raised his head towards Wang Xuexin, and said with a smile, "Is it new? You can't find the ground after drinking too much?"

"Is this... a row of seven companies?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"That's right!" The thin soldier pulled a wooden stool aside casually, patted the surface of the stool and said, "Come on, sit down for a while, if the acting platoon leader comes to see you like this, you'll be sure Get criticized!"

Wang Xuexin really couldn't stand up anymore, so he said "Oh" and staggered forward to sit down, and the thin soldier hurried forward to help Wang Xuexin.

Perhaps smelling the strong smell of alcohol, the thin soldier frowned and complained: "I said, comrade, how can you drink like this? We are here to fight devils!"

Then the other fighters started talking in a hurry:
"A new drunkard here? Which brigade?"

"It's probably a brewer. I have some money in my hand. Otherwise, who can drink like this!"

"Isn't our first row talking about the main row? Why can anyone get in there?"


Wang Xuexin was dumbfounded when he heard this, he hiccupped and asked, "You... are you talking to me?"

"Who are you talking to if I don't talk to you?" A short soldier stood in front of Wang Xuexin with a big horse and a golden sword, and said, "I mean this comrade, do you know whose army we are? Xiaodongbei's platoon! Hey... have you heard of Xiaodongdong! That's what it was on the battlefield!"

As he said that, he gave a thumbs up: "It's nothing to say about beating devils. All of us joined this team after going through competitions from various teams. Don't hold us back!"

"Okay, please don't say a few words!" The thin soldier persuaded: "I'm still drunk..."

At this time, Huzi came in from the door, and everyone stood up and shouted: "Platoon leader!"

The thin soldier also pulled Wang Xuexin and reminded: "Hurry up, the platoon leader is here!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Huzi turned his gaze to this side, he saw Wang Xuexin's body shortened by half. He stepped forward with a "Yo" and said, "Platoon leader, I'm back! I just went to the regiment headquarters to find you when I heard the news. Yes, but people told me that you have returned to the army! It will be fine if you come back, I am relieved again!"

The soldiers were stunned when they heard this.

The thin soldier looked at Wang Xuexin in surprise, then at Huzi, and asked, "Platoon leader, is he..."

"Our platoon leader!" Hu Zi stared at him and said, "I'm acting as an agent. He is the real platoon leader. What's the matter? You usually keep calling and asking the platoon leader who is the platoon leader. Now If you really see it, how can everyone be so stupid?"

As Hu Zi changed his voice, he ordered: "Everyone is here, stand at attention!"

With a "wow", everyone stood upright.

Wang Xuexin beckoned to Huzi, and when Huzi approached, he said: "Huzi...your fucking wings are hard...hard! The soldiers you brought have trained me? You can do it! OK!"

"What?" Huzi was stunned, he hesitated for a while and then he understood, turned his head and glared fiercely at the soldier standing next to him, cursing, "Who the hell dares to teach the platoon leader? Don't die..."

Wang Xuexin grabbed Huzi, gave him a thumbs up, patted him on the shoulder and said: "I will tell the leader another day, you can stand alone on the mountain. I see, this independent group... The independent regiment can't even accommodate you! Here, there is no place for me to stay here!"

Said that Wang Xuexin got up and walked out of the house, so scared that everyone hurriedly chased after him.

"Platoon leader!" Huzi chased and accompanied carefully: "This is a newcomer, recruit son, I don't know you, you don't remember villains!"

"We thought you were new here too!" said the skinny soldier, "I thought some brigade had just been transferred..."

Hu Zi turned around and gave him a head-on: "What's new here? Does the newcomer have such momentum? Has this prestige? Look at the platoon leader..."

As soon as he turned his gaze, he found that Wang Xuexin had fallen asleep on the ground drunk.

The thin soldier approached and asked quietly: "Platoon leader, what should I do about this...?"

Huzi thought for a while, then replied: "Good thing, I'll wake up tomorrow, maybe I won't remember anything!"

All the soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and then nodded vigorously in unison.

"You all take care of me!" Huzi pointed his fingers and confessed: "If the platoon leader wants to lose a hair, I will never stop with you!"

The soldiers nodded heavily again.

"Don't worry, platoon leader, we promise to complete the task!" said the short soldier.

"Also!" Hu Zi added: "Don't mention today's incident tomorrow, if the platoon leader asks...just say he remembered it wrong!"

The soldiers clicked their heads more happily, like pounding garlic.

When Wang Xuexin woke up the next day, he found a group of face-to-face soldiers offering their courtesy, washing face water and delivering millet porridge.

Wang Xuexin was really hungry, and asked while drinking porridge, "Are you all new here?"

"Yes, platoon leader!" The recruits introduced themselves one by one:

"I'm from the County Brigade of Ping'an County!"

"I'm from the team of Lizhang Village, Huguan County!"

"I'm also from Ping'an County, from the Dongjiao Village Squadron!"


The county brigade, district squadron, and district squad are actually militia organizations in each county and village.A brigade generally does not exceed 500 people, otherwise it can be upgraded to an independent regiment.

Wang Xuexin asked: "Do you know me?"

"I know it!" said the thin soldier, "The first squad leader came here yesterday..."

After speaking halfway, the lean warrior quickly stopped talking.

Wang Xuexin said "Oh" and patted his head: "I remembered!"

The lean warrior regretted it, his intestines were green with regret, and all the other fighters looked at the lean warrior with grinning teeth.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuexin nodded to the lean warrior and said, "You helped me, right? Thank you!"

The lean warrior was taken aback for a moment, then immediately laughed along with him, and cautiously replied, "Thank you for what? This... is necessary!"

(End of this chapter)

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