Chapter 119

When Wang Xuexin was working on the anti-slope fortification, the [-]th small artillery was finally mass-produced and equipped with troops.

The first batch of equipment is the independent regiment. Each company is equipped with one gun, and the whole regiment is equipped with ten guns, each with thirty rounds of shells.

This made Li Yunlong very happy. He hugged the [-] small cannon and said with a smile, "Hey, he's getting rich now. I finally waited until this day and used the cannon I made myself!"

Then he yelled again:
"Little Dongbei, come and teach me how to use it!"

"What? You don't know how to use it either?"

"Didn't you make this cannon? How can you not use it?"

Wang Xuexin:  …

Who told you that if you can make cannons, you will definitely be able to shoot them?
And Wang Xuexin just provided ideas for making guns and toughening technology to solve the problem of steel, okay?

It's two different things from shooting a gun!

This time it was Su Xin who brought the equipment up. As soon as she saw Wang Xuexin, she said with a blameful tone: "What's the matter with you? Xu Xiufen is looking for you, why did you push it to the monk?"

"The monk has gone?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Of course I did!" Su Xin said, "I've been looking for him twice!"

Wang Xuexin pretended to be confused: "Who pushed it? Didn't I just... tell the truth? Telling the truth is also against the law? Isn't the monk beating the bobcat?"

Only Wang Xuexin and the monk know about this matter. As long as they insist that the monk beat him, who else can do it?Could it be that Shan Maozi crawled out of the ground to cry for injustice?
But Wang Xuexin underestimated Su Xin.

"Still said it wasn't you!" Su Xin glared angrily: "The monks are recruited!"

"What?" Wang Xuexin was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily, "This monk is too dishonest! How could he sell me..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xin laughed.

So Wang Xuexin realized that he had been fooled!

Damn it, this little girl looks harmless to humans and animals, but she looks good enough to deceive people.

Zhang Wanhe claimed credit to Li Yunlong early in the morning:

"I said, Lao Li, we agreed before that the [-] small cannons will be assembled first to equip the independent regiment. I will do what I said, so you have nothing to say now!"

"You must know that your independent regiment has this cannon in the entire army. This is enough for you to blow it up for a few days!"

"Cannonball? No problem, I'll send it to you as soon as it's made!"

"But I have one condition!"

Li Yunlong laughed "hehe":
"I didn't say anything, you old Zhang is so generous, I, Li Yunlong, can't be petty in anything!"

"Success, as soon as I'm free, I'll drive Xiaodongbei to your place to report!"

"No, no, I promise not to raise the price! It's still the old price!"

After putting down the phone, Li Yunlong was very happy. There were grenades and cannons. He had never felt so at ease.

But when I think about it, I feel a little wrong. When did Zhang Wanhe become so generous?

These [-] small cannons are different from grenades!There are only ten in the whole army, what authority does Zhang Wanhe give to the independent regiment, and he continues to supply shells?
Li Yunlong had a faint feeling of being tricked.

Li Yunlong guessed right, Zhang Wanhe had no problem distributing how many boxes of grenades and bullets. The arsenal of that thing can produce tens of thousands of them every month, and the bullets are more expensive. It's nothing.

But the Fifty Small Pao was just started to be produced, Zhang Wanhe had no right to give it to whoever he said!

This is actually an order from the chief.

To be exact, it is not the order of the chief, but the need of reverse slope tactics!
Wang Xuexin just inadvertently said something when he was laying out the fortification: "It would be great if the [-] small cannons are made out. This thing is suitable for use on reverse slopes!"

Speaking unintentionally and smelling intentionally, the clerk who had been following immediately wrote down the words and conveyed them to the chief.

The [-] small cannon was indeed ready at this time, but the chief planned to equip the main force first... Good steel is used on the blade, the main force can fight tough battles, of course the equipment must be guaranteed!
But when he heard that the anti-slope tactics needed the support of the [-] small artillery, the chief waved his hand and ordered: "Equip the independent regiment first, and study the anti-slope tactics thoroughly. Nothing is more important than this now!"

So the first batch of [-] small guns was sent to the independent regiment.

Zhang Wanhe just took advantage of this opportunity to do favors. On the one hand, he could pressure Li Yunlong not to raise the price, and on the other hand, let Su Xin go up to meet Xiao Dongbei... What a beautiful thing!

The [-] small cannon can indeed come in handy, and it is still very useful.

Wang Xuexin said to Laojiu: "The advantage of the [-] small cannon is that the ballistic trajectory is curved, and the shells can cross the top of the mountain and blow to the enemy on the straight slope."

Li Yunlong listened a little disapprovingly:

"I said Little Northeast, so you have to listen to my last sentence! Our [-] cannons can go round and round to hit the devils, but the devils' artillery will go straight?"

"How many cannons do we have? No more than ten!"

"The grenade in the hands of the devils, any squadron with less than 200 people is no less than ours, not counting mortars and Type [-] mountain artillery!"

"We're fighting one class and missing the other, but the devils keep piling up, no matter what, we can't win!"

(Note: The Japanese [-]nd infantry gun can be used as a mortar)
What Li Yunlong said was a bit exaggerated. According to the standard, the Devil Squadron does not have mortars and [-] infantry guns. These two goods are only equipped with brigade level one.

A standard 180-man squadron should be equipped with 9 grenade grenades, but actually only 6 were equipped due to the rapid expansion of the army and insufficient equipment.

Therefore, the firepower of ten [-] small cannons will be stronger than that of the Devil Squadron.

However, an independent regiment of more than 1000 people in the Eighth Route Army is no match for a squadron of less than 200 devils... no matter how they compare, they are invincible!

Coupled with the accuracy of the Japanese grenadier and the quality of the shooter... just like Li Yunlong said, no matter how you calculate, you can't win!
This is also where the chief is puzzled. It is useful to produce more and more equipment for the [-] small cannons. For example, put them in the main regiment and use them in combination with mortars, infantry guns, and grenades. It is only effective if there is hope to suppress the enemy's firepower!What is the use of ten [-] small cannons alone?

But Wang Xuexin replied confidently to Li Yunlong: "Commander, you don't know that. The devils do have a lot of cannons, but they can't see anything across a mountain. If they can't see it, they can't shoot it accurately... "

Li Yunlong laughed angrily at Wang Xuexin's words: "Are you fucking kidding me? Devils can't see through a mountain, but we can see through a mountain?"

Wang Xuexin just laughed and didn't answer.

Laojiu said "Oh": "Head, we can really see it! No, we have plenty of time right now, so we can measure it slowly and measure the roads and mountain roads opposite. Wouldn’t it be enough to use the measured elements to start the fight? Even if you close your eyes, you’ll be sure if you hit one!”

Li Yunlong was so choked by these words that he couldn't speak for a long time, and it took a while before he responded: "You guys have the ability!"

After saying that, he left in a desperate manner.

Don't look at Li Yunlong's embarrassment, but he is actually happy in his heart: "Damn it, this is the tactic that we can hit the enemy, but the enemy can't hit us! Who is Xiaodongbei? This is such a bad tactic! I can figure it out! Despicable! Insidious! Low work...but I, Li Yunlong, like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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